...for the children of the earth

Saturday 21 April 2012

It's Taurus time! New Moon in Taurus 21st April

Hi everyone! 

We’re coming into Taurus energy...earthy, grounded, solid as a rock! Taurus energy is Venus ruled so plug into Mother Earth’s heart!

What’s been happening:
Lots of earth activity since 11th April...not quite the predicted time as indicated with the Libran Full Moon update which indicated activity between 3rd and 11th April. Nevertheless, there has been ongoing activity across the planet since 13th, primarily earthquakes and some new volcanic activity. Also, more solar activity. You’ll find a summary at www.earthchangesmedia.com
This refers to the 11th through 13th April: The Earth is shaking! Scientists find no explanation to the 39 earthquakes that rocked the planet in just two days. “Something is wrong! There are too many strong earthquakes” believes Romania’s top seismologist, Gheorghe Marmureanu, who finds the latest Indonesian quake very unusual.
The series started with two massive quakes in Indonesia measuring 8.6 and 8.2 on the Richter scale rapidly followed by three more only slightly smaller in Mexico within hours.
Taurus is an earth energy ruled by Venus and is very much about Mother Earth, fertility and abundance. How aligned are we with the earth and all that she offers? Do we believe that we are supported by the earth or are we too busy trying to do it all for ourselves?
Let go of the physical striving:This next month is very much about attending to all those physical security issues that have been rising up in these past months. No, it doesn’t mean working harder, working overtime. It’s all about LOVE!!!
Do what you love and the money will follow: What do you really love...work, relationships, home, family, travel, creative pleasures, hobbies, sports etc. etc.
In Taurus, Venus is all about what we value/love, self-worth/self-love, personal gifts and talents, money earned through gifts and talents and not least...how we love our bodies. This next month is the perfect time to get in touch with what you truly love in all areas of your life, coming into alignment with the earth energies which will take you forward to fulfil your own higher potential.
It’s a win/win when we are fully aligned to the earth and prepared to invest in the truth of our ‘calling’ this lifetime. Of course, trust is a pre-requisite! Do you believe in divine providence????
Let off steam as it arises: Taurus tends to ‘hold on’ so this is just a reminder to keep letting go during the next month. The bull is slow to anger but when things reach breaking point, look out! This is a little like the build up of energy at the centre of the earth which can explode in a volcanic eruption.
Don’t let the bull dig in and hold on to unwanted energies...material possessions included. There is a tendency to attach to the material world and materialism as a credo for living when we are under the influence of Taurus. Acquisition of more material possessions is not about abundance which flows in and out.
The Scorpio Full Moon in two weeks time will help us all let go of anything which is past its ‘use by’ date...emotional, mental, physical, spiritual.
20th April: Sun moves into Taurus...Grandfather Sun throws his protective cloak around us earthlings as we are guided to our ‘home away from home’!
For the next month we’ve got the Taurus Sun sending enriching rays to any sense of impoverished soil within us. It’s time to start grounding all those fiery ideas that came up for us over the past month. There’s never a better time than Taurus time to bring in what you want. The key is...it must be truly what you love aligning with your destiny!
It’s interesting how we’ve got Mercury and Mars on the go and then ‘Dad and Mum’/Sun and Moon both move into earth centred Taurus within a day of each other. They’ll be keeping a close reign on those crazy kids Mercury and Mars, making sure that desires and actions are well grounded and viable.
Making the cake and eating it too!: It’s a month for laying foundations for your earthly existence. 
Make your cake and eat it too!
Basic Ingredients: Start with what you love and value
Add imagination: Build on it with identifying the hopes and dreams.
The icing: Bring the dreams into focus as a vision. Keep embellishing and expanding the vision
Eating the cake: Bringing the vision into physical reality the proof of the ‘pudding’ is in the eating
21st April: New Moon in Taurus 5.17 pm AEST at 1 degree 35 Taurus...the beginnings of bringing heaven to earth! 
Call in your abundance!
Taurus is all about physical manifestation and with the moon in this sign, doubly so, as the moon in Taurus is exalted, it’s in heaven...born to be abundant! Time to bring in your own personal harvest! How does your garden grow?
The moon is the feminine and in Taurus is fertile and rich with promise of earthly prosperity.
A Grand Earth Trine: The Taurus New Moon aligned with the Taurus Sun bring abundant healing energies to the warrior and the old dark energies!
This New Moon is beautifully supported by Mars in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn. They are all working together to bring harmony to our earthly lives. We’ve been so challenged by the repairing of the warriors within as we have been brought to changes in the way we operate...lifetimes of warring, fighting and personal wilfulness as the dominant mode of operation. Have you felt the irritation, impatience and anger rising within as we were challenged to bring the inner warrior into a new way of approaching and viewing the world???
We’ve been releasing the old cell memories from our bodies and from Mother Earth. This New Moon is giving us a huge boost of Mother Earth energy and physical support in our lives. Make the most of it by reaffirming your hopes and dreams.
Mars, the old soldier: Since January has been laid up in hospital (Virgo) recovering from war injuries
Now in rehabilitation!!!...moving forward but still in the healing energies of Virgo.
Expected to be fully healed by early July!
                                      ‘That long?’ you may ask.
It’s all up to us on an individual level. May well be sooner. Nothing’s fixed!
rig_med_scn.gifPluto, the dark lord of transformation:
Continues to dredge the earth/Capricorn, digging up primal energies...old patterns, behaviours, beliefs, ideologies embedded in the earth and us!
The physical body: Taurus rules the body so this positive alignment with Mars and Pluto offers a release of these primal warring energies. Hopefully the body recalibration is going to shift into a new gear in preparation for the next month of Gemini’s reunification of dualities. Because it’s such a big shift in energy I’ve included the summary again. Last time I omitted to include the transit of Venus on 4th June...more Gemini focus.
4th April to 8th August: Big focus on Gemini energies...Meet yourself...the missing twin...mind and heart being called to work together!
4th April to 8th August: Venus is in Gemini, an exceptionally long period of time to stay in one sign.
16th May to 28th June: Venus will be retrograding in Gemini, a rare once-in-8-year event
21st May: A New Moon in Gemini with a solar eclipse – change and more change
4th June: Transit of Venus
11th June: Jupiter enters Gemini for 12 monthsexpansion of positive energy
20th June: A second New Moon in Gemini
Upcoming Dates:
6th May: Full Moon in Scorpio
10th May: Mercury moves into Taurus until 24th May
14th May: Venus retrograde in Gemini until 26th June
Well that’s it folks for the time being, until the 6th May. Trusting you will make the most of these positive earth energies which should help us ground after months of emotional, watery challenges.
Mind you, we’ve still got Chiron (the wound) and Neptune (higher spirituality) in Pisces (the ocean of the collective unconscious)...long term. But this month, we get to stand back on the earth.
As always, love and blessings
from the chair ...in the garden!
Remember, it’s all about love

