...for the children of the earth

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Hi everyone,
Did you swim with the dolphins and whales through the 8/8 Sirian Gateway?????
Sirius, known as the dog star, is associated with Cetaceans...whales and dolphins.
What’s been happening: Questions, questions, questions...and answers beginning to come through.
Well, we’re coming through the other side of the 8/8 gateway of energy, with ongoing influences for a couple more weeks. I’m hoping you received a few insightful messages on that day/night as Mercury worked through its final stages of the retrograde energy.
Seekers find new truths: Even the day before, when Venus was in that last degree of Gemini, you may have found unanswered questions coming through to be addressed. It seemed that the next day, the 8/8 offered up some insights. If you’re not getting some psychic ‘hits’ of insight, trust that your commitment as a ‘seeker’ will bring the answers to your questions. There’s plenty of those questions hanging out there in the universe. it’s all about timing for for us as a whole earth entity as well as for us as individuals.
Divine discontent for many as they awaken: There’s confusion and to some extent personal chaos as many people are being woken to the ‘truth’ of life and their own lives. As we all know, with that comes the ‘divine discontent’ the question ‘is that all there is?’ This is the ‘itch’ many people are feeling as it’s played out in relationships, families, employment situations, finances. The wake-up call comes from what seems like a slap on the head and as we know, if we don’t listen, another slap, usually a bit harder. And so it continues until we listen to our hearts. This is what is happening to many people at this time.
Many burdens are being lifted: The scales are coming into balance... Are you being to feel ‘lighter’?
We have been gradually releasing the unresolved energies...frozen memories from this and past lives/other realities into the light. We have been progressing even if at times we felt we were standing still. Now, our work is starting to show.
At the same time, more people are awakening and in doing so, are increasingly taking on responsibility for their situation, their heart energy, their happiness and fulfilment. Lightworkers/seekers are increasingly being released of the karmic burdens and work we took on for this lifetime.
Muggles energy is still with us on earth: Keep stepping off the treadmill! Choose ease and grace and allow yourself to receive...
It’s all about timing, readiness and growth as we all know. We’re still on earth and have the tendency to move backwards and forwards from 3D/Muggledom to 4 and 5D consciousness. We just have to keep stepping off the treadmill of struggle!
However, the determination and focus of the seekers is shifting consciousness, especially as the numbers grow.
Seekers start finding new meaning: If you’ve been a seeker all your life, whether consciously or not, then life is going to start taking on a new meaning.
As old goals are released, new perspectives and directions are coming into focus...bit by bit. This will be ongoing until the end of the year with increasing clarity, a new found confidence in self bolstered by the strength and passion of connection with divine will, divine destiny. 
Dreams bring release, messages: You might have experienced more dreaming, nightmares over the past few weeks. The unconscious brings information to the conscious mind through our sleep as well as meditative states. They ‘speak’ to us in symbols which are particular and meaningful to us, although they may also carry overtones of collective symbology. Nightmares are a way of releasing fears from the unconscious...usually fears you may not be able to ‘get to’ in a waking state. 
I’m sure many of you are familiar with dream interpretation. However, just a reminder when you awake, address these questions: How did you feel in the dream? What was the source of the feeling? What is the significance of the symbols/people to you?
I haven’t included all the astrology in the above posting, but of course it’s implicit in all the above messages.   
Hi everyone!
The title of the new page from Lauren Gorgo, says it all...’harvest thy bounty’!
It may not feel like that yet as it is a potential hanging out there in the ether. We have to choose, be open to receive and accept what comes. Do we believe in ourselves and have the resolve to fulfil our creative potential this lifetime? Are we ready to step up to the plate???? This week is a testing ground for our focus and resolve.
This week offers a significant turning point...what, another one??? Yes. It’s calling us to take a step forward, spiritually, if not physically. It’s calling us to own our deepest desires and start living them in the world.
Own who you are with all your knowledge, strengths and passions: There are at least two major aspects coming to a head midweek which will be pushing us to take a spiritual step forward, towards discovering and enacting our hopes and dreams, towards stepping along our own yellow brick road.
From 10th-21st August: A turning point!
These energies will be providing a turning point for us and will be enacting on us at least until 21st August.
Put your best foot forward...but which foot???: We’ve been marking time, clearing, waiting, dreaming, trusting, clearing the ‘ropes’ of karmic ties, karmic commitments, planetary ties.
Are we ready to ‘put our best foot forward’? ‘But...which foot???’ you may say. The spiritual foot first...listen to the heart...and the physical will follow.
