...for the children of the earth

Monday 22 April 2019

20th April 2019: Sun moves to Taurus, Mars goes out of bounds, 21st Venus to Aries

Hi everybody!
Yes, this one’s overdue but I’ve been forced to just stop and have a complete rest and I’m being obedient to the call of my mind, body, spirit.  I’m certainly not ready to leave this earth when I feel the strong call to continue on and ‘hold the fort’ or rather ‘hold the light’ and anchor the energies.
Ongoing religious wars
Since I started writing this we’ve had another blast from the ongoing religious wars with Sri Lanka now the target on Easter Sunday.  Yes, I know places, people and nations across the Middle East have been living with the war energies for longer than we can remember.  But, when war arrives in what has become relatively free of terrorist acts, we’re awoken yet again.
Ongoing wake up calls:  Calling all to surrender to higher consciousness...return to ‘God’!
These wake up calls aren’t letting up and not likely to for a while with Saturn, Pluto and South Node sitting close together in Capricorn.  We’re heading to a climax of the Saturn/Pluto meeting in January 2020 for that whole month so tighten your seat belts and hold your ascension vehicles steady as we hold the light, anchor the light and reaffirm our focus on love and unity for all. 
Shocks to the system followed by waves of emotional release, waves of light and divine love!
We’re getting some breathing space between these shocks to the system but it’s clear that Uranus our lightning conductor travelling through Taurus for the next 7 years sets an agenda of bringing us back to basic values and refining our choices, establishing spiritual priorities which translate into our everyday lives as earth beings. Make the most of the breathing spaces and be grounded in love.
Shocking events calling all lightworkers to ‘hold’ consciousness in the light power!
As the shock waves flow in, they’re accompanied by a huge wave of emotional release from humanity which can being anger, grief, despair, disappointment, fear and doubt as primal embedded energies are released from humanity’s DNA.
It is then the ‘lightworkers’ are called to activate the higher divine consciousness of love, forgiveness, mercy, compassion and divine truth and will.  Humanity is awakening in fits and starts and each time another shock occurs it’s another opportunity to awaken.
Does it feel like ‘the end times’? A call to surrender to divine power for ourselves, humanity and earth itself!
To me and to many others it feels like we’re really stepping into ‘the end times’ with an acceleration and intensification of big changes on the earth.
The end time (also called end timesend of timeend of dayslast daysfinal daysdoomsday, or eschaton) is a future time-period described variously in the eschatologies of several world religions (both Abrahamic and non-Abrahamic), which teach that world events will reach a final climax.
Eschatology /ˌɛskəˈtɒləi/ (About this soundlisten) is a part of theology concerned with the final events of history, or the ultimate destiny of humanity. This concept is commonly referred to as the "end of the world" or "end times".
The essence is about the events on planet earth bringing humanity to total surrender to divine power and higher consciousness. Being brought to our knees! 
I see this in my current understanding as our reclamation of our earth home and all that exists here in unification,  in choosing love and acceptance for all.
Rebellion afoot:  Street demos across the world as the masses take to the streets, reminiscent of the 1960’s...peace not war!
We’re confronted every day with the anger of people demonstrating their resistance to the ideologies of systems and governments as well as the embedded cultural values which are damaging people, animals, plants and the actual earth itself.
From ‘What can one person do?’ turning into world movement of the masses demanding change!
Many of us have known this time would come and wanting the people to wake up at the same time abhorring the violence of behaviours at these demos from either the authorities or the demonstrators.  Protesting demands attention and sometimes extreme behaviours are activated.  And the people cry ‘Why won’t they listen to us?’ 
Well, we can expect more of this as time goes on and the changes won’t be stopped now as they roll out around the world.
The personal story:  Moving through big karmic release with the Full Moon in Libra and with the global shocks releasing so much history!
All I can say is ‘Are you claiming your spiritual power?’ as we move through this week. That’s the bottom line as we let go of some old bonds, contracts and damaging memories which have been tying us down to the limited ingrained behaviours from the past. 
This has been especially relevant to our relationships whether past or present so if you ended up in any kind of power struggle, boxing match through the Full Moon period, then chances are some old memories and behaviours were released hopefully accompanied by some insights and karmic balance.  That’s the Libran brief. Did you finally hang up the boxing gloves?
What has just occurred at a planetary level these past few days?
Now, the Sun has moved to Taurus, Mars, our masculine warrior energy, fire and drive has taken off into outer consciousness in the mentally focussed sign of Gemini and Venus moved into Aries to join Mercury as a running mate.  Fiery fun and games for our heart energy and mind consciousness!
The Sun in Taurus will help us ground some of this energy and slow us down a little after the Aries month of fast pace.
20th April:  Sun moved to Taurus at 6.55 pm AEST
Coming down to earth...our heart centre!
Until 21st May