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Mars and Mercury on the move

Hi everyone! This is the beginning of lift off!!!
What’s been happening: How did you all cope with the Easter weekend...Libran Full Moon and the Grand Cross?
Well, I don’t know about you but it felt like I was on the cross! We all were, whether you know it or not. Full Moons are a culmination and it sure felt like something coming to a head...all tied up with relationships...with self, significant others and with our personal/collective destiny at this time. The Grand Cross is shifting us all into directions which align with healing old heart pain, unifying the duality and bringing our personal ego-centred wilfulness into alignment with higher will. The old time warriors were challenged to let go of the battle and surrender to love!
Getting off the cross...hang up the boxing gloves!: The Grand Cross will be with us for quite a few weeks yet, so stay tuned to that wise inner voice. Venus is working with our South Node in Gemini, healing the polarity/duality of the past. We can only come to peace, serenity and love. There is no point in struggling! I have included a channeling which is a great reminder of what’s happening this month. I have highlighted the words that seemed most relevant to me in terms of the bottom line...practical application!
Quote from April 2012 Monthly Visions: Re-booting, Re-wiring and Recalibration’:
What feels like a big void and an inability to get your thoughts straight is part of a massive re-booting, re-wiring, re-setting and recalibration process that was triggered onto a whole new level by the recent Mercury Retrograde.
11th April: Pluto in Capricorn went retrograde until September...a blessed respite with review time in the transformative process! Breathing space!
We tend to think of retrograde periods as an irritating slowdown of energies which prevent us from getting things moving in the physical world. And they certainly have been this year with Mars retrograde for so long and Mercury retrograde piling in on top of that. Those two energies fire us to action.

