...for the children of the earth

Sunday 20 March 2016

20th March 2016 Sun moves into Aries, 22nd March Mercury moves into Aries, 23rd March Full Moon in Libra

Hi everyone! 
As we reach the final day of the Sun in Pisces, we’re feeling the release of the watery emotional energies of the past drain away as the Aries Sun starts shining through the clouds of confusion of these past weeks.
Ongoing emotional and spiritual healing and clearing in water:
We still have Mercury/mind and Venus/heart travelling through Pisces and of course Neptune and Chiron are in Pisces for the long haul. So there’s plenty of ocean swimming, floating, frolicking and diving going on with our hearts and minds. 
Incoming building of fire energies:
However, Mercury is just about to move into fiery Aries just 2 days after the Sun enters Aries.  Mars is already in fiery Sagittarius so this is interesting that our two movers and shakers, Mercury and Mars will be in fire energy, the energy which fires our spirit and passion, which ignites our enthusiasm and inspires action.  Look out everyone!

What’s happening in the eclipse portal:

Significant planetary shifting within the eclipse vortex: 

A series of astrological transits this week has been shifting our minds and hearts in new directions. We don't necessarily know those new directions just yet.
We're in the throes of a major change process of the eclipses turning us upside down as we move towards the Equinox on Sunday 20th when the Sun moves into Aries. This will be followed by a full moon in Libra 3 days later, bringing illumination, harmony and balance to our shifting inner consciousness. Whew!

Closing a chapter from December 2007 and early 2008: 
The transit of Jupiter and Pluto in trine/harmony from 10th through to the 24th is a significant change agent in the whole process. This transit came to an exact meeting on Thursday morning AEDT but will continue to impact us through to the 24th, the day after the Full Moon Eclipse.

Here's a quote from Christine Clemmer's Cosmic Consciousness Weekly www.thecosmicpath.com
From last week:
'On Wednesday, Jupiter and Pluto create a manifestation (trine) with a HUGE connection to events in 2007/2008 when these two planets conjoined and began this cycle. This is fascinating because Mercury then comes together with Chiron on Thurs 3/17, at 22 Pisces, a master number. Our minds are about to open wide to the divine perfection and wholeness linked to those events from 7 or 8 years ago, revealing the intelligence and mastery of our higher consciousness that has been navigating and orchestrating this entire journey. This is the spark of a major paradigm shift that’s just now beginning to be fully realized within our newly expanded operating system, and it’s happening Now, inside this wormhole.'

20th March:  Sun moves into Aries at 3.30 pm AEDT/The March equinox...a new year!?  Yes!
Until 20th April

The Equinox is a seasonal turning point in our year and traditionally regarded as the astrologically beginning of our year.  Aries is the first sign in the zodiac.
Don’t you just love how astrology and the seasonal shifts give us so many markers of beginnings and endings?
Identity and expression of desires:
Aries is all fire and drive, energy and individual expression, in divine energies Aries is the ‘I am’ presence.  This is living as our authentic self. our identity an emanation of the most evolved form.  It also gives us life force in the body!
The paradigm shift:  The way of the peaceful warrior emerges!
Aries is concerned with identity, leadership and the masculine warrior energy and as we all know we’ve been engrossed in a long term process of evolving that old masculine war like energy from forceful ways to utilising the inner strength of the spiritual warrior.  This upcoming month is the testing of our new model of being.
Divine partnership:  All of me!