Breathe in the love of Mother Earth:  Whew!  Take a break often!
The entry of the Sun to Taurus will bring some calm, grounding some of the fiery solar Aries energy of the past month which has hammered us with changes and ongoing shocks.  It’s been quite a ride!

Focus on the earth itself, love harmony and beauty!
The Sun in Taurus is getting us plugged back into the earth so we can ground some of the crazy energy that’s happening across the planet. 

As an earth sign, Taurus is very much concerned with our own physical body as well as our physical world. 

Ruled by Venus  and symbolic of the World Tree, it asks us to accept our earthly bodies, lives and our planet with deep respect joy and divine love. 

Giving value to ourselves and our worthiness!  
Are you ready to sparkle and add your sparkle to the World Tree?
Taurus also rules values, self-esteem and our gifts and talents which can support us in our earthly lives through monetary income.  As a fixed sign, Taurus offers endurance, commitment and when we know and believe in ourselves, we can back ourselves all the way to divine success and joy!

Can you be the voice of calm and comfort in our troubled world?
As we elevate consciousness our voice sounds like honey!
It’s a good time to consider your options and review your own unique voice and signature which can support you. Taurus rules the throat and the voice and is connected to an affinity with music, singing and a dulcet tone of voice which comforts and can instil calm. 

The voice and its tone vibrates with our state of consciousness.  This is beyond accents and dialects however they can play a role.  We ‘hear’ a person through the written as well as the spoken word.  Just listening to any mass media outlet can make us cringe when we have developed our senses with love.
And of course, our voices will betray our state of mind, emotions and our vibration when in a crisis.  Listening is a key to understanding ourselves and others.

23rd April:  Sun meets Uranus at 2 degrees 31 Taurus...a reboot...another wake up!  Trust it’s a positive realignment!
Exact at 9.07 am AEST
Effective from 22nd to 24th April
But, uh oh...the Sun runs into Uranus for a meeting and reboot that could shake rattle and roll those Taurus walking boots and comfort zone. 

However, meetings like this are about the alignment of two energies and this is the Sun, the greatest source of planetary energy in our solar system and Uranus, the space cadet, inventor, leading edge thinker and higher mental consciousness so potential for some great ideas and breakthroughs!  Could work very well with Mars out of bounds and travelling new airwaves!

21st April:  Mars goes out of bounds at 13 degrees Gemini
Fire and drive...new ideas!
12th June:  Mars returns from out of bounds at 17 degrees Cancer
Letting the mind and body take flight!
Mars is taking off to gather new consciousness, new territory, new knowledge.  He’s starting his journey in Gemini, an air sign with a focus on communication, travel and connecting with new ideas, joining the dots.

Expansion of mind, renewing of fire spirit, new physical healing potential:  Sounds good!
As Mars is ruler of our physical body, fire and drive chances are we’ll be re-aligning our mental consciousness in ways which support new consciousness in our physical bodies.  This feels to me like potential for spiritual healing and realignment of our physical bodies as a result of new mental consciousness. 

19th May:  He moves into Cancer...joining the dots in the subconscious, the past, memories
On 19th May he’ll be flying into the sign of Cancer where we’ll experience a whole new game change when he goes into the sign ruling the moon, ancestors, home, family, childhood, memories. Could well be quite a few new links in understanding and new knowledge emerging from the memory banks to help the physical body.

21st April:  Venus moves to Aries at 2.10 am AEST...fired by desire for ‘love’
Until 15th May
Raising our heart consciousness and embracing our creative feminine power:
Venus, ruler of our heart energy and representative of our feminine energy moves into the sign of our ‘I am’ tuning our hearts to the higher consciousness of our desires, the Aries energy. She’s joining Mercury ruler of our mental body so this next stretch carries huge potential for heart/mind alignment with our higher Aries consciousness.  Of course, we have to choose and call it in.

