...for the children of the earth

Sunday 21 December 2014

22nd December 2014 Sun into Capricorn, December Solstice, New Moon in Capricorn

Hi everyone!  It’s Capricorn time!  

Where’s your inner pixie and gnome?
Well I guess you’ve barely had time to read or digest my last update and here’s another one.  That wasn’t the plan as I explained in my last update. I only write if the words are flowing and my ‘hotline’ to the stars is plugged in. 
I’m still standing...just!  
That is, when I’m not on my knees!
So, here we are coming to the close of the year 2014, a universal 7 year numerologically which has called us into a soul searching of our individual journey to fulfilment.
The past 2 years of change:  Death and Resurrection!
With Saturn in Scorpio for the past 2 years, along with the Uranus/Pluto square, we’ve covered some dark underground caverns, often feeling alone and facing the insecurities, doubts and fears that we need to face so we can continue ‘the hero’s journey’. 
The ‘demons’ of despair, loss and grief came and went as the world stage continued to erupt with ongoing political, religious and economic volcanoes and earthquakes. The aftershocks flowed on to us in our everyday lives, touching some more than others.   

Shift in consciousness for all:  Staying balanced
As the status quo has been shaken, so too have we been shaken in our individual lives in our personal status quo.  We’ve been on unstable ground trying to keep our balance as we experienced the pain,  heartache and troubles of self, of others, and of our ‘institutions’ such as government, business, religion and of course our living planet with all that exists in it, on it and around it. 
We are learning and integrating the understanding that ‘We are one’. Whatever is happening in our home, family, relationships, neighbourhood tells us what is knocking on the door of the heart for acceptance, reclamation or release.  
What’s coming in:
A big week ahead with the Sun and New Moon both in Capricorn.  It’s the December solstice marked by the Sun’s passage into Capricorn.

Uranus stations direct on 22nd and a big one, the shift of Saturn out of Scorpio into Sagittarius for the next 2 years.

Issues of physical security and stability will call to be addressed by innovative solutions.  This includes financial, home, work.  The mundane issues will find answers in alternative and unusual solutions in the reality which draw on the joy of life, on the magical reality.  It’s a powerful time for manifesting our potential from a heart centred place.  Call it in and be open to what you hear and receive, to where your divine pathway takes you.  
22nd December:    Uranus stations direct at 9.44 am AEDT at Aries 12 degrees 44
until late July 2015
Into 2015:    
Cat and mouse game with Pluto!

It’s all a game of tag triggering each other into next year!
Uranus is one of the very slow moving planets so when it changes direction, it takes a few weeks to actually shift even a degree.  Uranus will be playing ‘cat and mouse’ with Pluto for some weeks through to March next year but staying in close proximity, continually shifting us out of our comfort zone.
The past months of retrograde Uranus:    Inner reverberations!
While Uranus has been retrograde these past months, the shocks and horrors of life and all that’s been happening, have been reverberating through our inner room of peace and contentment.  It’s almost like there’s been no escape from Uranus’ disruptive force as he strikes at the very core of our security zones.
Now:    How have we grown in consciousness?  
What have we learned from our divine self, our inner ‘sunflower’?
Uranus is a higher consciousness shifting our thinking and beliefs beyond the normal parameters of existence through shock ‘treatments’, sudden insights and revelations. The past months of inner growth will now be put to the test in the outer world as we emerge with new perspectives.
New concepts, ideas and solutions emerging from within take us by surprise:    
Offbeat and eccentric options will appeal!
Uranus has been giving us an inner makeover the extent of which will start to become evident as we find we’re expressing ideas and attitudes outside our usual thinking.  We didn’t know we’d changed through these past months.  But we have.  Be aware of alternative, offbeat, off the beam solutions which now present as solutions to ongoing situations.  Be open to alternatives and to what would have once seemed crazy options. 
22nd December:    
Sun moves into Capricorn at 10.03 am AEDT Self-respect and success on offer
until  21st January 2015

Capricorn is an earth sign ruled by Saturn, the master of manifestation in the earthly realm. The goat, the climber of mountains, is Capricorn’s symbol.

