...for the children of the earth

Thursday 9 May 2013

10th May 2013 New Moon solar eclipse in Taurus

Hi everyone!
This picture of Iceland seems to encapsulate our present energies...the melted snow and ice releasing the frozen emotions and the rainbow light pouring down the mountainside, lifting us into the light of unification and oneness!
What’s been happening:
What a couple of weeks it’s been!
Anyone else feeling this huge exhaustion, emotional highs and lows, lack of motivation and lethargy???? We’re all different and astrologically are all being affected on an individual basis by this last eclipse from the Full Moon in Scorpio. However, there are some common threads for us all!
The tipping point since the eclipse on 26th April: Saturn ‘makes’ us change...or else!
The emphasis on Scorpio has put us into the ‘death throes’ of our ‘old’ lives!!! This, of course, is particularly relevant if you’re reaching for the stars, calling in your birthright to a happy, healthy life.
Since the Full Moon, you are probably dealing with a huge letting go, which is likely to be impacting on all levels, mental, emotional and physical. We are being forced to change with Saturn in Scorpio bouncing off Mars and Mercury, triggering the release of plenty of emotional, mental and physical karmic ‘burdens’ we’ve been carrying!
Here’s a summary of the kinds of experiences which have been around:
Emotions – up and down like a yo-yo from happy to depressed, anxious, flat, buoyant, crying your eyes out then laughing your head off???
It’s been a bit like riding the waves of change, up the top of the wave, then being dumped into the sand as we release old memories, doubts, insecurities and fears!
Old relationships, situations revisited: Heart-opening energies bringing up grief, pain, loss, despair, regret...healing old wounds
You may have found you were dealing with an experience, issue, situation, relationship you thought you’d resolved, put to bed. Suddenly, you find yourself ‘back there’ as the Scorpio energies kick up the dust of the past. Something has or had to be laid to rest once and for all. Regrets, irritation, frustration are a part of this process.
Nightmares/dreams bring memories/experiences up from the unconscious. They may have no apparent bearing on your present life. However, these ‘memories’ are held in our bodies, psyche and hearts.
Thoughts – scattered, neurotic, fearful, anxious...step back, slow down, stop the thinking taking control...meditate, walk on the earth, exercise
With so much clearing from cell memory, just consider that these are ‘old’ patterns of being/thinking, old memories of this life as well as past lives/other realities and the earth herself as she releases. When these thoughts come in, make a conscious effort to step away from the thinking, slow down, meditate, contemplate. We need to release the energy that has on the treadmill of thinking called WORRY!
Memories of other times and places being released, freed: When strange emotions, thoughts and reactions pop up seemingly out of nowhere, you can guarantee it’s a memory kicking up, being stirred up by something you’re doing, saying, feeling. In an alternate reality, an aspect of yourself is in a similar state. We release this ‘trapped’/frozen memory by changing the ‘story’, doing something differently.
Dreams: The dreams over these past few weeks during this eclipse cycle are a big part of this healing/clearing process. Nightmares are good for us! We access memories at night when we are in a sleep state and these come forward into our conscious mind. It is part of the letting go!
Physical body – may well have been forced to slow down and even stop everything, to take a rest, time out
For many of us, the only way to make us rest is for our physical body to be ‘hit’ with illness, accident, pain. The idea is to take the time out before you’re forced to be still by unpleasant circumstances.
Couch potato??? You could well be feeling lethargic, no life force as all these old memories, thoughts, emotions drain out of you! The heaviness in the mind, body and spirit is forcing us to get in touch with the locked in memories and FEEL the emotion so we can release the heaviness from the body.
With the faster planets moving through Taurus which is all about the physical body, we’ve been pressured to release, let go of those energies held in our physical bodies.
Now, with Venus, Mars and Mercury all travelling through Taurus, the physical body would be feeling any or all of these symptoms:
Venus: the emotional/heart energy – the old energies could release from anywhere in the body as all cells hold memory
Mercury: rules the mind
Mars: rules the head well have been experiencing release of energies in the head...headaches, sinus, heavy head syndrome, head colds.
Taurus rules the neck. Mars
What’s coming in:
Leading up to the New Moon on Friday: Venus is leading the way into the eclipse, just as she led the way into the last full moon in Scorpio!
Big release as Venus moves through the final degrees of Scorpio!...this is like spiritual heart attack/breakthrough energy!
We’re in the recovery from last week’s shifting energies, dealing with the fallout from the full moon eclipse! At the same time, we’re experiencing ‘the dark of the moon’, the three days of the darkening moon, when we’re called to release the old energies, of the past two weeks, the past month, the past year.