The yellow brick road calls us on to take some steps towards the Emerald City! Put on your magical red shoes and watch what happens! This means that this week we are bringing heart held dreams into a more practical, grounded focus.
15th August: Mars comes to a meeting with Saturn at 24 degrees Libra...harness the fire and take your authority! I am that I am!
We have a big energy building over the next week up to the 15th when it reaches intensity. Mars, planet of fire and driving personal intensity, meets with Saturn, planet of containment, structure and order. This energy is already building and will increase gradually increase in intensity as we move towards the 15th.
Diplomacy is the way to make your point and make progress!: You might feel you want to take on ‘the government’, ‘the system’, ‘the powers that be’...anyone in authority! If you’re in this situation/emotion, be guided by the need to reach compromise, balance and a harmonious outcome, but not at the expense of yourself...all good Libran energy!
Individual versus Society: This aspect is likely to be experienced in our outer physical environment...work, home, community etc.
As within, so without...reflections are everywhere: However, you may feel an internalisation of this pressure, which could end up in a fight with yourself. If you’re feeling the fire, frustration inside you, then take action in a positive way to release this energy constructively. Self-talk helps as well as taking some kind of physical action (could even be something like gardening etc) which supports and validates who you are in the world. It’s bringing forward some sense of personal achievement.
WARNING: Don’t let yourself end up boxing the air!
Direct your passion!: We are being offered an opportunity to access the fire and passion in an authoritative way. What positive steps can you take to direct your inner ‘fire’ towards your passion and become an authority in your own right?
15th August: Venus in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn at 7 degrees
...access your deepest desires,
which have been buried under piles of bureaucratic paperwork and aeons of social conditioning!
New territory opens up in your heart and mind
This aspect happens the same day as Mars meets Saturn so it’s all working together. This energy accesses our heart energy, where we feel ‘at home’, the place in the world where we call ‘home’...not just where you live or work, but the territory which has your name on it. This is the territory where you can find your authority, your strength, your spiritual and worldly success.
You might not even be aware of this ‘territory’. This aspect has the capacity to bring something up from inside of you. It may even manifest as a dark and unknown energy (Pluto) which is seeking resolution, urging you to act on it. What will you do?
Insights, wakeups and sudden changes: Uranus is still in the picture challenging Pluto, offering sudden insights and urging quick action and responsiveness. Take a breath...this is your life. Count to 10 and let the ideas sink in. Sit with this new energy and utilise the Saturn energy to set a new agenda for yourself.
16th August: Venus connects with Chiron and Uranus...heart wakening and heart healing...could be heart-stopping, heart-clearing!
We’re clearing the heart blockages which have been like a veil overlaying the truth of our hearts. Feel the pain, if any and prepare to bring in the clarity about where you really want to ‘be’, spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically.
17th August: Sun and Saturn working together...supporting plans and ideas of the last few days...get ready for the New Moon tomorrow, the 18th
Use this dark of the moon energy to build up the picture of these past few days. We are being ushered into new creative directions which will be more fully revealed from the New Moon in Leo on 18th. This is a day of releasing, renewing and preparing the ground. A review of the past week provide fruitful information for your next step forward.
We’re gonna keep on walking forward: This week, follow your own yellow brick road, the Emerald City awaits! Get clear, get grounded and be ready to take appropriate action.
Golden Oldie from Judy Small – ‘Never Turning Back’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPwRnS7ZEA0
I include the first few lines of ‘The Flame of Freedom Speaks’ ...see pages for complete invocation.
by Saint Germain
I will never give up
I will never turn back
I will never submit
I will bear the flame of freedom unto my victory
I will bear this flame in honor
I will sustain the glory of life within my nation
I will sustain the glory of life within my being
I will win my ascension

Aug.10-21 – T-square aspect pattern with Uranus, Pluto and Venus
Aug.15 – Venus opposite Pluto (07:13 of Cancer/Capricorn)
Aug.15 – Mars conjunct Saturn (24:49 of Libra)
Aug.16 – Venus trine Chiron (08:00 of Cancer/Pisces)
Aug.16 – Venus square Uranus (08:05 of Cancer/Aries)
Aug.17 – Sun sextile Saturn (24:58 of Leo/Libra)
A link to a channelling by Kryon from last March which gives some idea of incoming energies and changes. About 7 pages long.
Upcoming Dates:
18th August: New Moon in Leo
23rd August: Sun moves into Virgo
24th August: Mars moves into Scorpio
That’s it folks! Take good care of yourselves this week.
As always, love and blessings
from the chair
...containing the fire within!
It’s all about love

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