...for the children of the earth

Friday 12 January 2024

11th January 2024: New Moon in Capricorn 14th January: Mercury enters Capricorn

From 8th to 10th January

 Awash in the waters of the collective unconscious!

Premium AI Image | illustration of waterSince the 8th January we’ve been plunged into the memory banks of emotion with the Moon out of bounds in Sagittarius and Mercury/mind in Sagittarius squaring  off to Neptune in Pisces.  You may have felt awash mentally with confusion and emotional overwhelm having sway, challenged to negotiate the watery realm of ancestral memories. 

So, if you’ve been crying about what seems like ‘nothing’ this is symptomatic of the irrational response  of memory release and cleansing.  The vision and eyes may have been impacted until we released the emotions, unshed tears, unacknowledged fears. 


With the Moon now in Capricorn as of 10th at 12.30 pm AEDT we likely are feeling some relief and a chance to be grounded  although still in the dark of the moon release time until the New Moon arrives.  

Big planetary energies are in play as us Capricorn goats prioritise and strategise our way through the cosmic challenges. 

Hi everyone!


So it is we reach the Capricorn pinnacle which presents to us potential, the bigger perspective of the whole picture of our lives and our place on earth at this time. Capricorn activates our mastery of the earth energies in bringing that bigger picture into physical reality.


We’re still very much in the energies of optimistic and hopeful Sagittarius with Mercury/mind and Venus/heart still travelling on the back of their Sagittarian horses lifting our minds and hearts to choose growth, expansion and the integration of higher consciousness through learning to accept our divine capacities.


Mars, our fiery warrior is now in the early degrees of Capricorn supporting the integration of higher spiritual consciousness into the cells of our physical bodies.  Mars rules the head, eyes etc so this is one area which could be feeling a little unsettled activated by the Mercury/Sagittarius square to Neptune/Pisces emotional release from nervous, respiratory systems. Still active at the New Moon.


If it’s hurting it’s healing.  Trusting the physical healing process is a big test of trust and surrender and our commitment as ‘body workers’.  How much do we believe in our capacity to activate and accept our divine powers within. It’s the awakening time for us all. 


11th January:  New Moon in Capricorn 20 degrees 44 Capricorn at 10.57 pm AEDT...mastery calls!

Bringing forth the inner knowledge for earthly fulfilment:
Saturn ruled Capricorn exacts commitment to spiritual mastery of the earthly dimension. As an earth sign, Capricorn carries the feminine energies of the inner world but its ruler is very much about accepting and grounding authority in the physical world.
Receiving the vision and grounding the vision in the physical world:
Capricorn calls us to the top of our own personal ‘mountain’ of hopes, dreams, visions and the path to divine fulfilment and success in the world.  From this elevated position we receive the vision and then take the physical steps to bring that vision into the world. 


On the precipice of change:  In the leap of faith!

At this New Moon we have major planetary transits which are helping us to throw off the dross from generations of embedded patterns of thinking, feeling and behaviours which have held us in old paradigms and constructs of society and its systems. Acceptance of duality as combative and oppositional is just one pattern which is regarded as the norm.


Accepting our readiness to go beyond the images & words of societal norms:

The concept of unity, co-operation and management structures which offer growth and expansion for all within the system seem so far fetched they are beyond the vision, belief of most people. We continue to perpetuate these systems by our own participation in accepting the continuation of their existence. We keep taking ‘sides’. We keep trying to build our power base by competing with others.


Claiming our Capricorn Wizard of divine earthly wisdom: It’s time!  What’s right and good and positive in this picture?

The Capricorn wizard sees the bigger picture and potential for a more spiritually elevated world and then takes the steps to bring that into existence in everyday life. Our own deep commitment to the power of love and  unification to seeing positive potentials rather than the negatives arising from both mass and social media is absolutely essential for our success. 


If we keep focussing on the negatives and ‘what’s wrong with this picture?’ mindset we’ll remain on the karmic wheel of replication of the old.  

Planetary aspects at the New Moon setting the agenda for the next lunar month:
Trines open the doors of positive flowing communication between planets or planetary energies

1. New Moon trine Uranus 20/21 degrees Taurus:  Earthy and physical
It’s an awakening of the higher mind to the physical energies of Mother Earth and her abundance.  It’s an awakening of the physical body to the higher star energies of Aquarius being brought into our earthly bodies and physical world. Unsettling but a powerful release of unevolved energies as we accept and integrate our divine blueprint for new directions. Uranus rules nervous system, cerebral functioning.
2. Jupiter in Taurus trines Mars in Capricorn 5 degrees:  Earthy and physical
Expansive positive Jupiter asks us to accept the flow of the rainbow energy of unification into our physical bodies, so our masculine warrior energies can release the attachment to the Capricorn status quo of the patriarchal energies of old power systems of control and embrace growth and development through equity and unification. 
Taurus rules throat, neck and voice. Singing and toning will help clear and elevate old energies.
3.  Venus in Sagittarius trines Chiron in Aries  15 degrees:  Fiery and spiritual
Our optimistic heart is awakened to action as we open the spiritual wounds of the warrior’s journey in the battlefields of life.  We lay down the sword of anger and words of dispute as we expand our hearts with the power of divine love and acceptance, mercy, forgiveness and compassion for ourselves, humanity.
Venus rules heart. Sagittarius rules hips, thighs.  Aries rules head.  Chiron holds our core  spiritual wound.
Squares are challenges/opportunities for growth and learning new ways
4.  New Moon squaring off to karmic lunar nodes in Aries/Libra 20 degrees:  
Fire/Aries and Air/Libra...evolution of our ‘I am’ warrior to lead on!
Here’s the planetary challenge for all as we change our modus operandi in response to the New Moon’s call for new directions in our lives which harmonise the old/South Node and the new/North Node bringing our divine ‘I am’ identity into a higher expression of the Aries warrior ego and peace, equity and justice to the memories we carry within from other times, places and people. Aries rules head.  Libra rules kidneys.
Growth and stability through peaceful co-operative change processes:  
Responsibility, dedication, commitment and focus!

