...for the children of the earth

Saturday 20 April 2013

20th April 2013 Sun moves into Taurus

Hi everyone!
Mother Earth calling!
Take a breath!
What’s been happening: It’s like we’ve been hurtling through space and time as the Sun, Mars, Venus, Uranus and now Mercury have taken us through the Aries dimension. It’s been hot and fast. 
Unsettling energies of past week: This past week you may well have felt the unsettling impact of the planetary changes, with Pluto stationing retrograde last Friday, stirring up some mud followed by Mercury moving through the final degrees of Pisces (at the weekend), stirring up some emotional energy finishing off and finishing us off with respect to head/heart connections.
Mercury moved into Aries last Saturday (night AEST, morning in Northern hemisphere): fired up mentally, possibly agitated, frustrated
You may well have felt hyper awake and alert, unable to sleep and all steamed up mentally. That energy is still with us for a while, until 2nd May.
Venus moved into Taurus on Monday: Some peace at last
Then on Monday, Venus moved through the final degrees of Aries, firing us up with irritation, anger, frustration etc. before she moved into Taurus, helping us to come to peace and a good night’s sleep!
Sun moved towards a meeting with Mars in Aries on Friday: a building of frustration, irritation, anger, resentment over this past week until Friday, when the energies started receding as Mars and the Sun moved away from this intense fiery meeting. All about ‘head’ stuff, ego desires, forcing our own will against divine will.
With the Sun and Mars both moving into Taurus today, we’ll feel some relief in this pressure that was with us for the past week. Whew!!!
What’s coming in:
Four wheel drive time: It’s Taurus time...slow down and take your time to experience our beautiful world!
When planets change signs, there’s a change in the energy, a whole new playing field which calls us to change gears as in driving a car. We might find that we slow down/speed up as the landscape has changed and we need to drive our ‘vehicle’ in a different manner. Just like weather changes affect our driving style, so does the cosmic weather.
We’re moving into four wheel drive mode this week, with the Sun and Mars joining Venus in Taurus which is an earth sign, slower paced than Aries and more comfortable with an earthy existence. No rush!
Mercury still in Aries until 2nd May: keep the mind in check from wanting to run the show and run you ragged!
Hearts and physical bodies will be in sync in Taurus. It’ll be Mercury in Aries which will be stimulating our minds to take action, whilst our bodies and hearts just won’t be in the loop with this. It may well feel like an inner rebellion, unless you take charge of the mind. Otherwise, you’re likely to feel like you’re running on empty, with the body resisting being pushed and the heart all stirred up with conflicting emotions.
Mind out ahead of the body: Over these next two weeks, give your mind something positive and focussed to keep it happy. Throw your mind into a ‘project’ which requires mental agility rather than physical activity. Reading, writing, discussing, planning, working with ideas and communication will be supported with Mercury in Aries.
Buzzing brain syndrome: Our minds will be racing whilst our hearts and bodies will be wanting to take it easy.
Mercury now in Aries until May 2nd, will have heads/brains going a little crazy with thinking, talking and mental gymnastics.
Of course, it goes without saying, meditation is a wonderful release of the mind’s tight grip on our physical reality. Music will also help as Taurus is very much aligned with music, singing, playing, listening...whatever works for you. You will find it calming to the mind through this time.
Physical, emotional and mental challenges:
I posted a list a couple of postings back, with a widespread range of ascension symptoms which may have been manifesting.
However, giving a focus to current astrological energies, the following symptoms may be manifesting:
We have a big line-up of planetary energies in Aries which rules the head:
So, anything to do with the head including headaches, bumps to the head, sinus, ‘flu, head colds, eyes, ears, mouth, nose etc.
Mercury in Aries adding to the mind/head mix, breathing, throat, speaking, thinking
Mars has been in Aries, so blood pressure, anger, fire/cold energies
Venus is now out of Aries, but you may well have been having strange ‘heart’ energies which are not necessarily physical
Something I’ve come across very strongly with people I’m meeting is the following:
Sacral chakra energies rebalancing
Childbirth energies:   
Energies for release around childbirth/pregnancy/miscarriage/abortion which have been held in this sacral area. It includes your own mother’s pregnancy, pre-birth memories, ancestral memories as well as your own birth. 
It seems many women are releasing ancestral memories through this womb/sacral chakra. It may well be impacting digestion/gut as well as heart chakra.
Unusual diet/eating patterns: This may well be manifesting in strange eating patterns. Only a couple of months back I remarked on this to a friend saying ‘I guess this is how a pregnant women feels’ with strange eating desires as well as patterns. One day hungry, the next day not wanting any food. As I’ve never been pregnant I can only imagine from what I’ve heard!
I’ve put this down to the divine feminine energy bringing healing and balancing to the masculine warrior energy of Aries.
20th April:   
Sun moves into Taurus 8.03 am AEST...slow down, enjoy life on
We’re moving into ‘bull’ energy! Does that mean becoming bull-headed, being a bull in a china shop, or does it offer us the strength and persistence of the bull who stands his ground unflinchingly, feet solidly planted on the earth.
Determination, fortitude and persistence: Fortunately, the positive side of Taurus is a strength, fortitude and resilience which is unwavering. Taurus offers us the determination to live the dream in our physical existence. 
Grounding the dreams: With the entry of the Sun into Taurus for the next month, we’re being given some breathing space from all that fire energy which has been driving us along. At the same time, we’re being given the chance to bring some of those fiery dreams into reality.
