...for the children of the earth

Saturday 22 December 2018

22nd December 2018: Sun enters Capricorn, December Solstice, 23rd December Full Moon in Cancer

Hi everybody!

Here’s my last update for 2018.  The next one will take us into the new year of 2019!  Whew....what a year it’s been!

We’re in the waning light of the Sagittarius Sun and our steeds are still moving through plenty of watery energies. But they’re up to it even as we approach the new doorway of the December Solstice and Full Moon in Cancer. We're moving fast spiritually even as our physical bodies are feeling the weariness of the past year's release.

We entered the eclipse energies at the last New Moon:
We’re already in ‘the twilight zone’...the space where time seems to stand still, where the energies are taking us into new ways of being and feeling and living, where we don’t know what’s happening and we have to let go of trying to work it out with our ‘little minds’.  It’s all about allowing ourselves to be carried by our hearts and spirit.  Intention, focus and commitment is everything now.

22nd December:  
Sun enters Capricorn at 9.22 am AEDT,  December Solstice
Until 20th January 2019
The Sun entering Capricorn calls us to the look to the top of the mountain, the mountain we’ve been climbing the past solar month, year and this lifetime.

Capricorn urges us to claim our success in the material world of physical existence.  We feel the urge to examine our lives in terms of our perception of success.  The dominant paradigm operating in the world translates ‘success’ as the amount of money, power, influence and respect we can command.  It is built upon economic and commercial principles and benchmarks. 

However, for the spiritual warrior, success in the world is determined by our ability to live in the physical world in the knowledge that success is beyond the competitive framework of the ideology of capitalism. 

That does not mean we have to reject the physical benefits of living on earth which include financial support, a sense of physical security, home and shelter.  We know that ‘success’ is much more than these basic needs being met.

Accessing and transforming the past:  
Memories, the status quo and a more caring world!
Capricorn rules the status quo, the establishment and along with Cancer works with ‘the past’.

Whilst Cancer rules memories and the subconscious, Capricorn is concerned with maintaining those systems and organisations which provide physical security and stability.  Governments, Multinationals, Big organisations and systems including financial systems come into this category.

Established benchmarks of society:  Increasing transparency and revelations of truth!
So the benchmarks and rules of the established order in society are front and centre for us all. As we can see in  world affairs, this established order is being challenged by grassroots challenges and questioning as the ‘managers’ and controllers of these established systems are brought into public truth and revelation with respect to corrupt practices and abuse of power.   

Ethics and integrity:  Public and personal unravelling!
The masses are restless and in some countries the civil unrest grows as the citizens prepare to ‘storm the Bastille’.  This will continue as we see the ‘destroyers’ of the old systems are in place at the top levels of politics, business and finance.  Their ‘unravelling’ and destruction of old status quo may well seem ‘self-sabotaging’ but in the bigger picture is part of the destruction of societal frameworks as we know them.

The new builders of society:  Undercover work by the grassroots!
The world talks of the ‘trickle down’ effect with respect to economic growth but I suggest the ‘trickle-down’ effect is very much appearing physically with respect to evolution of consciousness.

Notice the physical manifestations of the new nodal changes in planetary evolution:   
More people looking for a sense of belonging and home!
I’ve written in some length about the Sun moving into Capricorn because we’re clearly starting to see increasing manifestation of the new planetary nodes in Cancer and Capricorn where the South Node in Capricorn is calling us to let go of the old ways which are hampering our evolution and focus on the North Node in Cancer, sign of the divine mother, nurturing, home. place of belonging and ‘family’.  

Watch out for new leaders emerging who carry this energy, not necessarily as a Sun sign but with a strong focus on this area.  They may be in the political, business landscape but across all areas of life.  They may seem to come out of ‘nowhere’ as the new spiritual leaders for our world with the ‘new benchmarks’ based on spiritual and divine law.                         

The Solstice Portal:  
Accessing the space between worlds!  The ‘twilight zone’!

Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere: Summer Solstice in Southern Hemisphere...gratitude to the Sun!
Traditionally a time on earth where our ancestors honoured the power and light of the Sun and its cycles as intrinsic for ongoing life on earth. It’s the longest day for those of us in the Southern Hemisphere and for those in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s the shortest day and longest night.

An esoteric stargate or portal:  Opening up the channels of communication between worlds!
The Solstice is regarded esoterically as a ‘stargate’, a ‘portal’ which opens us up to the other realities, dimensions and allows us to bring energies into a light reunion with ourselves and the cosmos.

