...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 6 October 2015

9th October 2015 Venus into Virgo, 10th October Mercury turns direct

Hi everyone!
What’s been happening:
Well we’re flying spiritually even if you feel like your feet are like lumps of lead.

We’re riding the waves of change emanating from the big full moon in Aries on 28th.  Feels like it’s aeons ago judging by the changes happening within, processing, integrating, releasing, feeling it all!
It often takes a while for the denser physical energies in our bodies to catch up to the new messages we’re receiving, accepting and integrating from our spiritual selves.
Travelling the eclipse vortex:  Until at least 13th October!
We’re still travelling in the eclipse energies, the vortex of intense change process so we’re likely to keep changing our minds, feeling confused, overwhelmed by too much information, too much challenge.  We’re in the final days of closing off from the intensity as we come into the New Moon in Libra. 
However, the impact of that last big full moon in Aries eclipse energy won’t come to rest until we hit the Full Moon in Taurus on 27th October.
This week:  Sorting and clarifying!
Since 5th October, we’ve had 3 powerful influences operating on us, challenging us to take our power and authority in the world with possible confusion of exactly how we’re going to do that. They came exact on 7th October so if things came to a bit of a head on that day, take heart that clarity is being restored.
We’ve been working out ways and possibilities of activating the dream within in a very real and practical way in the physical world.
There may have been frustrations, blocks to moving forward and a feeling of wanting to get moving.  Patience has been hard to come by as we’re like the horse heading for home!  We can smell the arrival! 
5th to 8th October:    
Sun square/challenging Pluto...finding the golden light within! 
Dropping any ‘baggage’ that’s keeping you from your shining your light in the world. Sun in Libra brings in justice, equity and karmic offload.  Pluto helps!
5th to 9th October:  
Mars opposite/in challenge to Neptune Choosing the higher road! 
This one could have brought up some confusion as the higher spiritual energies challenge Mars, the masculine ego, to evolve in consciousness.  The ‘higher’ self is saying ‘my way or the highway’.  Of course that’s not how it works but it may feel like a conflict of choices which present at this time. 
5th to 15th October:    Saturn in positive flow with/sextile to Mercury!  Making up our mind!
Taking our authority aligning mind and our physical world!
This is a great energy which will be with us right through the birth of the New Moon on 13th October.  This is an energy which is supporting us to get focussed to the point where we can ‘make up our mind’ and go with it!
From 5th through to 9th this will be working along with the above transits as we are challenged to take our power and shine our light in the world.  How are we going to do this if we don’t know where we’re going.  We are still in the eclipse vortex of change at least until the New Moon on 13th. We’re in the sorting out phase which is totally appropriate for the current Virgo energies, Mars and Jupiter are there and Venus joins them on 9th.
Sorting, sifting and analysing:   
Honing the mind and discovering the inner mastery!
Virgo is the ‘master’ of the sorting and sifting process, throwing out the dead wood, keeping the valuable resources and coming to a focus and direction which comes from the kind of analysis offered by Virgo.
Out of this time we will emerge with a greater understanding of the value of our particular gifts and talents and what needs to go.  Venus moving into Virgo will reinforce this whole process of finding out what matters!
What’s coming in:
Preparing for the New Moon on 13th October:
We’re heading towards the New Moon in Libra and Venus/heart and Mercury/mind are setting us up to receive a full bodied experience at this New Moon in Libra.  It promises a liberating experience with mind and heart now released from so much backtracking, reworking and recalibrating. 
The past week has been clearing a lot of dead wood from our thinking and the way we see ourselves in the world as we clear the decks ready for new affirmations and clarity with the New Moon. 
From 12th October going through the New Moon time:    
Jupiter trine/speaking harmoniously with Pluto
At the New Moon, Pluto and Jupiter will be in divine speaking relationship/trine to each other in earth signs of Capricorn and Virgo respectively.  What a great opening for us all in dropping off any baggage so we can manifest our dreams ambitions in the material world.  More on this with the New Moon update.
9th October:    
Venus moves into Virgo at 4.29 am AEDT
Heart healing and grounding!
Until 8th November

Healing and clearing old heart wounds:
What a great energy coming in just before the New Moon in Libra which is all about love, equity and harmony!  Chiron, regarded as co-ruler of Virgo, is the energy which provides healing of our ‘wounds’ from this and other times and places.  We’ve cleared so much during Venus retrograde in Libra and now Virgo energies will ensure our hearts are polished, shining and aligned with our divine destiny.

