...for the children of the earth

Friday 31 May 2013

Hi everyone!
We’re still flying with the Gemini
Still under a Gemini Sun with Jupiter expansion, but this week we’ll be dipping our minds and hearts into the waters of the sign of Cancer as Mercury and Venus move from Gemini into Cancer.
Ideas galore, but caution rules: Hold steady!!!
Gemini is a grab bag of ideas, but minds and hearts will be cautious about acting on them just yet. Cancer is cautious whilst Gemini is impulsive. Everything within us has to be aligned and in agreement. And we won’t be ‘in the know’ until we emerge from the eclipse vortex after 9th June...and more than likely until after 21st June, the solstice, when the Sun moves into Cancer.
We are now homeward bound with the planets moving into Cancer, we’re coming home!  We’re coming to ‘the mother’, the divine mother, the divine feminine!   ‘Mum! I’m home!’
What’s been happening:
Gemini, Gemini and more Gemini:   
Unification and upliftment has been on the menu!
We’ve had a line-up of planets travelling through Gemini...the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter! This has given focus to our minds, connection with others, communication, travel and most of all...UNITING HEARTS AND MINDS! without doubt, our minds have been getting a makeover which may well have translated into fear and confusion as we have been grappling for clarity.
Mickey and minnie mouse disney graphicsOptimism has been on offer:   
Jupiter, Venus and Mercury in close conjunction!
This past week we’ve had a rare triple conjunction of Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in Gemini as you can see in the photo above, taken from www.spaceweather.com
Jupiter is optimism: Jupiter has been giving expansion and yes, offering optimism to hearts and minds coming together. It’s been on offer to us all, but may well have brought up some unresolved energies from the past as the light of optimism flooded our being. When light finds shadows in our hearts and minds, it can reveal painful core blockages. 
Releasing pessimism: feeling and letting go!!!
As we probe and call out these unresolved energies we often re-experience these buried thoughts and emotions which have blocked optimism. Thoughts and emotions like worry, anxiety, fear, doubt, insecurity...need I go on! All those energies which have kept us in pessimism about our lives and the future, have been blocking us from full acceptance of hope and an optimistic outlook.
Mars has been in Taurus since the last week of April:
we’ve been travelling a slow road, connecting to Mother Earth!
While hearts and minds are getting into consensus reality, our fire, drive, ambition and yes physical bodies have been grounded!!!
Our ‘fire’ and drive has been grounded, slowed down in order to access and harness the earth energies. If you’re feeling that you haven’t been able to ground any of your fire and drive in relation to earthly matters like business etc. well, rethink earthly in terms of Mother Earth.
We’ve been learning to crawl before we can walk. fully integrating our faith in being supported by the material world.
How are you going maintaining and building the faith in your earthly abundance:   
Our ‘vehicle’ is either off the road or in 4 wheel drive mode!
Taurus is a very slow moving energy and calls us to get in touch with abundance on earth...not by running around and drumming up business but by KNOWING that all our needs are supplied and we are supported in our earthly existence. 
Taurus is absolute faith in earthly abundance, faith in our loving connection to the earth and faith in our capacity to be fulfilled in our earthly lives. We’ve been learning to face up to the truth of our faith in ourselves, love and value for ourselves and how that plays out in physical reality. We’ve been finding out if we feel we are worthy of abundance!
Trailblazing and clearing by Mercury and Venus, minds and hearts, preparing the way for ‘action-man’ Mars, our fire and drive:
It’s interesting that Mercury (mind) then Venus (heart), on 3rd June, is leading the way into Cancer, whilst Mars (our masculine self/our physical body) is following behind them moving into Gemini. It’s like our hearts and minds are clearing the way making changes to our psyche and emotions, allowing such mental and emotional changes to be integrated into our being before the physical body responds by taking physical action.
Road-testing our drive and direction beginning this week: We’re just about to find out how well our hearts and minds are working together as Mars takes to the open road, firing up all cylinders! If hearts and minds are in balance, our Mars energy will be harnessed and taking us forward without pranging the vehicle at the first intersection!
Still in the eclipse vortex: until 9th June New Moon in Gemini
The ‘makeover’ is still happening!!!
We’re on the last stretch of this eclipse vortex which comes to a close at the New Moon in Gemini on 9th June. We’re still within the change process and won’t know how that is going to manifest in our lives until after the 9th June...and, flowing on for the next month to 6 months!