More information on the Solstice:

23rd December:  Full Moon in Cancer at 0 degrees 49 minutes Cancer at 4.48 am AEDT
Coming home to safe harbour!

Here’s the big one!  Cancer Full Moon!  Heading home to safe harbour!
The moon rules Cancer so this Full Moon brings us the whole kit and caboodle of the past, memories, subconscious, family, ancestors, childhood, home and mothering into one huge package of potential release and reclamation!

A beginning and an ending!   
Release and reclamation!
Standing in the sky at 0 degrees we know that this is a beginning as well as an ending, just like the last full moon in Gemini and the next 4 Full Moons until April 2019.

A turning point of release and a welcome to the power of the ancestors!
Full Moons are endings, a culmination, a huge release and in that energy it becomes a turning point As we clear and release past memories, ancestral energies which have been holding us back as well as karmic ties and burdens we can then be open to access those energies which are empowering spiritually, aligned with the divine higher consciousness of love. 

It’s a time of major emotional release and uplift.

New powerful ancestral energies are coming through:  Prepare to meet and welcome the power of the past positive energies for growth!
With the release of ‘old’ unconscious legacies from the ancestors, we make space for the positive supportive ancestral energies to emerge more fully.  They’ve always been there but may have been somewhat handicapped by the unresolved energies which can sabotage our growth and movement forward. 

Huge emotional energies at this full moon:  Choose the gentle way!  
We’re learning the positive ways of Cancer, sign of the divine mother!
We’re focussing on homecoming, nurturing, nourishing spiritually and ‘mothering’ ourselves and whoever we can support without sacrificing our own health, wellbeing and self-love. Therapy is learning to ‘self-mother’ and that is our current collective pathway forward.  Ask ‘is this in my own best self interest for my welfare, wellbeing and nourishment spiritually?’

The planetary nodes in play at this full moon:  
We’re all in this change process...every one of us!  

Come home!
Sitting in opposition at 26 degrees Cancer/Capricorn shifting everyone on earth in consciousness and focus for new directions.

Uranus at 28 degrees squaring off to the planetary nodes:  
Ongoing lightning strikes and eye opening insights!
Divine alignment with planetary evolution via ongoing wake up calls, lightning strikes which guarantee a sudden shift in perspective and direction. Squares like this can be challenging with tension but can also offer great opportunity.

Chiron with Mars in trine to the planetary nodes:  
Healing of the masculine ‘warrior’ wounds...open surgery!
Chiron 27 degrees Pisces
Mars at 23 degrees Pisces
Hanging up the boxing gloves!
Trines are open flowing energies and essentially working easily yet can still throw up some challenges especially with the current line up of masculine fire, drive and ‘action man’ being pulled apart by old spiritual wounds held by humanity. We can see this happening in our systems and governments, big business but also look to the emergence of ‘the new age masculine’ being enacted in our domestic situations.  Who’s cooking the dinner this Christmas?  

Pluto at 20 degrees Capricorn is in close proximity to the South Node at 26 degrees Capricorn:  ‘Death’ and transformation to outdated benchmarks!
The message is of major life transformation around the Capricorn energies and how we utilise them in our spiritual growth and expansion.  Read above for the Sun in Capricorn. We’re transforming what success means to us outside of the issues of money, status and power based on these benchmarks.

Other planetary energies at this full Moon: Divine messages coming through...contemplate, meditate, relax, dreams are powerful this week!
Mercury and Jupiter up close and personal in Sagittarius are squaring off to spiritual Neptune are offering messages of truth and wisdom uplifting the unevolved emotional energies from the collective unconscious.  We’re all in the collective and we all carry these energies. The challenge and the opportunity is to hear and receive the messages from higher spiritual forces, to open to the upgrade mentally and to take the higher path with the emotions, releasing attachments to damaging collective emotions.

Mercury 9 degrees Sagittarius...ruler of our mental body and the ‘messenger’ ruling communication
Jupiter 10 degrees Sagittarius....our crusader for truth, higher wisdom and consciousness
Neptune 13 degrees Pisces...spiritual ruler of Pisces and the collective unconscious:  bringing forward unconscious knowledge for our growth and evolution

Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon in Cancer: From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com

Cancer 1
This Symbol implies a time of dropping the old whilst adopting the new. To 'Lower an Old Flag and Raise a New One' marks real turning points in one’s life. Something is changing, possibly dramatically, and the transformation should be taken seriously. Something that once was useful or valuable is, or has, ended and something brand new is beginning or emerging. There should be a symbolic gesture or expression of this change of allegiance. It may help to run any new ideas or plans up the "flagpole" to see if anybody salutes. You’re could change countries, professions, relationships, etc, as these are very significant times. Changing loyalties. Turning points in obligations or duties. Announcing new standards. Letting go of old allegiances and taking up new ones. Divorces, marriages, shifts.

