...for the children of the earth

Friday 5 December 2014

6th December 2014 Full Moon in Gemini


Hi everyone!
The Sagittarius Sun shining into our very souls, is beckoning us on to the gates of freedom!  

And the Gemini Full Moon butterfly energy is calling us into balance and harmony with our opposite number, our twin energy, our shadow self.

What’s been happening:

Here we are grazing in the home paddock, feeling the inner tensions, seeking the desire to get on the move whilst languishing on the chaise longue! 
This is somewhat of an over dramatisation of our current stance and attitude. However, I think many of you may relate to that sense of immobility whilst we’re being shifted from the soles of our shoes upwards. 
Surrender is the order of the day!
Mars karmic journey to the centre of the earth:  
Mars completes his journey through Capricorn
The past few days we’ve been experiencing Mars, our masculine energy, our physical body, finishing up his cycle of ‘journey to the centre of the earth’ as he completes his transit of Capricorn.  We have been experiencing all kinds of physical release from our physical bodies as we have been releasing planet earth’s history and karma.  Of course this is ongoing.  However, the particular planetary aspects operating through the last month or so have been impacting heavily on those of us doing some heavy duty light work and cell purification.
A slow climb to the top:  More like a treadmill than a mountain climb?
Mars, our fire and drive, has been slowed down in the earth energies of Capricorn which wants every step to be a winning post.  Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, Lord of Karma and the master of physical manifestation.  If you don’t feel you’ve made any progress through this last stretch, hold off on any judgement of your progress as we often don’t get the benefits of Saturn or Capricorn till after the event, probably as December/January unfolds with more Capricorn energy.
Capricorn offers huge opportunities through December/January:  Grounding the dreams into everyday reality!
We really get to experience the full force of Capricorn as December progresses.  Venus moves into Capricorn on 6th, Mercury on 17th and on 22nd December, the solstice,  the Sun moves into Capricorn along with a New Moon  
What’s coming in:
Get out jail time:
The following 3 energies are real door openers for us having the full experience of this Gemini Full Moon on 6th. They’re offering a big shift in energy which will open doors of resistance, our own private jails, the bars around our hearts, minds and spirits which have kept us confined in limitation.

5th December:    
Venus/heart energy aligning with Jupiter in Leo in a positive trine!
Venus in Sagittarius:    
The partnership of love and money is being raised to a new consciousness! 

Love and money:    Tandem travel!  
Do what you love and the money will follow, will flow!
Venus rules love and money and currently transiting in Sagittarius, is expanding these two energies into a higher consciousness.  With Venus in Sagittarius, we’re reaching for the greater expression and fulfilment of our divine potential in a worldly sense. Our financial wellbeing is melding its partnership with the heart energy.  No second best any more!
Jupiter in Leo:  Expansion of the light filled joy of creative fulfilment,
love, romance and childhood
Jupiter has been in Leo for the past 4 months, expanding our sense of light filled self and carrying us through some challenging times with the karmic releases and deep transformational Scorpio energies.
Call in and be open to an expansion of the heart and to the joy of life:  
Now, we have a wonderful connection happening between Venus, our heart energy and Jupiter, bringer of good fortune for just a short period of time.  However, the timing is opportune as this benevolent energy is ushering in the energies of the Full Moon in Gemini. 
5th December:    
Sun trine Uranus...breaking the shackles of confinement!
Get out of jail free card:    
This energy is working very much with the above Venus trine Jupiter and Mars moving into Aquarius.  The Sun is our true, authentic self which is overlaid by the conditioning of the familial, social and cultural fabric of our lives.  We keep peeling back the layers, the ‘disguises’ until we find we can express our true essence without doubts or insecurities about getting it ‘right’.  The Sun, currently in Sagittarius, is calling out our freedom riders into the broader milieu of society asking us to be the truth and to embrace the freedom that is our entitlement. 
Uranus unlocks the jailhouse door:    
Uranus in Aries is the door opener today and tomorrow.
In the light of the full moon on 6th, Uranus will be forming positive links to both the Gemini Full Moon (a sextile) and the Sagittarian Sun along with Mercury in Sagittarius (a trine). 
5th December:    Mars moves into Aquarius 10.56 am AEDT...reach for the stars!  
We are one!

