...for the children of the earth

Thursday 29 December 2016

29th December 2016 New Moon in Capricorn

Hi everyone!  We made it!  Our wishing well awaits!
Time to give thanks and set the intentions!  
Capricorn magic in the air!
Well here we are in the closing days of 2016, a year of major shifts and changes both personally and globally across all spectrums. It’s been a major year of shifting consciousness for us all.  And I mean ‘all’ as the political, social, economic playing fields manifested tensions and challenges reflective of so much that is going on within us all. 
After all, we know that ‘the personal is the political’.  That’s an old one that still rings true and is ever more evident as consciousness expands and understanding of the power of the personal and its resultant impact on the ‘political’ continues to grow.
The mass awakening continues and will continue to do so as we hold to the expression of our understanding of the nature of reality and maintain our practices in uplifting mind, emotions and spirit to creating a more evolved life for ourselves and for the world.
It’s time now to look to the future being set in motion by a New Moon in Capricorn, a new calendar year which numerologically marks the beginning of a new cycle for the next 9 years. 
Change is ongoing and neverending and the next few years promises to challenge us to step beyond the mindsets of how life has been and to bring in the upliftment that comes when we believe that life can be positive and fulfilling.

2016:  a year of endings!
Art:  Jeremiah Morelli
Ending the year in a seemingly precarious situation:  
Atop the mountain...a little battered and emptied out!
We’re here at the end of a tumultuous year of change and challenge on so many levels of our being.  Our world continues to be rocked in so many ways.  How wonderful that we have lived through such remarkable changes and are still here not just to tell the tale but still open and ready to weave the stories for the future.
Regeneration and renewal:  A new moon to bring fresh impetus to our exhausted beings!
Our ‘home’ seems emptied out, abandoned to the elements resting precariously atop a mountain, looking rather battered and beaten.  We’re needing a renovation rescue job and all of us are preparing for the new year to do just that as we renew, rest, regenerate and rebuild our physical and spiritual energies to begin a new year in more ways than one. 
My take on the passing of so many ‘celebrities’ from the artistic and creative world:
Yes, we’ve been in a ‘9’ year numerologically but is that the only reason for such an aberration.
Letting go of the projections and claiming the inner love:
Art: John Littleton and Kate Vogel
I’m wondering if we’re beginning to manifest an era where ‘celebrities’ play less of a role on the pedestal adored by their fans, holding the projections of ‘lesser’ mortals.  As more people seek their own creative light and gifts and talents, there becomes a greater focus on looking within and working on developing and expressing our own unique talents in the world.  As we begin to shine from within there is less need to shine adoration on ‘the stars’ of the world.  This is not to lessen their contribution but to see ourselves as powerful shining lights within.

We’re rising to the call to discover our gifts and talents, our inner light:  Being our own magicians!
I feel it may be a Pluto in Capricorn manifestation as Capricorn rules success, fame and fortune.  Pluto’s been in Capricorn for a few years now.  However this year Pluto’s been connecting with Uranus and Saturn and just recently with Jupiter.  Jupiter and Saturn are the two big ‘social’ planets which shift social consciousness.  Saturn’s ongoing square with Neptune has been shifting the illusions, building new foundations for spiritual and artistic gifts and talents as we are called to take our authority in these spheres.
29th December:  
New Moon in Capricorn at 5.53 pm AEDT at 7 degrees 59 Capricorn
Art:  Jeremiah Morelli

Sun and Moon speaking same language:  Capricorn talk!
At the New Moon, the Sun and Moon sit on the same degree coming together to initiate a new lunar month with a new lunar focus and energy.  Coming just before the New calendar year and after such a tumultuous year of change and upheaval, most of us will be eager to step through a new doorway which offers the potential of a richer canvas for the ongoing creation of our lives. 
It’s seed planting time:  No need to rush!   Just plant and nourish!  
Capricorn is an earth sign which calls on us to bring forth the seeds of manifesting a new potential in the physical dimension. This could well be in relation to work and utilising gifts and talents. 
Doing the work we love for financial return and success: Capricorn rules work, success, achievement and respect through work and material attainment.  Money, status and ambition are big factors in Capricorn’s drive to achieve something of note in the world. 
A new calendar year coming up:  Setting intentions at this New Moon!
These are the driving forces that take us into each new calendar year.  However, we need to remember that with Mercury still retrograde until 8th January, commercial ventures will be going through their research and development stage.
It’s time to set intentions and explore various options. 
Easy does it, step by step:
A sign of tradition. Capricorn clings to the tried and true methods and takes the cautious path of step by step commitment and dedication to the ideal. this is very much in line with Capricorn’s ruler Saturn who calls on steady and thorough engagement with all that we take on.
Saturn rewards focus and determination to keep going...yes, endurance along with patience and the absolute faith in ourselves and our pathway forward to success and fulfilment in our lives. 
Mercury a key player at this New Moon:  Up close and personal to the New Moon/Sun at 7 degrees! Get out the bag of endless possibilities!
This New Moon is close to Mercury at 6 degrees Capricorn which signifies the importance of noting Mercury’s realm of interest which includes communication, education, social networking and of course commerce.  