Capricorn 1
This shows the necessity or the ability to be strong, stand tall, be in charge and command respect. There are leadership issues that need to be embraced or addressed. Sometimes we need to rise to the occasion and take charge and this may lead to a struggle for control; you may have to remind those around you that you can be trusted to make decisions or lead others. Those above you may remind you of your lesser position in the scheme of things – are some jealous of your achievements and power? Know when to give way to the rights of others. Assuming authority. Finding a sense of place. Charisma. Respect. Standing up in the crowd. Staking one's claim. Being voted in. Popularity contests. Benevolence.

24th December:  Mercury comes out of shadow retrograde at 13 degrees Sagittarius...preparing for 2019 with new ideas, thoughts directions

25th December:  Chiron moves on from his ‘stationing degree’ of 27 degrees to 28 degrees Pisces

From Lauren Gorgo:  THREE THINGS TO SHARE:  

 We are currently moving thru a powerful window of completion spanning our annual Galactic Core, Sun & Earth alignment (12/17-19) and the solstice (12/21), which then culminates during the highly feminine Cancer full moon window (12/22) bringing us right to Christmas day (12/25).  As we close this (11/2) year in mastery of (divine) union we also open to complete rewrites of reality, becoming the sacred house of spirit to dwell within...to Create from.

According to my Sources, this potent period is leading us to the even more potent universal 12/3 year (2019), heralding the last in an intense series of diamond light body activations.  These final downloads for 2018 are providing those prepared with the codes needed to move into the central, or physical ascension experiencewhich will be the main focus/theme for next year.  (See the 5D report  for more)

This month is like walking thru a long dark tunnel to arrive there...it can be deceptive to an untrained mind, but because we can see the new light just up ahead, it propels us forward knowing that we are merely steps away from the illumination of what awaits.  This is no doubt a very special sacred season that may ask a lot from us,  but all in preparation for a major acceleration in our evolution.

Golden Oldies:
‘My Lighthouse’ Rend Collective https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFBZJGSgyVQ for the Full Moon 

‘Love is in the Air’ John Paul Young https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNC0kIzM1Fo Solstice, Full Moon, Christmas message

‘Driving Home for Christmas’ Chris Rea with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNC0kIzM1Fo For Cancer Full Moon

‘I’ll Be Home for Christmas’ Bing Crosby https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dL71eMc1blw Memories, the past and dreams

‘Peace Train’ Cat Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkTQri3a4Gg for the evolution of consciousness

Upcoming Dates: 
1st January:  Mars moves into Aries
5th January:  Mercury moves into Capricorn at 2.39 pm AEDT
6th January:  New Moon in Capricorn Partial Solar Eclipse at 15 degrees 25 Capricorn at 12.28 pm AEDT
7th January:  Uranus stations direct at 28 degrees 26 Aries at 7.26 am AEDT
7th January:  Venus moves into Sagittarius at 10.18 pm AEDT

Related image
That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

We gather at the ancient site of the Solstice celebration Stonehenge to welcome this solar turning point for the year. 

Happy Solstice to us all as we open up to the immense change processes taking us through the evolution of our lives and of humanity. We’re bringing in the consciousness of peace and love, the essential message of Christmas on earth.

The Cancerian Full Moon promises a major release. a culmination of energies and a reclamation of the ancestral legacy of ancient knowledge and guidance.

Love and blessings to us all as we welcome the new pathways opening up to us and stay focussed on manifesting our divine potential and lives on earth.

Apologies for the lateness of this update but have had a very rough week. Yes, I know I’m not alone.

Peace and love to all whether or not you’re celebrating Christmas either as a religious ritual or a cultural experience.  Love is all that matters.


from the chair...flying


It’s all about love
Divine reunion


Wednesday 12 December 2018

13th December 2018: Mercury enters Sagittarius

Hi everybody!

Our Sagittarian horses are in recovery from the past weeks, months and year of 2018 waiting for their time to run out on the hills like wild brumbies.  Meanwhile they’re soaking in the big oceanic energies which are flooding us all here on earth.  Plenty of emotional and spiritual cleansing on all levels of our being.