After the Mars in Capricorn mountain top:  The cosmos calls!
Mars, our fiercely individualistic drive for success has just climbed a mountain of hard yards in hard working ambitious Capricorn.  The transformation of our physical bodies after this last stretch of mountain climbing and karmic release will now become more evident as Mars lifts beyond the earthy mountain top and moves into the high flying cosmic domain of Aquarius.
Mars, the warrior is called to meet his cosmic family and community: 
The Rainbow road, stairway to heaven calls!
Off the treadmill with radical solutions:
We’re likely to feel a real lightening of our physical energies when Mars moves into air sign Aquarius.  Aquarius is an air sign, enjoying the mental sphere, the mind energy.  Ruled by Uranus, it likes to fly with unusual and radical thinking which serves to unify the community. 
Flying the hopes and dreams!
Aquarius rules community, friends, hopes and dreams.  With Mars here, we’ll have the drive to access radical solutions and outside the square possibilities which can lead us to the fulfilment of hopes and dreams.
6th December:    Full Moon in Gemini at 11.26 pm AEDT at 14 degrees Gemini 18

Neverland calls: Imaginative expansion and new worlds!

The Gemini Moon calls forth the light filled balloons of ideas, calling us to float all the spirit filled possibilities in  the emotional, imaginative energy of the Gemini Full Moon.

The Gemini Full Moon opens the subconscious Gemini mind and emotional heart centre:
Time to tango...or is that the Charleston? 
Gemini is a mental sign so not always as readily in touch with the emotions.  However, when the Gemini Full Moon comes along, it opens the Gemini heart to the emotions, connects the dots between heart and mind, bringing a new harmony to the Gemini energies.

Gemini is the airy mind energy:  
In the full moon, the heart comes into play!  
This is the mental and emotional coming together in an expansion and flooding of the mental body with the emotional breadth and sensitivity available at a full moon. 
Heart and mind on the same page:
With Venus/heart and Mercury/mind aligned with the Sagittarian Sun, opposite to this full moon, the message of heart/mind connection is really carried home!

 Gemini is the sign of duality, ‘the twins’:  ‘The Lovers’ tarot card

The Gemini Full Moon brings us the opportunity to access the balance and harmony that comes from accepting the ‘shadow’ twin self, the ‘other half’.  It’s the masculine and  feminine, the outer and inner, as one divine energy.
It’s tea for two!
It’s the masculine and feminine, the outer and the inner energies coming into balance, harmony and into divine love.
In this energy, when aligned within ourselves, we can experience a transcendent love which can be carried into our relationships. 

At this Full Moon:   Calling all shining lights!  
Out of the Scorpio cave!
Into the conversation, into the disco, into the dance hall!
Mercury, Gemini’s ruler,  is in close proximity to the Sagittarian Sun.  Uranus, the sudden game changer is opening all the prison doors for hearts and minds!  Sudden insights and attractions are entirely possible.  Surprise!  Surprise!
Mercury wants communication. Gemini seeks many to find ‘the one’, at least ‘the one’ for today!  Sagittarius likes the crowd!  Relatedness is learning for both these signs. Usually, it’s a mental exercise and intellectual stimulation but in the light of the Full Moon, emotions come to the fore and the heart opens to more than an intellectual exchange.
The world’s calling us back out into conversation, connection and the joy
of people, people and more people.  Whew!  No, it’s okay.  We’re up for it, at least for the next week or two.  Make the most of this socialising impetus whether it’s by phone, internet, or up close and personal. The Sagittarius Sun, along with Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius, wants the more the merrier! 
Shine the light networkers and join the glitter ball community of lightworkers on planet earth!
Something coming to fullness, to culmination, to a head:  
Let the balloons go!  And float those dreams up to the sky!
The full Moon brings something to light, to fruition, to culmination.  It can often signify a turning point as we access new knowledge from our inner being, something of which we were unaware.  With such auspicious and door opening, jail breaking energies around this Full Moon, trust that some really positive energies are available to us at this time.  
My mother used to say ‘Out of evil comes good’ and I stand by this at times as I’ve watched things turn around when we least expect it.
The Sagittarian Sun opposite the Full Moon:
The fiery Sagittarian Sun is in a balancing act with the airy Gemini Full Moon.  Balancing the two energies is always the key at the Full Moon.

The sun is sitting on the Great Attractor degree, the centre of our Super Galaxy, so great energy and power is available from the cosmos.
As usual with the Full Moon, call in your hopes and dreams and let go of the bars of limitation.  We’re being liberated, if we believe so!
The Sun is on the Great Attractor Degree:  Let it out!  Breathe it in!  
Big power and energy! 
The Great Attractor is a black hole at the centre of our Super Galaxy, Laniakea, a black hole which seems to operate like a living breathing life force, drawing galaxies in whilst breathing out energetic forces. 