Mercury rules our mental body and is one of the planetary ‘movers and shakers’ for getting things happening.  However, in this retrograde time. the moving and shaking is more likely to apply to our ruminations, gathering ideas, interacting with others and reviewing possibilities from the back burner.  Being so close to the New Moon/Sun it seems Mercury has a key role in the upcoming lunar month guiding our thinking and activities in making the most of laying out a few plans...even if they have to be reworked later on when Mercury turns direct.
Just get out the bag of endless possibilities which is bursting at the seams with new ideas, new projects and new ventures.  Oh wait....here’s an old chestnut from the past that has potential to be reworked to come into fruition.  Timing is everything with Mercury as we know so patience. patience, patience. 
Mars in Pisces at 7 degrees is also having a harmonious conversation with the New Moon/Sun:  Giving up the battle and laying down the sword.  
Mars is close to the South Node of the moon at 4 degrees Pisces so we can colour the interaction with the releasing of some of the masculine energies way past their ‘use by’ date.  Mars is being immersed in the ocean of Piscean emotion and higher consciousness, cleansed and purified of old warrior anger and fighting mode.  There is nothing to do but surrender these old patterns of warring ‘within’ as well as ‘without’.  The fighting is being challenged to be released. The most powerful energy for us to use is our light!
The New Moon in Capricorn is setting a new agenda along with these energies of Mars and Mercury,  a new way of ‘doing business’ in the commercial world and in our interactions with others.  Our fire and passion is being directed to the energy of truth, our own purity and integrity.
A couple of powerful challenges/opportunities:  
Working together to clear the collective spiritual and karmic wounds!  Just drop it! 
Freedom’s the goal!  
We’re giving up the paradigm of ‘hard work and struggle’!  Off the treadmill!
Art: ‘Burden of the Material World’ Tran Nguyen
Uranus and Jupiter opposing at 20 degrees Aries/Libra: 
Individual freedom and collective societal karmic justice!
Exact on 27th:  Effective from 19th December to 5th January

We’re over the intensity of this one but it’s still impacting on us through the New Moon so setting us up to keep working with balancing individual freedom against collective justice. We’re shifting karmic imprints with this one as we choose to take the bridge of freedom and cut the karmic ties and complete karmic contracts. 

Chiron and Saturn squaring off at 21 degrees Pisces/Sagittarius:
Collective spiritual wounds and karmic release of ideologies, old spiritual wounds and beliefs!
Exact on 29th December:  Effective from 18th December to 10th January
Chiron is the guide to the ‘wounds’ we carry and in Pisces is indicative of the collective unconscious and a call to evolve our emotions to higher consciousness.  We’re learning to let go of reactions borne of the past memory banks held within us all. 
Saturn is the Lord of Karma and tradition and in Sagittarius, ruler of religion, spirituality and higher education is indicative of the karmic wounds we’re carrying in our cell memories. ancestral DNA of past times.  We’re releasing those wounds inflicted from ideologies of other times, places and people which no longer serve our growth in consciousness.
Uranus connecting harmoniously with both Saturn and Jupiter:   
 Cutting the ties with the past...karmic patterns, contracts!
A three way powerful dialogue which has been with us for the past week and is continuing into the new year.  With Uranus in the picture and in the sign of Aries life is not predictable and is likely to continue with the lightning strike insights and wake up calls.  We can only be open, receptive and to accept the nature of the change process carrying us forward at this time.
Freeing ourselves from the past:  Looking to the future!
When we take action to eliminate that which is stunting our growth and holding us back then we are acting in the higher consciousness and are choosing the path of ease and growth without the crisis and shock that comes with Uranus in Aries.