2018:  What’s been holding us back!
It’s been a slow year physically and dynamic spiritually!
In a world driven by speed and the need for a ‘quick fix’, we’ve all learned some hard lessons about timing, patience, focus, trsut and biding our time as this universal 2 year of balancing, re-balancing and huge karmic clearance kept us on track for the refinement of our energies.

Recalibration of the body, fire, drive and the heart:  Big ‘death’ throes!
Both Mars and Venus in retrograde this year have been a big factor in this ‘backtracking’, clearing energy along with the power of Jupiter in Scorpio demanding an ascension of consciousness with major transformation and release of old conditioned ways of being and living. We’re still learning to be mindful, to be here and now, to be in integrity without living through the projections from others and through memories from other times and places.

Looking forward to 2019:
The outer slower moving planets and Mercury all travel in retrograde each year whereas Mars and Venus only do this journey every 18 months to 2 years. So rest in the knowledge that our fire and drive, our spiritual life force is returning and it will be kicking off the new year as Mars enters his own sign of Aries right on New Year with a number of planetary changes in the very first week.  Only one planet will be in retrograde as we go into new year...Uranus!

We’re seekers of spiritual freedom: 
Freeing ourselves from the karmic burdens, societal conditioning by oppressive forces will continue!
Freedom is calling us on, the spiritual freedom that is the hallmark of the spiritual ‘warrior’.  We live on a planet of limitations and there’s nothing wrong with having spiritual ‘guidelines’ to keep us on track.  Our soul will open doors for what is aligned with our spiritual elevation rather than with human ego desires based on societal benchmarks of success in the world. We need to keep that in our minds and hearts as we set our intent for the New Year.

12/12/18 Stargate:
Here's a quote from Lauren Gorgo's last message:
'Inborn & Starborn: the new human prototypes'
'The (master) DNA activations…from resultant key codes via the 11/11 gateway…produced an extraordinary wave of diamond/crystalline rainbow light-body activations for a sizable group of people who are ready to participate with the diamond/crystalline grid of energy that first revealed itself in the psychic field on or around the September equinox.
From what I understand, this was the first in a series of activations that will span the rest of this calendar year…the second of which occurred on 11/22…and will be followed by the next 11:11:11 (on 11/29) and then two more activation dates are lit up on both 12/12 & 12/21, bringing the series to grand finale finish on 12/25. (Christmas day! ).
This is (excitedly) emphasized as a really big deal because the diamond body is the light body level attainment required to physicalize our ascension …'
Channelled from star people:
'We would like to assist in the realization that your diamond light body IS your ascension vehicle…that this structure, once built, provides you with the framework needed for the physical ascension.
Once you complete the series of diamond light body activations you then move into what we would call the central ascension experience
From Lauren:
'Where the first part of the ascension experience is/has been a metaphysical ascension…the central ascension experience is described as “the physical act of ascension”...the rerouting of life force (via diamond field/torus activation) that is required regenerate/rebuild the body.'
Where are we?  
Between the Full Moon in Gemini and the New Moon in Sagittarius...decision pending?

Where are we?  Between the Full Moon in Gemini and the New Moon in Sagittarius...decision pending?

It's a time of reckoning for many of us:
'Enough is enough and 'between a rock and hard place'?

The Full Moon in Gemini brought us to 'enough is enough'.

The New Moon in Sagittarius brought us to the precipice of change as a decision came up which could have put us between a rock and a hard place.  The ‘doorway’ in the image represents the big energies at the New Moon which kicked in with Uranus, lightning striker squaring off to the planetary karmic nodes of evolution.  Those energies are still operational until the end of December this year. 

We're still in that 'hard place' as we wait for divine timing and for more information, events to unfold, our own readiness to make that decision coming from a place of love for ourselves. Now we sit with 'what's in my best interests, my evolution and growth to a full life?'

Tomorrow Mercury moves out of Scorpio into Sagittarius and more mental clarity on offer. We need to 'stay the course' and wait and trust and align with our own best interests for the way forward. Clearing the debris blocking the path is the only way as we hold the vision.

Even if you don't 'get' the stargate/portal info, it's a powerful energy when people around the world are meditating, praying, healing and accessing the light at the one time.