The mountain climbing is sure-footed and cautiously takes to the highest peaks.  It is symbolic of us reaching for the higher consciousness of Capricorn, achieving our earthly ambitions through the manifestation of our potential on the earth.
Gnomes and pixies:
I always associate gnomes and pixies with the Capricorn energy as they’re very present to the earth’s energies.  Also, gnomes are known to work hard, happily I like to think, despite Grumpy’s (Snow White) bad reputation.

Coming home to ourselves and our lives in the wider world!

Capricorn energy calls us to take our authority and in doing so, to take the path to the success that comes from fulfilment of our ambitions and desires, that fills us with the self-respect that comes from ‘a job well done’ from doing what we love for ourselves and for the world.

Heigh ho!  heigh ho!  It’s off to work we go!  Happily!
Capricorn is focussed on our working lives and our success in the world and with Saturn as our CEO, nothing less than commitment, dedication and focus is demanded of us.
Easy when you’re doing what you love!
Grounding does not mean ground down:  
Giving up the struggle!
Giving up the belief that working ‘hard’ is good for you!  
Work is play!
Grounding our dreams means committing to our pathway to fulfilment:  Coming to clarity, deciding, start building!

Capricorn plugs us into the earth and calls us to ground our hopes and dreams. The call is for us to commit to what’s in our hearts and to commit to ourselves as spiritual beings living an earthly existence.  Venus in Capricorn is helping us get in touch with what’s good for us, what brings us joy and ignites our heart in our earthly existence.  What’s good for us is good for the earth.  I’m talking here of higher consciousness rather than the hedonistic pursuit of pleasure at the expense of creative fulfilment. Mercury in Capricorn is putting us in touch with the particular message of our pathway forward. Once we get the clarity in our mind, the power of the heart will fuel us in our first steps.

It’s time:    Enacting ‘work is play and play is work’ in a fresh start!
Many of us have been working at what we love for years, for a lifetime.  For many, current careers have faded into shadows of what they once offered as we change and grow in new directions.  'Where is the new direction' is the call from many people as they search for answers. 
For love or money:    Is there a choice or can we have both?
For so many with the pressures of life in a material world, the demands of maintaining a particular income and lifestyle has cost us the joy of doing what we love.  How many people feel between a rock and a hard place in relation to this work, money and joy split?
Do what you love and restore and build life force:     
Let your heart and spirit lead!  Off the treadmill!
The current energies in Capricorn are inviting us to step us as our true selves and do what feeds our spirit.  When we’re doing what we truly love, there is no burnout, stress or exhaustion as the pure love and joy feeds our life force.  We are rejuvenated. 
Capricorn, the builder:  Time to lay some new foundations for our lives after the restructuring and destruction of the past two years!
Saturn, Capricorn’s ruler,  is known as the builder and is concerned with the building of structures physical, emotional, mental and esoteric. Because Capricorn rules the earth, the establishment, the status quo, governments, bureaucracies and human existence on the earth,  human created ‘structures’ come under Capricorn’s banner.
Saturn moving into Sagittarius on 24th is offering a whole new slant on our lives and what matters to us.  See below.
22nd December:    
December Solstice...open sesame!  
Doorway to the other dimensions!
Summer Solstice in Southern Hemisphere 
Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere
The shortest day in the Southern Hemisphere and the longest in the Northern Hemisphere. 
A doorway of change and transformation:  
A solar turning point of the year!
What does the solstice mean for us energetically?  It’s a significant turning point of the solar year, marking the change in light from lighter to darker in the Southern Hemisphere and from darker to lighter in the Northern Hemisphere.
The power of the past is in the present:  
Honouring the Sun!  Honouring the light!
The energies available at the solstice open us to new possibilities, a little bit like the energy we associate with a New Year in our modern calendar.  These energies are built upon the knowledge, traditions and ceremonies of times past when the people of the earth were connected to the earth, the seasons and the solar, lunar and planetary changes.
Doorway to other dimensions:  
Honour the light and be open to messages at this time
By honouring the light and the changing solar light, we reconnect our beings to the immense power that comes to us by the light of the Sun and from the Great Central Solar Sun,  the energetic, esoteric Sun behind our Sun regarded as the source of all life.
Take time today to honour the light, the life giving force that along with all the cosmos brings balance to our lives as well as the ongoing growth to our little planet.
The December solstice occurs when the Sun enters Capricorn: 
A New Year!
In times past, the December solstice has been regarded as the energetic beginning of the year. Many people living in the esoteric traditions still consider it to be so.  In terms of the solar movements, it makes sense with Capricorn a cardinal sign, a great impetus for getting things on the move. 

