...for the children of the earth

Sunday 25 September 2016

22nd September Mercury turned direct, 23rd September Sun moved into Libra

Hi everyone! Once again it’s a retrospective but sending it anyway.
We’ve been travelling the Mercury retrograde labyrinth for the past 3 weeks.  In combination with the energies of the eclipse vortex, it’s been a strange time re-experiencing the past energies thrown up by Mercury retrograde, revisiting old experiences, people, places as well as ongoing unresolved issues. 
The eclipse vortex energy has contributed some sense of confusion and disorientation for many people.  This is the usual effect of eclipse vortexes.  However, this time we’ve been in a Mercury retrograde in Virgo where our mind is really being forced to let go of the control...more than usual.
Emotional uplift and raising of emotional consciousness: 
Releasing and realigning physical cell memories!
It’s been a very emotional/physical eclipse vortex having been stimulated first by the Virgo New Moon followed by the Pisces Full Moon eclipse two weeks later. If you’ve felt extra emotional and out of control these past weeks, we can put it down to the eclipse energies and Mercury, mind manager in retrograde change process.
Flushing out of spiritual wounds from the physical body:  DNA, cell memories clearing!
The Pisces Full Moon Eclipse has been triggering wounds, collective wounds,  possibly via some experience in our world. Sometimes, a global situation and/or a personal situation can be the trigger point as it stirs up some deep seated issue, possibly from another life or time.  You might say ‘I don’t know why I’m so upset’ but it’s usually to do with some general energy such as love, acceptance, justice, equity. In particular, Jupiter in Libra is bringing issues of love, harmony, peace and inequity to the fore.  

The whole process has for many felt exhausting and physically debilitating as the ‘flushing out’ of old energies by the light brings forth aches, pains as well as all manner of emotions.  It’s been a matter for many of ‘feeling the pain’ and letting it go. 
What’s been happening:
This past week since the Full Moon:
A series of planetary transits and meetings that have been heart opening and mind shifting. 
18th September:  Heart opening bridge!  Surprise! Surprise!
Venus opposite Uranus at 23 degrees Libra/Aries 
Exact at 6.06 pm AEST
Effective from: 17th to 19th September
As if we didn’t have enough going on with transformational transits putting us through our paces so to speak.  Uranus in Aries brings surprising events and experiences.  Opposite Venus in Libra, it’s all about the heart energy being awakened to love…yes as well as equity and justice.

Inequitable situations may be suddenly come to the fore to be put right as we move into the love in our hearts…for ourselves first.  We feel the respect and love for ourselves and our entitlement as human beings to experience the fullness of life that comes from love, a loving heart and a balanced existence based on equity, acknowledgement for who we are and divine karmic justice.  We need to acknowledge ourselves as this big wake up call struck to the core of our being.
19th September:  ‘Hand in hand on the edge of the sand they danced to the light of the moon’
Venus sextile Mars at 24 degrees Libra/Sagittarius
Effective:  18th to 21st September
This aspect built on the Uranus/Venus bridge of 18th.  We can expect more focus on love and loving relationships in the coming year with Jupiter now in Libra calling us to expect and to desire a higher consciousness of love in our one on one relationships. 
We’re already seeing many inequitable relationships coming to a turning point, a reckoning and eventually leading to resolution as people choose to take the path of higher consciousness or choose to stay where they are.
21st September:   
Mind purging of the past, patriarchal energies and old social conditioning!
Mercury Retrograde trine Pluto at 14 degrees Virgo/Capricorn
Effective:  From 18th to 26th September
This was a real doozy of cleansing.  Yes, it was a trine, an opening between Mercury retrograde, mind manager in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn, releasing the dark depths of tradition, patriarchal energies and abuses of power.
For many, it sucked the life force out of us as our minds and cell memories were forced to let go and release so much of the deep dark Plutonic energies which have been locked into humanity and planet earth.  Mercury in Virgo wants to control and can demonstrate as a real 3D energy coming from ego centred focus outside of divine will.  We all need the ego but it is in the alignment with our divinity, higher consciousness, that the ego can fully expand in the light of 5D energies. 
If you’ve been laid up, exhausted, emotionally drained and mentally flat this past week, chances are you were experiencing this particular energy.  It lasted a few days because Mercury met Pluto while retrograde and then again when Mercury turned direct a couple of days later.   A double whammy!
We’re already dealing with Mars ‘out of bounds’ which is travelling in new territory, bringing new consciousness to our physical bodies with the resultant shifts in cell memories and DNA.  Sagittarius rules hips, thighs.
22nd September:  Mercury turned direct at 14 degrees 49 Virgo at 3.30 pm AEST...on the road!
 Mercury leaves the Shadow: 6th October
Clarity gradually being restored:  Wait till 6th October for full clarity!
Our mind manager is on his way forward again. 
He’s not travelling at top speed just yet but will be speeding up as he moves on.