Sabian Symbol for the New Moon in Capricorn: 
From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com

Sabian Symbol report for the New Moon in Capricorn and all planetary symbols:  From Lynda Hill

Capricorn 8
This degree shows the spreading of joy, happiness and laughter to those around you. It also shows that music can lighten people’s spirits. Further, thinking positive thoughts, being loving and accepting of others are the hallmarks of this degree. Listening to the songs of birds can be rather magical and can bring spiritual messages. By expressing your pleasure you can lift the feelings of others and they will most likely join in the chorus, in some way. Even though there are a number of social rules to follow, that shouldn't bother you. This is a sign of sharing good feelings and happiness with all who enter your sphere of operations. Being at one with everything. Music. Bird song. Birds. Happiness. Positive thinking. Singing. Entertaining others. Seeing the beauty in life. Chattering in the background. 

The Caution: Idle chatter. Smug superiority. Not seeing the happiness inherent in everyday life. Loneliness. Feeling abandoned. Whining and complaining. Demanding.
29th December:  
Uranus stations direct at 8.28 pm AEDT at 20 degrees 33 Aries
Interesting affect of Uranus stationing to move forward just a few hours after the New Moon.  This slow moving planet travelling through Aries has been bringing some lightning strike changes in our thinking and in our world.  Aries is a fiery energy which pushes the buttons with the resultant impulsive responses, often reactionary and militant.  What new energies are being birthed out of this New Moon...time will tell.
We’re in the long term transformation of the old warrior energy of ‘shoot first’ and ask questions later:  

Uranus brings a higher consciousness which has been acting through the Aries spectrum.  How do we transform the masculine warrior energy when it has been a dominant archetype carried within us all. Uranus has been playing a significant role in this change process, striking us with lightning fast suddenness in the physical world both personally and globally bringing us to our knees with shock at times.  Sometimes, shock and crisis is the only way to wake up as we continue on the path of old patterns of resistance to the higher path.

Now we discover how much we’ve grown in consciousness:  Hanging up the boxing gloves!  
No more shadow boxing! 
Well now Uranus moves forward after the past months of retrograde journey and we’re going to find out just how much we’ve been learning deep within these retrograde months of inner journeying.  We may be pleasantly surprised at just how far we’ve come along the path of consciousness.  As indicated in the New Moon information above, Uranus is still working closely with the two big social planets, Jupiter and Saturn, shifting social values, belief systems and the foundations of our society. Uranus in Aries is calling individual consciousness to arise to the call of the higher path for resolution and revolution of the whole social structure of society.  The status quo is shifting.
4th January:  Venus moves into Pisces
Expansion in love of the collective heart!
Until 3rd February 2017
Art:  Rick Eggert
‘Love comes in and takes us for a spin’:  Upliftment and expansion of our emotions!
This wave of beauty and harmony will be washing over us from the 4th, uplifting our hearts and emotions to the higher spiritual energies of Pisces.  Our consciousness to be uplifted rather than drowning in a sea of emotions.  Pisces is all emotion and can take us into escapist energies which can bring us the bigger dream as well as take us into the escapist addictions so common in our collective energies. 
Artistic inspiration:  Dreaming in new images, sounds and expressions of the heart!
The artistic inclinations are awakened as our hearts are expanded with the knowledge of our own unique gifts and talents. Pisces is the dreamer ruled by Neptune, planet of illusion, delusion and inspiration.
Inspired hearts bring forth unique gifts:
Our most inspired artists and inventors accessed this energy which throws up delusions, ideas coming from outside mundane reality.  We inhabit many different realities and we need access to these higher states of reality if we are to access our artistic expression in a unique way. 
This is our call our opportunity to tune into the exalted energy offered by Venus in Pisces.  Let’s not forget that Pisces is known for the addictions to escapism...’sex, drugs, rock ‘n roll’ is one of the Pisces mantras and without doubt has brought some amazing artistic creations into the world.
Unification and harmonising energies are available as our feminine Venus joins masculine Mars until the end of January:

Venus will be joining Mars until 28th January bringing our feminine and masculine energy into balance and harmony in the Piscean waters of harmony.  Our two ‘sides’ of our being are cleansed and purified together with the potential for a personal and collective unification of our two ‘warring’ factions within.

