...for the children of the earth

Sunday 2 December 2018

1st December 2018: Mercury enters Scorpio retrograde, 3rd December Venus enters Scorpio

Hi everybody!
Our horses are resting in the light of the Sagittarian Sun waiting for the right time to make a move.  Even though Sagittarius wants us all to get moving, we’re still being held by the ‘getting things’ clear energy of Mercury still in retrograde.

All in good time as within the week we have the New Moon in Sagittarius on 7th which will initiate new directions as the seeds for the future month. There is no urgency even as we all feel the ‘pull’ to get things on the move ready for 2019.

What about that Full Moon in Gemini!  Enough is enough...or what!
Did you feel the children seeking to ‘come home’ to the joy of life?  Maybe you experienced the sense of separation from the joy of life which is the mojo of the divine child.  Getting back to the innocence and simplicity that is the measure of our ascension to higher consciousness is now on the agenda and will get a further boost with the New Moon in Sagittarius.

Can you feel the tide turning:  Change is starting to manifest in the world!
Yes, old structures and belief systems are crumbling leaving many of us a little vulnerable.  But at the same time we’re seeing more people rising up and speaking out for the universal laws of equity, justice, love and inclusion.
Yes, I hear you say, the tensions of duality continue.  It’s not over yet. It is about us maintaining the faith in our own lives and our divine power.

The personal work of all of us is accelerating the awakening:  
‘The personal is the political’...watch this space and maintain the faith!
As people are awaking from their slumbers we continue to release the memories and lost ‘souls’ within us accelerating the shift in consciousness. Every one of us is making a contribution in our focus on and commitment to our own ascension in consciousness.  As we access the more evolved consciousness, we bring it into the collective.  We add to the strength and power of divine love, forgiveness, harmony, peace, equity and abundance on the planet.

This week:  ‘InSight’ lands on Mars!
Nasa landed a vehicle on the planet Mars.  It’s called ‘inSight’ and I can only imagine after trying to land a vehicle on Mars for the past 6 years that now it’s time. How perfect!  Whenever we discover and explore new places in the cosmos whether here on earth or out in ‘space’, new aspects of ourselves and our place in the universe become available to us.  Mars, the red planet, is in fact a very cold planet temperature wise.  In Astrology, it rules the masculine ‘warrior’ spirit, our fire and drive.  It’s a part of ourselves we’re all working with evolving within so we don’t enact the old warrior reflexes of fight or flight.

Stay tuned for what new info emerges from InSight and see how it applies, resonates with our world on earth. 

December 2018 and into 2019!
As we rise up into the light choosing the power of love and joy and equity for all, the world powers appear to be pushing back, putting more pressure on us to bend to the ways of the old order, the old embedded system structures and ideologies.  This old systemic pressure of the patriarchal order will continue next year but am trusting that all of us who have been doing the ‘slash and burn’ of old consciousness will be in a better place for providing new structures, systems of support and refuge for those who will be awakened with a crash in the coming year.

1st December:  Mercury entered Scorpio retrograde 10.12 pm AEDT
Deep sea diving for pearls of wisdom!
Until 6th December stations/turns direct
13th December:  Enters Sagittarius
Let’s make this last dive for 2018: Getting to the truth! 
We’re all seeking clarity and understanding and the knowingness of right action at the right time.  Mercury, ruler of our mental body has a bit more work to do clearing the mindsets and the deeply embedded emotional energies lodged in our beings which are holding us back from the full expression of our true selves.

Next stop:  Authenticity!  Right ahead!  Turn on your light!
Mercury is dredging up the memories, the experiences from the past which have left us ‘wanting’ for true love of ourselves.  We’re so used to taking on the emotions and thoughts of others about who we are with a smallest gesture, facial expression or comment carrying the weight of criticism or judgement.

Rebirthing:  Stripping away the old mental burdens!
Clearing issues of money, finances, intimacy, sexuality!
Scorpio rules life, death, rebirth and transformation and it sure feels like a year of the death throes with Jupiter spending the past year in this transformational sign. 

Scorpio rules money from sources outside of income include partnerships of all kinds...could be marriage, financial establishments or business. We’re clearing the false beliefs and getting down to what matters to us.

