...for the children of the earth

Sunday 20 May 2012

Hi everyone! It’s show time!
Get those wands working!!!
Monday’s eclipse in Gemini sets it all off to a magical start!
What’s been happening??? We’re coming out of the dark, dark forest of unresolved earth energies of the past week!!!
Little Red Riding Hood faces and vanquishes her fears...the wolf transforms to protector and guardian!
Well, this past week we have been experiencing a powerful connection of earth energies with the Grand Earth Trine and ‘Kite’ including Chiron! If you haven’t been experiencing these energies impacting on your body, then all I can say is ‘be grateful’. For some of us it has been intense and challenging to keep aligned with divine will, truth, love and forgiveness!
Yes, we are all cleansing and purifying our energies as well as the planetary history of the unresolved tensions of the past. We all have our own karmic brief/contract our soul committed to accomplish for both our own and planetary evolution in consciousness. If you’ve been experiencing strange energies, then it’s likely you’ve been shifting the dark, unresolved energies through into reunification with the light.
Physically, some of the areas which may have been affected:
Mars(muscles, head, senses of smell and taste) in Virgo...Virgo rules the digestive and nervous system
Pluto(reproductive and immune system) in Capricorn (knees, skeletal structure, bones)
Mercury(brain, central nervous system, thyroid gland, five senses, hands) in Taurus (neck, throat, voice)
Clear the decks: Prepare for the eclipse New Moon energies on Monday...let go of the remnants of the old in these next two days!
As these intense energies move away from each other, we find a clearing away of so much dross from old resistances inherited from earth’s and our own history...a clearing of the decks in ‘the dark of the moon’...the three days before the New Moon next Monday 21st May.
‘Cleansing’ continues up to the New Moon’s arrival as Moon in Taurus reactivates the Earth Trine/Kite with tail of Chiron, clearing out memories (Moon) from our hearts/heart of Mother Earth as Venus rules Taurus and speaks to our hearts and earthly connections.
Reunification and coming ‘home’ to ourselves!
It’s Gemini time – a focus for the next 2 to 3 months: Time to meet and reclaim your inner magician!
Welcome to a time of magic and hopefully miraculous happenings in our hearts, minds, bodies and spirit! Get out your magical cloaks and hats and be the magician in your life!
In the Tarot deck, the Magician card is associated with Gemini and is all about working with all the elements to magically manifest hopes and dreams!
I’m repeating some of the messages sent out in earlier emails as we really need to be in touch with what’s on offer with all this influx of energy coming in.
Gemini...the twins! Just a reminder of how much activity will be in Gemini:
Meet yourself...the missing twin...mind and heart being called to work together! Unification of dualities!
4th April to 8th August: Venus is in Gemini, an exceptionally long period of time to stay in one sign...plenty of time to heal the conflicted self, inner and outer!
16th May to 28th June: Venus will be retrograding in Gemini, a rare once-in-8-year event...lots of time for great things to happen!
From Jonathan Cainer, astrologer,
on Venus retrograde in Gemini:
Venus is now turning retrograde. Over the next few weeks, she will appear to slip slowly backwards through the zodiac. Contrary to what you may have heard or read, this is not terrible news for lovers, romantics, artists, poets or even financiers. It's actually the most encouraging omen of review and renewal. It speaks of emotional bonds deepening, creative ideas taking root and economic arrangements becoming more secure. Wherever there's now controversy, based on a conflict between seemingly incompatible beliefs, there's also the potential for reflection, leading to a wiser understanding and a more practical way to move forward
21st May: A New Moon in Gemini with a solar eclipse – change and more change...this sets the focus for change over the next months
6th June: the rare Transit of Venus in Gemini across the Sun...hearts unify with our authentic selves in the light of our planet’s life force!
11th June: Jupiter enters Gemini for 12 monthsexpansion of positive energy...all things are possible when we are united within ourselves
20th June: Unusually, a second New Moon in Gemini...a month on from here, we are still working with our reunification
21st May: Sun moves into Gemini at 1.16 am AEST
...light and airy does it! 
What ideas can you pull out of the bag??? or hat????
After the past month of slow moving Taurus energies, we’re going to feel a real shift as the Sun joins Venus in Gemini, with the New Moon just a few hours later.
The Gemini Sun is calling us to reach out to others, extend the hand of friendship, find common threads. share ideas, dreams and keep opening the bag of infinite possibilities as you bounce ideas off others and grow the dreams!
21st May: New Moon solar eclipse in Gemini 9.45 am AEST at 1 degree Gemini...
United we stand, divided we fall! ...that’s the Gemini energy!
You’re probably getting a sense that things are really changing around your heart energy with Venus already in Gemini since 4th April. It’s really been clearing the way for this New Moon in Gemini and another New Moon in Gemini on 20th June.
The symbol for Gemini is ‘the twins’ representing the inherent duality that is seeking unification. Gemini is the master of social networking as it seeks connection and reunification with all the variety of aspects within the self. The New Moon eclipse is calling us to get in touch with these energies and find ourselves.
Gemini is a light energy, ruled by Mercury, the winged messenger. It’s about communication and learning through interconnectedness. Twitter and Facebook are prime examples of the Gemini energy which is so aligned with technology and the electronic medium.
The Lovers:At the New Moon, Sun and Moon join together on the same degree...a perfect time for union of our opposites! In the Tarot cards, the Lovers card is a Gemini card, a symbol of how we evolve to divine union, sacred marriage once we cut the chains of addiction, attachment, limitation.
Bring heart and mind together, bring the masculine/feminine together. Unite what has been divided within you. Mercury is still in Taurus for a few days aligning our balanced heart and mind with Mother Earth. Taurus is ruled by Venus so once again, the heart energy is all over this New Moon.