Mars resistance to going with the flow:
Our awareness is the crucial factor!
As we know, we can experience resistance from Mars in the water energy.  He went into Pisces just before Christmas and in Australia over Christmas we had 6 men who took on the elements and lost their lives through drowning. RIP to those souls.  Apparently, 90% of deaths by drowning are men as they like to take the risks and pit themselves against the elements.  We all have this energy within us...some more than others.  It’s just the nature of the beast.
Venus and Mars in Pisces: 
Our hearts are fired with passion and divine love...the higher spiritual forces call!
Great potential for healing and resolution of relationship wounds including the practices of ‘self harm’ through criticism and judgement.  As we allow ourselves to be human and love our humanity, greater love is available for others.
5th January:  Mercury moves retrograde into Sagittarius
Revealing the false beliefs...truth!
We’re still going over old territory and nothing’s moving forward until Mercury stations to move direct on 8th January.  so more reflection, renewal and reworking of all the possibilities.  Mercury in Sagittarius is able to access higher consciousness and wisdom through higher learning and in the exchange of ideas with others.  Sagittarius is a gregarious sign which enjoys learning through connecting with others for growth and expansion.
More time out for introspection and reflection:
However, Mercury retrograde time is a call for introspection, for stillness and for putting ourselves in a place where the messages of higher consciousness can be dropped into the letter box of our mind.
Golden Oldies:
‘Bright Eyes’ Art Garfunkel from the movie ‘Watership Down’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGyQmH9NZcw ...the death of Hazel
‘Break Away’ Art Garfunkel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sb4acvJpktc Endings and freedom calls (with lyrics)
‘C’est Magnifique’ Eartha Kitt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqcI5EVF6bU  Venus in Pisces 
‘Dream a little dream of Me’ Mama Cass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4T3tMkjRig Venus and Mars in Pisces
‘Dream a little dream of Me’ Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6TmogXhOZ8 
‘Break away, fly across your ocean
Break away, time has come for you
Break away, fly across your ocean
Break away, time has come...

For you to awaken in another country
greet the morning under foreign skies
Leaving me to face another Monday
it's not easy to get by...’
Upcoming Dates:
8th January:  Mercury stations direct in Sagittarius
12th January:  Full Moon in Cancer
13th January:  Mercury moves into Capricorn now direct  
That’s it folks!
Hugs all around! 
May the Capricorn gnomes deliver a happy, healthy and prosperous new year with a renewed vitality and energy which has been taking a beating in 2016.
May the new year bring us a greater sense of stability and security within us all as the world gets a major long term makeover.  This coming cycle is a call to us all to step forward and shine our lights with a confidence that has been eluding us as we experienced personal challenges to our health, wellbeing and our own personal status quo.
The ground may still feel a little wobbly but it is entirely in our hands to maintain the discipline of the mind and heart to think and feel optimistically and positively no matter what happens in the world.  Our thoughts and emotions are energies which are part of the collective force of creation.  You want to make a difference?  Commit to greater awareness of the role you play in world affairs.  It’s not just about voting at a political election.
Love and blessings to us all as we launch into the New Year of 2017!
helenbea... with such great love to you all, my fellow pilgrims...we’re doing it!
from the chair...magic’s in the air!

It’s all about love

Monday 19 December 2016

19th December 2016 Mars moves into Pisces, Mercury stations retrograde

Hi everyone!
We come to the last rays of the Sagittarian solar month after coming through a huge doorway with the Full moon in Gemini this past week.  There was so much planetary activity happening at that full moon across so many signs it was unlikely that anyone escaped the enormity of the shift that was occurring.
Our Sagittarian horses have come to stillness after taking us to the limits in terms of inner movement and growth in consciousness. Now we come to rest, ruminate and allow the inner changes to take us to new pastures.
Endings, beginnings:  Doors closing, others opening!
The nature of that shift was beginning to play out in the days following the full moon and will continue to shift us towards the end of the year marked by a New Moon in Capricorn on 29th December.
What’s unfolding:
Stay tuned to the changes manifesting in your thoughts, emotions as well as physically and spiritually. We are being stimulated to discover and activate latent talents which may have been a vague idea up to now.
New ideas and possibilities will continue to emerge out of that whole full moon experience and through the last week to 10 days of December with significant planetary activity occurring from 26th to 31st December.  Whew!
What’s coming in:
Meanwhile we have the December Solstice doorway when time stands still and time and space become fluid, that whole timeless energy supported by Mercury stationing retrograde on 19th, just two days before the Solstice.  Bear in mind that Mercury stationing as well as the Solstice are not ‘one day’ events but carry us through 2 to 3 days of stillness.
18th December:  
Mercury returns from ‘out of bounds’ with delivery of higher consciousness!
Art: 'Parallel Dreamer' Vimark
18th December:  
Mercury returns from ‘out of bounds’ at 14 degrees 54 Capricorn with higher consciousness!
New mind consciousness is being delivered just the day before Mercury stations retrograde, calling us to further  expansion of our consciousness and spiritual growth.  New information becomes available and we are open and ready for this incredible download of insights, understanding and clarification.
Out of bounds since 18th November:  
Our minds have been ‘lost in space’ so to speak...purification, upliftment!
Art:  'House Cleaning' Eiko Ojala
Mercury has spent most of his out of bounds journey in Sagittarius, sign of higher consciousness and learning through truth and wisdom. For most of us it’s been a time of confusion, throwing up doubts, insecurities and possibly fears as we couldn’t get a handle on our own lives during this time.  Mercury’s out of bounds journey throws up similar confusion as that experienced during a Mercury retrograde period.  We are returning to clarity...soon!
The personal confusion compounded by global confusion:
All this mental turmoil on the personal level has been compounded by the world situation politically, economically and socially.  Much of this world is seemingly in conflict, confusion and for many, despair, disillusionment and deep insecurity about their own and others safety.  Questions about equity, justice, entitlement and a fair go are hanging in the air for those of us who are seeking betterment for the whole world, not just for our own lives.