‘This week, as we approach the Gemini Full Moon that reflects the Sun, Venus and Mercury conjunct the Great Attractor degree, (the Great Attractor, a black hole Creator Source, lies at the center of our home super cluster, Laniakea. It could be stated that it is a MOST important point (it falls, from our perspective, at 14 Sagittarius). It is attracting many hundreds of galaxies toward it, or if looked at from another perspective, it has  created all those same galaxies.’ From Stephanie Azaria’s Daily Weather:  www.thecosmicpath.com

Chiron in Pisces squaring off to the Full Moon and Sun:    
A t-square which offers healing choices and resolution! 
Land ho!
A T-square, a T- intersection:  
Resolution of tensions comes through taking the missing ‘leg’ of this aspect 

With Chiron in Pisces, we’re awash in the ocean of the collective unconscious, all at sea with the emotional energies of planet earth and all who sail in her!  The missing ‘leg’ of this T-square is in earthy Virgo, offering salve to the emotional ‘wounds’ which may surface at this time.

Emotional energies flushing out from the body find resolution in ‘grounding’ the emotions in physical reality
Virgo is an earth energy which rules healing mastery! Chiron, as the wounded healer,  is considered a co-ruler of Virgo, the sign of healing.  They work together as both are connected to the physical body and both are connected to communication.  Chiron is known as ‘the talking cure’.  Virgo’s main ruler is Mercury which is all about communication.  The Full Moon is an emotional time anyway, so don’t be too hard on yourself if old emotional wounds feel overwhelming.  With the other prevailing energies, the uncomfortable emotions are likely to move on fairly quickly.  Hug a tree, walk on the earth. 

Talk it out, get it off your chest and out of your heart:     
One on one will work well at this time.  Who’s on the soapbox?

With the Full Moon in the sign of communication, Gemini, we can expect to be talking out any emotionally wounded issues with others...probably ‘the world’! 

A best friend, a significant other, is a good one for Gemini energy but then with Mercury in Sagittarius it could be broadcast to the world! 

Actually, the Sabian Symbols really resonate with this soapbox image:  
See webpage as listed below.
The Quest Symbol (the degree following) of this full Moon is Gemini 16: A Woman Activist On A Platform In An Emotional Speech Dramatizing Her Cause.

Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon:  From Lynda Hill
The Sabian Symbol for the full Moon is Gemini 15: 

Two Dutch Children Talking And Studying Their Lessons Together.
This Symbol shows the need for clarity and for those of like mind to share and communicate spontaneous and creative ideas. The ‘Two Dutch Children’ are discussing and sharing their thoughts, ideas and feelings about ‘Their Lessons’. Every now and then they are likely to bring up side issues about their personal lives and to chatter about friends, etc. It may be that they are meant to be only ‘Studying Their Lessons’, however they probably have the freedom to be able to relax and take things easily. The people around them probably won’t be interested in what they are ‘Studying’, although they may sometimes pretend to be. Some may feel left out because the level of conversation or the ways of communicating are so carefree, in-depth or inaccessible to others’ minds.  

Keywords: Sharing of innocence and carefree thoughts and ideals. Exchanging views with like-minded individuals. Simplicity. Sense of companionship. Communication. Best friends. Having the right teacher. Learning and studying. Conversations that illuminate issues. Speaking many languages. Gossiping.
The Caution: Failing to communicate in depth. Unsophisticated viewpoints. Excluding others as “unworthy”. Societal or racial prejudice. “Hearing voices” that don’t make sense. Not hearing the opinions of others to further understand how the world works. Foreign languages that exclude others.

The Sabian Symbol for the Sun is Sagittarius 15: 
The Ground Hog Looking For Its Shadow On Ground Hog Day. This Symbol can bring up the issue of whether you're getting up to the same reality every single morning, without anything changing. With this degree around, we can often feel stuck, like we're playing the same scenes over and over in our lives. With Uranus aspecting the Sun and Mercury by a trine aspect, we can work at changing the patterns of our minds so we are not stuck in our own version of 'ground hog day'.

The Gemini Full Moon and energies for December:  Sarah Varcas
Golden Oldies:
‘Let’s Build a Stairway to the Stars’ Ella Fitzgerald https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9zsf7reJTo for Mars into Aquarius
‘Fly Me to the Moon’ Eva Cassidy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHlHKWmre3k
‘Tea for Two’ Frank Sinatra and Dinah Shore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pF_guJ1-Rgg  Ah yes!  The good ol’ bad ol’ days!
‘Be my Little Baby Bumble Bee’ Doris Day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHAtcDNYDcM
Upcoming Dates:
9th December:    Jupiter stations retrograde
11th December:    Venus moves into Capricorn
That’s it folks! 
So much happening at this full moon. I’ve covered what seem to be the most significant energies.  Trusting an uplift for us all after the challenges of October and November.  Quite a lot of astrological activity this month which means change is in the air and we may feel we’re able to stop treading the same old grapes!
As always, love and blessings to all my fellow travellers to Neverland!  Peter Pan calls us to lift off into the airy realms with the Sagittarian fire filled spirit.
from the chair
It’s all about love

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