...for the children of the earth

Sunday 11 August 2019

11th August 2019: Jupiter stations direct, 12th August Mercury enters Leo, 12th August Uranus stations retrograde

Hi everyone!

So we survey our world in all its splendour and in all its growth and destruction as old forms of life and being fall away and make room for the new.

Time to recover, renew and re-energise:
We’re travelling in the light of the Leo Sun taking in all the light we can hold in our beings...all our ‘bodies’ mental, emotional, spiritual and physical.  As the light has been pouring in with the last few weeks, we’ve had a big galactic and higher dimensional ‘push’ to evolve consciousness with the energies of big Jupiter virtually at a standstill on the Great Attractor as well as the Lion’s Gate energy!

Big week ahead of us:  The promise of gear changes and uplift!
Big week of change ahead with Jupiter changing direction, Mercury moving out of Cancer into Leo and Uranus coming to a standstill as he turns retrograde in Taurus. On top of that, a Full Moon in Aquarius

15th August:  Full Moon in Aquarius...up we go!
Venus is big at this Full Moon sitting on the Sun!  The higher heart will be lifting us up!  We just have to let go and rise up!  A hot air balloon will be just the go!

11th August:   
Jupiter stations direct at 14 degrees 20 Sagittarius (GA) at 11.37 pm AEST...firing up!
3rd December: Jupiter enters Capricorn

At the end of the line:  
Our retrograde track has run out! We’re nowreadying to move on!

It's the end of the Jupiter retrograde journey today but give it some time to get the steam up for moving forward. Jupiter's readjusting our consciousness and we're sitting in the stillness of the Sagittarian galactic energies with Jupiter sitting on 14 degrees, the Great Attractor...big and hungry gravity pull!

Time to build up cosmic strength and power...our fuel is truth, joy, adventure, excitement and fire power! 
From now until the end of August. we’re building/re-building our strength and power, stoking our fires within, the fires of our spirit, life force.  When our fires are strong and pure within, aligned with the knowing of divine truth, our lives flow with enthusiasm, joy, excitement and a sense of adventure and discovery.  This is Sagittarius energy.

Many of us are feeling depleted of this energetic signature as we’ve been ploughing the Capricorn fields of karmic clearance and profound transformation of old benchmarks and rules.

31st August:  Jupiter moves from 14 degrees to 15 degrees...and we start moving!
Until 31st August, ongoing downloads of higher truth, wisdom, understanding and galactic consciousness as the intensity of the 'stationing' tells us to be still and receive. Jupiter will continue to hold steady until the end of the month bringing in ideas, dreams, possibilities from the cosmic airwaves which align with the truth of who we are and our ‘mission’ this lifetime.

Time to claim your own personal ‘golden ticket’!  It’s the Jupiter lottery of divine rewards...accept!
Be open to the possibilities and probabilities as Jupiter is all about expansion, optimism and the joy of expressing our truth in the world.  We are multi faceted and talented and our willingness to explore and expand our range of choices, to discover and uncover undiscovered ‘gifts’ and talents is exactly what is needed at this time. 

We just need to be willing and open to accept what emerges from within as a deep desire, a joy which is awaiting our recognition, our acknowledgement and ownership.  New avenues and pathways are opening up for us to explore.

From now until 3rd December:  Revitalising, renewing and aligning our inner crusader with destiny!
Jupiter is the crusader and in his own sign and travelling direct, he is aligned with his arrow of truth within each of us.  We have until 3rd December to get our fires burning with the energy for the journey ahead for when he moves into Capricorn and fires up the ‘system’, breaks through the matrix of conditioning and societal rules.  Get ready now to find your path, your contribution and the role you will take in the wider picture in 2020.

Time ahead for grounding the ideas and bringing them into physical reality!
The end of August brings a New Moon in earthy Virgo which will give us the impetus to start putting some of the fanciful, exciting and adventurous ideas into the practical world of physical reality. 

We do have another Mercury retrograde stretch in November, in Scorpio, which will give us the opportunity to sort out any dead ideas, dead ends, red herrings.  It’s all good as we take to the explorer’s road!

The Sabian Symbol for Jupiter sitting on 14 degrees...3 weeks to date and another 20 days to go...says it all!

Sabian Symbol From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com

This Symbol shows signs and predictions to give you insights into the future. The solutions to your questions are often close by and easy to perceive and based in your normal life and relationships. By looking at past experience, you may find the signs, however, there’s a need to look closely at what’s happening as you could find yourself on a kind of merry-go-round; waking up each day to the same dilemma, question or problem. Don't try to read too much into situations, but do take a good look at how you come across in relation to other people. Do you keep repeating the same mistakes? Perhaps you help others get over their past, freeing them up for having a better, brighter future. Look back, read the signs. Divination. Predictions. Prognosticating. Prophets that read the 'weather'. Waking up to life and love. Psychoanalysis. Analyzing your shadow self. 