Solar activity the past week:  
A resurgence in solar flares in the past week!
Headaches and false hangovers anyone?
Activity has been hovering around the moderate level of flares with a major X flare occurring on 17th December, GMT.  Solar activity is likely to impact on the physical body with all manner of strange manifestations of headaches, nausea, dizziness, sinus.  Lots more of course.  Not all people are impacted.  And not all of us are affected every time there’s solar activity.  There is no ‘one size fits all’ for the impact we may feel.  
More on the Great Central Solar Sun:
22nd December:    New Moon in Capricorn at 12.35 pm AEDT at Capricorn 0 degrees 06

A New Moon, a new doorway:  Make a wish and set the intentions!

The Sun has just moved into Capricorn and 2 and a half hours later, we have the Sun and Moon meeting for the New Moon in Capricorn.  

This conjunction of the Sun and Moon every month marks a new lunar month, a time for planting the seeds of intention.  

The Moon is a powerful force for delivering our deepest hopes and desires, if we but set our intention and maintain our faith in receiving our entitlement.  No-one can take from us what is rightfully our particular signature.

A stellar line up in Capricorn at this New Moon:    
Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Pluto
A strong message to us all that this New Moon is another moon at 0 degrees so a significant emphasis on a new cycle of Capricorn, backed up by the strong representation of Mercury and Venus, our mind and heart,  adding weight to the Capricorn message.
The Capricorn message:  
Time to bring some hopes and dreams into reality!
This New Moon is begging us to put our minds and hearts fully into backing ourselves and our place in the world.  Call on the inner pixie and gnome to access the magical reality of your life on earth. 
The Sun and Moon, our inner and outer beings, aligned on the same degree, are saying it’s time to bring ourselves back into the practical realities of life on earth. 
Manifestation time:  
May the force be with us!  Maintain the focus on future!
Saturn, the master of manifestation is with us!  Be aware of maintaining focus on what you desire and intend.  Keep the mind and heart clear of past millstones of thinking and memories intruding on your focus for the future.  Stay present while maintaining focus.
Wave the wand, take the steps and keep going!
Capricorn can make life seem serious with its ruler Saturn casting a heavy shadow over life, but we need to remember that the power of Capricorn in the manifestation stakes is HUGE!

Capricorn plugs us into the earth and all it encompasses: 
The mundane becomes magical!
Tune in to the magical reality of earthy existence.  It takes a conscious choice to step away from the mundane details of house care, work life, home renovation etc. etc. and turn the mundane into a magical exciting experience. 
That’s what this New Moon is offering us...the magical reality! 
24th December:    Saturn moves into Sagittarius at 3.33 am AEDT...hands across the water
until June 2015  when it goes back into Scorpio for 3 months 
Returning to Sagittarius in September 2015 until December 2017

What’s been happening since Saturn went into Scorpio October 2012:
Death, dying and destruction of all that is past its ‘use by’ date!
Saturn, our earth, the Lord of Karma, has been working with the Scorpio transformational energies with a major makeover for the past 2 years. The challenges of life on earth during this time have been riding the waves of transformation through life, death, rebirth and resurrection as the planets lifted us up, took us through some dark times, seemingly darker than usual, then deposited us on a sunny shore for breathing space.

We have been dying in so many ways since October 2012!  

From Scorpio to Sagittarius: 
Proof of the resurrection, the phoenix is reborn in the fire!
If you think that Saturn has taken us into the ‘death throes’ of Scorpio’s alchemical process for the past 2 years, you might get a sense that Saturn in optimistic Sagittarius will be an uplift, regardless of the challenges presented by Saturn.  There’s no second best with Saturn!

Saturn and his role in our lives:  Master of Manifestation!

Saturn is the earth, ruler of Capricorn, doing the hard yards, step by step, little by little.  Saturn is always calling us to a mastery of the earth and physical dimension, calling us to be magical masters of manifestation. 

Saturn in Sagittarius:   A learning curve on higher consciousness!  
Claim the magical wand that is you, your life force, your entitlement to be you and to offer your particular gifts to the world.  