This is the Sabian Symbol for the degree when Mercury went out of bounds:  from Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Sagittarius 9
This Symbol shows being able to lend a hand to those who need it, whether they are youngsters or not. It pictures situations where someone needs to assist those less able, experienced or indeed, less evolved, to overcome difficulties and to rise up and learn to cope, learn or understand. You may find yourself as either the experienced or the inexperienced or possibly finding the mother within you guiding your own inner child. It can also show someone caring for elderly relatives or friends. Whatever it is, one needs to have a sense of patience, caring and understanding. Lending a guiding hand to others is very important. The inner child. Training. Careful consideration of other's failings. Helping others to help themselves. Stewardship. Supervising parents. Handicaps. Alzheimer’s. Slow progress. 

The Caution: Future vision and hope obscured. Exhausted by parental obligation. Not getting, or giving, the help that one needs. Wanting to be looked after. Lack of supervision
How did you support the unconscious energies through this past month:  
Reassurance, love and words of love always work well!

This says much for this period of time from 18th November to 18th December.  I trust you helped the inner child/children travel through this time with reassurances of safety, hope and optimism.  Self-talk reassures those inner unconscious energies that we have their back, supporting them at all times as they re-experience times of insecurity and trauma from the past.
Being our own spin doctor:   Lots of positive self talk and keep embracing the belief that all is well!
Being our own ‘spin doctor’ is the best way of negotiating troubled and confusing times as we put a positive ‘spin’ on our situation.  Lots of positive self-talk.
If you imagine you’re talking to your child or a child to get it through a tough time then chances are you can re-invigorate confidence and faith in yourself and the fact that we live in a supportive universe who is responding to our every hope and dream.
This is the Sabian Symbol for the degree when Mercury returned from out of bounds:  
From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Notice the similarities with the above sabian symbol.  Taking care of our inner child and supporting others as we can.
Capricorn 15
This Symbol shows the need to heal, calm, soothe and repair the lives of those who need your help, comfort and shelter. In times of healing there’s simple pleasures to raise the spirits, whether it’s of “Children” or people of any age. The “Toys” in the “Hospital” can be healing tools of any kind – it doesn’t matter what type or modality; if they bring relief and joy to someone’s life, they fill a need. There is also a need for caring shows of affectionate concern. Simple things done in times of healing can bring great relief to all. Sometimes it’s a smile, a special treat or soothing words of encouragement these are more healing than one can imagine. Gifts for the sick or disadvantaged. Looking after responsibilities. Nurturing the younger or less evolved. Toys. Technology. Joy. Games. Puzzles. Medicines. Shelters. Nurses. 

The Caution: Making a show when one doesn't really care. Hypochondria. Sickness. Attention seeking. Fearing needles and medical gadgets. Being greedy and needy.

