...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 9 April 2013

10th April 2013 New Moon in Aries

Hi everyone!
Yes, the Sun is rising in the warm shades of red, pink and orange...in line with the current Aries focus!
It’s Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and Autumn here in the Southern Hemisphere. It seems like the Sun is shining extra brightly at this time. 
Maybe it’s just in my heart. But I’m hoping that you can feel the change in ‘the air’.
What’s happening:
We’ve been powerfully releasing, even when we didn’t know we were releasing! The old stuck memories are being flooded out of our systems and our bodies...emotional, mental, physical and astral, are being restored to balance and harmony.
Doesn’t mean we haven’t continued experiencing the strange, unexpected energies of this process. 
Why can’t I get moving: It’s not just about you...in this moment, at this age, in this life! Be kind to yourself and all the ‘lost’ aspects/memories!
The thing to remember is that if you can’t progress, feel happy, heal the body, make money, get work, whatever!...then there is an energy within you that is blocking that forward movement. The energy could be emotional, mental, astral...the unseen energies that block us, which come from locked in memories ‘frozen’ memories from this and/or other lives. I find that the memories from this life are an overlay from other realities/past lives. Doesn’t matter where from, as long as you can get in touch with that memory and release it.
Memories releasing from the physical body: The physical body, as the most dense of our bodies, holds memories in our cellular structure. Scientists have only scratched the surface with this one, the genetic memories we inherit, the ancestral legacy. Then, what about the earth’s memories...we are one body (Quantum Physics), with the earth and everyone! So, no wonder we’ve been working through so much. When we get a pain in our body, we want to clear the pain. Maybe we take medication, natural remedies, change our diet, rest, meditate. But, we also need to work with the spiritual source. It’s the unseen energies of the thoughts, emotions, fixed thoughts/beliefs etc. that trip us up and hold us back. Hand these ‘stuck’ energies over to a ‘higher’ source. Let them go, really let them go!
From Carolyn Myss, medical intuitive, teacher, writer:
  ‘Your biography becomes your biology’
Love and trust dissolves barriers:   
My mojo is ‘it’s all about love’ because that is the energy that will get us through and clear, dissolve so much that we cannot access. How can you feel love when you’re worried, trying to control everything from the mind, filled with fear, anxiety, grief, struggle. Maybe you’ve been asking for help from the spiritually evolved energies, Angels, Mother Earth...whatever your source of support. But do you ‘let the problem go’ once you’ve asked for help or are you still trying to be the ‘managing director’ of it all. If you’ve really handed it over, and trust that, then you won’t have anxiety, fear or struggle.
Let the love in, feel abundant: When we feel love in every cell of our body 24/7, then we will live abundantly. There is absolute faith. You know in every cell of your being that you are safe, on track, being supported by the universe, by Mother Earth.
From Carolyn Myss: ‘What drains your spirit drains your body. What fuels your spirit fuels your body.’ Aries energy is awakening our spirit to live!
Make the most of the releasing period until the New Moon: the culmination of the lunar year!
So, it’s releasing time until the New Moon, a particularly potent time because we’ve come to the end of the Lunar Calendar for this past year. Aries is the astrological beginning of our New Year. We started the New Solar year when the Sun went into Aries at the Equinox in March. Now we’re about to begin a new Lunar Year.
What’s been happening:
Venus meeting Mars in Aries: from the end of last week
The big energy of this past week has been the meeting of Venus and Mars in Aries, offering us the potential for reunification of our masculine/feminine energies, the two sides of our being, the inner and the outer. Hopefully you didn’t fall into a stoush with someone, not necessarily the opposite sex either.
Partnerships have had the potential to go to a new state of harmony and/or to bring up issues for ‘clearing the air’. Trusting that all is well with you all and that the conflicted field of battle within yourself and/or in relation to significant others has been cleared and re-established on a more equitable footing.
10th April:
New Moon in Aries at 7.35 pm AEST at 20 degrees 41 Aries...it’s get up and go time! 
Catapulted into change!
Sun and Moon, the masculine and feminine energies, sitting together in the warrior fiery sign of Aries. Let’s go! At a new Moon, the inner self and outer self are called into harmony and alignment, strengthened by a common purpose.