However, Pluto retrograde is a different story as Pluto rules deep transformational forces. It is a deep subliminal force working in the unconscious, in the shadow of both individual and mass consciousness. Travelling as it is in Capricorn, it has been dredging up deep primal earth energies, the buried cell memories of this planet and its peoples. Lightworkers, old souls, we have been clearing and purifying the unresolved energies of the history/alternate realities of this planet. Yes, this is going to continue for some time. Pluto is in Capricorn until 2024. Now, no moaning...the cleansing on a personal level will not necessarily continue with the same intensity as consciousness is evolved and uplifted into the heart centre.

Capricorn rules systems, governments, bureaucracies, organisations, rules, big business, big money, stockmarkets, banking, underground energies of all kinds including mining, volcanoes etc. You’ve got the picture I’m sure. The makeover of all these systems is well underway as we work towards the redistribution of resources on this planet. We need equity if we want to create heaven on earth.

Make friends with your newly discovered ghosts: So now we have a 5 month respite from the dredging up of the past, the intensity of discovering new skeletons in the closet. We have time to make peace with the ghosts which have emerged over these past months. What have you discovered/uncovered about your deepest fears, unknown aspects of yourself, your ancestry, past lives/other realities??? Have you experienced the fears emerging, felt the fear of embedded memories triggered by things in the current day and time? Well, we now have some time to put our fears to rest and come to peace with what we’ve discovered.

Now we’re out of the closet, where do we go?’

‘I don’t know. All I know I was comfortable in my unhappiness in there!’

The voice from the great unknown replies:
“This is your ‘get out of jail’ free card!
Go directly to the light, do not pass go, do not collect $200. You are now officially off the Monopoly Game Board aka the Karmic Wheel!’
ram running

14th April: Mars direct in Virgo...and we’re off!...’I think I can, I think I can...I KNOW I can!!!’ Slow, steady...but on the move!!! At last!!!
Finally, after months of delay, the little red engine is ready to climb the hill, to overcome the doubts and fears. We have the fire back in the belly and all being well, will find a noticeable difference in our physical well being. Mars is the body and Virgo rules health, wellbeing and healing. These past months we’ve been clearing and processing, often in the physical body, but not necessarily so.
Whilst Mars is fire energy, we need to remember that it’s still moving through the dense energy of an earth sign, so the steam engine will be pretty much our speed...moving, but at a relatively sedate speed compared to a modern hi-speed express train. Mars is in this Virgo energy until July, so we need to be patient and content that this energy will be thorough...a Virgo characteristic...in whatever physical domain is our focus – physical health, healing, wellbeing, everyday work, pets.
Keep calm!!!: Since Mars went retrograde in January, we’ve been working solidly with healing our masculine energies and bringing them into peace and harmony. This next stretch will be a testing period to see how far we’ve come.
Once Mars moves forward, in the coming weeks it will be moving into a tighter opposition/challenge to Chiron/Neptune in Pisces so it’s still very much about spiritually healing and evolving the masculine energy. Being part of the Grand Cross energy, we’re bringing that forceful masculine energy into alignment with the collective direction at this time.
Whilst Mars is still in Virgo, the body recalibration is continuing, but with Mars moving direct we’re likely to feel progress is being made.
The good news is that you will notice a big change in getting plans underway (very Virgo activity) in terms of physical everyday life. Earth signs like Virgo support manifestation of earthly needs, desires, security. This earth energy will get a further boost when the Sun and Moon energies move into Taurus on 20th/21st respectively.
Virgo ensures that Mars doesn’t run away with crazy schemes, impulsive or rash actions. Virgo is cautious, security oriented and level headed. This will offer some tempering of the Mercury in Aries energy which will be tempting to run off in all directions with all kinds of schemes and dreams. Remember, we’re on the steam train, not the hi-speed express!
17th April: Mercury moves into Aries...
it’s all systems go!!! The express train is off! All minds and intellects on board!
On the 14th Mars starts moving forward again and with Mars being the ruler of Aries is really going to fuel forward motion of Mercury as it moves into Aries. Aries is the fire and passion energy that gives us the drive and ambition to get things moving. Aries is about ACTION! Mercury is the mental quicksilver energy of air which offers connection, ideas and mental clarity. Mercury stimulates the intellect.
Prepare for action and crazy freedom!: Both Mercury and Mars are ‘movers and shakers’ and with them now both travelling in direct motion, we’re going to really feel that all that steam we’ve been building up is ready to take our own personal engines of communication and commerce into action!
It could feel a little frantic, even chaotic as the mind opens to solutions, clarity and feels fired for action! Rest assured, the Mars in Virgo energy will help keep us focussed and calm that crazy mind.
We are called to create tuneful resonant ‘music’ aligned with our higher self, although some initial thumping of the keys may release some built up tension!
Bright ideas abound, Commerce and plans get the go ahead!: With Mercury in Aries (the first sign of the zodiac), we’ll be prompted with new ideas and new schemes. Aries energy initiates. Mercury and Mars together are going to stimulate and ignite ideas and plans bringing them to earth through the grounded Virgo energy. Together they can be a formidable team. We’ll probably notice the greatest leap will be with the New Moon in Taurus on 20th as it brings that powerful Taurean earth energy to support all that fire and earth energy.
Mercury rules commerce as well as communication so it is highly likely that commercial ventures have been languishing while Mercury dipped in and out of the Piscean waters of all number of resort destinations. Well, the holiday in the ocean of limitless possibilities is over! If we’ve made the most of this vacation time, we’ll be rested, restored and fired up ready to go.
Upcoming Dates:
20th April: Sun moves into Taurus
21st April: New Moon in Taurus
Well folks, that’s it for the time being. Another one out before the 20th.
As always, love and blessings to all my fellow travellers! Happy travelling on the Orient Express? Trans Siberian Railway? The Ghan? Others???
from the chair
...cocktail time! ...on the Orient Express!
Remember, it’s all about love!

