...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 16 June 2015

17th June 2015 New Moon in Gemini


Hi everyone!

I think I’m coming back to life!  Just in time for the New Moon in Gemini!
We’re now in the dark of the moon, the 3 days before the New Moon when our consciousness and connection to the universal forces is open, the veil thinning as we release the energies of the past lunar month and prepare to welcome the new lunar energies of Gemini. 
Within a few days of this New Moon we’ll we welcoming the mid year point of the solstice, a new solar month as the Sun enters Cancer.
Meanwhile we’re flying under the Gemini Sun, adjusting to the new territory of Mercury direct and Neptune retrograde.  Minds clearing and spirits expanding.
Every time a planet changes signs or changes directions, it alters the whole game plan of our existence and demands adjustments to our thinking, feeling and behaviour. Just as we think we have a level playing field, in a position of stability, the cosmos changes the tune and has the potential to upset our ordered existence. 
As Mercury and Neptune settle into their new mode of movement, for a while at least, Saturn steps out of the stability of Sagittarius and retrogrades back into Scorpio for the next 3 months. Into the depths we go!
15th June:    Saturn moved into Scorpio at 10.35 am AEST, travelling retrograde
until September
A little leftover transformation anyone?  
Saturn in Scorpio...if it has to go, it will go!
Here we go with Saturn, clearing up any ‘unfinished business’.  When I think Saturn, I think karma.  For me, karma is about the commitment I’ve made this lifetime to grow and develop spiritually and to enact that in the physical world of planet earth. That’s the test of course!
Take the best of the past and tradition:  
Transform, release the old outdated energies!
Saturn is old father time, ruler of all that is aged, of time immemorial, of age old wisdom.  Saturn is the father figure of authority, the patriarchy and in many ways the old order.
Saturn was in Scorpio until the end of 2014 when it stepped into Sagittarius.  I won’t pretend Saturn in Scorpio over those two years from 2012 to 2014 was easy, but it wasn’t just down to Saturn.
Unfinished business:  The phoenix arises from the ashes!
Scorpio is the ruler of life, death, rebirth and transformation.  Scorpio destroys so new life can grow.  Be warned and be not afraid!  The next 3 months promises a real ‘house cleaning’ of all that unresolved clag which is hiding in the corners of your spiritual dwelling.

Allow the wizard within to lead you on! 
The road to recovery is the road to authority!
The higher more evolved calling of Saturn is the call of authority and responsibility!
If you haven’t already discovered the power of your spiritual authority then get ready to feel it come alive within you in the coming months. 
If you already know this power, this is a refining of your spiritual energies and a clearing of any karmic dross still within your forcefield.
What’s coming in:
17th June:    New Moon in Gemini at 12.05 am AEST at 25 degrees 07 Gemini
A New Moon in the sign of Gemini!  
Up and away into the airy realms of the mind.
Sun and Moon meet for a fresh start:   
Are we in agreement?  At this moment...yes!
The Sun and Moon meet/conjoin on the same degree symbolising a new beginning, a fresh start for the Gemini energies, the energies of duality, of reunion and of the mind!  The Sun and the Moon are on the same page for a new chapter.  It’s been a year since they were both on this page in the sign of Gemini. Clear the slate, the memories and open the mind!
Mars, a significant player at the New Moon:  Fire, drive re-activated!
Cuddling up to the New Moon/Sun energies is Mars in close proximity to the Moon and the Sun.  Mars has been a significant player in these past weeks with a focus on clearing and renewing during the Mercury retrograde period.
Mars is preparing to fire us along after this New Moon comes in!
Physical renewal:  
The New Moon promises new life to our physical being!
Many of us have been feeling the physical effects of the Mars journey during these past weeks as he governs the physical body.  It was like we were processing all the scattered thoughts, old projections and false thinking through our physical vessel as Mercury sent us into the vacuum of emptiness.
Fresh start and perspectives:  
Post Mercury retrograde!  What’s coming to the fore?
In mundane astrology, Gemini rules communication, travel, teaching/learning, business/commercial interests, social networking.  We’ve been clearing the decks in these areas over the past weeks and many of us are feeling a little shellshocked, adjusting after the ‘cleansing’ and mind purging!
The higher mind calls us to grow, to grow UP!
In higher consciousness, Gemini offers the opportunity to reconcile our duality, to elevate our thinking in line with our heart and soul.  When we are fully aligned in these energies, our spirit soars!
This New Moon is bringing that higher mind into perspective after so much mind clearance during this last extreme Mercury retrograde makeover.  You may feel a little at odds, confused about exactly where you’re going with this new sense of self.  Take your time and get used to it.  After the 22nd, the Solstice and movement of the Sun to Cancer things will clear.

Come out to play:    The Gemini social networker is calling us!
Gemini is the ultimate networking energy calling us out to mix and mingle to meet all those ‘aspects’ in the universe that have something to offer our own growth in consciousness.
Time to open up to others with an open heart and mind, to trust our own intuitive guidance as to the resonance of kindred spirits, lovers in arms and the ‘beloved’.  Gemini energy is light and frothy, like the butterfly.  No...not a Cappuccino! Then again...whatever floats your boat.
Allow yourself to explore, discover, to ‘flirt’ with the energy of sharing your love with others in butterfly way.  Romantic and playful is the key!
At the New Moon:
Chiron, the wounded healer in Pisces in square/challenge to the New Moon:  Tickling up some old wounds!  Collective healing!

