...for the children of the earth

Monday 20 March 2023

21st March 2023: Sun enters Aries, 22nd March: New Moon in Aries, 23rd March: Pluto enters Aquarius, 25th March: Mars enters Cancer

 Hi everyone!

We’re in the huge Pisces ocean our emotional beings unplugged by the planetary configuration and change process.  All resistance is being dissolved as Saturn’s rules, regulations, walls and barriers of the status quo are dissolved with the release of old emotional energy. 


Most of us are out of our comfort zones and for those who are not it’s on the

way as the changing consciousness spreads across the planet.  Changes triggered by the removal of the security blankets of safety, home, money, employment, health and relationships are taking individuals, societies in new directions as we seek answers and solutions.  ‘Wilson, come back!’ from movie ‘Cast Away’.


From this month Pluto begins the long term plumbing of the depths of humanity!

The questioning of our lives, the meaning and purpose of our lives will continue to widen and expand as from this month we have Pluto Lord of Life, Death and Rebirth taking us deep into the mysteries of the soul of humanity ruled by Aquarius. He is the chief miner who will help us to dig deep to discover our inner ‘gold’, the alchemy of transformation.


Kick off starts tomorrow with the New Year, The equinox and the Sun's entry to Aries with a Power packed Aries New Moon in two days time.


21st March: Sun enters Aries 8.24 am AEDT

The Equinox Firing the spirit!

Until 21st April

Firing the spirit!

Aries kicks off our astrological new year.  This is the rocket fuelled ignition that fires up our engines to get moving spiritually.  It lifts us out of any lethargy, exhaustion, spiritual fatigue to at least fire our spirits with optimism and energy.


The spirit’s willing but the body? 

When we come into the Equinox we want to get things moving in our lives and for us earthlings we tend to translate this new energy into physical movement.  However, we need to pay attention to the other forces impacting our lives at this time. 


Individual readiness works with planetary readiness:  Patience!

Physical action requires ‘readiness’ to take the next step.  Divine timing, divine order is attuning us to work with the cosmos and not off on our little ego trip of ‘I’ll make it happen’. Society, humanity, and our close relationships need to be in readiness too.

Aries activates the ego and we are in the process of evolving our egos

Our cosmic ego, identity is ‘Not my will but thy will be done’.  The readiness requires our inner attunement in knowing spiritually that ALL our engines are working at optimum level for take off.

Our fire energy, our spirit is the starter motor which helps us clear the mental, emotional and physical energies.  If we start without alignment within, with spirit then our physical powers become drained very quickly. 


The Equinox

In March, the Sun crosses the equator from south to north.On March Equinox, 2023, the day and night are of almost equal duration in most time zones in the world. Conventional wisdom suggests that on the equinox everybody on Earth gets to experience a day and night of equal lengths – 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night time. In fact, the name equinox is derived from the Latin words aequus, meaning equal, and nox, meaning night.



Esoterically and historically:

Regarded as a magical day in the cosmic calendar when we are called to balance and harmony, a celebration of the power of the Sun to give life to all on earth.  

Traditions have celebrated this day as New Year associated with the Northern Hemisphere welcoming of Spring, new life. 

Spiritually it is believed that the barriers to other realities are released and we have greater opportunity to commune with the unseen dimensions.

22nd March:

New Moon in Aries at 0 degrees 49 Aries at 4:23 am AEDT...birth of spiritual identity!


Aries rules the New Moon in more ways than one!  Huge planetary force gathered in Aries!
Moon and Sun 0 degrees:  Inner and outer, feminine and masculine aligned
Mercury 5 degrees:  The voice, the mind, the communication
Chiron 14:  The spiritual wound around identity
Jupiter 16:  Higher consciousness, wisdom, learning, justice and expansion
Asteroid Vesta 18 degrees: Fire of the holy spirit
Eris 24 degrees: The feminine awakener/Uranus
I stand alone in the light of the fire spirit!  Birthing a new ‘me’!
We make commitments to the evolution of our spirit within all of our bodies...mental, emotional and physical as we vow to continue our soul work for this lifetime. This New Moon asks us to recommit to the purifying fires of Aries continuing to burn off the layers of false identity we have carried for too long.
Getting ready for activation of new cosmic identity passports at the Aries New Moon
We’ve been preparing spiritually for quite a while for more growth and expansion ahead of us as we open to accept our cosmic citizenship, birthright and the expanded love for ourselves and others. 
We’re still learning and beginning a new road to discovery beyond what we have imagined.  Keep an open mind and a heart that believes in the cosmic expansion of earth and humanity.
Our core identity is spirit which is what holds us together when other aspects of our life fall apart. We are on a mission, completing our commitments of this lifetime, the evolution of consciousness on all levels within our being.  All that we do spiritually for ourselves rolls out for everyone. 
Starting point for a huge wave of changing consciousness on the planet:
We’re in a huge wave of change spreading across the planet touching all lives little by little as each life is awakened to the truth of who they are and to their deepest desires which will continue to be unearthed as Saturn in Pisces and Pluto in Aquarius work their magic on revealing our spiritual authority and power as both human and cosmic beings. This is just the beginning.
Sabian Symbol for New Moon