19th December:  
Mercury turns retrograde at 9.55 pm AEDT at 15 degrees 08 Capricorn
Until 8th January 2017
Reworking and re-framing the Capricorn dream of success and fulfilment:  
Fresh views on an ‘ancient’ paradigm!
We’re climbing the Capricorn mountain to seek the growth of our consciousness, our mind consciousness.  It’s a journey into the mists of time and timelessness.  Let’s not forget that Capricorn’s ruler is Saturn who is ‘old father time’!  Capricorn rules tradition and tends to cling to the paradigms long cemented into our culture.
Letting go the ‘hard work and struggle’ syndrome: 
Welcoming ‘ease and grace’...no more battling!
We may feel resistant to the inner journeying of Mercury during the retrograde time, especially as at this time of year we will be travelling under the Capricorn Sun which is calling us to bring ideas into earthly existence. Mercury retrograde in Capricorn could bring us into conflict between the two planetary forces acting upon us unless we view this time as one of spiritual growth and expansion to the higher consciousness of Capricorn.
Let go of resistance to slowing down mentally: 
It’s time out to rest, renew and dream the dreams!
Mercury usually goes through a retrograde period about this time every year which is interesting in itself as for so many it is a busy time with end of year activities and family gatherings and celebrations along with welcoming a new calendar year. It is an old tradition that we make resolutions at the beginning of the calendar year, something that often leads us to believe that this is the best time to manifest them in our physical existence.  Mercury retrograde time doesn’t mean we stop ‘doing’ physically but it is advisable to be aware of the likelihood that whatever we start may need to be rebooted once Mercury goes direct. 
Commerce, business, work and employment:  
Renew connections with people, ideas and projects from the past!
As Mercury rules commerce, keep this in mind with starting new ventures and projects.  It’s best to wait till after 8th January when Mercury goes direct.  It moves out of shadow retrograde on 27th January so we will be retracing old steps from 8th to 27th January.  Mercury retrograde time is a great time to develop plans, possibilities and re-work old projects which have been on the backburner.  Often, during this time, something of the past may resurface whether work related like job opportunities, people, old ventures.  This is particularly relevant through Capricorn time as it one of the signs focussed on work and employment.
Focus is on physical, financial security and work related issues:  

Discovering strengths and uncovering our hopes and dreams for success in the world! 
With Mercury spending so much time in earthy Capricorn, a sign concerned with physical and financial security and success in these areas through paid employment, we are likely to feel the focus for this Mercury retrograde is on those issues.  Just remember that in Mercury retrograde we are revisiting the past and the rediscovery and recovery of past strengths in relation to these areas.  This is a chance to choose to work ‘smarter’ rather than ‘harder’.
The inner spiritual journey of Mercury retrograde:  Into the labyrinth
A time of growth and expansion!
We are still learning that our world is more than material manifestation and physical evidence of our lives on earth.  Once we accept and integrate the ‘time out’ periods such as Mercury retrograde as essential to our forward movement and offering a growth and expansion that just cannot happen while we are focussed purely on the physical world. 
We are spiritual beings with all the memory banks and ancestral DNA emanating an energy from within.  When we welcome these quieter times, not only do we regenerate but we gain access to information which is being offered up as new ideas, insights and understanding through our imaginative and mental processes.  With Mercury in Capricorn it’s a perfect time to re-think any ‘treadmill’ type thinking or existence in which we’re engaged and to choose the higher path of joyful living and employment utilising our creative potential.
19th December:  Mars moves into Pisces at 8.22 pm AEDT
Until 28th January 2017
Letting go of pushing forward with action and allowing the changes to flow:
Although Mars is a fire energy and represents our masculine warrior as well as our physical body. we may find he is less resistant to plunging into the oceanic emotional depths and spiritual highs offered by Pisces at this time.
Letting go of pitting our energies against nature and the natural flow:
Pisces, as a water sign, can dampen the fired up Mars energy of ‘let’s go’!  However, at this time with the current astrological and calendar shifts going on. we may find the Pisces energies giving our Mars warrior a welcome break and time out from getting ‘burn out’ from ‘trying’ to be a winner in the world of competition. 
Rest, relax and rejuvenate:  Let the physical being come to stillness and peace!
We’re just getting adjusted to the culmination of a Universal 9 year, a winding down of energies with Mercury moving into retrograde and in recovery from what has been an immensely challenging year for so many on the planet.  Our physical bodies have taken somewhat of a beating with a recalibration of cell memories and ancestral DNA as we purify karmic threads and complete karmic commitments and contracts. 
Facing the gigantic surf or floating on the peaceful waters in a calm ocean:  Our choice!
Pisces energies will bring forth the unconscious from our physical bodies during this time and we then have the choice to observe the changes, to respond with joy at the potential for transcendence of unresolved emotions which may surface.
21st December: Sun moves into Capricorn/Solstice at 9.44 pm AEDT
Until 19th January 2017
Worldly success, physical and financial security:  Releasing imbalances and bringing in the magic!