Waiting for the full picture or rather ‘the pie’ to be fully cooked:   
what kind of pie will you be?????
Patience and openness to change is what’s called for when we’re in eclipse energies. We don’t know! It’s called ‘wait and see’. Remember the blender image of last update. We don’t know yet what kind of ‘pie’ we’re creating. I think blackberry pie sounds good to me! Then again, I may turn out as apple pie!!! Remember, Mars will want to get us going, but make sure you have all info and it feels right before you rush in.
31st May:   
Mercury moves into Cancer 5.06 pm AEST...communing with family in the waters of emotion! comfort and healing!
This is a longer than usual transit as Mercury will go into a three week retrograde period from 26th June to 19th July and won’t get out of Cancer into Leo until 9th August. The universe is making sure we are truly feeling nourishment from our connections with others. We’ll experience about 7 weeks of this energy when we are likely to experience some profound healing of the best kind.
Cancer rules the past and memories, so we’re likely to be getting in touch with people from the past as well as refreshing happy memories of past times. Cancer is sentimental, is connected to the ancestors of this and other lives and is supremely concerned with bringing family together...probably around a shared meal.
Where do you experience a sense of belonging:  Reunions!   
That’s the focus for our communication, finding our ‘families’! 
With Cancer, home and family come to the fore in our consciousness. However, Cancer brings us that sense of warm belonging when you can feel you’re amongst your ‘tribe’ and that tribe can be birth family, immediate family, ancestral family, planetary family...
It can incorporate places of work, interest groups, geographical commonalities like ‘hometown’ or where you live. And, of course, it includes your soul family, your spiritual ‘homeland’. Be open to positive, enriching karmic connections! Cancer rules the past!
Reunions: There’s a strong likelihood of reunions as we could well be connecting with ‘families’ and family members of any or all types. With Mercury, social interaction is a big factor, but it will be with those with whom we feel comfortable, comforted, nurtured, valued and nourished. Looks good!
Mercury in Cancer is mind power working through the emotional energy: 
‘Feel’ into your thinking! Slow down, cautious thinking!
Now, you may well ask what that means. We’ve had Mercury in its home sign Gemini, so more than likely you’ve been feeling the rebalancing energy of Gemini mind, backwards and forwards energy which can make you feel a little highly strung, nervous, tense even...neurotic! Mercury in Gemini wants to be fast, quick, smart, incisive. However, with all the other energies happening, it’s been more about getting balanced and steady and unifying both sides of the brain.
With Mercury moving into Cancer, the mind is being called into feeling its way forward, slowing down a little, but in its own best interests. We’re likely to come into working with our mind power through our emotional energies. This can work for or against us depending on our awareness. Feeling your way and your emotional power will help get your mind settled.
Mercury retrograde 26th June until 19th July:
A forewarning to take care of as much communication, electrical, mechanical changes and contractual agreements ideally before or after these dates.
31st May: Mars moves into Gemini 8.38 pm AEST...until 14th July...Getting fired to road-test our ‘new’ vehicle!
Have we lost our drive while our vehicle has been off the road? 
Confidence gone AWOL? 
Quite probably!
These past few months, our mode of transport has been changing, our ventures and action in the world, curtailed somewhat. Maybe your business has dried up, your ambition has gone AWOL, you feel like you’ve lost your way, ‘lost the plot’! If this applies to you, rest assured that a new road and ‘new’ vehicle is waiting for you to find it and take charge of it! The key to its discovery is called PASSION!
Where we’ve been:    trading in the old vehicles, getting a vehicle ‘makeover’, hitting the dead end!  
Just let go of the status quo, the old ‘vehicle’!
Many of us have been taken off the road, which means blocked in our forward movement in our physical lives. What you’ve been doing in your life up to now is no longer working for you. The way you’ve made money, the nature of your employment, the manner of expressing your drive and ambition have all been challenged to change!!! Now!!!
Where we are now:   
What ‘vehicle’ are you driving and where are you headed? 
Clarity, drive and direction coming back on board!
Our ‘vehicle’ is the means for us to move forward in life and can signify our ‘work’ and ‘our spiritual work’. In the past weeks, our vehicle has been getting a makeover or has been written off as unsuitable for our needs. Now it’s time to find that ‘vehicle’ and get it back on the road, maybe not at full speed yet, but it will still feel like we are getting back to speed!