Discovering your heart’s desires:  
Plunging into the flower garden of pure delight and passion!
Venus in Aries along with Mercury will support our focus for the Sun in Taurus as we consider our particular gifts and talents and accept our worthiness and value as an earth being.  In so doing we start to emanate the charisma of confidence that comes from that deep inner power of divine alignment. 
We own who we are no excuses, shame. blame. self-criticism and judgement which is damaging. 

Venus and Mercury in Aries:  
Looking for ‘love’ and connection emotionally, mentally and physically!
This is a powerful line up for us being aligned with who we are at the heart and mind centre and in Aries ruled as it is by Mars, ruler of our physical body and which rules fire and drive, we’re looking for physical connection to this supreme energy.

In this energy, if we’re feeling truly aligned mind and heart, we can more readily trust our impulses with respect to attraction to others especially if we’re conscious of our own neuroses or past neuroses with respect to self-esteem and worthiness. 

Just remind yourselves that divine power attracts all types of people as they seek the light.  It is up to us to be discriminating with respect to our awareness of others, their behaviours and words.  Says it all.

Upcoming Dates:
25th April:  Pluto stations retrograde
30th April:  Saturn stations retrograde

Pluto and Saturn stationing preparing to turn retrograde:   Slow walk...step by step!  Down the mountain towards the labyrinth of change!
Pluto and Saturn are turning retrograde in the next 10 days and are already in station, marking time and really helping us to ground all the energies of this past month.  Pluto’s been sitting on 23 degrees since 31st March and will be on that degree until 20th May so holding us steady in relation to the deep discovery process in relation to the Capricorn energies of success, authority and transformation.  Pluto turns retrograde on 25th April.
Saturn is already sitting on his retrograde point at 20 degrees Capricorn but doesn’t ‘turn’/change direction until 30th April.  He’s been on this degree since 5th April and will be on that degree until 25th May so calling us to clear the decks, karmic burdens and to prepare new groundwork for plans, projects. Saturn’s our ‘builder’ and he’s moving us into a time of developing new constructs, building blocks for new ventures.

Trusting I’ll complete a more detailed update on these two planets in the next week.  Like many, dragging my heels.

Information on Full Moons and names deriving from North American Indians

Golden Oldies:
‘Amazing Grace’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NG0vH4WYChQ&list=RDRw9DueQot48&index=12  releasing the ‘slaves’ within/without...full moon debrief

‘Sing a Song’ The Carpenters with lyrics sing a long https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2VZkk7wbVg  for the Sun in Taurus

‘If you Want to Sing Out’ Cat Stevens with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzy1O3NOE4s  Sun in Taurus and Venus in Aries

Upcoming Dates:
25th April:  Pluto stations retrograde
30th April:  Saturn stations retrograde

5th May:   New Moon in Taurus
7th May:   Mercury moves to Taurus

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around! 

We are the World Tree...branches, leaves, blooms and grounding our beings deep within the soul of Mother Earth as we elevate ourselves to take the high road.

I’m really needing to take things easy at present but trusting I’ll be able to continue the updates providing I have enough rest and recovery and allow my body to integrate all the light pouring in along with the vibrational frequencies occurring on the earth and in the cosmos.  I know that many of you are experiencing similar challenges or know someone who is going through the physical recalibration process.

Many of our number are departing physical life, not just because of war and violent behaviours but because it’s their time to go.  They have done all they could do this lifetime and will be reconnecting with loved ones when the time and energy is right. Our soul guides us when our soul ‘work’ is complete so our passing relates to our state of being when we go.

I reaffirm my divine commitment and devotion to the vision of higher consciousness on this planet and trust that those of us ‘holding the light’ will assist all those who are plunged into chaos, confusion, loss, despair, frustration, pain and suffering.

Love and blessings to us all as we connect to the world tree of divine power in our hearts and minds while our bodies take to higher consciousness, flying the cosmic airwaves.

from the chair, grounding and resting

It’s all about love
Divine reunion


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