The Pleiades at 29 degrees Taurus in close proximity to the New Moon":
Quote below from article ‘Earth Keeper Eclipse energy’

~May 20th - Fire-Eclipse Portal 2012 ~

"The Great Pleiadian Eclipse Alignment" . Ring of Fire , Full Solar Eclipse On May 20, 2012, for the first time in 26000 years, our Sun and Moon and the constellation ... You cannot miss this glorious event! Gather where you can, meditate and open the heart to receive this transitional energy...an energy bearing sacred codes !
The incredible 'Ring of Fire' solar eclipse is coming in less than 4-weeks. It's the first annular eclipse visible in America in almost 18 years, and there will not be another for over a decade. It has incredible significance. It is a portal of tremendous energy, and will spawn magnificent energy feeds. It is precisely why the final phase of the heralded ' Cosmic Trigger' is occurring on this Eclipse of 2012.
On 20 May 2012 what will occur is nothing less than spectacular. This Eclipse is spectacular, not only visually, but in it's mega-energy. The Sun and Moon ( New Moon) will be precisely conjunct with the stunning Central Star of the Pleiades, in the constellation Taurus.
The Pleiadian star system is in fact our core essence, our ancestral home. That is why it has been recognized by the Ancients , from LeMuria, Atlantis to the Hopi. revered cosmic objects in history, poetry and mythology across all cultures. The Pleiades were recognized in the language of many of the indigenous people of the Americas, including the Maya, Toltec, Aztec, Ayameria, Lakota, Navajo and Hopi. Known as the home of the Star-People, of Star Nation by the campestral & mystical societies all over the world, including Australia, Africa, Asia, and the Americas.
The Eclipse brings in the Cosmic Trigger. This is the influx of Ascension energies that will complete in a series of downloads between the following dates of significance:
May 20 - Solar Eclipse, June 4 - Lunar Eclipse and June 20 Mid-Year Solstice. What will happen is the Crystalline Transition. Crytsals coded with the Mastery of the benevolent Pleiades & The Crytsalline Council of Light & Ascended Masters. It begins on May 20 and completes onm the Solstice.
The Pleiades are in fact among the first stars mentioned in ancient recorded astronomical writings, first noted in the Asian annals of 2357 BCE in China. Alcyone, referred to as 'Lucida' or Most Brilliant Star, then being on the Vernal Equinox.
The beginning of the year gave rise to the title 'The Great Year of the Pleiades' for the cycle of precession of about 25,900 years. 2012 is of course the year of the 'Precession of the Equinox.
At this New Moon, the Grand Cross is activated by the degree of the New Moon and Sun:
The new Moon and Sun are both close to our current South Node in Gemini symbolising our history, our past at this time, and emphasising the call to our past of unresolved energies of division and separation.
The Sagittarian North Node of higher wisdom, learning and understanding of spirituality and worldly inclusiveness is calling us to the picture, to global reunification.
Gemini and Sagittarius are both about education, learning, connecting socially, travel and communication. Both energies serve us in expanding consciousness and when working together like this, promise us inclusiveness and reunion.
North Node in Sagittarius 5deg..the spiritual direction of the collective at this time
South Node in Gemini 5 deg...the history of the collective at this time
Neptune in Pisces 3 deg...higher spiritual energies are dissolving
Chiron in Pisces 9 deg....collective wounds are healing
Mars in Virgo 10 deg...warriors are returning to life in peace
For the Gemini energies...another ‘Golden Oldie’ from my ‘Golden Oldie’ memory bank: ‘United we stand!’
Sing this one to yourself: ‘United we stand, divided we fall! And if our backs should ever be against the wall, we’ll be together...together you and I!’
‘The Brotherhood of Man’ singing ‘United we stand’ from early 70’s: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=460INShy3BU not for rappers!
Sabian Symbol for the Sun and Moon at 0-1 deg Gemini:
A Glass-Bottomed Boat Reveals Undersea Wonders...more magical energies
ECLIPSES: bring changes for the following month to 6 months...even a year afterwards...it’s a roller coaster ride of change, change and more change!
The New Moon eclipse on 21st May kick-starts the roller coaster which will lead us through this next 6 months. Hang on to your hats and be ready to be surprised...and hopefully delighted!
Enter into the wormhole of the eclipse period...
 this time, the tunnel of love!:
Stephanie Azaria, astrologer, likens eclipse periods to ‘wormholes’ which take us into shifts in time and energy outside our usual experience.
This upcoming eclipse period won’t come to a close until late July, a month after the second New Moon in Gemini on 20th June. During the eclipse period, the wormhole, the changes are likely to start manifesting. However, the full effect may take that longer period of 6 months to even a year.
A solar eclipse, like the New Moon Gemini eclipse on Monday, signifies change in our external, outer world, our masculine selves, our physical environments. The sun represents who we are out there in the world...not about persona or masks, but our authentic, essential selves without all the social and tribal conditioning.
Gemini rules:
in the everyday world... communication, travel, commerce and commercial ventures, connection socially and social interaction, investigating, discovery, curiosity, education, teaching/learning
