...for the children of the earth

Saturday 5 May 2012

Full Moon in Scorpio 6th May 2012

Hi everyone! Are you ready to let your out-dated self ‘die’? to allow renewal, regeneration and to be reborn from the ashes of the past??? Welcome to Scorpio energy!
What’s been happening and is continuing:
Unity is the goal: The Grand Cross has been and will continue to impact on us pushing along our evolutionary pathways...
healing the masculine warrior, the wounds of the collective unconscious
unifying our Gemini duality by coming into balance, peace and harmony and
reaching for the worldly Sagittarian big picture of higher consciousness and wisdom.
6th May: Full Moon in Scorpio 1.35 pm AEST at 16 01 degrees Scorpio...surrender, come clean, let go and let God! Another super moon!
This is an intense energy demanding absolute release of old habits, mindsets, damaging emotional patterns. 
This is another Super Moon so even more powerful in its energy exerting upon earth and all of us earthlings! 
With this Scorpio energy, resistance and fighting is futile. We must surrender to the ending/s that come up at this full moon. Maybe we’ll feel grief, tears but the outcome will be an emotional release that feels like a huge burden has been lifted from us!
The ghosts of the past: The moon rules emotions, the unconscious and memory. The Full Moon is the biggest energy of the lunar month, opening up the unconscious, emotions and memory banks which pour forth unresolved energies, released from the shadow world of the unconscious. This is why so many people can feel a little crazy at the Full Moon. In fact, it is recognised that people can go a little ‘loony’, acting out behaviours uncommon to their usual selves. It’s these shadow aspects that need reclamation and acknowledgement.
Scorpio destroys to allow rebirth: Scorpio energy lays us bare, strips away all the ‘dead’ energy, destroys all the trappings of our personas, addictive patterns, behaviours which are not aligned with our essential, authentic selves. Prepare to face and dissolve the demons which have been holding you back.
Scorpio is a water sign ruled by Pluto, God of the Underworld, so this Full Moon is all about big emotions, letting go of deeply buried emotional energies and memories. It demands we go deep, explore the darkness and bring home any undiscovered ‘treasure’ within our emotional bank. It’s an intense, demanding energy...the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth...so help me God!
Scorpio...Tending to the inner garden of the psyche...prune, weed, regenerate the ‘soil’ of your emotional self ready for renewal and replanting
The Full Moon brings up the need for balancing masculine/Sun and feminine/Moon as they face off to each other, a need to accommodate both in equal partnership.
Sun in Taurus: Plant the seeds of Abundance.. With the Sun in Taurus it’s all about the fertility of the earth and growth. The Sun in Taurus is all about material support for our physical existence. Jupiter, closely connected to the sun at this time, is expanding the opportunities for growth and abundance in our earthly existence, providing we cut back what needs cutting back.
Moon in Scorpio:      Prune, cut back and let go...
That’s where the moon comes in...this Scorpio moon is calling us to go into the depth of our emotional selves, let go of past energies which are blocking our growth and thus allow the regeneration and rebirth of our abundant Taurean selves, our entitlement to ‘heaven on earth’!
Cutting the karmic ties: Scorpio rules surgery and death so this is an ideal time for cutting the karmic ties with people, places, memories, emotional energies and damaging patterns of behaviour and mindsets. This is about shifting ‘the stuff’ that’s so buried in our subconscious, cell memory, karmic memory bank that we may not even be aware that these energies have been with us for lifetimes. Energies like: grief, panic, fear, doubt, insecurity, anger, resentment, jealousy, pride, stubbornness etc.
Purging and Preparation: Full Moons bring something to culmination, to a head, to completion, to fulfilment. The following two weeks give us time to tie up loose ends. This full Moon is a perfect energy for us letting go of excesses and preparing the way for opening up to the unification energies implicit in the powerful changes coming in with New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini on May 21st.
At the Full Moon: Mercury in Aries will be opposing/challenging Saturn in Libra...reclaiming our masculine courage and voice of personal leadership!
Mercury in Aries is the voice of the individual, the firebrand, the warrior within calling us to take leadership of our own lives...I am that I am! Can we hear the voice of our inner masculine calling for karmic justice, balance and redemption????
‘I am sorry’: The masculine firepower within us has been bowed by the weight of the memories of past abuses/misuses of power as it has been brought through these past months of profound healing. We have all been called in to forgiveness of ourselves, our history, the history of this planet and the abuse of power which came from the imbalances within us as we played out the polarisation that comes from separation from oneness!

Saturn in Libra is the ongoing karmic balancing we’ve been working with over the past two years. Saturn represents the status quo, the ‘old’ order and structure on both the personal and transpersonal levels. Libra rules one on one relationships and finding the balance in those relationships. Libra is ruled by Venus, Goddess of love and calls us into healing imbalances, inequity and injustices through the power of love. This energy is with us until October this year.

10th May:
Mercury moves into Taurus 3.14 pm until 24th May...
find your voice and ‘sing a song’ which reflects your true self!
Taurus rules the physical body, material possessions, what we value. In the physical body, it is the ruler of the neck and the voice, as well as the thyroid gland. People with a strong placement in Taurus of significant planets will often be demonstrated in the tone of the voice, singing capabilities, a talent for music.
During this period, call in alignment of your ‘voice’ with that of Mother Earth’s heartbeat and feel your spirit speaking for you. The tone of voice speaks to the hearts and minds of others. It communicates where you are spiritually.
Mercury rules commerce as well as communication so this placement augurs well for establishment of channels of communication regarding commercial ventures which promise material, financial return. Let your heart speak!
Sing A Song lyrics
From: The Carpenters
Sing, sing a song
Sing out loud, sing out strong
Sing of good things not bad
Sing of happy not sad

Sing, sing a song
Make it simple to last your whole life long
Don't worry that it's not good enough
For anyone else to hear
Just sing, sing a song
14th May: Venus retrograde at 24 degrees in Gemini until 28th June...plenty of time to reunite our divided selves, resolve the conflicted mind and heart!
This extended period of Venus in Gemini is a rare treat as Venus retrogrades only every 8 years. It very clearly tells us our heart focus until the first week of August is on re-unification of our divided/conflicted selves.
Gemini is the twins, the masculine/feminine, the lovers card in the Tarot. It’s all about unification of our opposites, our dark/light, our masculine/feminine, our inner/outer selves and our owned/disowned energies.
We’ll be called into bringing heart (Venus) and mind (Mercury, ruler of Gemini) into alignment..working together. This period of time we’ll be refining energies through choosing and constantly reaffirming the goal of reunification whilst releasing conflicted thinking, emotions and behaviours.
Retrograde periods are always about review of the past and realignment in present realities. Don’t be surprised if relationships and/or partners from the past reappear physically, emotionally or mentally as part of the reconciliation of our divided selves. Once again, ghosts and memories can be laid to rest once and for all!
Upcoming Dates:
21st May: New Moon solar eclipse in Gemini...
            ’love is in the air’!
24th May: Mercury moves into Gemini until 7th June
Well folks, hoping the full moon brings to culmination those energies which need to move on. Remember that full moons bring things to a head...something that’s been building up for some time. Scorpio says it’s time to ‘die’ to the past that needs to go, and prepare for the next New Moon. The ‘endings’ will flow on for the two weeks following the Full Moon.
As always, love and blessings to my fellow travellers! Let’s all ‘die’ peacefully without the kicking and screaming!
from the ‘chair’.......just letting go...letting go!
It’s all about love

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