Wednesday 4 April 2012

7th April Full Moon in Libra

Hi everyone!
Well, it looks promising as the wheels of change start up, maybe groaning after months of marking time. We’re on the move from this week, whilst still recalibrating the body and aligning body, mind, spirit to work together, to ask, to allow and to receive. 
However will we get off the treadmill if we don’t give up the control, the hard work, struggle, pain and suffering? They’re old energies deeply embedded in us and the history of the planet so it takes time not just to release the cell memories but to practise new ways of living and to live the mantra ‘ease and grace’!
What’s been happening?
Being in the retrograde carwash: You may have felt these past weeks you have been revisiting some old issues, wounds, relationships, memories. This is very much a part of Mercury retrograde and Mars too. Maybe you thought you had finished with something then, hey!...here it is again. This could have been emotional, mental, physical or spiritual. Being in retrograde energy is a bit like being in a carwash, the energies washing backwards and forwards to make sure we really are cleansed and polished!
Last month I gave the metaphor of re-treading the grapes for the glass of wine. It’s the same principle as the carwash. With Mercury backtracking into Pisces you may have felt awash with emotion...more like a carwash than treading grapes! Now that Mercury is starting to move direct this week, it’s likely we’ll feel some relief from the incessant emotional release. Hopefully, we’re cleansed and purified at the deeper levels!!!
Last week: Karmic balancing
Wondering how you all travelled through last week’s energies where we had a challenging aspect in relation to Saturn, shifting our hearts and minds into alignment and karmic balance. It posed some tough energies...good ol’ Saturn...surrender or die!!!
Definitely a suitable preparation for the upcoming weeks where we will have the cosmic forces assisting us to open hearts and minds to working together instead of engaging in a perpetual war! It’s all about balance.
4th April: Mercury goes direct in Pisces...communication, travel and commerce back on track!
Give it a week before you start to feel the effect of this change as it takes a little while to kick in. It will be interesting to see what insights are likely to come through for you as Mercury continues to move through the emotional energies of Pisces until 17th April. We are revisiting old territory (see retrograde carwash above) but this is the third time we’ve been over this stretch of water.
Mercury, like Mars is speedy so we finally can get into the speedboat and trust it will start without mechanical hitches, breakdowns and delays.
Maybe we can all start understanding each other without feeling as though we’re all speaking in foreign tongues which is sometimes the impact of a Mercury retrograde period.
Hoping you’re not the worse for wear as a result of these past 3 weeks. It can be a trying time as often nothing seems to go as planned, plans fall through.
However, maybe you reconnected to people or places from your past which have had a positive impact on returning to your life.
4th April: Venus moves out of Taurus into Gemini till 7th August...
an extended stay in the sign of ‘the twins’, ‘the lovers’...
unification of opposites!
When Venus moves out of Taurus, an earth sign, we’re going to find a lightening up of energy in our earthly lives, including the body. We still have Mars in Virgo so body work, recalibration and change will continue.
Gemini is a light energy, ruled by Mercury, the winged messenger. It’s about communication and learning through interconnectedness. Twitter and Facebook are prime examples of the Gemini energy which is so aligned with technology and the electronic medium.
The symbol for Gemini is ‘the twins’ representing the inherent duality that is seeking unification. Gemini is the master of social networking as it seeks connection and reunification with all the variety of aspects within the self.
In the next week or two: Tweeters called to transformation
In the next week or two, Venus will be joining with the South Node in Gemini opposing the Sagittarian North Node, forming a challenging ‘cross’ with Mars in Virgo (healing the masculine) opposing/challenging Chiron and Neptune in Pisces ( the wound in the collective). This probably sounds like gobbledygook, so to translate...
Translation: Tweeting the warriors...
Come home to love all you lost warriors!
Be washed by the power of divine love and forgiveness!
The deep transformation of our masculine psyche embedded in the collective unconscious is called to a depth of wisdom and understanding through our Gemini heart connection. Our tweeting heart calls us to heal the warriors of the earth by connecting with them and reclaiming them as missing pieces of ourselves. Our Gemini heart brings them to the worldly wisdom, understanding and spiritual evolution through the Sagittarian North Node.
Venus will be joining the South Node in Gemini, traditionally symbolising our history, our past at this time, evolving the unresolved Gemini energies through the Sagittarian North Node of higher wisdom, learning and understanding of spirituality and worldly inclusiveness. Gemini and Sagittarius are both about education, learning, connecting socially, travel and communication. Both energies serve us in expanding consciousness and when working together like this, promise us inclusiveness and reunion.