After today: Mars in Gemini will be firing us up with ideas...remember them? the inspirations!
When Mars moves into Gemini, he’ll be absolutely fired and raring to go! Communication, networking, travel, commerce and social interaction is all going to go into racing driver mode. This is impulsiveness, impatience and the potential for irritation, frustration with anything and anyone who holds you up, holds you back. This is where Mercury and Venus will be helping with the impatience and daredevil desires!
Nothing like a spin around the racetrack for clearing the head:   
Mars will be firing up our mind!
The best part of this will be the sense that to some extent, we’re letting go of the ‘muddle-headed wombat’ syndrome. However, with Mercury in Cancer, our mind will be tempered with emotional energy, so it won’t seem quite as incisive as you would imagine. However, we’ll feel like we’re on the racetrack, compared to our state of being these past couple of months.
Risk Management: Mercury/the mind and Venus/the heart, both in Cancer err on the side of caution holding Mars steady
With Mercury and Venus both in Cancer, we’ve got some risk management in place, because Mars will need to check in with the heart and mind regarding FEELINGS about everything. Just keep asking yourself ‘how do I FEEL’ about the new idea, direction, proposition, project!
Trust your feelings: Feelings are not the same as emotions as feelings are connected with our intuitive senses, gut instinct...whatever you want to call it. Trust them!!! With Venus and Mercury immersed in the emotional energies of Cancer, we’ll be needing to discern the difference between what’s driving our actions - sentimental attachment or intuitive guidance.
Mickey and minnie mouse disney graphicsPassion is the proof: If it doesn’t make you feel happy, joyful, positive, passionate, optimistic, hopeful...then take a moment before you rush in. We’re feeling a little tentative and uncertain about anything as we’re in a new space. Just get used to new possibilities, new options, new ways of being and doing so everything may feel a little strange. Just keep releasing damaging past memories which could get in the way of your success and fulfilment.
Full ignition restored just before the solstice on 21st when Mars connects positively with Uranus who’s the game-changer! 
All will be revealed!!!
3rd June:
Venus moves into Cancer 12.12 pm AEST...hearts leading the way, reconnecting us to the divine feminine, the divine mother!
Cancer is ruled by the moon, so it’s all about emotions, memories and the ancestors/family. It’s also the mothering energy of nurturing and nourishment. With Venus in this sign, we are called to get in touch with beauty, love, harmony through the divine feminine energies, through the nourishment which brings us to life!
Family reunions: With Venus in Cancer, any reunions, reconnections, gatherings with family are likely to be enhanced by this energy as the experience of love will be underpinning such meetings. Renewal of connections are likely to feel ‘karmic’ as Cancer rules memory and the past. We’re likely to be talking and relating as though we’ve never been apart, whether it’s this life or from other realities.
Home renovation and renewal:   
The focus for love will be ‘the home’, wherever that may be!  
“Home is where the heart is’!
Venus in Cancer wants the home to be beautiful and loving in all respects so, chances are we’ll be rearranging, redecorating, renovating and even, possibly relocating. The key elements will be colour, design, feng shui alignment which may just seem to happen effortlessly as we intuitively re-arrange our homes. 
Cancer is the holder of the memories of the past and along with that, tends to hold onto/hoard ‘stuff’! Some of this ‘stuff’ will come up for review and possibly be released from the memory, from the home. It will happen in the best interests of a happy beautiful home which resonates with YOU!
People in our home:
Housemates: If we’re not happy with our housemate/s we’ll be making changes or they will just happen easily as everyone seems to be rearranging their place in the world. No-one is exempt from this energy. Plenty of talks and negotiation as Mercury is in on this.
Visitors: Discernment is in play as those energies aligned with us are more likely to be attracted to us and our homes. There is the likelihood of festive gatherings with shared meals with friends, families and kindred spirits. Homes will be a significant gathering place and even places where people gather, the energy will be ‘home-like’, creating home away from home!
Golden oldie: ‘Homeward Bound’ Simon and Garfunkel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sI0enx_Jnqc&list=RD02U6K8wfyzAJQ
Upcoming Dates:
7th June: Neptune retrograde
9th June: New Moon in Gemini
What’s coming up: We’ve got a gear change as the mind, heart and body go through readjustments as they move from one sign to the next. Mars in Gemini will be pulling at the apron strings of Mother Cancer who wants the family all at home, being nurtured and nourished and loved.