Out of mental confusion and regaining our faculties:  Way forward is clearing!
Mercury retro in Virgo has had us all a bit addled mentally as we desperately tried to do the old analysis process of working out what’s going on.  All in vain!  With Mercury retro in the eclipse wormhole/vortex we were completely tumbled, turned upside down in our thinking and feeling like we lost our mental capacities all together. 
Grounding our ideas: 
Mercury is full of ideas and possibilities and now that he’s in forward motion again will be able to grasp some of these ideas and be desiring to bring them into physical reality.  Virgo is an earth sign and is very much focussed on bringing the mind into practical and mundane reality.
Taking Off:  Mercury gives the signals after 6th October!
Mercury emerges from shadow retrograde energy on 6th October....Clarity and movement!
This is great timing following on from the New Moon on 1st October when we’ll be emerging from the eclipse vortex.  Perfect timing and energy for launching new ideas and projects!
23rd September:  Sun moved into Libra at 12.21 am AEST
Justice, love, peace, equity, beauty!
Until 23rd October
The balancing act of Libra:  Whatever it takes for equity, peace and love!
Libra energy is shining on us in a very powerful way as the Sun joins with Jupiter, expanding the potential for justice, peace and equity being restored.  It may stir up a hornet’s nest first but necessary for us to ‘clear the air’ in whatever way is required if we are to move on. 
Karmic Justice and Rebalancing:  Ongoing until 1st October New Moon!
‘Clearing the air’ may well involve the clearance of the ‘bodies’ especially at this time until 1st October as the eclipse energies continue to work on cell memories and DNA held in our emotional, physical,  mental and etheric bodies.
Relationships:  Under the spotlight!  More light from the Sun!
With Jupiter already trawling through Libra, we are being called to a higher consciousness within our one on one relationships. Jupiter brings our expansion to higher consciousness so the chances are that any inequities in relationships will come to the fore. 
Memories of relationships may have been arising:
I’m aware of many relationships already going through such turning points since Jupiter’s entry into Libra.  Of course Venus, our heart energy has been in Libra too until just a day ago. For many, we’ve been dealing with our memories around relationships and experiencing any emotions arising from inequities and/or oppressive situations. It may involve this life, other realities, ancestral memories.
The Sun moving into Libra marked the September Equinox...another doorway of change!
The Equinox marks a shift in our seasonal calendars as honoured through the times. It’s also a time of shifting energies on the earth. 
As it has passed, I’ll have to leave it for now.  But we need to believe that we are constantly moving through doorways of change and the September Equinox is about relationships and love including the relationship we have with ourselves.
24th September:  Venus moves into Scorpio at 12.50 am AEST
If it excites, it calls!
Until 18th October
Art:  ‘Queen of Flow’ by Rassouli 
Interesting that the day after the Sun moved into Libra, sign of partnership, love harmony and justice, we find Venus moving into Scorpio, sign of passion, desire, intimacy and transformation. 
If you’re not passionately engaged with life...then look out!
This is really reinforcing the changes needed in any inequitable partnership situations as we are ignited by desire and passion, what really turns us on.  This is not just about relationship but about any project, creative desire or deep seated yearning for passion in our lives.  If it’s missing, it’s likely to be tapping us on the shoulder to wake us up!
Our heart is awakened:  CPR for passion!  Heart healing!

Scorpio is about our deepest emotions and Venus is our heart manager.  We’re going to be experiencing strong urges to pursue our passions.  Anything that drags us down and clouds our heart is likely to be swept away as we seek joy and fulfilment.  It’s not just about relationships but ‘intimate’ engagement with life in whatever form turns us on.  

Heart starting and heart stopping moments:
The desire for passionate experiences will be carrying us through the Libran Sun time and be with us when the New Moon in Libra welcomes us on 1st October. When we exit the eclipse vortex at that time, hopefully we’ll be open and ready to experience loving partnerships in a whole new way. 
The ongoing focus on equitable outcomes for present relationships and past memories of relationships will continue.  However, we may be swept up with a new passion whether it be a person, an interest, a house or a talent or gift.  Prepare to be ignited with something fresh and/or even renewed.
Golden Oldies:
‘My Way’ Shirley Bassey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pjPTfygX3U for Venus in Scorpio
‘Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien’ Edith Piaf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRCYEkA0_q8 with English translation...releasing memories
Upcoming Dates:
27th September:  Pluto stations direct in Capricorn
27th September:  Mars moves into Capricorn
1st October:  New Moon in Libra...emergence from Eclipse vortex!
That’s it folks! 
We’re heading in the right direction to complete the whole turbulent eclipse period with the New Moon in Libra on 1st October.  The reverberations and repercussions of this month will continue for some time to come as we’re setting new energies in motion.  How that will manifest in our physical world is unknown.   All we have to do...haha...is go with the flow and keep up the balancing act!
Sorry I didn’t get this one out to you before the events but I’ve been laid low physically and couldn’t do a thing till today!
As always, love and blessings to us all as we hurtle through time and space!
from the chair...spinning!
It’s all about love
Scorpio transmutation and heart clearing


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