4th April to 8th August: Big focus on Gemini energies...
Meet yourself...the missing twin...mind and heart being called to work together!
4th April to 8th August: Venus is in Gemini, an exceptionally long period of time to stay in one sign.
16th May to 28th June: Venus will be retrograding in Gemini, a rare once-in-8-year event
21st May: A New Moon in Gemini with a solar eclipse – change and more change
11th June: Jupiter enters Gemini for 12 monthsexpansion of positive energy
20th June: A second New Moon in Gemini
With so much emphasis on Gemini in these coming months, I felt it worth including this wonderful summation from Alan Oken. His book ‘Soul-centred Astrology’ gives insight into the higher potential of each zodiac sign.
From Alan Oken ‘Soul-Centred Astrology’: http://www.alanoken.com/newsletter/May07/newsletter0507c.html
The purpose of Gemini in terms of our ordinary life is to produce an awareness of the relationships that exist between all people, places, and things. In terms of the personality, Gemini does not resolve the dualities and conflicts inherent in these relationships. Gemini focuses our attention of the many, the multiples and the myriads, the potentials and the possibilities. It opens the door for the personality to experience itself in all sorts of environments and life situations. Gemini thus broadens the mind and expands our sense of connectedness with life. But it does not create unity on the personality level; that is simply not its role. Once the individual has evolved the faculty of intuition (through Mercury’s higher octave, Uranus), once our life orientation changes from a focus on form to an identification with energy, then the messenger of desire becomes the Messenger of the Gods and Gemini serves another purpose in our lives. This purpose allows all the communicative potentials that Gemini and Mercury make to serve the mission of the soul. This mission is Love and whenever this word is mentioned, we are taken back to the love goddess Herself, Venus.
In ‘Soul-centred Astrology’, Venus rules Gemini, so in this sense, it’s all about heart.
Tweeters arise...
you have nothing to lose but your separation anxiety:   
Every zodiac sign has the potential to be either sloshing around in the 3 dimensional world of ‘muggledom’ or elevating to the bigger picture of evolved spirituality. So, the question for us all in the Gemini energy is ‘Are we prepared to utilise our ‘tweeting’ capability to a new level of spirituality where the meeting with and learning from everyone can evolve into a reunification at soul level?’

