...for the children of the earth

Sunday 19 May 2013

21st May 2013 Sun moves into Gemini

Hi everyone!
We're up in the air!
Gemini time! 
It’s butterfly time, one of the symbols of Gemini, the twins!
Are you ready for a mind clearing, possibly explosive time??? What...more of it I hear you say??? With the Gemini solar energy, it’s all light and airy...except for a big challenge in the middle of all this light and air, as two of the big planetary players (Uranus/Pluto), come into their third bout for supremacy!
The energies coming in on 21st May have the potential to blast some fresh thinking into your brain cells as a number of significant planetary aspects impact on us as the Sun enters Gemini.
We’ll be gifted with the mind and heart energies aligned, floating above the earth, being uplifted, whilst at the same time there’s a potential for a deep healing of the collective unconscious emotional wounds. 
Dropping the masks: This entry of the Sun into light-hearted Gemini is followed within hours by the powerful meeting of Uranus and Pluto in a challenging square! if we keep hearts and minds lovingly connected, we’ll fly through this portal of challenge with the ‘big guns’ of Uranus and Pluto.
What’s been happening:
Since my last update of the 16th, trusting you felt an uplift of energies with Mercury moving into Gemini. It certainly felt as though some of the heaviness is moving on as the planets move out of Taurus. The main effect of Mercury’s move to Gemini, is likely to be a clearing of the muddiness of the waters.
The Sun: The other influence of the past few days has been solar activity (15th-17th) with solar flares and coronal mass ejections which unsettled the geomagnetic sphere and in turn, unsettled the earth.
The Moon: ‘A meteor with estimated weight of 40 kg, approximately 0.3 - 0.4 meters wide, and traveling at speed of 90 123 km/h hit the lunar surface in Mare Imbrium on March 17, 2013. The resulting explosion packed as much punch as 5 tons of TNT.’ – from website ‘The Watchers’
The Earth: "On the night of March 17, NASA and University of Western Ontario all-sky cameras picked up an unusual number of deep-penetrating meteors right here on Earth," he says. "These fireballs were traveling along nearly identical orbits between Earth and the asteroid belt." – The Watchers
21st May:
Sun moves into Gemini 7.09 am AEST
...time to float some new ideas! until 21st June!
The communication sector is highlighted as the Sun moves into Gemini, joining Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in the sign of everyday communication, commerce, social interaction and networking.
Spiritual balance and unification of our duality: ‘meeting ourselves’
Spiritually, Gemini is about the unification of our masculine/feminine, the rational/intuitive, the outer self/inner being. This next month, we’ll be concentrated on this unification process, reclaiming ‘lost’ aspects of ourselves as they pop up psychically and/or in our everyday associations.
Collecting, integrating the ‘data’:   
be like a butterfly or a bee! gather the nectar!
When the Sun is in Gemini, we’re invited by the cosmos to get in touch with the ‘data’ which informs us about ourselves and our place in the universe. As we feel the urge to mix and mingle with more people during this month, we’re likely to come across mirror images of ourselves! This can be confronting as we suddenly recognise our own resonance and what is being reflected back to us through our associations.
If you’re feeling the joy of increasing connections to kindred spirits/soul family, then you can assume your ‘nectar’ is drawing those people to you. Similarly, if your experience with others is challenging, then you need to consider your own energy and resonance. Are you consciously ‘holding’ the energy of love, forgiveness and compassion etc.??? If not, then get back to rebalancing yourself...meditation, contemplation, nature, time alone, music, movement etc..
Sun in Gemini trine Moon in Libra:  
thoughts and emotions aligned on the same page!
...a good beginning for the next solar month of Gemini!
As the Sun enters Gemini, it aligns with the Moon in Libra, bringing an auspicious start to the Gemini solar month! We are swept into this day with the supportive flowing energies between our inner emotions and outer identity. 
This will be a nice change as we experience a moment in time, about a day at most, which signifies a positive time for gathering our energies into a unified whole.
Venus and Mercury (heart and mind) are travelling close together in Gemini until the first week of June :   
united we stand!
As the Sun enters Gemini, hearts and minds are enjoying the hot air balloon ride, lifting emotions and thoughts into a higher perspective, a bigger vision. These two planets are travelling in close proximity, coming to a unification on the Sagittarius full Moon on 25th at the end of this week.
Uranus in Aries sextile Venus/Mercury in Gemini:   
the Uranus in Aries flame fuels the Venus/Mercury Gemini balloon!
Uranus in Aries is working with the heart and mind of these two planets in Gemini, firing them up with the ideas and emotions for taking radical courageous action.
Have no doubt about the power of Uranus who is calling us to break free of restrictions and to take a leap of faith.
When hearts and minds are united and fired for ACTION, it’s all systems go!!! Jump first, ask questions later. No need to fear this sudden change taking place. It’s an energy that’s been building for a long time as we’ve been teetering on the edge of something. We just needed the supportive cosmic forces, the ‘right’ time to help us launch into new territory.
Venus in Gemini will be squaring/challenging Chiron in Pisces on the 21st: healing the words which have wounded the heart!
This is a short term influence, as Venus moves away from Chiron fairly quickly, moving out of influence within the week. However, I’m including it here because it will be acting on us, possibly opening up some old wounds, healing scar tissue in the memory banks on the day when Uranus and Pluto come to exact challenge.
Just to be aware, if it ‘hurts’, it’s healing. It could well be associated with words, heart energy, love, emotions and not to forget, with Chiron in Pisces, we’re healing collective emotional wounds. That is...it’s not just about you and it’s not necessarily all your pain.
