...for the children of the earth

Thursday 4 April 2013

Venus meets Mars in Aries

Hi everyone!
Are you still paddling...
Whew! What a week!
Wondering how you survived the big energies of the last week with the Libran Full Moon and the flow on ‘kicks’ from all the planets in Aries knocking everything around. We’re still in this melting pot at present. If you’re not releasing, I would be surprised.
It’s time: It seems many of our unawakened brothers and sisters are being woken up, often with illness, accidents, crises! Lots of money worries/poverty consciousness across the world. What’s new...the human condition. We just don’t seem to ‘get it’ until the physical world is hit. If we’re not coming from the heart, we’re not going to progress. Old ways, old methods, old rules just must be questioned and jettisoned if necessary. And that includes all the New Age ‘rules’ of teaching and healing. It’s so simple and yet such a huge shift...get out of the head and into the heart.
We need to be working with that old adage ‘whatever it takes’ in terms of shifting stuck energy...and to put aside ‘rules’ of how things need to be done.
One of the things I’ve noticed is the need for spiritual body work on the physical body. It’s always been there, but now, we’re releasing cell memories locked into our physical being, deeply embedded earth and ancestral memories.
5th to 7th April Venus meets with Mars in Aries: Revitalising desire, passion and resolve
...beautiful balancing energy!
However, from 5th to 7th approximately, we have a beautiful potential with Venus (feminine) meeting Mars (masculine) in Aries.
Make the most of the energies over the next say 5 days as the two ‘lovers’ meet and come to agreement(hopefully) which is the positive potential of this meeting. Sure, it could disintegrate into warfare/fighting as it’s all happening in Aries. Just focus on the balance and healing of the duality of the masculine/feminine.
Make love, not war!
Golden oldie: ‘Love is in the air’ John Paul Young 1978 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUaIdOsJqF8
I’m sending out some good links worth reading/watching. I know many of you take in a lot of information, but for those who don’t, these are worth taking in to renew your faith in the changes that are happening. They’re at the end of this email.
Let’s keep our heads above water as we head for the shore.
Mind you, I’m just happy to stay on board the raft in these white water rapids!
As always, much love and blessings to my fellow travellers! Just keep rowing...the times they are a’changin’!
from the chair
It’s all about love
Upcoming Dates:
10th April: New Moon in Aries
13th April: Pluto retrogrades
14th April: Mercury enters Aries...get ready!
Scientific research on evidence of changing human DNA:
Interview with Drunvalo Melchizedek ‘The New Human Race that Cannot get Sick’
‘Humanity is at a Crossroads’: a good read to revitalise your resolve and commitment
Spiritual awakening symptoms:
A friend sent me this link to me.  Thought it worthwhile to send out to you all, knowing some of you, new to the ascension information, may be unaware of how our bodies are being impacted by the evolution of consciousness. Also, a good reminder to us all that all physical changes are clearances and just how much they are affecting us.
Releasing ancestral memories through exploring family history:
A short article reporting on some research on resilience and the relationship of this capacity to knowledge of family history:
Embracing Vulnerability: an essential in dropping ‘the masks’, false pride, false ego
Researcher: Dr Bene Brown

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