7th April: Full Moon in Libra, 5.18 am AEST at 17 degrees 23 Libra...it’s all about partnership, beauty, harmony and love! The Moon calls for peace!
Libra rules one on one relationships/partnerships of all kinds. With a Libran Full Moon we’ve got the feminine energy of the moon in all its fullness calling for love, beauty, harmony and peace.
The opposing masculine sun energy will be in Aries which wants us to stand up for what want, to be fiercely individualistic to take action in the world. 
But the Full Moon is tempering all that fire and desire with ‘Yes, yes darling...what about me??? Can we do this together, because you’re not going to make it without me.’ We need our masculine and feminine selves working together, the intuition and the action, the inner with the outer selves knowing when to act and when to be still.
‘Men are from Mars, women are from Venus’: Aries is our most dominant expression of masculinity, ruled by Mars, the god of war whereas Libra is ruled by Venus which is the expression of our feminine selves. 
These signs are opposite each other, challenging us to seek a balance of our masculine/feminine selves. In Libra, which rules one on one partnerships/relationships of all kinds, we seek the balance between the masculine/feminine within ourselves as well as with      significant others.
At this Full Moon: Make love, not war! The Moon, ‘She who must be obeyed’, is the supreme chairperson for the meeting of the planets in the Grand Cross!
These are the energies mentioned above in relation to the North and South Nodes. At the Full Moon, the Grand Cross mentioned above is operational and whilst it is not being directly impacted by the Sun and Moon, the power of the Libran Full Moon, ruled by Venus and the Aries Sun, ruled by Mars indicates their significance in the power plays of the Grand Cross which involve both Mars and Venus.
Venus in Gemini, Mars in Virgo, Neptune in Pisces in a challenge: 
Body, mind and spirit challenged to elevate into the higher heart centre!
Body, mind, heart and spirit all want their say and their way but with the Libran Full Moon as Chairperson, it’s all about conciliation and equity. They’re all under pressure to change their ways. Consensus, conciliation and equity are the keys to resolution. The Libran Moon is guiding them all to the peace and harmony of an equitable working partnership.
Mars, the masculine, the body: Surrender to the Goddess! The masculine Mars is on the back foot dealing with challenges of the physical (Virgo).
Venus, the feminine, the heart: Think with your heart! The feminine Venus is working to bring heart energy to the mentally focussed Gemini mind.
At the same time, in a positive way, Venus is being stirred up by Uranus in Aries who is urging her to wake up, break out and do what her heart desires, what’s right for her. Venus is about values and about heart energy and this is the energy calling us very strongly at this time and on through the next few months.
Neptune, the spiritual ideal of mass consciousness: Look to the dream! Bring in the rainbow heart!! Neptune in Pisces is breaking down resistance to the spiritual, asking mind and heart to work together to bring in hopes and dreams
Libran chairperson: Everybody gets a fair go! All these energies need to be heard, acknowledged and to learn to work together in peace and harmony and the Libran chairperson will be satisfied and content...as will we!
This Full Moon is called a ‘supermoon’: a bigger energy impacting on the earth and tides. Earth changes????...possibly...a theory yet to be satisfactorily proven.
A "supermoon" is the coincidence of a full moon (or a new moon) with the closest approach the Moon makes to the Earth on its elliptical orbit’...Wikipedia
Speaking of that full moon SuperMoon, it’s exact on April 6, at 17° Libra. (Watch for it rising huge in the eastern sky at sunset, conjunct Saturn and below Mars.) You’ll see it the headlines as well as in the sky. Strong storms with high winds and heavy precipitation are on deck, plus extreme tidal surges and moderate to severe seismic disturbances, including magnitude 5+ quakes and possible tsunamis, as well as volcanic eruptions. This one gets the usual three days either way geocosmic shock window, plus an extra two days at the end in observance of the Moon’s south declination peak on the 10th. That makes April 3-11 the time to watch for newsworthy storms, extreme tides, and moderate-to severe seismic activity (magnitude 5 and higher earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Upcoming Dates:
11th April: Pluto in Capricorn goes retrograde
14th April: Mars direct in Virgo...and we’re off!
17th April: Mercury moves into Aries...more action!
20th April: Sun moves into Taurus
21st April: New Moon in Taurus
Well folks, things are starting to move and this is just the beginning. Once Mars gets moving in mid April, the energies are really going to move along, despite the Venus retrograde period from mid May. Mars and Mercury are both planets of movement and activity so with them once again in forward motion, we’ll all notice a decided difference in our lives.
I hope you are all experiencing the wonderful synchronicities and answers to prayers which have been coming in for me and others of my acquaintance. All that ‘stuck’ energy is clearing as we call in our hope and dreams, fulfilment of our divine mission and fulfilment of our divine potential. The Goddess has been listening.
As always, love and blessings to you all
from the chair, still learning patience
It’s all about love