What kind of vehicle is carrying you forward with the fire and drive of the Aries energy which has absolute faith in the power of love, self and place in the world?
Past roads and future potentials:  The sky’s the limit!
The misalignments which have taken us down false routes led by old energies of ‘might is right’ are now melting away in so many of us.  As we see this in ourselves, our new operating systems kick into gear, ignited by a new sense of purpose and the spirit of love and compassion, we’re observing the resistant forces in the world rising up hopefully in a last ditch effort to reassert their dominance.  This is most obvious in war, politics, industry and religion but without doubt happening within our own psyche and in our relationships with others.
Courage, bravery and the drive to be daring:  Restoring physical health and fitness!
Aries energy is just what we’re needing to fire the energy centres, to restore our confidence in ourselves and in our physical life on earth.  For those who have been dealing with physical health challenges, the fire of Aries offers us the will to engage more fully in restoring physical wellness whether through physical exercise, diet, positive self-talk or faith in our divine spirit!  This is an energising period which can kick start our depleted energy systems.
We’re rebooting physically! 
20th March:  The Equinox...a time of balance, balancing!
On the equinox, night and day are nearly exactly the same length – 12 hours – all over the world. This is the reason it's called an “equinox”, derived from Latin, meaning "equal night". However, in reality equinoxes don't have exactly 12 hours of daylight
22nd March:  Mercury moves into Aries at 11.19 am AEDT
Mentally fired!
Until 6th April
Art Alessandra Placucci
2 weeks to stretch the mind and test our new wheels!
Give Mercury a bit of fire power and he’s off!  Out of the ocean and flying down the open road!  We have just 2 weeks to experience some fiery spirit clearing the neural pathways and bring some insight and clarity as well as firepower!
We’ve been wading in deep waters clearing the clogged ’drains’!
Our mind has been immersed in the Pisces ocean of the collective unconscious getting a huge emotional cleansing!  Not the happiest place for our mental power!  The confusion of the eclipse passage has been compounding the muddled thinking. 
Communication, Travel and Commerce:  Expect change and movement!
Mercury rules communication, travel and commerce so we can expect some movement in one or all of these areas.  As the networker, Mercury brings together bits and pieces of information from data gathering excursions into the social milieu. It’s time to put some pieces of the jigsaw together.
Watch your words:  Practice run for evolution of our masculine energies!
Stay aware of your communication and the way you speak with others during this time.  It’s great to be boss of our own lives but to rein in the temptation to lord it over others! Watch for impatience, irritation, frustration and power plays! It’s our call to transcend bickering and argumentative energies.  Let it be!
Full Moon energies colouring our responses:  Watch emotions...uplift!
Let’s just remember that the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs within 24 hours of Mercury moving into Aries which indicates we will be dealing with illusions and subconscious energies emerging from the memory banks.  The fact that Mercury will be in very close proximity to the Sun in Aries at the Full Moon means we will be getting messages about who we are and our desires. 
23rd March:  Full Moon in Libra at 11.00 pm AEDT at 3 degrees 17 Libra Partial lunar eclipse
Libra Moon opposite the Aries Sun:  A balancing act between ‘we’ and ‘me’!
All Full Moons are about the balancing act between our ‘inner’ moon life of the unconscious, subconscious, the past, memories, emotions and the ‘outer’ life expression of the Sun, the energy which takes us into the physical world.
Themes for this Full Moon:   Balance, justice, harmony and love...restoration!
Libra:  Let’s be partners for a win/win!
All dual signs highlight the balancing act in a variety of ways.  The Libra/Aries continuum brings the themes of ‘I and ‘We’ into focus and the Libran Full Moon puts the emphasis on balance, justice, harmony and love. 
Aries wants to say ‘my way or the highway’ and Libra says ‘Let’s work together for a win/win’.  It’s working with balancing both these energies we’ll gain the most out of this full moon for our own growth. 
As we release the detritus of confusion we gain clarity and insight:  The bubble bursts!
At the Full Moon we are offered insights, understanding which have been hidden from our conscious minds and hearts.  During the Full Moon period when it is most active, 3 days before and after the moon comes to its fullness can be a time of confusion and illusion as everything seems to rise up like a fountain of information.  The clarity comes as we sift through all those insights but we can be assured that within all that confusion are ‘diamonds’ which offer inspiration and signpost new directions.
Deep introspection brings answers and resolution:  Hold off on making decisions until the Full Moon impact wears off...after about 3 days!
Full Moons always offer new insights from within, enlightening the depth of our being and releasing long held memories and threads from other times and places.  It is a time calling for deep introspection which if observed can bring deep release of ties of resistance held within.  

In Libra, as mentioned above, the key is justice and restoration of balance and within that, is the karmic justice which is bringing all of us into a more harmonious and loving state of being.
We just need to remember to resist trying to come any hard and fast conclusions or make big decisions around the Full Moon as all is not clear during this time.
Lending weight to the Libran Full Moon:   
Super Galactic Centre at 2 degrees Libra...up close and personal to the Full Moon!
Notice whenever we have a galactic energy interacting with our solar system that we are being ‘stretched’ in consciousness, expanded to encompass a wider perspective beyond our solar system consciousness.  The further out from the centre of our worlds, the greater the ‘stretch’ in growth.  The outer galactic forces are supporting the Libran Full Moon and lending weight to the significance of its themes of justice, peace, balance, harmony and ...LOVE!

