...for the children of the earth

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

3rd June 2015 Full Moon in Sagittarius

Hi everyone!

We are sailing, we are sailing through the skies, above the world, in the light of the Gemini Sun and carried by some major planetary forces of change.
How are you flying, with ease and grace or with resistance?

Mind/body realignment and upgrade:

The past 10 days or so we’ve been getting a major mind/body realignment with all the attendant craziness that comes when we feel as though we’ve lost control of our world.  Yes, we’re in a Mercury retrograde period.  However, this one is particularly strong thanks to Mercury in his own sign of Gemini along with the stellium of planets in Gemini. 
Lost your mind?  Excellent!
Mars in Gemini along with Mercury, has been a major player in challenging us in the ‘losing our mind’ process. 

The choice of this past week of challenge:  
The fighting ‘bloody red baron’ or accepting, trusting and surrendering?
For many, it may have felt like spinning out of control...IF you have a heavy reliance on controlling from the ego, the little mind...IF you are strongly mentally polarised.  We all are to some extent as we live in a 3d world which runs on mind power.  Fighting the cosmic forces is an exercise in futility and just exhausts us on all levels.  We are learning by practising surrender and acceptance of the here and now.

We are all transforming this over reliance on the little ‘I’ to unification with a greater force, the power of the cosmos.  We are learning to network with the seen and unseen forces, with soul family, with like minded others. 
We have now just passed the halfway mark of the Mercury retrograde journey, along with what felt like the bombardment of a series of planetary transits, ensuring the experiencing of memories which needed reliving, re-experiencing and releasing.  It’s been a very powerful journey of final releases of doubts, insecurities, fears and emotions which we felt were long gone.
‘Lines are now open’:  
Inner messages, dream messages and psychic messages pouring in!
The doorway is open!
The communication focus has been very much an internal affair with an awakening of our divine mind to our cosmic connections and our 5D magical self.  I don’t know about others and your experience but I know my dream life has been greatly enhanced in these past 10 days or so as Neptune, ruler of dreams, has been quite a player recently. 
I have a strong dream life and messages and I pay attention to interpreting them.  The more we pay attention, the more our dream life comes forward.  In our dream state, the unconscious brings us messages which we may not be easily able to access in our waking life.  My dream life this past week has been a nightly festival of meeting the people from my life in some kind of celebratory reunion. After all, Gemini is the ultimate networker!
Physical release triggered by spiritual release:  
Stepping through doorways!
If the body has been challenged, be assured you’ve had a spiritual opening which has allowed the release of the physical embodiment of old energies. In particular, the respiratory system may well have experienced this release with nasal, bronchial, breathing clearances.  Better out than in...as all the homeopaths know!
Any physical pain or restriction gives us the opportunity to open a door to other realities as we are held in stillness, focussed on our well being and self nurturing.  We turn to our spirit as we rest and recover.
What’s coming in:
3rd June:    Full Moon in Sagittarius at 2.18 am AEST at 11 degrees 49 Sagittarius
Divine illumination at the Full Moon:  Truth comes to light!
Divine intelligence and wisdom come to light in the Sagittarian Full Moon energies.  They arise from our deepest knowing, our deepest spiritual being and our soul.
Sagittarius is the higher self evidenced in knowledge, spirituality, beliefs and ideals.

Sagittarian Full Moon:    The big picture comes to light!
Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, expands our perceptions and
at the full moon, our emotional energy! The moon brings forth the memories and emotions which have been buried, denied,  ignored.
A Full Moon is big emotion and in Sagittarius, I mean BIG! 
However, Sagittarius is a positive, optimistic energy which looks to the glass half full way of thinking.  Visions, hopes and dreams return! 
Open up to a bigger vision of your life and your place on the earth.
Lucky, lucky me:  ‘Thanks for the memories’!  
A retrospective of the good times!  Rose-coloured glasses on!
Jupiter, bringer of joy and good fortune, in the light of the Full Moon,  promises to resurrect memories and emotions which fill us with optimism and happy times.  The past looks good through rose-coloured glasses, a natural state of being for the Sagittarius energy.  We’re going to be given the opportunity to own our strengths and virtues. 
Mercury retrograde is supporting the release of memories and shadows at this Full Moon!  That means ‘the good, the bad and maybe the ugly’. Feelings of past battles and conflicts, of unexpressed emotions around our personal ‘truth’ may well come to light.  We’re going to feel the urge to speak up!
It’s release and fulfilment time:  
Something comes to a head, to completion!   A big letting go!
The transformative power of the Full Moon energy brings release of something that’s been held within and just has to bust out of us.  The energies within have been building and shifting, sitting below the surface of our consciousness.  They’re wanting to GET OUT!