12th August:   
Mercury enters Leo at 5.45 am AEST...hopes and dreams aloft!  
Off the beach!
Until 29th August
What’s been happening:  
Mercury in Cancer for the long haul retrograde journey...clearing up past mindsets, memories!
From 19th July to 12th August:  Backwards and forwards clearing the mental body!
The intensity of Mercury's last ditch stand in Cancer!
Mercury hanging on the last degree of Cancer, clearing up all that emotional 'baggage' in our minds and mental body. held to the Cancerian energies of the shoreline, straddling the worlds of the unconscious/ocean and the conscious/sandy shore.

When he moves to Leo tomorrow morning AEST 12th August, we'll be catching some of the updrafts of the wind in our hot air balloons. Should help to shift some of the Jupiter stationing 'lethargy'!

Balloons aloft:  
Mercury fills our hearts and minds with the light of the Sun
...solar powered!
Our balloons are lifting off!  Into the light of the Leo Sun!
Jupiter has delivered our golden ticket of immense possibilities and potentials and now Mercury our messenger and ruler of communication and captain of travel is firing the heat of passion and joy into our balloons which will lift us up to the place of dreams!

Welcome to the sweet taste of the Leo path of heart!  Spoilt for choice!
After these past weeks/months of Mercury in Cancer, clearing the detritus of old memories in our mental bodies, we’re going to feel a whole new gear change as the golden light of Leo lights up our minds, mental bodies and consciousness. 

We’re moving out of the past thanks to Mercury moving direct AND Mercury moving out of the sign of the past, memories and the ancestors.

Now it's time to tune into the purity of our solar light and allow it to shine into our mental body.  What will we find?

Leo is all about ‘ME’!   The Leo spiritual energy is beyond small mind ego!
Fear not the ego taking over from the heart.  In Leo, Mercury finds itself in the ‘chocolate factory’ of delectable choices as our minds are opened to new ‘rooms’ of possibility beyond our ‘small mind’ dreams.  This is expansion of consciousness into the realms of creativity, of finding the joy of life, of finding what stimulates and excites our desire to explore and discover life renewed. 

Getting all fired up with the power of love and expansion:
This energy will work beautifully with Jupiter stationing direct in Sagittarius urging us to open wide the windows of our soul, our spirit of fire and to be ignited by the light of the Sun and the desire to share our gifts and talents with the world...for the pure joy of it!

Plenty of time and space for earthing new possibilities:  Just explore and expand!
Worth remembering that Leo rules creativity, children, love and romance and is a call for us to embrace our own courage, strength, nobility and divine royal self, the higher and more evolved expression of ourselves in the world.  Yes...love is the big factor in this energy...solar love!

12th August:  Closing of the Lion’s Stargate
Time to close the door on the big cosmic forces of the Lion’s stargate.

It feels like it’s been extra challenging this year as the cosmic forces of the Lion’s Gate energy and the star Sirius downloading the codes and energies upgraded our consciousness.  This year, with the planetary energies at a highly ramped up state of intensity, it’s been a gateway of challenge for us starwalkers and cosmic travellers.

With Mercury retrograde in Cancer, the nervous system has been challenged to process a whole stack of old ‘stuff’, baggage of the ancestral memory banks, an energy that has been working in tandem with the higher consciousness of the Star Sirius which is located at 14 degrees Cancer and is a pivotal energy for the opening of the Lion’s Gate each year.

12th August:  
Uranus stations retrograde at 6 degrees 37 Taurus at 8.10 am AEST
...time out!
Until 11th January 2020 at 2 degrees Taurus
Welcome to some breathing space!  Uranus is calling us to the inner galactic sanctum!
You might feel like throwing your hands in the air and saying ‘Oh no!  Not another retrograde planet!’.  However, this one may well be a welcome relief from all those triggering nervous energies which have been impacting our physical lives...and bodies!  This is some breathing space from the ongoing ‘wake up calls’ that have been keeping us hopping inside like a cat on a hot tin roof!

An exploratory journey into the heart of our body, the heart of mother earth:  Venus rules Taurus!
The inner journey of this labyrinth will take us into the body of our physical being, into the body of Mother Earth as we find and discover the higher consciousness of our values, our self-worth and guess what....untapped gifts and talents! 