SUPER GALACTIC CENTER (SGC)  Libra 2 degrees 03
The heart of the Super Galaxy. The seat of the Super Galactic Source emitting wisdom: a stream of super-consciousness.
Feminine/Masculine balancing act:  
The forces support our release from the duality and polarisation which have kept us in conflict!
Libra is ruled by Venus and Aries is ruled by Mars.  Here we have a clear message about the balancing of the  feminine/masculine energies along with the self-oriented Aries against the Libran partnership theme.  We need both energies to be working together.
The theme of polarisation through duality which has kept us in conflict has a chance to be resolved, harmonised and brought into oneness and balance. The conflict within, with others as well as between groups, ideologies, nations, religions etc. can only be resolved when we honour and respect ourselves and others, seeking the harmonising force that is love. 
Libra rules one-on-one partnerships of all kinds:  
Marriage, business, close friendships and family members!
Libra carries the energy of committed loving partnerships joined in the spirit of love, harmony, equity and mutual respect.  It’s what we all look for in our close relationships but is sometimes somewhat lacking when we are still clearing the old energies which keep us from truly experiencing love in all its fullness.  

The mirroring of ourselves in others is highlighted by the Libran energy, reflecting back to us our ‘shadow’ side, the part of us which we have neglected, disowned or ignored.  It’s not all a negative experience as it’s come to be seen.  Sometimes we can only accept the best of ourselves when we admire this in others. 
This Full Moon will give us the opportunity to see ourselves with truth and love.  Let’s accept the beauty of our humanity!
Lending weight to the Aries Sun:  Mercury at 2 degrees Aries...messages of fire and spirit to activate!  Ignition!
Mercury is our communicator and is fired with Aries energy whispering in the ear of the Aries Sun to get moving...anywhere.  There’s a likelihood that we’ll all want to jump up and start taking physical action to redress imbalances in our world.  The Aries energy of the Sun is ‘Get out there and do....something!  Anything!’ 
The key thing to remember is that big decision making is being tempered by the Full Moon energies.  However, this energy is mind and the spirit of ourselves in the world being fired for action.  We’re being ignited mentally, our minds filled with the fire that gets things moving with our mental powers.  Don’t be surprised if the head feels like bursting as Aries rules the head. 
Lending weight to the Aries Sun:  Mars 5 degrees Sagittarius in trine to Sun and Mercury in Aries
Mars, our other mover shaker, is lending his weight to the fire energies of the Sun and Mercury.  He’s in the fiery sign of Sagittarius clearing up all manner of karmic residue in our physical bodies and clearing our physical being for renewed health and vigour. 
Ready, set, go!
Mars connection with the Sun and Mercury in Aries is just what the doctor ordered for us to have a rush of cleansing heat in minds and bodies preparing us for re-entry back onto planet earth. With Mars in Sagittarius wanting to hit the open road and Mercury and the Sun all for kickstarting the action, there’s a real sense of impulsive action, rebellious breakout and fearless stepping onto new pathways.  We might not know the exact nature of the new pathway but we’re feeling we’re ready to break through into new territory!

Other planetary energies at the Full Moon:

From 16th March to 2nd April:  
Jupiter in Virgo square Saturn in Sagittarius 16 degrees
Exact meeting at the Full Moon!

These two big ‘social’ planets meeting in a challenge like this is offering us the opportunity to clear, resolve and heal karmic threads and DNA!  The fact that they’re coming to an exact meeting on the day the moon comes to fullness means there is a huge potential to drop off a whole lot of old burdens from the memory banks. 

Issues related to our place in the world, authority structures such as governments, big institutions and business may well arise during this period of time and are likely to come to a head, a completion with the Full Moon.  This is a true blessing as something that’s been weighing heavily on you as an individual as well as on society is reaching some kind of closure.

We’re dropping the baggage so we can get on with building new ‘structures’ in our lives based on the foundation of our authentic self.  The Full Moon is a releasing time from the memory banks.  Make the most of it. 
If ever there was a time for the baggage to go, this is it!   