Not just about you: Chiron in Pisces is all about collective spiritual healing!  Get ready to speak up and be heard!
This could impact on the emotional and/or mental body with some more clearance of outstanding spiritual wounds.  Chiron is in Pisces and Pisces is all emotion, the collective unconscious, past lives along with imagination and creative expression. It may well arise in relation to communication issues, maybe clearing up any feelings of being ‘blocked’, restricted or wounded in you communication skills.

If you’re feeling it, you’re healing it for you and for all those who can’t feel it or heal it. 
A Grand Fire Trine with Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Leo and Asteroid
Pallas Athene in Sagittarius:  A welcome fiery lift and activation!
Uranus, the lightning striker being expanded by Jupiter and linking into the feminine warrior asteroid of independence, wisdom and strength!
A new road of independence opens up before us:  
Possible insights of the how, when and where we’re headed!
At this New Moon and following on from it, we could experience a sudden lightning flash insight which could lift us onto the road to recovery of passion, fire and a courage, strength and faith to take the path of independence. 
With Pallas Athene involved, independence is the key energy with the strength, courage and conviction to lead us on!  No looking back after this.  Just head straight to the Solstice, do not pass go and do not be distracted by old themes of doubt!
Gemini is the sign of ‘the twins’, the lovers card in the Tarot:  
We’re looking for ‘our other half’, our mate, our bosom buddy, our inner core, our spirit!

Gemini balances the two sides of our psyche and heart, the masculine and the feminine, the outer self in the world and the inner self which needs the quiet, solitude and stillness.  How we manage life reflects how we manage this fine balancing act in nurturing the two ‘sides’ to who we are.
The mundane self and the higher self:
The New Moon in Gemini beckons us to claim our missing ‘twin’, our higher self, our disowned self and to integrate these parts of our being into our oneness.  We find those parts by exploring the social milieu, meeting with others and recognising ourselves in their spiritual essence. We fall in love with those who reflect who we are.  We become whole!
Love is in the air:    We look outside ourselves to find that missing twin that ‘twoness’ we all crave, whether as a love, an intimate friend, a kindred spirit within the family.  All of these outer ‘selves’ are part of the search for wholeness.  They are our family! How we find the missing ‘twin’ is an entirely personal journey. 
Passion, joy and romance calling :  Venus in Leo!
With Venus in Leo, love is calling us all!  Step out and take a chance on renewed, new love!
In two minds:  Bringing our dual ‘minds’ into oneness and balance!
Gemini rules the duality and where better can we see that evidenced than the two sides of our brain, one ruling logic and reason and the other ruling intuition and imagination. 
In harmony:
We need both sides of our mind working together like a well-oiled machine if we are to maximise our capacities for fulfilment of our potential in the world. 
In conflict:
When our two ‘minds’ are at odds with each other, we are thrown into mental conflict and confusion.  We are at war with ourselves as we go backwards and forwards trying to work things out from what is usually the dominant perspective in our world, the ‘rational’, logical mind.
The demands of our current world place pressures on our health and wellbeing unless we listen to our own inner mind, the two sides of our mind which are guiding us to living a happy, fulfilled well balanced life. 
This New Moon calls us into oneness and unification of the duality within.  We know when we are experiencing this oneness in small ways such as knowing intuitively when to act and when to be still and wait.
From Lynda Hill Sabian Symbols:    http://sabiansymbols.com/

Sabian Symbol for the Sun and Moon at the New Moon:
Gemini 26
This Symbol shows things in a dormant or hibernation stage. There has been a time of fruitfulness which has now passed; this is rather a time or situation of withdrawal and inner growth. However, once again, a time of new developments and fresh growth is surely coming. It seems that there is no point trying to force growth as it may not be possible now. It is wiser to prepare for more vibrant and expansive times by using times of dormant activity to ensure that you get rest, get organised or recharge your batteries. Whilst not much seems to be going on, nature is ensuring that energy is being used to reinforce the roots of things, ready for the coming period of growth and abundance. The calm before the dawn. The silence when making a connection with nature in cold, barren times. The struggle to survive cold and heartless conditions. Cold responses.

The Caution:
 Denying the natural flow of the season. Trying to rush things. Feeling "frozen out", lost or neglected. Chills in the air. Keeping one's feelings on ice. Frigidity.

Golden Oldies:  Unifying the dualities for the New Moon in Gemini!
‘Two faces have I’ Lou Christie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBtBHaEq4js 
‘The Two of Us’ Jackie Trent and Tony Hatch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZdZFxU2no8
‘Just the Two of Us’ Bill Withers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEy6MGu3bIA 
‘Together at Last’ in final medley from ‘Annie’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jymwZyr6QCI
‘Bosom Buddies’ from ‘Mame’ Lucille Ball and Bea Arthur https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8a6v29kZ3LU
Upcoming Dates:
22nd June:    Sun moves into Cancer/ June solstice
24th June:    Mars in Cancer
As always, love and blessings to us all at this significant New Moon taking us towards the mid year Solstice, the turning point of the year.  Let’s plant our seeds and watch them take off in the next month! 
The Sun moves into Cancer on 22nd June, marking the mid year Solstice, a significant and powerful time which can add impetus and power to our New Moon seeds. Get ready for a shift in alignment and focus as we embrace our duality.
from the chair...embracing the twin
It’s all about love


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