Aries rules: With this New Moon we have the Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus and Uranus all in Aries, setting up a powerful, forceful energy to take us through the next month. There is no way we’ll be standing still, even if you feel you are. This is a BIG beginning, guaranteed to get us moving.
Begin now: This New Moon in Aries, the common purpose is accessing passionate desire and fiery commitment to a new pathway. New Moons are always about beginnings and the Aries New Moon is a BIG BEGINNING! Don’t expect everything to pan out in the physical immediately as it’s all about fire, drive, passion and spirit! We’re opening new doors, taking new pathways of adventure and excitement. Let this energy take you where you need to go!
Be who you are, no excuses or apologies: true confidence is humble!
Aries is the fiery spirit of our ‘I am’ presence. Good mantra for this New Moon ‘I am who I am and I’m okay’! Now in saying this, remember that the Aries ego, in us all, can tend to arrogance and ‘know it all’ attitudes, so keep reminding yourself ‘I am confidently walking the path of humility’. With this in mind and heart, the Aries energy is really going to work for us all.
Aries is the masculine warrior energy: fast and furious!
Fiery anger, long held resentments have the potential to be cleared. Be aware that sudden explosions are likely and likely to be cleared as quickly as they arose. it really gives us a clearing of the way and the fire energy to be strong and courageous.
Adventure calls:   
Bold new moves likely to flow from this New Moon! 
Your own personal ‘bucket list’ calls!
The power of Aries cannot be underestimated in terms of getting us up and moving. It fires us with the energy to believe in our heartfelt desires and to take action with them. Doubt, fear, insecurity, second-guessing yourself is not in Aries vocabulary.
In a month’s time, the Taurus New Moon, a solar eclipse, will really be the time when we ground those dreams in our physical reality. So, don’t feel disheartened when things don’t immediately fall into place in your physical world. We’re getting the ball rolling!
Venus and Mars are holding hands with this New Moon: unification of our masculine/feminine energies add to the impetus of the New Moon!
Whatever conflicts you’ve been working through the past week, in particular, are likely to be cleared away in the energy of the New Moon. That’s of course if you’ve really cleared the decks and wound up any outstanding issues. If things are still niggling away, now’s the time to clear them ideally before the New Moon. That’s of course, if possible.
Inner conflicts between your masculine and feminine self are epitomised by questions like:
- do I wait or do I act now
- do I speak up or turn the other cheek
- am I feeling empowered or disempowered
- do I need to be listening and receiving or talking and giving
Balance and harmony is possible: We are in a process of coming into balance with these two sides to our being. It’s been a long haul. However, with the New Moon energies working with Mars and Venus, we have the potential to harness our desires in a mutually supportive way, accessing a ‘marriage’ of our opposites. No more marital bickering.
Sabian Symbol for the New Moon:
supportive of the New Moon in Aries energy,
self-confidence, self-reliance
From Cathy Pagano:
The Sabian symbol for the Sun and Moon at 21* Aries is: A pugilist, flushed with strength, enters the ring. This is a symbol of physical and even sexual strength and confidence. There's also a sense of self-reliance, which is a positive Aries trait. This image calls us to enter the ring of life and take a stand for what we believe in, with the self-confidence to know you can win.
To read more on the Sabian symbols at this time go to Linda Hill’s website. She is a specialist in this area. More information and detail.
13th April: Pluto stations retrograde at 5.34 am AEST at 11 degrees 35 Capricorn
...transforming your authority!
Yes! more cleansing and purification, just to make sure we’ve really cleared our systems thoroughly! Retrograde periods invite us to review, double check, redo, revamp, renew and generally get clear on what’s been happening before the retrograde period.
Pluto is in a long term major transformational process working on systems and structures, authority, patriarchy...just for starters.
Personal and transpersonal change: It’s transforming us personally as we’re called to let go of authoritarian ways and taking our authority in new ways. The deeply embedded power structures in relationships and in society can no longer keep operating the same old way. None of the ‘isms’, political or religious, have been able to solve the world’s problems, the world’s imbalances...up to now. Politically, I’m talking systems such as Communism, Socialism, Capitalism, Conservatism etc.