Calming the heart and mind:  Breathe in peace!
Virgo energy is very healing and with Venus in this sign is particularly welcome at this time when Virgo’s ruler Mercury is getting ready to jump on his horse and get moving.

Releasing tensions and mental anxiety:
Although Virgo is an earth sign, its primary ruler Mercury rules the mind and the nervous system which can lead to anxiety, tension and a translation of the Virgo goal of perfection into perfectionism rather than purification.  Be still and breathe!
Awakening the heart in the call to service and devotion to humanity:
Virgo rules everyday work and its alignment with our ‘calling’ on the earth this lifetime.  Our calling is the enactment of our gifts, talents and passions in our earthly existence.  It’s all about doing ‘the work’ we love, work which fulfils our greatest potential and brings us an incredible depth of joy in the expressing of our creative gifts. 
9th October:    Venus meets the fixed star Regulus at 0 degrees Virgo
When Venus moves into Virgo she meets with Regulus regarded as the royal star bringing positive energies when utilised in alignment with the higher energies of the sign in which it resides.  Regulus moved out of Leo, the sign of power and royalty in 2011 after more than 2000 years in Leo where power and royalty were esteemed and honoured.  Now Regulus is in Virgo, honour and esteem comes to those who hear the call to service for humanity.  I’m sure all the lightworkers giving selflessly will hear these words. 

When Venus meets Regulus for the 3rd time since the solstice we’re being given the message that heart healing is happening so our hearts can be open to our particular path of service to humanity. 
Regulus is aligned with Archangel Raphael regarded as the angel of healing.  How good is that!  Virgo is the master healing energy and now has at its masthead Archangel Raphael. The fixed stars offer a higher evolutionary perspective, so reach for those stars!
More on Regulus moving into Virgo from ‘Cosmic Intelligence Agency’ http://www.cosmicintelligenceagency.com/2011/07/regulus-virgo/
10th October:    
Venus moves out of retrograde shadow
Whooo!  Purified, cleansed and reborn!
We’ve been travelling with Venus in various degrees of retrograde since June..retro shadow, retrograde time and in direct retrograde.  Backwards and forwards we’ve been cleansing, purifying and rebalancing our heart energy primarily in the sign of partnership and love, Libra.
Just as Venus moves out of Libra into Virgo, she moves out of the whole retrograde experience.  Another 2 years before this happens again...whew! Although Virgo carries the purification energies, I feel it likely that if we’ve done all we can of clearing past wounding, we’re going to be getting a realignment with our heart’s higher calling in terms of heart-centred work.
Uplifting of heart energies:

We’re likely to really feel an uplift in our heart energies and spirits as we experience a greater lightness and openness to feeling the joy of life again. Nothing like a good Venus retrograde period AND in the sign of love and relationships to clear up the dust and grime that have been clinging to us slowing down our forward movement in the spontaneity that comes from pure love within!    


10th October:    Mercury stations/turns direct at 1.57 am AEDT at 0 degree 54 Libra

We’re up and happening... kind of...trotting!

Mars is still cycling through Virgo so the other planetary pacesetter of the solar system is not ready to launch into a full throttle movement forward on the Harley!  Hang about people.  It’s a comin’!
Lines are now open:  Communications back on track!
From now on we can put misunderstandings and miscommunications to rest.  We still have shadow time till 24th October but trust we can now start understanding ourselves and each other a little better than during this Mercury retro period.  With the eclipse energies happening concurrently with Mercury retrograde, it’s been a time of ‘doublespeak’ and ‘gobbledygook’ communications.  