Clearing ‘small mind’ ego issues:  
Letting go of worry, anxiety, fear and reclaiming divine faith...receiving the messages from higher consciousness!
Scorpio, the sign of deep intimacy and sexuality has provided quite a year of change in this area during the past year with Jupiter calling us to expand our consciousness with respect to beliefs, mindsets and deep emotional clearing from our memory banks.

As we seek the truth and face deep buried emotions, we release the repressed memories:  
Clear the mind and heart!
Mercury rules communication and the mental body and now he’s getting a ‘workover’ in the depths of the Scorpio.  Scorpio’s forensic approach to life demands we uncover what has been hidden and we get to the bottom of issues and problems through seeking the truth...our truth aligned with divine truth!

Timeline for Mercury’s movements this month:
We have 5 days of Mercury retrograde in Scorpio before he turns direct after which we’ll really start getting some clarity rolling on to Mercury entering Sagittarius on 13th December.  That is when we’ll feel the urge to saddle up and get on the move!
He does not move out of the whole shadow energy until 24th December so more clarity up to that date.

3rd December:  
Venus enters Scorpio at 4.01 am AEDT...deepest desires reclaimed!
Until 7th January

Reclaiming our desire for deep intimacy: Cave of our hearts is calling!
Venus ruler of our heart plunges into the deep emotional waters of Scorpio taking us to reclamation of deep desires which have been buried by the layers of resistance and old patterns of intimate relationship and love.

Recovering the joy in our hearts:  Divine intimacy, reunion and love!
She’s out of her retrograde journey and recovering through what we call ‘shadow’ which means old territory covered before so new emotional energy coming through as we transmute all the old pains and heartaches and prepare to open to the full power of a loving heart and deep intimacy.

Mind and heart divinely aligned: Venus leading the way...open hearts!
Mercury reviewing the mindsets of ‘the past’ in Scorpio is working hand in glove with Venus in Scorpio.  Mind and heart are on the same page asking us to work with this tandem energy to bring renewed power and life force back into our beings.

Mind, heart and body all in ‘water’ signs: 
Evolving and uplifting emotions!
With Mars, our masculine fire and drive and physical body in the ocean of Pisces, home to the collective unconscious, the three personal planets are being washed in the emotional waters of purification and cleansing.

Lauren Gorgo’s message for 28.11.18:  ‘Inborn & Starborn: the new human prototypes’

Golden Oldies:
‘Song of the Seahorse’ Miriam Stockley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1nWsRU3ojw  Venus opening our hearts to healing

‘Deep Peace’ Libera https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eve2y-P-Zjk for Mercury retrograde in Scorpio...letting go of the turmoil

Upcoming Dates:
6th December:  Mercury direct at 27 degrees 16 Scorpio
7th December:  New Moon 15 degrees 7 minutes Sagittarius 6.20 pm AEDT
9th December:  Chiron direct at 27 degrees 54 Pisces

That’s all folks!
Hugs all around!  On your seahorses everyone!

We’re on our way through the darkness and intense purification of this calendar year of 2018.  Take heart my friends as we seek the light flashing through the darkness of what has been a challenging year of what feels like marking time as we embraced the need for rebalancing our lives. 

Of course it will continue.  It’s called life on earth.  However, I have faith that the spiritual cleansing of this year is setting us up for 2019 when the seeds of new ideas, possibilities, plans, hopes and dreams can take root on earth. 

Are we ready to be a safe haven for ourselves and to offer that energy to others in whatever way utilises our particular gifts and talents?  Are we feeling stronger in trusting our own divinity and the power of our light essence?  Time will tell.
Determination and resolution to stay focussed on our deepest spiritual desires is the essence of the fire that will carry us forward.

Mercury takes us through his last retrograde stretch for 2018.  More cleaning up to do when Scorpio’s the driver!  But with Venus sitting in Scorpio, our deepest desires are likely to emerge and hold our divine hearts in the golden light of transmutation of old pains and hurts.

Mercury stations direct on 6th December so just 5 days after moving retrograde in Scorpio which indicates that this stretch of his journey is brief even if the mental clearance is intense.  Take heart that we’ll be getting some answers and solutions presenting just in time for the New Moon on 7th.

Love and blessings to us all as we allow ourselves to be carried through the final stages of this year.


Graphics Seahorses from the chair...on my ‘horse’


It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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