False bubbles of belief are exploded!  
Essential truths are revealed, recognized and embraced!
When the Full Moon comes into being, these unknown, unrealized, unrecognised energies come to the surface in a big bubble of realisation.
False beliefs are exploded as the myths through which we’ve being living our lives.  We are given huge insights into the workings of our unconscious and what unconscious beliefs are driving us.
The need to speak up:  Broadcasting from the soapbox! 
Insights about who we are, possibly suppressed up to now,  are likely to tumble out and demand attention with an ongoing need to express our thoughts and emotions, to tell the world.
These may be feelings regarding a world issue, probably one which has hit home in your heart, at a personal level.  Sagittarius likes a cause and Gemini has a mouthpiece!  This Full Moon could be just the energy that gets us out there, hopefully not caught up in the old Sagittarius crusading energy of fighting the world.  Remember, that old style fighting hasn’t worked before.
More likely a talk fest!  Be aware of the inner crusader wanting to overpower others through force, bullying etc.
Sagittarius is the crusader, the truth seeker!
At this full moon, this archetype is very much out and happening and stimulating us to bring the truth to light and to others!  We need to be aware of how the crusader has been operating in our world and inside us as the ‘know all’ who has access to ultimate truth.  
The Crusader of war and conflict:  
Forcing others to bow to our truth!
This crusader is still very much in evidence in our world. In our history, the desire to bring people into alignment with ‘our’ truth has been enacted through wars and the desire to demand people’s submission to what is regarded as ‘the truth’ of ‘our’ beliefs/God/ideology.
This is still happening.
Sagittarius is the archer aligning with the truth!
Take aim at the target:  Bulls eye!
Seeking divine truth and bringing spiritual law to the world and its people is an important part of the Sagittarian pathway. 
The arrow of truth cannot take us in a direction that is not aligned with who we are and our calling. 
During this Full Moon and the ongoing Mercury retrograde period, we are taking time to gather the information we need.  Information about ourselves, our unique gifts and our particular ‘calling’ this lifetime. 
We are steadying the bow, taking aim, aligning ourselves with the target, getting ready to fire.
After Mercury goes direct on 12th, we’ll have a clearer idea of our direction as we refine our energies, make plans and preparations for firing that arrow on the New Moon in Gemini on 17th June. 
Venus moving into Leo this week on 6th June will fire our passions and ignite the joy of our hearts with respect to creative projects and deep instincts.

The Sun in Gemini opposite the Full Moon in Sagittarius
Shadow butterflies are freed!
A powerful line up of energies with the Gemini Sun calling us out into the world!
Mercury and Mars either side of the Gemini Sun:  
Mind and body conjoin the Sun, essence of self!
Two major players of the last 2 weeks, Mercury and Mars, are standing like sentinels either side of the Gemini Sun as it opposes the Full Moon.  They are engaging our minds and bodies in this Full Moon energy, being aligned with the Sagittarian idealism and begging to get started ‘out there’. 
Mars firing our engines:    Let’s go!  
Be aware of the old warlike Crusader wanting to kill to cure!
The emotional energies of the Sagittarian Full Moon are inspiring the passions, the bigger vision, possibly delusional in the best possible way.  We’re likely to want to get out and do something in the world.  Something big and meaningful for the world.  
Mercury releasing the shadow butterflies, the unsung heroes within:  Clarity being restored!
We’re still in Mercury retrograde energies until 12th June so it’s not all clear skies just yet.  But...it will feel like a huge weight has been lifted from us and we are lifting off, powered by our own ‘shadow’ energy. 
Discovering hidden potentials:  
The big picture Full Moon flushes out hidden gems of our being!
Remember, we have shadows of brilliance, the ‘light under the bushel’, undiscovered potentials which are likely to come out of hiding with this full moon. 
Sagittarius and Gemini are both energies of learning, communication, travel, movement and social connections. With the Sagittarian moon, spiritual and philosophical avenues may open up in new ways with a new dimension.  
Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon from Lynda Hill:   
For symbols for all the planets and in depth explanations of the Full Moon and Sun at this time:

The Full Moon on Sagittarius 12
This Symbol shows being able to proclaim one’s feelings, beliefs, love of country or political opinions, without feeling they are likely to be criticized, shot down or dismissed. Our highest ideals can be expressed proudly, like “A Flag” and as an expression of spiritual purity - “The Eagle” at “Dawn”. You may find that you are regularly moved to burst forth with your ideas, giving voice to what you think and feel. However, some may not like the message or what you have to say, how you say it or where you say it. However, issues that are really worthwhile and 'centered' will be seen by many and heard in the clear light of day. Declared idealism. Trumpeting ideals. National pride. Peak experiences. Issues of patriotism. Flags. Political displays. Nobility and pride. National anthems. Pomp and ceremony. 

The Caution: Assuming right because of might or power. Propaganda. Lording it over others. Seeing others as being lesser. Crowing. World domination. Loud voices. Bullying.

The Sun is on Gemini 12
This Symbol shows the need to be given respect and taken seriously. At times you find that you can’t put up with the way you’re treated, the pressure builds up and suddenly, and probably from out of nowhere, a torrent of emotion comes out. If you're being spoken badly to or treated with little respect, make a stand - don't put up with it. It's tiring to be treated like a 'Slave' or dutiful underling. Everyone should have equal rights. Spread your wings of freedom and seek to improve things by being frank and honest. You may win, but you can never truly lose if you act with integrity and honesty. Rising above conditioning and limitations. Standing up for one's self. Demanding better treatment. Not being afraid to speak your mind. Equal rights and discrimination. 

The Caution: Feeling hard done by and deserving better. Blaming others for situations. Bucking authority. Demanding to be recognized or noticed. Throwing tantrums.

6th June:    Venus moves into Leo at 1.32 am AEST...passions and fire aroused!
Until 19th July 
Returning to Leo early August until 9th October
Hearts fired in the Leo light:  Passionate ignition!
In the final light of the Full Moon energies, Venus our heart energy moves into passionate Leo.  We’re fired by our Sagittarian emotions and our Gemini desire to network to the world.  We’re likely to feel like we’ve got the answers to long held questions and we now are ready to act on them.  The passion of Venus in Leo is likely to fire us up with joy and celebration.
An extended stay of Venus in Leo:  Hearts open to the light!
Venus is on a retrograde journey this year which means we have the planet of love in the sign of the Sun for an extended stay until early October, apart from a couple of weeks in Virgo from 17th June.
Hearts are opened almost magically to the joy of life, to the creative voice within that is seeking expression in the world.

It’s a recovery tour for the heart:  
Discovering lost pleasures and treasures!
During this time, be open to new avenues for experiencing and expressing joy in your life.  Being a retrograde time promises recovery of past pleasures and possibly abandoned creative projects that once promised joy but have been put aside. 
Venus in Leo will be highlighting any or all of these areas:   Celebrating life!
Love:  New love interests, a lightening up of current love interests
Romance:  Spontaneity, imaginative adventures
Keeping it light and fun will be the go!
Creativity:  A resurgence of creative urges, ideas, interests
Be open to new forms of creative expression which may excite and delight you
Children:  Childhood, children’s interests and pursuits
This could well include reclaiming your childhood innocence and your divine child within
A celebration of life and love, joy and expansive times.   
When Venus meets with expansive Jupiter on 1st July, the celebration promises to be humungous!
We’ll be building to this meeting from 6th June onwards. 

Golden Oldies:
‘Thanks for the Memory’ Bob Hope and Shirley Ross  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKgUq5dziEk
‘Moon shadow’ Cat Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_qo5A_9bYY Full Moon/Mercury memory recovery

Upcoming Dates:
12th June:    Mercury moves direct in Gemini
12th June:    Neptune stations retrograde in Pisces
That’s it folks! 
We’re travelling inside the Mercury retrograde energy, discovering all manner of information and insights.  We may be flying above the clouds at the moment but sometimes you have to fly that high to access the exalted dimensions and visions. 
As always, love and blessings to all of us travellers, adventurers and explorers seeking the truth!  Look after that inner crusader and seek new avenues of communication and expression where your essential self can be heard and is honoured and respected.
Much love dear friends
from the chair...rising to the heights
It’s all about love


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