at a soul level...reunification with our other half, our lost twin...reunification of heart and mind, masculine/feminine, black/white, good/bad...you get the idea
I thought worth repeating the following quote from a previous email (my highlights):
From Alan Oken, a wonderful summation from his book ‘Soul-centred Astrology’ gives insight into the higher potential of each zodiac sign.
In ‘Soul-centred Astrology’, Venus rules Gemini, so in this sense, it’s all about heart. This, of course, is the evolved Gemini energy.
From Alan Oken ‘Soul-Centred Astrology’: http://www.alanoken.com/newsletter/May07/newsletter0507c.html
The purpose of Gemini in terms of our ordinary life is to produce an awareness of the relationships that exist between all people, places, and things. In terms of the personality, Gemini does not resolve the dualities and conflicts inherent in these relationships. Gemini focuses our attention of the many, the multiples and the myriads, the potentials and the possibilities. It opens the door for the personality to experience itself in all sorts of environments and life situations. Gemini thus broadens the mind and expands our sense of connectedness with life. But it does not create unity on the personality level; that is simply not its role. Once the individual has evolved the faculty of intuition (through Mercury’s higher octave, Uranus), once our life orientation changes from a focus on form to an identification with energy, then the messenger of desire becomes the Messenger of the Gods and Gemini serves another purpose in our lives. This purpose allows all the communicative potentials that Gemini and Mercury make to serve the mission of the soul. This mission is Love and whenever this word is mentioned, we are taken back to the love goddess Herself, Venus.
25th May: Mercury moves into Gemini until 7th June...wildfire thinking prevails! the mind accelerates...
’I’m late for a very important date’...with Venus!
9.12pm AEST
Yes, Mercury will have a sweet meeting with Venus in the first couple of days of June, passing like ships in the night as Mercury tears off racing away like the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland...’I’m late, I’m late for a very important date’...with Venus. They are making such sweet music together until 7th June.
Mercury represents mind and Venus of course is the heart.
Mercury is moving over the same territory already covered by Venus since 4th April. Venus has done the groundwork, laid bare the Gemini heart in preparation for the Mercury mind to build on that heart energy. The underpinning connection we have made to our heart’s desires, our joy, will be the driving emotional force that will power our mind and ideas. If we’ve doing the connection with the heart, we’ll be speaking from the heart.
’Happy talk, keep talking happy talk, Talk about things you'd like to do, You gotta have a dream, if you don't have a dream, How you gonna have a dream come true?’
- from the musical ‘South Pacific’
On the everyday level, commercial ventures connected to any kind of communication are likely to accelerate. Mercury is speedy, like quicksilver! There’s likely to be more communication and interaction in the commercial spheres. The impact on the economy...Venus rules love and money in astrology. Build networks and connections on the passion of the heart and mind united in direction! The call is even more so..’do what you love and the money will follow’!
We have big challenges ahead on the global level of systems/conservatives vs radicals/freedom fighters. Our call is to build a firm foundation of rock solid faith in the abundance of the universe as fear and poverty consciousness sweep across ‘muggledom’. Are we magical or muggles?????
Social networking is the order of the day! Get moving tweeters!!! Brief messages DO NOT have to be mundane!!! How much succinct wisdom, joy, love and passion can you put into 140 characters???
Upcoming Dates:
1st to 7th June: Mercury and Venus meet in Gemini...heart and mind joined as one!
4th June: Full Moon in Sagittarius...lunar eclipse
6th June: Transit of Venus
8th June: Mercury moves into Cancer until 26th June
11th June: Jupiter moves into Gemini for 12 months
Love is in the air: with these energies, hearts can be opened, be healed, feel forgiveness and feel the evolved energy of compassion!
Well folks...we’re in for some big changes over the next month or so, with two eclipses, transit of Venus and all the Gemini reunification. We are being re-joined to our lost ‘twin’ within ourselves...and who knows, once we’re complete...maybe twin flames and soul mates will start reappearing in our lives. Anything’s possible with these energies.
Remember, start with the self:
I am that I am
I accept all that I am
I love all that I am
I forgive all that I am
I thank all that I am
I am perfect in all my imperfections
The only benchmark of perfection is the perfection of love which is acceptance of all that we are, of all that is!
Hope you’ve got your heart...and arms open wide to welcome in the positive changes that are coming! YES! I said POSITIVE!!!
As always, love and blessings to my fellow travellers! Feels like we’ve been living out that wonderful book ‘Around the World in 80 days!! What’s next????
Let the magic begin!!!
from ‘the chair’...my magic carpet ride!
With Gemini, air travel rules the day!
It’s all about love

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