It’s a heart makeover: With Venus moving through the final degrees of Scorpio, there’s a growing intensity as she reaches that last degree on the day before the New Moon. If you don’t feel you’re getting a heart makeover, trust that it’s happening anyway. This week we are experiencing so many astrological aspects related to the personal/fast moving planets in Scorpio, connecting to the North/South nodes of the moon in Scorpio/Taurus respectively.
I thought I was having a heart attack earlier this week, one of those pseudo spiritual ‘heart attacks’ which felt real. Lying on the lounge, clasping my pack of Tarot cards, I ‘heard’ friends and family saying ‘She just couldn’t make it. She tried so hard. And she ended her days with her Tarot cards clasped to her chest.’
I do tend to dramatics and to the belief that ‘life is a movie’ and we just keep playing out scenes like a series of soap operas and reruns of reruns. The plot lines are the same ol’ same ol’ stories! This perspective on life brings out my sense of humour. So, after this huge energy shift in my chest, I was able to laugh about it. I already had an appointment with the doctor this week so did get her to check me over a couple of days later.
Off the treadmill: We’re giving up ‘life is hard work’!
This is the kind of energy we’re experiencing...the end of the road! We’re going through what’s called a ‘psychic’ death of old energies, particularly the hard work and struggle energy. The control freaks are dying!!!
10th May:
Venus moves into Gemini 1.03 am AEST...the higher heart energy calls us into unification!
This happens just nine and a half hours before the New Moon! Gemini is about the unification of the two sides of us, the masculine/feminine, the mind/heart. So, what a perfectly auspicious moment for us as Venus steps into this unification energy calling us to be united within ourselves as we enter the province of the Taurus New Moon solar eclipse energy.
How about coming to peace in our hearts and minds!!! The potential is there. Set the intention that this settling and calming within is coming into place as we move into the New Moon.
Peace and clarity is within reach: The marriage partners can come to peace if we allow this to happen. Stop the inner conflict, bickering, chatter going on between the rational mind and the emotional mind. Let both sides of the brain come in to working together. 
Sabian Symbol for Venus on Gemini 1:
A Glass-Bottomed Boat Reveals Undersea Wonders
With Venus in Gemini during the first couple of days of the New Moon, be open to new vistas and possibilities...let the heart energy of Venus open up our mind to the imagination and the inspiration which comes from the higher mind.
Connecting with like-minded others: Finding your butterfly ‘tribe’!
Venus is all about heart, desire and love. Gemini is the mind, the butterfly that goes from flower to flower, finding itself through connecting with others.
With Venus in Gemini, we’re likely to find a strong drive to seek out those with values and thinking in common. It’s like our butterfly self will fly straight to the ‘flowers’ that have the colour and perfume to resonate with our hearts and minds. Our radar will be more highly attuned to kindred spirits.
Finding ourselves in Gemini: The drive to connect with ‘your people’ is likely to increase in the coming weeks as Mercury, the Sun and then Mars all move into Gemini.
The Venus in Gemini energy is really pushing us to bring heart energy into our minds and thinking. Make the most of it because Venus moves on from Gemini into Cancer on 1st June. We have a beautiful window to access our divine minds and shift out of neurotic patterns of thinking, including worry, guilt, fear etc. etc. etc.
The ‘proof’ of our heart work will be manifesting when Mars moves into Gemini on 1st June, the day Venus leaves.
Venus/the feminine and Mars/the masculine...‘Ships in the night’ yet working together so beautifully.
10th May:   
New Moon in Taurus Solar eclipse at 10.28 am AEST at 19 degrees 31 Taurus
The cosmos is always helping us whether we know it or not. Taurus is Mother Earth, ruled by Venus. It feels like Mother Earth is awaiting the arrival of her prodigal sons/daughters to welcome us in to her open arms of abundance and wellbeing.
Venus realignment and balancing and reunification coming in with this New Moon:
As we experience the return of Venus to Gemini at 1.00 am, how far will we have come in unifying our hearts and minds, our emotional and mental states of being and how ready will we be to receive the gifts of this Taurus New Moon eclipse?
Taurus is about the physical body and our physical bodies connecting to the heart of the Earth. We are Earthlings, even if we feel the pull of other lives in other places. So, it is interesting with Venus alone in Gemini, but the planets of the body (Mars) and the mind (Mercury) still in the arms of the physical earth energy Taurus which is ruled by Venus.
Making the dream ‘real’: We’re getting grounded physically and mentally while Venus is blazing the trail into Gemini territory, like a scout checking out the landscape and preparing our hearts for the balancing act which will continue once Mercury then Mars join her in the coming weeks.