Saturn is calling us all to step out of the deconstruction of the past 2 years and to get in touch with the Sagittarian energies of higher consciousness in relation to our spirituality, our religious belief systems, higher education and philosophy as well as world wide linkages to the peoples of the world. 

We’re going into a learning curve that encompasses planet earth and her peoples.
Saturn in Sagittarius:    Bringing the fire and life to our everyday world!  Reconstruction and rebuilding may now begin!  
Restoring faith and respect!
We’ve been through the Scorpio energies doing its work with the wrecking ball and the dredging of clogged waterways in our emotional systems.  Scorpio now steps aside to let Sagittarius do the rebuilding of new foundations of thinking, new foundations of spiritual faith.
After the shedding of ‘the old’, the new world presents its goodies for our selection: 
Choose carefully and wisely!
During the past 2 years or more, many of us have let go of so much that was dear to us or we thought was dear to us, as we reached for greater fulfilment in our lives.  Tears have been shed, people have been shed, lifestyles have been shed, careers have been shed.  

Now it is time to refill our lives with what is meaningful and of heartfelt importance to us.  If we’ve done the spiritual work well, we’ll be more discerning, more discriminating in our choices. 

Constructing new foundations to our world with the passion and higher consciousness of Sagittarius
Sagittarius is all fire and the spirit of higher consciousness.  Does this mean we’re going to be building even taller buildings in our cities.  Hold that image in your mind as we get out the lego blocks!
Contained  and focussed optimism and enthusiasm:  
Cautious Saturn helps us get there!  Step by step, little by little!
Sagittarius is an expansive, over the top energy which is optimistic, enthusiastic and adventurous.  With Saturn in this sign, we’re more likely to be in touch with attainable goals as we connect to the contained, sure footed Saturn which makes sure all the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed.  Some astrologers think Saturn will dampen Sagittarian enthusiasm.  I’m of the mind that Saturn will work well for us in this beneficial sign.

Saturn revisiting Scorpio in June for 3 months:    
Further clearance of flotsam and jetsam!
It’s interesting to note that Saturn revisits Scorpio in June for 3 months which means there’ll be a final clearing of some flotsam and jetsam which may surface between now and June. I imagine that Saturn’s entry into Sagittarius will bring up some essential and universal truths for us all which may hammer at our building blocks.  Remember, we still have that Uranus/Pluto consciousness shifting energy hanging around until after March next year.
Saturn offers gifts which can be overlooked by fast moving, high flyers:   
Make the most of these gifts for building a strong, secure future rooted in your own authority and special gifts and talents!
mastery of our physical lives
commitment and dedication to a specific goal
the energy and life force to complete the ‘mission’
a demand for faith and trust in our higher/divine self
resolution and determination
connection to planet earth
the opportunity to claim authority, respect and reputation
‘We’re only dancing on this earth for a short while’!  
Let’s create something of worth for ourselves and others. 
The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon in Capricorn: 

The Sabian symbol for the Sun and Moon at 1* Capricorn is: An Indian chief claims power from the assembled tribe.  
Here is the archetypal leader, taking up the power and responsibility to claim leadership and succor the tribe in times of trouble and need.   Being a leader implies staying centered, grounded and flexible, having the self-respect to live by your own authority.  This is a Cosmic call to the leader within each of us.

Golden oldies: 
‘Oh Very Young’  Cat Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVmz5WM8zQE  with lyrics
‘I’m still standing’ Elton John https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JfvAPZGjds
‘Here comes the Sun’ The Beatles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udGfkfvzyLM
Upcoming Dates:
5th January 2015:    Full Moon in Cancer
6th January 2015:    Mercury moves into Aquarius
We’re coming in out of ‘the cold’!
That’s it folks, until the New Year, 2015!  2014 has been quite a tough one.  We thought we’d be up and away with the horse energy of the Chinese year of the horse.  But that Mars hanging out in Libra, retrograding, moving back over shadow again, kept our physical energies very much focussed on the Libran cosmic justice with karmic balance being restored, ever so gradually on the personal and global level. 
We’re still working with this karmic rebalancing, particularly with the Uranus/Pluto square aspect which comes to a completion next year. That will mark the end of this aspect which has been dominating the planetary forces since 2012. 
Next year promises more uplifting energies with Saturn’s moves out of Scorpio into Sagittarius.  Yes, Saturn is a dampener and makes any party ‘serious business’.  However we won’t be in the Scorpionic death throes, which has given us 2 years of dark travel into the cave of the world psyche.  Of course, there will be ongoing changes with the Uranus/Pluto shifting and moving us until it culminates in March. 
I’ll sign off to you all with well wishes for this ending to a significant period of change which demanded our all.  The path ahead shows promise as we enter an 8 year numerologically, a year which opens us up to our own empowerment and strength.
My dearest love to you all, those I know, those I don’t know and strangers across the world.  We are hands across the world and with our light of hope and faith in a better world for ourselves and others we are holding and strengthening ourselves and others. 
A Happy New Year to all and may the Capricorn gnomes of abundance visit you in the coming days, weeks and months! Let the planet be restored to equity, peace and justice.  That means prosperity for every one of us!   
As Tiny Tim said in Dickens ‘A Christmas Carol’, ‘God bless us everyone’.