23rd March:  Full Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
A grey curtain covering the moon!
Lunar eclipses bring inner changes, subconscious releases and revelations.  Eclipses reveal something that has been hidden from ourselves as well as others.  Just as the moon is hidden during an eclipse, even partially and then fully revealed in all its full moon splendour, so a doorway is opened in our psyche, something brought forth that was buried deep within us.
A Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: 
In a penumbral lunar eclipse, only the more diffuse outer shadow of Earth falls on the moon’s face. This third kind of lunar eclipse is much more subtle, and much more difficult to observe, than either a total or partial eclipse of the moon. There is never a dark bite taken out of the moon, as in a partial eclipse. The eclipse never progresses to reach the dramatic minutes of totality. At best, at mid-eclipse, very observant people will notice a dark shading on the moon’s face. Others will look and notice nothing at all.  From:  http://earthsky.org/space/what-is-a-penumbral-eclipse-of-the-moon
Full details of the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on 23rd March
Times, dates, places and maps:  Where to see the eclipse
Regions seeing, at least, some parts of the eclipse:
Much of Asia, Australia, North America, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica.

Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon in Libra from Lynda Hill:  www.sabiansymbols.com
Full Moon in Libra:
Libra 4
This Symbol implies the desire or need to be with others who share similar feelings, aspirations, goals and beliefs. There is a common focus here amongst the “Group” that opens up to creative and enlivening possibilities. There may be the feeling of being ‘out there’, in the ‘wilderness’, and you may be in some way, whether you’re miles from anywhere or you’ve been brought together by something very unique or unusual. It may be important to keep in mind that you don’t have to go alone; there is a “Group” of people who share the same beliefs and concerns. Gathering with them will lift your spirits. The “Campfire” can be anything that unites people in a common cause. Material concerns left behind. Pioneering. Unity. Fellowship. Campfires. Sweat lodges. Having a common focus, interest, hobby or perspective, etc. The Internet. 

The Caution: Being too dependent on others. Feeling left out and having to fend for one's self. Rejecting fellowship because of feeling lost or alone.
Obsession with objectives.

Sun in Aries opposite the Full Moon:
Aries 4
This Symbol speaks of spending time with a lover or loved ones, or, it can show issues of loneliness; wondering where the 'other' is. Being with someone you love and enjoying their presence without rush or pressure is likely to be important, or perhaps that's what you're needing right now. Perhaps it's about being ok just being with that part of you that you never seem to have much time for. One should be able to escape the realities of the world and touch the deeper feelings of the heart, without fear of being excluded or criticized. Try to find some time for quiet romance and balance. Walking love's path. Secret love affairs. Being undisturbed. Being happy alone or wondering where the 'other' is. The need for seclusion, peace and privacy. Issues of being alone versus loneliness.

The Caution: Being 'selfish'. Keeping one's partner to yourself. Jealousy when others are around. Being afraid to commit to relationship. Feeling left out and uninvited.

25th March:  Saturn stations retrograde until August
Just a heads up that this is happening just 2 days after the Full Moon eclipse whilst we’re still in the glow of that Full Moon.  Turning our life around in terms of karmic burdens and taking our spiritual authority in the world is significant.  With Saturn in Sagittarius we’re in the process of clearing karmic threads which are not of our personal truth this lifetime.  I will send out a separate update on this after the full moon at the end of the week.
Golden Oldies:
‘Harmony’ Ray Conniff and singers with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxTJAzLn2ew  Libran Full Moon
Gotta love Ray Conniff!
‘Mamma Mia’ Abba https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unfzfe8f9NI Libra/Aries relationships
‘Awakening’ Celtic Woman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKt5YUXPs1I&list=RDWVNtegbdY4U&index=9  Aries Sun/Equinox
‘This wheel’s on Fire’ Absolutely Fabulous theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6aJrPbeBfg  Sun and Mercury in Aries
‘Give Peace a Chance’ John Lennon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwJQffbssxo  Libran full Moon
Upcoming Dates:
6th April:  Venus moves into Aries
6th April:  Mercury moves into Taurus
7th April:  New Moon in Aries
That’s it everyone!  Let’s all blow kisses filled with unconditional love out to the world!
Love to us all as we welcome this incredible opportunity to bring balance and harmony into our lives at a deeper level than we have previously been able to access. The karmic release will manifest as we proceed to the New Moon in Aries when we’ll be released from the 4 week eclipse energy.  That’s just 2 weeks away.  The next 2 weeks we’ll be closing doors, completing and ‘mopping up’ after the Full Moon revelations.
Yes, doors are closing and new ones are opening as the Aries Sun along with Mercury and Mars carry us forward with the fire of divine spirit reignited in our hearts and minds. 
Love and blessings
from the chair...for ‘me’
from the chair...for ‘us’

It’s all about love

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