But Mars is the renegade who wants to take on the world....now where is it??!!!
We’ve got some respite from major planetary shifts from 9th to 21st June which will certainly give a welcome time for integration and consolidation.
That’s all for now folks! Until the New Moon in Gemini on 9th June!
As always, love and blessings to all my fellow pilgrims and kindred spirits! 
We’re homeward bound!!!
from the chair
...all cosy and nurtured at home!
It’s all about love

Friday 24 May 2013

25th May 2013 Full Moon in Sagittarius

Hi everyone!
Calling all wolves! The world is calling everyone to step up and be who you are....no holds barred!
Calling all students and teachers of life! Our wise student/teacher is being called into service in the world.
But first, we need to know who we are and this Full Moon line up is likely to give us real insight into who we are and what beliefs, prejudices, hang-ups are holding us back from our full potential!
How that service is going to manifest has yet to be revealed, but the Full Moon is likely to shine a big light on the inner workings of the psyche, to reveal the emotions which are waiting to be activated by passionate involvement in the world.
We’ve been waiting for just this time, in the throes of pulling down the barriers to our own evolution, our forward movement into greater expression and fulfilment. The Uranus/Square impacting on us at this time, is helping us break through old structures and to embrace our courageous, innovative selves.
A Sagittarian Super Full Moon Penumbral eclipse: super size emotional impact, taking us through the ongoing eclipse change process!
The energies of this full moon will be bigger than usual because it’s happening in Sagittarius and that’s all about expansion! It will be even stronger again because it is a Super Full Moon which means the moon is closer to the earth than usual. The Penumbral eclipse is not as strong...it is a partial eclipse. However, it brings to a close the Gemini/Sagittarius eclipse series of the past two years. Something big in our journey is coming to an end!
Making movies:   
Adventure calls!...Sagittarius and Gemini tell the stories, seek adventure
...and Neptune makes the movies!
As Neptune is a significant player at this full moon, be aware messages maybe confused, confusing, idealistic and/or pessimistic. Neptune is the movies!!! Just keep asking yourself, ‘what kind of movie’ am I creating at this time? comedy? tragedy? drama? You’re the director of your own movie! You control the script, the actors, the scenes and of course ‘the ending’!
Step out and create your own adventure, your very own adventure movie! Yes....you are the star!!!!
The open road calls! Your road!
What’s been happening:
The eclipse tunnel: from
26th April to 9th June...6 weeks of change process...in our own time machines!
We’ve been in the eclipse change process since 26th April when we had a Full Moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio. That Scorpio eclipse set us up for the current ongoing change process. With Scorpio, so much is undercover, hidden, secreted away even from ourselves. However, make no mistake about it, change has been happening, more than likely in your thinking, ideas, emotions, feelings, perceptions, beliefs, conditioning, patterns of behaviour. 
What kind of pie are you becoming?   
in the blender and churning
We’re being churned up in the blender and we don’t know how this is going to turn out! What kind of dish are you??
Every time the button is turned on, we’re churned up again, breaking up all the ‘lumps’ and roughness. Then we have a moment of peace and integration and then that crazy ‘cook’ presses the button again and off we go churning and bumping and breaking up.
3 days before the Full Moon’s arrival, the emotions build, illuminating, calling us to let go to die to the old ways!
...in the melting pot/the blender, dissolving, letting go, releasing! Scorpio moon leads the way!
We’re in this process right now and as of early morning on 23rd May, we have been plunged into the arena of a Scorpio moon, so we’re likely to feel churned up emotionally, as deep-seated buried emotions come to the surface, come to consciousness for a huge letting go, releasing and death.
The Moon will be in Scorpio until about 6 and a half hours before the Full Moon comes in, so it’s all death and dying until that time. Once the moon moves into Sagittarius, we’re still in the ‘let go’ but it has a whole different feel to it, as we’re starting to get in touch with the Sagittarian insight.