Can we agree?  Can we agree to disagree?
Mercury rules communication and commerce so chances are that any commercial ventures that have been delayed or confused may start sorting out from now on. With Mercury in Libra, new business partnerships may surface, possibly solidifying and taking form from the New Moon in Libra next week.
Partnership issues clarifying and moving forward:  
Potential for new partners coming out of the retrograde/eclipse mists!
With Mercury in Libra partnerships come to the fore and this applies to any close one-on-one partnerships. The communication channels open up so we can have more meaningful conversations and discover those who are of the same mind as us.
The New Moon in Libra will add impetus to this whole energy as we’ve been through an intense realignment of our heart and mind energy with both Venus and Mercury travelling retrograde.  A new clarity emerges within us and is conveyed out to the world.  The powers of magnetism are especially strong when we emanate from a true heart and clear mind. 
Divine partnership:  A potent time to connect with our own divinity,  the divine partner in spirit, on earth!
Reach out and ask for the energetic forces beyond the physical world to assist with any confusion that’s arising at this time.  Let’s face it, everyone seems to be flying blind until we get more information so the time is right to take time to be still and listen to that inner voice of the higher self, the more evolved consciousness that is waiting for us to ask and to listen. 
We’re in an especially powerful time spiritually for making the connection to the divine hotline and the partnership with our spirit and the spirit of all life. 
11th October:    Mercury conjoins/meets North Node in Libra at 1.02 degrees Libra...alignment!
The day after Mercury moves direct, he meets up with the North Node of the Moon, our planetary evolutionary focus at this time.
Divine destiny calls us on:  
A clear mind aligned with the higher path travels with confidence and surety!
We’re really getting some very strong planetary messages at this time regarding our forward movement and our alignment with our higher path and our planetary pathway. 

The personal planets, Venus Mercury and Mars working together:  
 Heart, mind, body working with spiritual forces!
Venus and Mercury, our hearts and minds, are moving forwards into new energy.  Mars, still healing physically in Virgo, is taking his time and making sure our cellular deconstruction and realignment is complete as only Virgo can do. Mars will be moving out of Virgo into Libra on 13th November when we’ll find out just how balanced we are with our inner masculine warriors!
However, Mars will be happy to get moving now that Mercury is moving direct, even though still re-treading some old territory.  It is likely to be at a steady pace as we adjust to new ideas, re-visit some of our passions, projects and people in a whole new way.  This is about seeing with new eyes more than re-visiting the past to clear up misunderstandings, pain and heartache.
24th October:    Mercury moves out of retrograde shadow
From the 24th we may be seeing more eye to eye with ourselves so stay patient and calm as we put our lives back together after the big shifts of September.
From now to the 24th we’re in Mercury retrorade direct shadow which means it is less likely to be as slow and tedious as it is at the beginning of the retrograde period.  That’s providing we’ve been doing the soul searching, sitting in the confusion and allowing everything to float into consciousness.
By the 24th we’ll be working with the New Moon in Libra energies of the 13th October and heading for the Full Moon in Taurus on 27th.
Golden Oldies:
‘Pick yourself up, dust yourself off’  Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGUsRGuZb6k
Frank Sinatra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EFPJL1uQbs  For Mercury going direct
‘Let your Heart Sing’ Katharine McPhee with lyrics  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rp3OIIgoEBc  Venus in Virgo
Above song with pictures of Tinkerbell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohfC_DCpa7c
‘Make your own kind of Music’ Mama Cass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiX_CcUCw2A Venus and Mercury
Upcoming Dates:
13th October:  New Moon in Libra
24th October:  Sun moves into Scorpio
25th October:    Mercury moves out of retrograde shadow
27th October:    Full Moon in Taurus
Well folks, we’re finishing off this last stretch before the New Moon in Libra.  That last New Moon Eclipse in Virgo seems such a long time ago. 
In these days leading up to the New Moon on 13th we’re releasing the past month of roller coaster energies and preparing to welcome a New Moon in the sign of balance and harmony, peace and love.  Won’t that just be the best!
Now Venus is in the healing rays of Virgo and Mercury’s on the move forward again, we can ‘pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and start all over again’.
As always, love and blessings to us all as we travel the yellow brick road to fulfilment and cross that rainbow bridge of higher consciousness.
from the chair...quietly celebrating

It’s all about love

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