Art:  Dmir Kvajo

13th December:  Mercury enters Sagittarius at 10.42 am AEDT...our pilgrimage...on we go
Until 5th January 2019
Minds are fired!  A glimmer of light!  Need to remember bodies, emotions!
Our mental energy is fired with hope and enthusiasm even as we come to the end of this calendar year and feel our emotional and physical bodies still in recovery mode from so much transformation this past year. 

Our inner pilgrims may be on foot but they’re walking towards the light of the sun to the promise of a new day with the path clearly laid out before them.  They’re travelling light with only their necessities for the road ahead.  We’re going to really start feeling a lightening of the load we’ve been carrying as we walk on with Mercury bringing higher consciousness into our mental bodies.

Mercury is the messenger, the forerunner offering ideas and possibilities!
With Mercury moving into Sagittarius we may feel our minds are racing way ahead of our physical bodies, our emotional equilibrium. Keep this in mind as we harness our mental energies to bring ideas forward, clarification and new possibilities emerging.  We need to use some disciplined thinking, sorting and sifting as we look to the new year.

Plenty of info yet even more to come:  Biding our time...maybe
There may be a strong urge to act on these ideas right now and that could be right but keep in mind that we still have the Full Moon in Cancer coming up on 23rd just after the December Solstice, the day when the sun moves into Capricorn.

Full Moon in Cancer:  Bringing new information to light!  Stay tuned!
Full Moon brings new information to light and possibly old ‘issues’ which require resolution and being in Cancer, her own sign...plenty of the ‘past’, memories arising.  Doesn’t need to be painful but there could be old residue from childhood, mother, ancestors coming forward.

Strong ancestral energies bringing positive support from the past:
The positive take on this Full Moon is that now we’ve cleared so much karmic residue from the ancestors, we can now clearly access the strengths and legacy of  our ancestral heritage.  

Why are we waiting?  More clarity and clarification to come!
Venus, ruler of our heart is now tracking forwards through retrograde shadow, recovering old territory until 18th December
Leaves shadow energy at 10 degrees 50 Scorpio

Mercury, ruler of our mind, is now tracking forwards through retrograde shadow, recovering old territory until 24th December
Leaves ‘shadow’ at 13 degrees Sagittarius

Chiron, healer of collective ‘wounds’,  virtually ‘stationary’ still on 27 degrees Pisces until 24th December...’the ocean of emotion’

All these planetary energies are now moving direct but they’re covering old territory so we’re clearing up old issues we were tackling in the past weeks/months as these issues are highlighted in a whole new way.  Trust the process of illumination and the slow pace as insights and guidance is revealed.

Golden Oldies:
‘The Waiting Game’ Van Morrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwvwAv7icgM (with lyrics) for 2018...not over yet!

There must be reason for all this inaction
Does it mean that everything must change
Sometimes I'm looking for perfection
When I'm waiting on, waiting game
When I'm waiting on, waiting game

There is a presence deep within you
Some people call it higher power in flame
When the leaves come tumbling down, remember
I'll be waiting on, waiting game
I'll be waiting on, waiting game.....

Upcoming Dates:
22nd December:  Sun enters Capricorn, December Solstice
23rd December:  Full Moon in Cancer at 0 degrees 49 minutes Cancer at 4.48 am AEDT

1st January:  Mars moves into Aries
5th January:  Mercury moves into Capricorn
6th January:  New Moon in Capricorn Partial Solar Eclipse
7th January:  Uranus stations direct
7th January:  Venus moves into Sagittarius

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

Esoterically we’re still dancing around that big Sagittarian bonfire of light burning within us all and letting the water logged memories just wash out of us.  With Uranus still in play with the planetary nodes, the energy is still very edgy and impacting the nervous system so it’s extra important to keep returning to the here and now and that calm centre within us.  We need to be conscious of these energies which can throw us into a spin and maintain the faith.

All feelings of futility, despair and loss of faith in our process and our own divine powers need to be released.  We have to power to change our world, individually and collectively so our focus is vital as the frontrunners of change.

Next stop on the planetary calendar is the Solstice when the Sun moves to Capricorn followed close behind by the Full Moon in Cancer, 22nd/23rd AEDT.  That will be my next update.  Be steady, calm and hold the light. 

Love and blessings to us all as we gather around the Sagittarian bonfire of united spirit and hear the messages from higher consciousness and the cosmos.

Birds are messengers from the airwaves and Robins and Doves bring special messages from the angelic realms and higher guidance to say we are being supported by our guardian angels and the angelic realms. 


from the chair...biding my time...slower please

It’s all about love
Divine reunion