New Moon eclipse, new beginning for our life on earth: manifesting hopes and dreams in our earthly existence!
Taurus rules self-esteem, self-worth, what we value, our personal resources including gifts, talents, capacities for earning income. So, Taurus is a major player in determining how we tread the boards in our earthly existence. Do we embrace life on earth, feel good about our life here on earth, value who we are as well as our unique gifts and talents????
Taurus offers prosperity and comfort on a solid foundation of love: ‘love is letting go of fear’
All the personal planets moving through Taurus over these past weeks and continuing for a week or two from now, are putting the emphasis on self-worth, self-love and how that love translates into our everyday lives. If you’ve got a shortfall on the prosperity side, then look to what you are doing/not doing in your life. If you’re not making money doing what you do, then this is the time to contemplate what needs to change. This New Moon eclipse is really going to help shatter a few perceptions about what you ‘THINK’ you need to do and help you get in touch with what brings the joy of life, the passion that is the foundation of prosperity on planet earth. This applies to all aspects of physical existence including physical health and wellbeing.
New Moon with a releasing switch: The nodes of the moon in close aspect to the New Moon eclipse demand we change...Saturn kicks in too! 
This New Moon, new beginning has an overlay of ending the old/release energies about it with the Taurus/Scorpio energies still very much working on us releasing old memories, emotions, thoughts and behaviours as we reach for the new life, one step at a time, these old energies fall away as we create a different life to what we have experienced up to now.
A stellium of planets in Taurus! Manifesting new physical realities aligned with the energy of prosperity!
Find and claim your personal ‘pot of gold’!   
What does prosperity mean to you????
What a line-up of planetary forces for this New Moon eclipse! We have what’s called a stellium of planets in Taurus with the Sun, Moon on the same degree, Mercury cosy, just 2 degrees away and Mars within touching distance of them all. The South Node of the Moon in Taurus is just 3 degrees away from the New Moon, adding a major change factor into the equation. The Nodes are all about evolution of consciousness, personal and planetary changes.
So what does all this mean for us:
Sun and Moon aligned on same degree: Both our inner and outer selves are called in to alignment to work together on our new lives. The masculine and feminine are in harmony, in agreement as they focus on the common goal of love and the physical comfort and joy of life on earth.
Mercury close to the moon and sun: Mercury is our mind and all about communication so stay tuned to the messages of this new moon. Lift your thinking to the bigger picture, higher vision of what’s possible, if we allow it. There’s a huge potential for clearance of mind clutter, if we but allow it. Then we can get ‘the bigger picture’! (Venus and ‘the glass bottomed boat’)
Sabian symbol for Mercury: Taurus 18: A Woman Airing An Old Bag Through A Sunny Window To Give It Air And Sunshine.
The Sabian Symbol says it all – clear your mind, give it an airing and allow the winds of change and new ideas to come in to the psyche!
Mars close to Mercury and New Moon/Sun: The physical body, our masculine energies are called into alignment with our minds and with being present to our life on earth. Take time to comfort, nurture and pamper your physical body during this time. It’s all about loving and valuing your physical vessel called ‘the body’. Being in nature will be especially beneficial at this time as the mind and body come together.
Sabian symbol for Mars: Taurus 15:
A Man With A Silk Hat, Muffled Against The Cold, Braves The Storm
The Sabian Symbol reinforces the astrological message – take care of the body, comfort and pamper and ‘it doesn’t have to be a fight against the elements’!
Eclipses: Eclipses bring change for the next month, 6 months or even a year later
Solar eclipses: This New Moon in Taurus arrives with a solar eclipse which means the changes will be in our physical world.
Taurus solar eclipse...change of heart:   
‘would you like to swing on a star’???   
Although we’ll all be affected differently on how this eclipse will impact on our lives, we can consider the common threads of the Taurus energy as indicated above. We’re likely to experience a change of heart in one or more areas of our life. Venus rules Taurus so she is a big indicator for the ongoing change process which is likely to flow on from the eclipse. The change of heart about how we’re living physically will lead to change processes which could manifest in relation to health, work, relationships, family, travel, creativity...whatever is causing discomfort, despair, pain, irritation etc., is likely to shift/be shifted by your change of heart. The heart is driving the changes leading us in to new ways of living. It’s all good!
Sabian Symbol for the New Moon: from Linda Hill
Clouds from my windowThe Sabian Symbol for the eclipse is Taurus 20: Wisps Of Clouds, Like Wings, Are Streaming Across The Sky.