Emotionally shaky: The three days before the full moon is always significant, but when the moon is in Scorpio during this time, the ‘dying’ process, the culmination, is doubled, tripled, quadrupled in its impact. A lot depends on your own personal chart, but make no mistake, everyone is affected one way or another, especially considering we are still under the influence of the Uranus/Pluto Square which was exact on 21st.
Under the Gemini Sun:   
fast, changeable, nervy, restless, socially busy
offering some alleviation from the intensity of the eclipse change process and the Uranus/Pluto square...watch nerves!
Since the Sun entered Gemini 2 days ago, you’ve probably experienced an increase in social activity, interaction, commercial activity along with an increase in speed of change. One good thing about all the Gemini energy – Sun, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus – is we’re provided with the capacity to shift faster through the emotional and mental challenges of this time.
However, the Gemini energy can also put the nerves on edge, so the nervous tension is around. Just keep breathing deeply! Gemini rules the lungs, nerves, breathing as well as arms and legs.
Communication/technology glitches: With so much energy in Gemini which rules everyday communication along with the Uranus/Pluto square, you may be finding problems with all forms of technology and communication systems. This may pass. Then again, it could well be time for an upgrade...phones, pc’s, laptops, sound systems as well as any form of mechanised transportation including motor vehicles.
25th May:   
Full Moon in Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse 2.24 pm AEST at 4 degrees 8 Sagittarius...truth and wisdom calling!
Sagittarius is about communication, foreign/world connections, education, teaching/learning, publishing and the bigger picture. Information is surfacing from deep within our subconscious. Be open to the messages at this time.
Getting in touch with your wise self:   
Full Moons are all about emotion and a Full Moon in Sagittarius brings to our consciousness emotions associated with our worldly self, our crusader, our truth-seeker, our higher spiritual mind, our philosopher, our wise self. Sagittarius seeks the truth, but under a Full Moon, the truth is usually deceptive and elusive. The full moon throws up lots of possibilities, of visions, of dreams. However, it is always advisable to give it a few days before you act on information coming at the Full Moon.
Learning and communicating: collect the data, be open to insight about you and your role in the world!
At this Full Moon be like the owl...listen, observe, digest the information, but keep up your strength in this whirling energy which will be calling us out to party, to connect with others and communicate, communicate, communicate!!! We’re being given insight and learning from deep within ourselves as we meet/connect with others.
Sagittarius and Gemini ‘party’ animals:   
It’s all about learning through connecting and communicating!
Sagittarius connects to the world and calls us to connect to the world through our ‘higher’ self, our more evolved self, our wise self! However, Sagittarius is the extrovert, fiery, interactive, party animal...the bigger the better. Sometimes, wisdom can be lost when you’re at a ‘rave’!
Gemini is pretty much the same as Sagittarius...connecting with as many people as possible as Gemini gathers information to learn about self, other and the world. Be open to meeting and connecting to others including like-minded soul family.
The Sun is in Gemini opposite the Full Moon:   
bringing your wise self, your truth into your everyday world!
...in due course!
The impetus for change and taking action will flow on after the Full Moon as we integrate the ‘stories’, the dialogue, the conversations which are likely to well up at this time as the signs of communication (Gemini and Sagittarius) interacting with each other, calling us to hear the messages....but which message is ‘the truth’??? We may not know until 2 or 3 days after the Full Moon influence passes. 
Venus, Mercury and Jupiter are clustered together in Gemini:   
expansion and unification of heart/mind connection!
Mercury(the mind) and Venus (the heart) are both at 20 degrees Gemini with Jupiter only 4 degrees away, expanding the possibilities for heart and mind to be working together...that’ll be a nice change for us all! These energies are really going to help us cope with the Full Moon as they’re all on the same page, pushing us to be open to others in our everyday world. Opportunities for connection will abound. Keep using your discrimination in these connections as we may fall into illusory dream driven obsessions as Neptune comes into play at this Full Moon.
Neptune in Pisces is squaring/challenging the Full Moon and the Sun at this time:   
dream and imagine high ideals!
Neptune comes in to form what we call a T-square with the Sun and Moon. There’s a likelihood that tall stories will abound, which could be either entertaining or challenging to one’s reality. Keep shifting the negatives into positives.
Keep calm: allow the dreams and visions to surface, yet be aware of challenging illusions...such as fears, insecurities!
The chairs look out on a calm ocean, symbolic of the connection of this Full Moon energy/Sun to Neptune who’s very much in the picture at this time. But Gemini and Sagittarius are the storytellers and Neptune makes it all into a dream world movie.