from the chair...feeling the magic!
Time to reconnect with the world

It’s all about love
Call it in!


Saturday 20 December 2014

19th December: Venus and Mercury moved into Capricorn


Hi everyone!
Yes, we’re still travelling under that Sagittarian Sun. for just a few more days.
How are you sitting on your horse?  Comfortable?  A little anxious?
Well, we’re just moving away, very slowly, from the intensity of the Uranus/Pluto square which came to a head on 15th.  The pressure will continue for some time yet as these two planets move extra slowly, working their change process and all the earth.
We’re just getting comfortable as we’re soon to take to the hills, turning into Capricorn goats, mountain climbers and sure footed guarantees of success!
The planetary energies in this update are already in play as I just haven’t been able to get it completed and out to you.  So am quickly finishing it off and starting on the Capricorn New Moon, Capricorn Sun and the December solstice tomorrow. 
Trusting my life force returning to me as I’ve been dealing with my own challenges as have so many of you.  So, much of this is a retrospective in some ways although the planetary influences of Venus and Mercury in Capricorn are still with us as is the Jupiter retrograde journey. 
The Jupiter retrograde energy is with us until early April, building our pilot lights and inner fire with the golden light of spiritual energy and life force. 
What’s been happening:
What happened at the Gemini full moon on 6th June?
This is the post full moon picture.  It wasn’t quite the ‘party’ I expected but feel we’re being carried along with the angelic forces, birds wings and the divine child energy! That is, of course, providing we surrender to the process.  But, of course, we all know that, don’t we?
Collective wounds released:
That was quite a full moon experience what with Chiron stirring the collective wounds and the empaths and somatics releasing the emotional energies from the physical.  At least that was my experience and not mine alone.  The full moon was sitting exactly on my Sun so it was a biggie for me. Trusting we’re starting to feel the angels wings uplifting us in the next week or two.
Nervous tension anyone?
With Uranus, lightning awakener and ruler of electricity all over this full moon, along with Mercury who was close up and personal with the Sagittarian Sun, we were being bombarded with messages and release from the old paradigm. 
The Uranus/Pluto square which is now full on, added to this electrified environment.  If you didn’t experience these energies during the full moon period, then trust that someone, somewhere was releasing for you.  We’re all working together, helping each other.
A week of severe electrical storms here in Oz:  
Uranus rules lightning and electricity...and didn’t we know it!
Here in Australia, where I live in the Blue Mountains, about 2 hours west of Sydney, it felt we were really being charged up by the Uranian change agent with 7 straight days of severe electrical storms, from 2 to 4 times per day.  When we have these extreme weather events in the world, I feel it is one part of the earth taking the ‘hit’ for the whole earth.  We are one body and we, along with the earth, are releasing locked in old energies from the physical and energetic world.  I write this partly in explanation of my tardiness as I needed to attend to what felt like a shattered nervous system. 
Mercury rules the nervous system and of course Mercury was the ruler of the Full Moon and along with Uranus, the ruler of electricity and shock,  was all over this Full Moon and all over a whole lot of other people outside the storm zone. 
15th December:    Uranus/Pluto Square challenge came to a head!  
Active throughout December
Everything has been shaking. rattling and rolling like a mass of old chains on a mass of old ghosts as this aspect has been building up tension and activating any anxiety we’re feeling about the massive changes that are happening in our psyches, hearts and bodies. 
The changes in the outer world are happening even though it feels like they’re not fast enough for so many of us as we continue to hold the energy of light and faith in cosmic justice.  It’s the question of holding up in the face of such powerful opposition from those in places of power and influence.
Ongoing sudden and shocking events:  
Uranus/Pluto square still giving aftershocks.