You may feel driven forward, almost out of your own control. In doing so you run the risk of either going past things too quickly, or tiring if you try to resist the momentum of forward push. It may be best to let the superficial excitement affect you and then be prepared to go back and sort out the details later. However, there can be a danger in making decisions and taking action too quickly; without enough consideration. You may find that you have no choice. You have an opportunity before you, and it could feel like it’s now or never and you must seize the day. Another element of this Symbol is that there can be very little actually going on around you, but there is so much going on over your head. Your imagination is active, but perhaps you are not really aware of it. You may find that your mind is working out what to do in this situation and in the next day or so “the coin will drop”. Enjoying the pleasant “weather” around you and allow the natural energies to blow away the confusing aspects of your life.

From Linda Hill’s Sabian symbols for this New Moon – see link above for further information:
The Moon's south node (a particularly karmic point) is on Taurus 17: A Symbolical Battle Between Swords, The Disciples Of Might, and Torches, The Disciples of Enlightenment.
The South Node represents the past, what we’re changing. The swords represent the mind and the torches represent the spirit. We’re being called in to letting go of the battles between the mind and the spirit and bringing them into harmony to work together.
The Moon’s north node is on Scorpio 7:
A woman, fecundated by her own spirit, is ‘great with child’.
The North Node represents the future, our new direction for evolving consciousness. We are all birthing a new reality represented by the child born of spirit.
Mercury is on Taurus 18: A Woman Airing An Old Bag Through A Sunny Window To Give It Air And Sunshine.
Mercury is the mind and we’re being called to clear the mind of old ‘dross’ and bring in new thinking and enlightenment of the mind
Mars is on Taurus 15: A Man With A Silk Hat, Muffled Against The Cold, Braves The Storm
Mars represents the physical body and our masculine energy. There may be a feeling that our masculine drive is on the defensive, fighting some kind of a battle with the power of destiny and truth. This inner symbolic battle may well play out in the physical body. The self-mothering energy will be important at this time in providing the nurturing support for ourselves to move from the ‘battleground’/struggle and get off the treadmill of life being hard work.
Jupiter is on Gemini 20:
 A Cafeteria With An Abundance Of Choices
Jupiter offers expansion, optimism and opportunities at any time. The message of this degree at this New Moon is to open up to the possibilities you haven’t even considered. With the mind clearing of Mercury and the vision offered by Venus in Gemini, chances are we can comfort and console our Mars energy with new perspectives that bring joy and passion to our lives.
Golden Oldie for the new Moon: ‘What a wonderful world’ Louis Armstrong
Think I might have posted this one before. Can we ever get too much of it?? It’s absolutely perfect for this new moon!
Scientific Information:
This eclipse is what’s called an annular solar eclipse.
From Wikipedia:
A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partially obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on EarthAn annular solar eclipse occurs when the Moon's apparent diameter is smaller than the Sun, causing the Sun to look like an annulus (ring), blocking most of the Sun's light. An annular eclipse appears as a partial eclipse over a region thousands of kilometres wide.
Annularity will be visible from northern Australia and the southern Pacific Ocean, with the maximum of 6 minutes 3 seconds visible from the Pacific Ocean east of French Polynesia.
Photo: Hopefully the weather will be kind for this Friday's partial solar eclipse. Safety glasses are still available from the Observatory for just $5. For more information about the eclipse see Dr Nick's fact sheet here: http://www.sydneyobservatory.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/ASA_annular_eclipse_10may2013.pdfFor more information:
Upcoming Dates:
16th May: Mercury moves into Gemini
19th/20th May: Uranus/Pluto square revisited
21st May: Sun moves into Gemini
25th May: Full Moon lunar eclipse in Sagittarius
Well folks, that’s it for the time being. We’re really going to be carried forward in amazing ways with these energies. Taurus is waiting for us to accept the gifts of a good life, enjoying the fruits of our labours, labours which are filled with the joy of being who we are and practising our own particular brand of magic!

Are you ready to own and reclaim your mojo???? to own your magical powers of physical manifestation? That’s the call with this eclipse!
Love and blessings to my ‘families’, friends, fellow travellers
from the chair

..taking it easy...let the show begin
It‘s all about love


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