Watch out for the saboteur: Stay out of gaol!!!
Neptune can bring up insecurities, a feeling of being trapped, overwhelmed emotionally, insecure or fearful and can easily bring forward our saboteur! You know the saboteur...the voice that gets you thinking like a victim, that cannot imagine any solution to any problem.
Neptune, sex, drugs, rock ‘n roll:   
watch out for ‘the addictions’
...a tendency to overindulge and babble!
At the Full Moon, a single shot of whisky is like a triple shot! Be warned, especially since this Full Moon is likely to bring out ‘babbling’, which means a whole lot of nonsense. Fine if you’re doing stand-up comedy, but not so good if you want to be taken seriously!
Household graphicsWorking through the T-square: do something physical/practical to release tensions!
The missing ‘leg’ of the T-square is in Virgo...good ol’ Virgo! The missing ‘leg’ is where we can release the locked in energies that arise in a T-square formation. If the nerves, emotions and frantic energy become too much, get grounded in the everyday.
Grounding, grounding, grounding: Virgo helps us to ‘ground’ illusions, fears, insecurities through practical, everyday tasks and earthy reality. So, if you find the scary stories coming up in your mind, do something physical...washing up is good, gardening, cooking, woodwork....anything to engage the body in something that is everyday and practical.
Full Moons bring something to a head, something culminates:   
old beliefs, patterns of thinking have made us crusty and rusty!
...let ‘em go!!!
Full Moons offer a huge release of emotional energy which has been held within and needs resolution, so when we have a ‘meltdown’ at a full moon, we are freed up to move on with our lives. With Sagittarius, some part of us has been held in abeyance, probably because old belief systems, ideologies and opinions have made us crusty and rusty!
The mutable signs of Sagittarius, Gemini and Pisces rule this full moon energy: stay fluid, flowing, adaptable, flexible, roll with ‘the punches’!
Delay big decisions: The Full Moon energy is with us for 3 days before and after the moon comes to fullness. Delay big decision-making during this period as information can be deceptive. Clarity will come as the full moon energy dissipates.
Sabian Symbols from Cathy Pagano:   
The Sabian symbol for the Sun at 5* Gemini is: A revolutionary magazine asking for action. This symbol urges us to reach beyond established forms of thinking and consciousness. What better symbol to express the need to let go of our old story so we can perceive the new one.
The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 5* Sagittarius is:
An old owl sits alone on the branch of a large tree. Owls often symbolize wisdom because owls can see in the dark. Everything that is unconscious, mysterious and hidden can finally be seen when we call on owl to help us. Lunar eclipses offer us the chance to release old emotional patterns. Once we look at our shadow, and face our fears, the dark will offer us its hidden gifts. These will help us let go of the old story.
Golden Oldie: ‘Imagine’ by John Lennon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwUGSYDKUxU&list=RD02RsjiSfAmEeo
New page from Lauren Gorgo:
'Personal Polarity Reversal: ascension preparation'
Astronomical perspective:
What is a super full moon?
A super full moon occurs when the moon’s closest approach to the Earth (lunar perigee) coincides with the phase of full moon. When this happens the moon may seem bigger and brighter. However, for the ordinary star-gazer there will be no significant difference.
Penumbral lunar eclipse:
Not a strong eclipse, barely discernible, but can be seen from the Americas and Western Africa
Upcoming Dates:
31st May: Mercury moves into Cancer
31st May: Mars moves into Gemini
3rd June: Venus moves into Cancer
The eclipse journey continues: The next two weeks will take us through the last two weeks of the eclipse tunnel.
The New Moon in Gemini on 9th June will be our rebirth, emerging from the 6 week eclipse period. The new reality may not manifest immediately. However, it is likely to feel a little new and fresh, a time and place where we need to get our bearings before we feel the full impetus of the changes brought in by this eclipse series.
That’s it for now folks! Happy travelling in your very own time machine! The Sagittarian energy calls us on the road to adventure! Be aware that the inner ‘crusader’ is being activated and remain open to the best course of action for your personal crusade.
As always, love and blessings to all my fellow travellers! With this Sagittarian Full Moon, we are definitely on the last two weeks of this pilgrimage!
from the chair
It’s all about love