Journey to the centre of the earth!
How beautiful that this inner journey works so well with Jupiter expanding our choices and reviving our life force tuning us to ‘the discovery channel’!

A smile on our dial and in our hearts:  Releasing tensions and fears from the nervous system!
Not only that, we have Mercury bouncing into Leo to put a smile on our dial, renewing our heart light with the curiosity that is Mercury’s guiding force.  We are in for an incredible time of renewal of the neuralgic and nervous systems as our discovery tour will include insights into our physical wellbeing. 

Phone home!  Messages from ‘the stars’ and our star families!  
Are you receiving?
Uranus in Taurus has the promise of new discoveries, inventions and leading edge science which will assist with the upgrading of our physical being and the planet itself. Stay tuned and open.  If we tune in as we take this mystery tour, amazing info is on offer.

Retrograde planets take us to the past and break through timelines...are you ready to be surprised and enjoy the ride?
What star will you be visiting?  Who’s your light family?  star family?  What are your intergalactic connections?  Call them in for support. If your energy is ready to receive this information, you may well be given new keys to healing and to feeling a sense of ‘belonging’...claiming the alien within maybe?

More to come with Uranus retrograde:
The time to look out for is when Uranus meets with Jupiter in December/January 2020 in a positive, flowing trine when there could be a huge shift in consciousness as Jupiter, the crusader and truth seeker expands his brief in the sign of Capricorn, rules, systems, human structures and the status quo.   
Sabian Symbol for Uranus at ‘station’:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Taurus 7 
This Symbol shows the depth of human emotions, along with the notion of giving and sharing. The breaking down of barriers and cultural issues that divide people is the issue here. The Woman of Samaria was taken by surprise that Jesus would speak to her as she was said to be from the ‘wrong tribe’. This speaks of accepting others for who they are, regardless of social structures and limitations. Someone may be in need of help, draw on your inner resources, take time out to assist and reach out to others. Dipping into family ancestry. Past lives. Going below the surface. Water and its blessings. Finding renewed self-respect. Digging deep to find what unites, not divides.

Golden Oldies:
‘Weave me the Sunshine’ Peter, Paul and Mary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VOkORc8skg  for the next week/Mercury entering Leo

‘Weave me the Sunshine’ Perry Como with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWKqrBTb9po

‘Pure Imagination’ Gene Wilder/Willy Wonka ‘Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVi3-PrQ0pY  Jupiter

‘Up, Up and Away in my Beautiful Balloon’ The 5th Dimension https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfxqQmWtGNM for Mercury and Uranus
‘Up, Up and Away’ The 5th Dimension https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-UQ0-8ktAM  video clip of hot air balloons etc.

‘Up in a Balloon’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lrd0TiER_J0  Sing a long for the inner child and for Mercury in Leo

Upcoming Dates:
15th August:  Full Moon in Aquarius 22 degrees 24 Aquarius at 10.29 pm AEST
15th August:  Mercury leaves shadow retrograde

18th August:  Mars enters Virgo
21st August:  Venus enters Virgo
23rd  August:  Sun enters Virgo

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

We’re all gathered around the bonfire, symbol of Sagittarius, united as one in the firelight that ignites the heart as we reach out to join hands and circle the energy which is coming in to nourish our spirits, to bring light into our hearts, minds, bodies and spirits.

Big fire power: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars all in Leo!  Jupiter in Sagittarius!  Chiron in Aries!
With so much fire power in the current planetary line up, we cannot resist being raised by waves of light and warmth drying out our tears, releasing our fears and doubts and bringing fresh visions of ourselves, our divine potential and our place in the world at this time.

The planetary transformation continues with the makeover of systems, structures, belief systems and the status quo as Saturn and Pluto continue through Capricorn.  That’s ongoing into next year.  However, I feel we are being prepared to take new pathways, develop untapped skills and build confidence in ourselves as front liners in bringing changes to the consciousness of humanity and the earth. Things will be coming to a head for many on earth as we move into 2020 and we need to be prepared to play our role whatever that may be.  Much info yet to be revealed for us all.

Love and blessings to us all as we continue on the ‘yellow brick road’ of hopes and dreams, seekers in divine fulfilment and joy this lifetime.  I imagine that for many of you, like me, have wondered about our progress this year and dealt at times with a sense of futility, of feeling the struggle including pain and suffering as we continued clearing the energies with divine faith in our mission as lightworkers.  I trust that this week will bring a much needed uplift for us all, a much needed renewal of life force and commitment to the power of love and unity. I sure could do with it as I’ve been really dragging my heels! 


from the chair...drawing in the light

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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