Capricorn wants us to maintain order and stability, the status quo.  However, the evolved Capricorn consciousness knows that such order and stability can only be achieved through change processes which challenge the old order. Team work is the management model of the future which is yet to be embraced by many on the planet. 
But for those of us ready and willing to step forward as leaders, as an example of how to create new models of living, this is just the beginning. The next month will bring major shifts in direction and focus for all.  Hold steady and be open to receive.
We need everyone working together on a vision which encompasses all.  
‘We  are only as strong as our weakest link’.
Sabian Symbol for the New Moon:
This Symbol shows working together in a cooperative venture, to know when to go and when to stop, when to take the baton and when to pass it on, and how to pace yourself so you can stay in the “Relay Race”. Each person has to contribute as best they can; some run fast, some have their own talents, some trip you up and cause you to falter. Working together, you can figure out who will help win the race and who wont. Sometimes, victory seems achievable, but you are likely to be a member of a team, with your own special task to perform. You may not be the one who crosses the finish line, but you may, eventually, share in the group effort. Just watch for when it’s your turn and when it isn’t.
Shared endeavor. Knowing when to pass on responsibilities. Having to wait your turn. Inheritances. The power of surrender. Taking turns. Split second timing. Coordination.
Not letting go of control to another. Feeling defeated. Not having the necessary resources to win. Butting in when others are talking. Not sharing the glory.
:Sabian Symbols Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
14th January:  Mercury enters Capricorn at 1.49 pm AEDT

Until 5th February

Bringing new ideas into our earthly lives: 

Optimism and new ideas rebooting old ‘systems’!

Fired by the New Moon energies and filled with Sagittarian optimism, Mercury leaps into the Capricorn arena joining fiery Mars and the Sun to establish a safe landing place, a rock of stability in the new moon climate.


Bodywork:  ‘We are only as strong as our weakest link’

Mercury rules the respiratory and nervous systems and is now in earthy Capricorn which rules bones, skeleton, joints. Mercury as ruler of the mental body is processing and evolving cell memories and mindsets in the physical body.  May be experienced in the joints, knees but the nervous system can impact any part of the body. Breath work is vital for clearing.


Time to join the dots, bring the new ideas into new form, new formats

Capricorn likes systems and structures so mindmapping may be one way of seeing the bigger picture of society and its current needs and wants and placing ourselves into that picture of provision of new perspectives. It can be commercial as Mercury rules commerce as well as communication and travel. 


After Pluto moves out of Capricorn next week we might start to get the picture of how it all fits together as we embrace the light of the Leo Full Moon in two weeks time. Creativity abounds and ignites new possibilities.  Until then, we’ll be putting ‘the bones’ of our new projects together...good Capricorn work.


Golden Oldies:

Divine Mother ~ Sacred Earth


‘When you Believe’ Olivia Newton John https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baEPx3LOpao 


‘When you Believe’ Olivia Newton John lyrics https://genius.com/Olivia-newton-john-when-you-believe-lyrics




Upcoming Dates:

21st January: Sun enters Aquarius 1.07 am AEDT

21st January: Pluto enters Aquarius 11.56 am AEDT

23rd January: Venus enters Capricorn 7.50 pm AEDT


That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!


Here we are taking huge leaps of faith as we cross the bridge facing our fears, doubts and insecurities which lie deep within us seemingly rising up to challenge us like the troll beneath the bridge in ‘Three Billygoats Gruff’.  And yes, the one who showed the way in that story was the smallest billygoat who confronted the troll and led the way across to the green grass on the other side.


That’s called leadership, the leadership which challenges to step away from the tribal mind which keeps us confined.  Who is ‘the enemy’ who blocks our progress?  The greatest ‘enemy’ is the saboteur/s we carry within who keep us confined by false promises of ‘safety and security’ which are actually dependent on the outer world.


The only secure place is our divine refuge of higher consciousness, our place of rest and recovery, renewal and recalibration as we claim divine confidence in the power of love, acceptance and oneness. Rest is revolution.


Love and blessings to us all as we cross this bridge of consciousness readying for the creation of new life on earth for all. Sorry this is a bit lengthy but so much happening I had to include.  Yes, I know it’s information overload.  The pictures tell all.




from the chair...in the leap mentally



It's all about love
Divine Reunion  

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