...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 10 April 2019

11th April 2019: Jupiter stations retrograde in Sagittarius

Hi everyone!
We’re travelling in the light of the Aries Sun which is activating our masculine warrior energies.  How that’s affecting everyone depends on their current state of consciousness and for many of us that means fluctuations as we step forward, step back, step up and fall down.  The acceptance and forgiveness process is fully with us as we choose divine love.
‘Might is right’ has been a dominant paradigm for a long time:  
Now might is  the light! 
We choose love and peace and then get sucked back into the old battleground where we’ve ‘lived’ seemingly forever!  We’re learning to step back from conflict, fighting and war-like energies which rise to the surface when we are challenged by what’s happening in the world, either our personal world or the global village. 
Hanging up the boxing gloves:
‘Might is right’ has been a dominant paradigm for a long time. We’re dropping this and making conscious choices about new ways of speaking, relating and acting with awareness...step by step.
Seeking the higher path:  
Be easy on the self and let kindness be the rule of thumb
The New Moon in Aries fired us up one way or another and now we’re finding the conflicts within and without are emerging as we learn how to navigate these energies and seek the higher path of light and knowledge. 
Easy does it:
The emotions can seemingly erupt from ‘out of nowhere’ but we know that these buried emotions need release so as they do not harm others.  Knowing how to do this and actually doing it is the spiritual mastery we seek.  Easy does it.
What’s been happening:  
Staying in the light
Holding myself in the light, surrendering and stepping back from the troubled world of bullying and self-righteousness which is front and centre on the news feed and in the mass media. I've had  enough of people, 'preachers' and power brokers telling me how to live my life. I'm in charge of my transformation of consciousness and that's it.

I do not have the energy to give to this fighting energy as I am dealing with my own physical body and spirit at this time and that is taking every ounce of my being to just put one foot in front of the other and commit to the vision of a better world.

The splitting of the ways is happening and it's our choice now as some choose to stay in the whirlpool of dark ignorance whilst others reaffirm their faith in the power of light and love in accepting their part in building a world of love, beauty, truth and harmony where we can just 'be'.

Next big culminating point is the Full Moon in Libra at 29 degrees in the sign of equity and justice as we come back into balance and realignment with ourselves and our significant partnerships, past and present.  Big kamic resolution and completion at this ‘Blue Moon’, the second in the sign of Libra this year. 

Stay in the light and remember the power of love as will I.

11th April:  
Jupiter stations retrograde at 24 degrees 21 Sagittarius at 3.01 am AEST
Entering the labyrinth of fire!  
It’s the ‘magical mystery tour’!
Until 11th August when he turns direct at 21 degrees Sagittarius

In ‘station’ at 24 degrees from 27th March to 25th April:  
In a holding pattern...get ready!
Jupiter’s holding to this degree for quite a few weeks as he prepares for his retrograde journey into the labyrinth of ‘navel gazing’. The holding degree reinforces the message of stillness with any movement being one of self-examination.  Once Jupiter moves on, we find more dynamic ‘movement’ which is inward turning and incredible inner growth in knowledge and expansion. 
Reviewing our knowledge base in consciousness:  
New information and discovery!
Retrogrades are always about reviewing the past and discovering new ‘gems’ which had been overlooked.  With Jupiter in his own sign it’s about our growth and expansion in consciousness, higher knowledge, wisdom and spirituality.
Wherever we go, we’ll be on the Jupiter discovery tour:  
Mind, heart and spirit open!
It doesn’t have to be a static experience as with Jupiter in his own sign, we’ll still want to be on the move physically and emotionally...wherever our inquisitive instincts take us. Follow your nose and find ‘places’ which bring joy, excitement and adventure.
Still on the road:  
Not just armchair travellers finding new realms of knowledge!
Jupiter in Sagittarius, his home sign, empasises the desire for adventure, travel and discovery so we would benefit by thinking of this retrograde period as one of accelerated growth and movement with an inner journey that is as exciting as any road trip in the physical world.  It doesn’t mean we have to be armchair travellers but it does suggest that the inner discovery tour offers mystery and excitement as we uncover new realms. 
The urge to travel to foreign lands:  
Physically or in other ways, the field of learning opens its doors to new learning and insights!
Retrograde planets can take us back to the past and with Jupiter in Sagittarius we may well connect to ‘foreign’ places and people that are significant in our ‘history’.  I’m speaking of other times and places across dimensions and history.  

This urge may well inspire a trip ‘overseas’ to a place which is calling you and when you get there you find yourself picking up on experiences from ‘history’.  There could be profound resolution of karmic contracts, ties and memories as you travel.  This happens at all times but is especially strong when Jupiter is retrograde.  You do not have to physically travel to have these experiences as they can be activated through reading, viewing movies, meeting new people. The bottom line is revelation of truth and some karmic resolution.
Getting out the buried manuscript, scribblings and getting to work with the joy of Jupiter:  
A period of creative growth and power!
Sagittarius rules education, higher education and publishing so this is a good period of time to explore those options if they’ve been on the backburner.
Slow moving planets currently in retrograde ‘station’:  
Inner discovery offering powerful change processes in power and authority!
Pluto:  From 31st March to 21st May Pluto is sitting on 23 degrees Capricorn
Turns retrograde on 25th April until 4th October

Saturn:  From 5th April to 25th May Saturn is sitting on 20 degrees Capricorn
Turns retrograde on 30th April until 18th September

‘Holy Season: the return to higher will’:  
From Lauren Gorgo for April

Golden Oldies: 
‘Try a Little Tenderness’ Otis Redding https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnPMoAb4y8U   for releasing the ‘old shaggy dress’ of consciousness
‘Be not too Hard’  Joan Baez https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydvnSxxwawU  for the new paradigm of consciousness
‘Magical Mystery Tour’ Paul McCartney https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1Rs0WvWpBk  for the magic of Jupiter retrograde in Sagittarius
Upcoming Dates:
17th April:   Mercury moves to Aries
19th April:  Full Moon in Libra
20th April:  Sun moves to Taurus
20th April:  Mars goes out of bounds
21st April:  Venus moves to Aries

25th April:  Pluto stations retrograde
30th April:  Saturn stations retrograde at 20 degrees 31 Capricorn

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!
We’ve got a hectic week with the planetary energies next week.  Trusting I’ll get the update out to you as I have to undergo a minor medical procedure, just Saturn stuff, and not sure how I’ll be physically.  So, if you don’t get an update from me I haven’t passed over, just maybe temporarily ‘passed out’. 

Us spiritual body builders are on the front line and bits of us sometimes need attention with this recalibration of our physical bodies. Plenty of us experiencing this and not just those of us of ‘older’ years. We still need the attention to the physical that comes from ‘medicine’ and sometimes that’s the dominant medical treatment.

Love and blessings to us all as we enter the sacred fire labyrinth in dedication to the inner journey of the seeker of higher consciousness. 

We will never give up, turn back but we will surrender to the power of the light of divine love, truth and will!

from the chair...holding the flame

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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