Today’s worldly manifestation of Capricorn ideals is commonly accepted as a focus on materialism, achievement with  goals of success, acclaim and financial wealth as a measure of finding respect in the world. The only problem with these goals is evident in the imbalances and dissatisfaction that have been manifested by a focus on these ideals at the expense of the deeper desires of personal satisfaction, self-respect and the esteem that arise from a sense of self that is not bound by societal benchmarks of success in the world. It’s now a perfect time to get off the treadmill and take your authority!

Letting go the burden of ‘over responsibility’:
Art:  Andrius Kovelinas
We are returning the world to balance in this respect as Pluto, the dark lord of transformation trawls through Capricorn until 2024.  We are shifting the emphasis and it’s a slow trip for us all as we grapple with the embedded conditioning within every one of us.
What role do you take in the responsibility stakes?
Are you the person who always apologises to others and never receive an apology?  That’s just one benchmark of knowing you carry more than your fair share of responsibility. Have you taken on blame, shame, criticism, guilt when other parties, either individuals or systems or families have failed to share responsibility for the situation/crisis?  Now it’s time to just drop it!  All of it! 
Building a new paradigm based on people power and growth:  New authority of the wizard!
Capricorn rules systems, governments, organisations, big business along with patriarchal energies enacted by the belief in the ultimate power vested in the stern masculine father figure authority of past times.
Building a paradigm based on relationship, the people and the earth:
The earth is about relationship and engagement with others, with systems and governments and with the environment.  We are creating a paradigm built on the growth of people as the foundation of a strong society, replacing the old paradigm built on the growth of money and power through money as the foundation of a strong society.
No people growth, no economic growth.  Simple.
The December Solstice:  Honouring the Sun and the solar doorway!
The Solstice is related to the movement of our Sun and therefore embedded in our Solar calendar. We come to the solstice, one of two midpoints of the solar year.  This time has traditionally been regarded as a magical doorway of change by our ancestors on the earth.  Their honouring of the planetary energies and in particular the sun and moon is symbolised in the structures created on the earth as they brought the light of the sun and moon into the earthly dimension.
So much of humanity has become so disconnected from the earth and the cosmos, from the principle of ‘as above, so below’ that we need to bring forward the solar and lunar calendars into the psyche of humanity as a reinvigoration of our connection to the energetic forces of the cosmos. 
It’s happening gradually as we reach out to others and build our dreams of ‘Utopia’ of reconnecting to the earth and the planetary forces in a harnessing of the energetic powers of the universe. 
The solstice has long been regarded as a magical doorway, a portal of energy that holds us for this time as the sun’s movement signifies a changing of the seasons for most people in the world.  From this day forward the days become longer in the northern hemisphere and shorter in the northern hemisphere. 
Significant planetary activity:
From the Solstice through to the New Moon in Capricorn on 29th
It’s going to be a busy week astrologically from the Solstice through to 29th December.  As many of us will be joining with family in a variety of celebrations including Christmas Day and Boxing Day it will worth noting that the following influences are significant for their focus on  social interactions and personal growth.
Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter shifting the status quo: 
Liberation and spiritual evolution are on offer during this next week!
Saturn and Jupiter, the two planets related to society, social values and interaction, culture and tradition are both active over this week with Uranus, the wild card in Aries signifying possible rebellion, breakouts from ‘jail’ and breakthroughs in personal thinking and behaviours.  Aries is all about action and impulsive by nature.  Uranus’ ‘break out of jail’ and restriction mentality is likely to challenge the status quo and traditions whether social, cultural or religious.
23rd December:  Saturn trine Uranus 20 degrees Sagittarius/Aries
Doors of consciousness open to a higher order and authority!  The key is within us!
Effective 17th December to 3rd January  
It’s not all a ‘bad press’ as the positive flowing energies of Saturn trine Uranus on 23rd could see the limiting doors of consciousness seemingly opening with little effort in a positive connection providing we allow any Uranian lightning strikes to take us into new territory of freedom and liberation from the constriction of Saturn’s hold on our thinking.  When Uranus in Aries is involved it’s sudden, unexpected out of the blue and quickly passes even if we feel a little shell shocked.  Any rifts arising at this time whether within or without need to be soothed with calm, peace and trust.
Venus bringing harmony, a more evolved love consciousness to the personal and social shifts now underway this week:
Because Venus moves a little faster than Saturn and Uranus, these influences last only a couple of days but are powerful in that Uranus and Saturn, two of the big players and shape shifters this week come into Venus in Aquarius’ higher consciousness of love and the potential for harmonious resolution of discordant forces whilst offering up wonderful potential for joy, good fortune and divine upliftment.
25th December:  Venus sextile Uranus at 20 degrees Aquarius/Aries
Heart opening insights and expansion of self-love through realisation of our innate beauty.  Be open and receive the blessings!
26th December:  Venus sextile Saturn at 20 degrees Aquarius/Sagittarius
Heart felt desires dissolving walls and barriers, limitations of belief systems we have taken on from the status quo and social conditioning.  The burdens of ‘should’ fall away as we allow our hearts to fly into the cosmos and connect to our lucky star! 
27th December:  Uranus in Aries opposes/challenges Jupiter in Libra 20 degrees...a bridge to higher consciousness or boxing gloves on! Our choice!
Effective 19th December to 5th January                        
Here’s a tricky one as radical, freedom loving Uranus, fired by Aries warrior fighting energy offers up a confrontation with or a bridge to expansive Jupiter in the sign of justice, equity, peace and harmony.  It’s our choice as to whether we see this is a head on collision demanding rights and equity or an opportunity to let go the confrontation and take the bridge to higher consciousness.  The high road or the low road.