The repercussions of that full moon event have continued with the presence of the 6th Uranus/Pluto square tightening from the beginning of December. Ongoing volatile events exploding throughout the world from the unprecedented siege in Sydney to the horrific slaughter of children at a school in Pakistan.  Other events of this nature have been escalating in other parts of the world including Africa. 

Unusual incidents and strange accidents:  
Waking everyone up to think about the nature of reality, of life and death.
What has been ‘shocking’ and waking up so many of us, is the unusual and unprecedented tragedies arising from an explosive release of volatile energies.  Either the scale of the event, the geographical location, the ‘victims’ of the event (such as children).  Unusual accidents and injuries causing death and suffering are in there too.  Yes, we now have access to 24 hour news. 
24 hours world news:    Hearts opening to love and compassion
However, it’s the news about these unusual offbeat situations that is bringing to so many the feeling of ‘there, but for the grace of God, go I’.  This is big heart opening energy which has the capacity to heal and free many people from the pain of grief and suffering in their own lives.  Emotions need releasing. 
9th December:  Jupiter stationed retrograde at 7.41 am AEDT at 22 degrees Leo 38...Lights on!
until 9th April 2015
What’s been happening:    Who turned the light out?  
Heading towards the light through some dark nights!
Seeking love and finding darkness:
Jupiter’s been travelling through Leo since August, expanding the light on our divine inner child, awakening the yearning for love in our hearts.  It’s been difficult to really access this energy with the overarching challenges of the past couple of months, in particular.  It possibly felt that the light went out as the Libran and Scorpio energies put us through our paces, bringing us to cosmic/karmic justice and balance and helping us finally say goodbye to a whole lot of old baggage, personal and karmic!
Jupiter in Leo:    A balancing influence...even if you didn’t know it!
Jupiter in Leo has been a beneficial influence, mitigating the heavy energy clearance, even if it didn’t feel that way.

It kept bringing us back to the light from the dark clouds, from the dark cave exploration of Scorpio, from the dark frustration at the imbalances and inequities in our lives and in the world.
Turn on your heart light!
No. Don’t groan at this retrograde energy.  Retrogrades give us the time, space and energy to do some massive work on the inner growth, the spiritual realms.  It doesn’t mean we’re brought to a stop.  We’re still moving in the physical world whilst bringing our inner hopes and dreams into alignment with our physical existence.
Our inner light expands and glows:
Jupiter is big, expansive energy, encompassing world knowledge and the wisdom that comes from experience.  This retrograde period will be a magical opportunity to connect with the inner wisdom, join the dots of understanding that have been eluding us. 
From now to 8th April 2015:  Lights on!  Becoming shining lights!  
It’s an inside job!  Maintaining and building the pilot light!
Jupiter retrograde in Leo promises to light us up from the inside out!  
Keep connecting to that inner golden light and expanding it out through the physical and other bodies, through all the mental attitudes and values, the belief systems and thought processes, through all the emotional body and through the etheric field of energy. 
In the next few months Jupiter will be helping us to rebuild our being from the inside out. All we need to do is maintain and grow our inner pilot light.

11th December:    Venus moved into Capricorn at 3.41 am AEDT
until 4th January
Mars bringing fire and drive to the ideal but with feet on the ground:
Mars, our physical body, our fire and drive,  is leading the way with the personal planets as he moves through the zodiac.  He’s only just moved out of earthy Capricorn into ‘seeking freedom’ idealistic Aquarius. 
Physical bodies grounded while we clear hearts and minds:
Our physical bodies are having trouble lifting off completely from the denser energies because we’re being grounded for a bit longer with Mercury and Venus (minds and hearts) keeping us very much connected to the earth energies of Capricorn.  In other words, we’re working through some more mental and emotional ‘stuff’ from the good ol’ status quo! 
Capricorn rules our earthly karmic core memories:
Capricorn carries our karmic records and deep history buried in her mountains and valleys, deep within her core. When we connect to Capricorn energy, we’re experiencing our physical world through the filters of the earth’s history.
Venus in Capricorn:  Big heart clearance and healing!
Venus in Capricorn is plugging us into the earth, its history, cell memory and into every life that exists, has existed on this earth.  With Venus here, our hearts are open to  receiving the knowledge of our journey on planet earth. This ‘knowledge’ is a heartfelt experience.   
With Mercury now joining Venus in Capricorn as of 17th, this information will be coming through our mind energy, our thought waves as well. See post below.