21st May: Uranus square/challenge to Pluto comes to an exact meeting...between a rock and a hard place! 
This aspect is an ongoing energy which has been impacting us since last year and will take us into 2015. Uranus and Pluto are changing us and changing our world. It’s a long term transit which is hovering over us, under us for these years, with Uranus and Pluto coming into 7 exact meetings over this time period.
It’s been impacting on us since the beginning of May and will continue to press on us strongly until the end of the first week of June. So, although it’s intensity is on 21st, changes will flow on from that for the next few weeks. With the closing of the eclipse portal on 9th June, the New Moon in Gemini, we’ll feel the releasing of this change process...at least until November, when it ‘hits’ us again!!!
It’s a ‘blow-out’, a tipping point, a volcano of raw, untapped suppressed emotion that seeks release!
This IS Peter Finch in ‘Network News’...’I’ve mad as hell and I’m not gonna take this anymore!’
Here’s a very short clip from that speech in the movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMBZDwf9dok
It’s likely to feel like you’re hitting a wall and in hitting the wall, you release the blocked emotions and hopefully come up with some solutions for your own sense of powerlessness. Hopefully, there won’t be too much fall-out from this explosion of energy.
25th March March against Monsanto: the kind of activism stimulated by the Uranus/Pluto square!
It’s interesting that on May 25th, 4 days after this aspect, and on the day of the Full Moon in Sagittarius, activists worldwide will march against Monsanto and their genetically-modified foods. All the radical street marching protesting austerity measures, closure of public institutions, privatising of public institutions, war-like aggressive acts and explosive acts of war are very much an expression of this aspect. It’s all about the breakout for freedom over oppression.
Breaking down barriers of resistance: As Uranus/Pluto move towards their exact meeting, the energy becomes intensified, amplified...pushing us to break down the barriers preventing us being our unique selves, to break through the conditioning of the social, economic, political and religious order.
4.gifPut away the boxing gloves: choose peace over war!
These two came to an exact meeting twice last year, in June and September. However, they’re staying in proximity over these years into 2015, sufficiently close to affect us all and to challenge us to know when to take action and how to accomplish positive change WITHOUT the boxing gloves.
They meet again this year in November, twice next year and then again in March 2015 to finish us off...hopefully polishing us up!
Harness mind power to negotiate through the potential anger, frustration, resentment blow-out of the Uranus/Pluto Square!
The Sun only just moves into Gemini shortly before Uranus/Pluto come into a clashing wake-up meeting. Hearts and minds are together with the Sun in the light-hearted sign of Gemini. The power of the positive mind (Mercury power) joined with the loving heart (Venus) uplift, elevate and help us negotiate the Uranus/Pluto grrrr!
The two players in this ‘bout’ for supremacy:   
in fact, both players are working for change, deep change!
Uranus in Aries: the sudden wake-up call! the flash of inspiration! the shock of insight! Planet of change, the awakener, the radical thinker is in Aries, sign of the fiery masculine warrior, sign of courage, fearless leadership. Uranus in Aries offers us the insight and the courage and fire to act upon the insight!
Uranus calls us to freedom and in Aries, taking freedom through radical action!!! It’s a gaol break-out!
Pluto in Capricorn: The dark lord of the underworld, at home in the darkest recesses of the psyche of humanity, is in Capricorn, sign of the establishment, tradition, patriarchy, governments, systems, organisations, big money, multinationals. 
Pluto takes us to the depths and seeks out that which has been buried. Wikileaks is very much a manifestation of Pluto in Capricorn in action. All over the world, the truth is being revealed about all number of people, places, organisations etc. Pluto is in Capricorn until 2024, so we’re in for the long haul with the revelations and truth telling.
Let hearts and minds lift us through the Uranus/Pluto square...they’re in the driver’s seat if we let them take charge!
Keep tuned to your heart and mind and give them the time and space to realign, work together and be united in how you respond to incoming information and experiences. Take a deep breath and take time out, even if it’s just a minute before you speak and/or take action.
Leap of faith: separately and together!
We’re all taking our leap of faith, independently it would seem. But we are all leaping together and reuniting in formation, in unity and in accord with the power of faith, truth, love and in alignment with the bigger picture. We’re being ‘set up’ for the Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on 25th May, just 4 days away!

More insight on the 3rd Uranus/Pluto square from Cathy Pagano at: http://wisdom-of-astrology.blogspot.com.au/
Here’s a significant quote: Three is the number of process, and with this 3rd out of 7 squares between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. It is time to awaken and stretch our muscles. This square can be a game changer. The first 2 squares brought up the issues; now this 3rd square demands action.
Further reading in the new page:   
‘Getting Smart about your Choices 3rd Uranus/Pluto Square’
from Barbara Hand-Clow
Golden oldie:
‘Up, up and away’ in my beautiful balloon...from The 5th Dimension
If you want to see The 5th Dimension in all their 70’s glory: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5akEgsZSfhg
Upcoming dates:
25th May: Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius...a super moon!
That’s all for now folks! We’re still in the eclipse tunnel of change process! One more eclipse on 25th May, this week! Hopefully these updates aren’t overloading you with info, but it happens like that sometimes. A lot of good changes happening all at once.
Love and blessings as always to all my fellow travellers!
from the chair
..envisioning the bigger picture...getting ready for the leap!
It’s all about love

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