We are all reframing societal structures and so much of the world is reaching for freedom and equity, generally through democratic principles. But even the democratic principles are being challenged, reframed and reworked, because democracy hasn’t yet established justice and equity for all. We’re a work in progress.
From Wikipedia: A political ideology largely concerns itself with how to allocate power and to what ends it should be used
Comprehensive list of ideologies at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_ideologies
Pluto power: Pluto is about power which is deeply held within us, like a treasure trove of potential, which needs ‘mining’ out of our psyche. To access that Pluto power, we need to clear all the dross, the overlays which we have taken on from other ‘power’ sources, usually sources which have been disempowering. Our social and family conditioning is just one. School and work carry on the work of controlling and conditioning us to conform to the power structures.
Access your inner ‘gold’, your authority: Finding our personal power doesn’t mean we have to ‘throw the baby out with the bathwater’. We find the alignment within us of personal truth, take from both ‘the old’ and ‘the new’ to align with who we are. It’s about being ‘real’.
It is believed that Disney named Pluto, Mickey Mouse’s dog after the discovery of Pluto, the planetary body in 1930.
We’re in the refining, cleansing and polishing process with Pluto retrograde till mid September. Plenty of time to access the diamond within! That’s you!
14th April: Mercury moves into Aries at 12.36 pm AEST until 2nd May
...make the most of this speedy activity period
Mercury is speedy, Aries is fiery and speedy. Put ‘em together and look out! No stopping for breath. How will this impact us?
Well, in the following areas:
commerce and commercial transactions of all kind including buying and selling
travel...particularly short journeys rather than o/seas
communication of all kinds
education of the primary kind
Roadrunner rules!: Take time out!
Life will feel fast and furious so remember to take a breath now and again. You won’t get a lot of time to think with Mercury, the mind, fast tracking in Aries. It’s stirring up the other planets and firing us on all cylinders!
Be careful of hasty decision-making, impulsiveness and of course impatience. Go away from decisions to get a clear head, before responding/reacting.
Watch your words: With Mercury in Aries, words are likely to just jump out of you without warning. Doesn’t mean it has to be negative. Could be just what we need, if we are coming from the heart. With Aries involved, the potential is for unleashing anger, rage and built up aggression/resentment.
15th April: Venus moves into Taurus at 5.24 pm AEST...until 10th May
...spend time with the earth!
This beautiful energy opens our hearts to the energy of love, bringing dreams to earth and abundance!
The planet that rules love, beauty, peace and...yes, money...is in the sign of Mother Earth’s abundance!
This energy is going to provide a welcome counterbalance to all the Aries energies which would have us like roadrunner, madly running from place with no time to get our breath, let alone a clear head.
Connect to the feeling of love and connectedness with the earth. The earth provides for our physical needs and the joy of life.
The earth cleanses and renews. Whatever’s ‘blocking’ your access to love and abundance, can be cleared by the earth, if you just let it happen.
Let go of poverty consciousness: Taurus is an earth sign, ruled by Venus, so the connection between love and physical existence is enhanced and strengthened. When you connected to the earth energies, fears, doubts and insecurities just melt away. But...you have to be prepared to let the ‘monkey mind’ go!
Make the most of this energy building connection between love and abundance and between yourself and the earth. The Venus in Taurus energy is with us up to the 10th May when there is a New Moon solar eclipse in Taurus. This will bring big changes to our physical world, from then onwards for the next 6 months or longer. The Venus in Taurus energy is building this foundation of love and earthly existence, preparing us for that eclipse energy on 10th May.
Golden Oldie for the New Moon and next month: ‘I feel lucky’
A sassy song that’s guaranteed to get your body, hips, life force on the move! Just keep singing until you feel ‘lucky’!
Upcoming Dates:
20th April: Sun moves into Taurus
20th April: Mars moves into Taurus
26th April: Full Moon in Scorpio with partial Lunar Eclipse...will shift some big stuff for us all!
That’s it for now, folks!
As always, love and blessings to all my friends, family, soul family, light family....family, family, family!
from the chair of abundance
It’s all about love

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