This could well manifest as an inner conflict as much as a manifestation with another or others.  However, being in the holiday period when families gather, it could well bring up feelings from childhood/family history and any unresolved issues regarding being acknowledged and accepted for who we are, our Aries ‘I am’, the essence of selfhood. It’s in the history (remember Mercury’s retrograde in sign of tradition so the past is front and centre). 
28th December:  Jupiter sextile Saturn at 20 degrees Libra/Sagittarius
Social changes in traditions and the status quo with higher consciousness!
Effective from 29th November to 24th January
The two ‘social’ planets in a two month transformational period where they’re able to speak the same language and come to some form of agreement after Uranus/Jupiter opposition which may have produced a few disruptions and nervous tension with the usual Uranian lightning strike shocks to the system.
These two ‘social’ planets are shifting values, attitudes, beliefs and traditions over a 2 month period, right through the holiday period which has tradition as its mainstay, whether religious, cultural, social or familial.  Essentially a positive influence, this aspect provides an over arching protective and healing energy as families and societies move through the change processes. Higher consciousness is raising our energies to a more evolved way of living in groups.
29th December:  Saturn square Chiron at 21 degrees Sagittarius/Pisces
Effective from 18th December to 10th January
More powerful healing forces of the collective as Saturn, Lord of Karma comes into a challenge/opportunity to release all manner of spiritual and emotional wounds from the collective unconscious.  This is a wave of healing power that’s acting on us right through from 18th December into January.  The only choice here is to let go and allow.  All resistance falls away in this energy which comes to an exact meeting on 29th, the New Moon in Capricorn. 

Golden Oldies:
‘I Can Go the Distance’ from the movie ‘Hercules’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgnHF2CwrPs  Sun and Mercury in Capricorn
‘From a Distance’ (Christmas version) Bette Midler https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_xGcJdKCf4 Peace and unity
‘Whenever God shines His Light’ Van Morrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuzVwiL1i5M We are God, Goddess all that is
Giggle with the Goats ‘Jingle Bells Holiday’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4_EdJ-XkUA in honour of the month of Capricorn the goat
I put this one up every year.  They make me laugh...truly delightful!
Upcoming Dates:
29th December:  New Moon in Capricorn
29th December:  Uranus stations direct
4th January:  Venus moves into Pisces
5th January:  Mercury moves retrograde into Sagittarius
8th January:  Mercury stations direct in Sagittarius
That’s it folks! 
I am aware that many people who meet with family at Christmas are not celebrating the religious meaning but have accepted Christmas as a cultural tradition, a little like Chinese New Year. We have holidays at this time and families gather together to seek connection and family love whether it be based on traditions of religious belief, Christmas or other sacred days as well as a time of cultural tradition for gathering together with loved ones.  Wherever you may be, I send love and good wishes for healing, peace and joyful times through this holiday period.
Hugs all around!
We are family and we’ve got each other’s back as has the universe and the higher spiritual forces!
We’re in this together and we’re doing it!  Light and more light, love and more love to us all after a mammoth year!
Love and blessings to us all as we lift off spiritually with hopes and dreams for the coming year.  One more update for the New Moon in Capricorn on 29th and then whoosh...into 2017, a new 9 year cycle!
Rest, relax, trust, accept and surrender to our divinity and our divine connection to the high road of consciousness!
from the chair...with my bag of dreams

It’s all about love