Taurus is earthly abundance, feeling good about who are and what you have to offer:
This is the time to let go of any poverty consciousness, feelings of ‘less than’, issues around self-esteem and self worth which may be holding you back.
Taurus rules self-esteem/self-worth, gifts and talents and capacity to earn money. They all go together because they are about love, our own self-love and love of earthly life.
Taurus rules your resources including gifts and talents which can be utilised in making money:
This is the time to call up your personal resources including gifts and talents, possibly as yet undiscovered. You may well have gifts and talents which you don’t identify as gifts and talents. How many people think social skills are a gift? This is just one of many talents which we accept as who we are without recognising this as a particular strength which can be applied in the world of work. Time to open your eyes and hearts to your particular strengths and untapped abilities.
Heart rules us for the next month: make the connection from your heart to the heart of Mother Earth!
Taurus is earth and being ruled by Venus, calls us to enjoy being on the earth and all its sensual pleasures...food, beauty, sexuality...everything on a material/physical dimension which ignites the heart.
Our physical senses come alive in Taurus. Sight, sound, touch, smell, taste are enhanced and awakened anew under the Taurus Sun.  
Hold the image of what abundance means to you: In awakening to the earth and the abundance that is there for us, we make a connection to our own hearts and minds incorporating the belief that we have all we need and are abundantly supplied by the earth.
Hold the attitude of gratitude, reaffirming constantly how fortunate you are. Whatever you focus on you are reaffirming as a reality.
Money problems? Business dropping off?: Just a few thoughts to consider...follow the rainbow in your heart!
Do you love what you’re doing?
Do you believe in yourself and what you’re doing?
When the love ‘drops off’ and drops out of your business/work, you need to rethink what you’re doing. Maybe it’s time to move on, to refresh your business with new approaches, new ideas. You need to do something that excites and motivates you with fiery passion. That’s the greatest aphrodisiac for a business.
This next month/6 weeks is the time to really put your energies into this whole process of self-love, earth love and abundant faith.
Eclipse season for next 2 months: We’re really going to feel the benefit of these energies over the next couple of months as we move into eclipse ‘season’, a period of 6 weeks starting with next Friday’s Full Moon partial lunar eclipse in Scorpio. At that time, Taurus is opposite Scorpio and along with Scorpio is the major player in this eclipse series.
26th April: The Lunar eclipse in Scorpio will give a shift in perspective, illumination, insight around the issues I’ve outlined above.
10th May New Moon in Taurus, solar eclipse:   
Manifesting potential in our earthly lives intensifies with this New Moon!
20th April:   
Mars moves into Taurus at 9.48 pm AEST...this is four wheel drive mode for our physical being!
Mars, all fire and action, is slowed right down in Taurus whose pace is slow and steady, but making sure that progress is solid. If you know how to drive a 4 wheel drive off road, this energy will be right up your alley. Mars in Taurus wants to take us ‘off road’ which means to explore new regions, new possibilities...but at a slower pace.
Mars is our spirit of adventure, and is all about physical activity and movement. So, you can imagine what happens when it goes adventuring ‘off road’ with earthy Taurus. The adventuring will be slower paced, not necessarily sedentary. 
However, with the Taurus energy, you may well find the desire to just rest and relax, more than likely out in nature. We all need a bit of a physical break after all the Aries energy which may have been at times frustrating and irritating as the ego wanted its way, regardless of outside circumstances.
Caption for this picture:
‘I could lie here for the rest of my life’. It’s a good feeling like this which will free up our energies around the Aries control freak energy we’ve been experiencing. Will help with the ‘letting go/letting it come to you’ energy of Taurus.
Lauren Gorgo’s latest message:
‘Dulaity to Triality: divine will made manifest’ http://thinkwithyourheart.com/5605/duality-to-triality-divine-will-made-manifest/
See new page
Quote from above message:
The Pleiadians called the last 8 weeks of our lives “the most transformational portal of all our earthly existence”…and they assure us that the portal ahead is nothing compared to what’s behind us now. If we survived this passage…and truthfully, some people didn’t…what’s ahead of us will be like riding the wind.
You are turning the corner from living as what we would call a human DOing to a true human BEing, as you were originally designed and intended to BE. This switch in dynamic is the basis for your new reality system and one that requires the feminine principal of receiving to BE in first place…that you consciously BE first.
We know that this requirement, this learning, has been the bulk of the journey to arrive here…meaning, it is less complicated to be a human BEing when you are stripped of the energy, the desire, the will to DO…but it is a different thing to consciously put those principals in motion when the energy, the desire and the will returns. Now things will change in that you will need to put this concept into practice.
This moment in time IS that turning point…what we would call “the redirecting of the energy of DO”. -Pleiadian High Council
From Karen Bishop, early April: http://www.gamabooks.com/4.6.2013.html
You may well relate to the technology/communication problems many people are experiencing as we go through the big disconnect from the ‘old order’. Quite a number of people have mentioned this to me and on their websites.
Upcoming Dates:
26th April: Full Moon in Scorpio lunar eclipse
That’s it folks, we’re rolling along in Mother Earth’s loving arms!
As always, love and blessings
from the chair
...resting on Mother Earth!
It’s all about love

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