Relationships and love:  Capricorn seeks commitment and makes love a ‘serious’ business!  Deepening and/or seeking loving ties!
With Venus here, we’re asking ourselves about commitment to loving and accepting ourselves and how that rolls on to our other relationships.  We’re likely to be seeing the correlation here between how and to what degree we invest in ourselves, back ourselves, commit to ourselves and our pathway and how that is reflected in our loving relationships with significant others. 
Capricorn seeks respect and is concerned with reputation and success in the world.  We’ll be taken into some review of how we’re respected and valued by our loving connections.  Any shortfalls in this area will lead us to renewing our own self-respect and sense of entitlement to love and respect. Capricorn demands high standards.  We just need to be a bit gentle with ourselves and others in relation to this process.
17th December:    Mercury moved into Capricorn at 2.52 pm AEDT
until 6th January
Becoming goat like!  Ambitious! 
Capricorn’s symbol is the goat and seems so appropriate for Capricorn’s ambitious nature.  We just have to look at some of the goat’s exploits on the highest mountains and craggy outcrops.
Ambition seems to have become a dirty word in the vocabulary of many spiritual seekers of truth.  However, ambition means ‘to have a strong desire to achieve or do something’ and to have ‘the desire and determination to achieve success’.
Mercury in Capricorn:  Seeking solutions and pathways to success!
Mercury, our mind energy, will be seeking solutions and pathways to success which will restore to us a sense of respect and a feeling of success within.  So many of us have been feeling held back by the energies of the last year/s of clearing and resolving old wounds, old blockages to our fulfilment of our divine potential.  During that time we’ve been letting go of society’s benchmarks of success as we confronted our own sense of dissolution of old outworn pathways.
Short article on trust with some good grounding exercises:  Perfect for risk management of the Uranus/Pluto square energies!
Lauren Gorgo’s latest message:    
‘God-sovereign self:  our cosmic homecoming’
Here’s the first paragraph:
The many weeks of super deep excavation draws to a close and we are finally coming up for air.  And while December is a very different energy, it is also off to a slow start. Keep in mind that we went so deep in November that we have to responsibly rise to the surface in order delicately handle the decompression that often accompanies the uncharted depths of such an encompassing dive.
And yes, November was beastly, but it was excruciating for good reason.
For some, this was a final curtain call…our last full-fledged appearance in separation before 2015, a year when many of us will emerge as “Golden GODs”. (more on that in the last section)
Now that we are (mostly) in the clear, the Sagittarius sun is serving to pump up our deflated spirits and refill our LOVE cups with some sorely needed optimism and unprecedented expansion. New spaces are definitely opening within us, and we are unwrapping some sudden new soul gifts just in time for an early Christ-mas!  Because of this I can see more clearly now why this report had to to be broken into two parts…because part II contains some long-awaited presence that we definitely needed to be in the right space to receive.
All in all, December spells i-g-n-i-t-i-o-n.
Free guided meditations from Orin and Daben:   http://www.orindaben.com/pages/newsletters/x47_01_peace/
Golden Oldies:
‘Love is a many Splendoured Thing’ 
The Four Aces 
Upcoming Dates:
20th/21st December:    Venus/Pluto conjunction at 12 degrees Capricorn squaring off to Uranus in Aries
22nd December:    Uranus stations direct
22nd December:    Sun moves into Capricorn
22nd December:    December solstice
22nd December:    New Moon in Capricorn
24th December:    Saturn moves into Sagittarius
That’s it folks! 
Interestingly, I wrote the section on Jupiter retrograde with the light expanding from the inside the day before I received Lauren’s update which reaffirms this lighting up from the inside.  I’m not sure if that information is in her shortened version available on this link. 
As always, love and blessings to us all!  We’re now taking our heart to the hills, to the highest spot we can reach in this evolutionary process.  
Goats get ready!
from the chair


It’s all about love!