This degree is the beginning of the zodiac where the old gets left behind and a new understanding and awareness comes to light. Something new is emerging and it needs to be welcomed and nurtured. This is the beginning of a whole new impulse, creative and responsive. There’s an emergence of a whole new potentiality. Resist looking back to outgrown and unsatisfactory conditions in your life as they can pull you back to old and unrewarding ways of being. This is also about finding your voice and your feet.
Beginnings. Emergence of the feminine into concrete manifestation. Cycles beginning. The beginning of spring or autumn. Confidence in a whole new arena of being. Shedding old skins.
Using the masculine drive to overshadow the emotions. Refusing to move into a new state of being because one is held back by previous life conditions.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com


23rd March: Pluto enters Aquarius 11.23 pm AEDT

...long term transformation of humanity!

Until June 12th 2023 Pluto re-enters Capricorn. JANUARY 2024 Pluto enters Aquarius. September 3rd 2024 – Pluto re-enters Capricorn. Until November 20th 2024 – Pluto enters Aquarius


Deep and meaningful:  For next 21 years journey to the centre of ‘the earth’, the cosmos, humanity!

For a ‘little guy’ Pluto has some power as the traditional ruler of the underworld,  the hidden and all that lies ‘underground’ including mines. This includes the human psyche, hidden aspects of the individual.


The universal discovery tour of our unique cosmic underbelly!  All aboard Pluto’s Starship!

Now it’s time to get on the starship Pluto which will help us uncover the truth of humanity, earthly existence and our relationship to the cosmos.  


Economic futures for the super rich, the plutocrats:  A change of heart...idealism on the rise?

Pluto offers power and the symbols of power in our current world of economic dependence on the money cycle and life as ‘traders’. With economic wealth as the benchmark for success and power there has been an increase in the powers and expansion of plutocrats and plutocracies. Of course this all comes back to the powers conferred with economic wealth driven by societal benchmarks of success and the evident power of plutocrats to control politics.  A shift in focus and values.

Finding our star within and our role in the cosmic landscape!

Aquarius offers us all a unique perspective of our particular potential, our star of destiny in the cosmic gameplan.   With the kickstart of the Aries push to discover our true identity and the Aquarian energies rolling in on top of all this we’re being taken into an initial 6 week sample of how we’ll be blending the individual destiny with the cosmic journey.


Our individual search will work with the Aquarian push for discovery of the common bond of humanity, for finding new or recovery of ‘old’ hopes and dreams and for plumbing the depths of our own psyche in relationship to the world.


Pluto progress: 

Every year Pluto retrogrades for about 6 months.  He’s very slow moving which means he’ll be bobbing backwards and forwards between Aquarius and Capricorn for a year or so.  This will give us the chance to see how we’re progressing and evolving from Capricorn consciousness to Aquarian consciousness.  

Success focussed Capricorn has come to mean monetary power and success in our world.  We’ll be watching how these benchmarks will be transformed as the idealism and community spirit of Aquarius brings influence to us all. It will be slow giving us time for deep change.


25th March: Mars enters Cancer 10:45 pm AEDT...home

Until 21st May 

Finally Mars moves on from his long stint in the dual sign of Gemini!

It’s been quite a journey and a challenge for our small mind masculine ego travelling through retrogrades attempting to keep our personal vehicle on the road and focussed without running off in new directions distracted by false promises.


Physically we’ve been undergoing a huge mental makeover with the disruption of our nervous and respiratory systems which have directly impacted our thinking bringing up all the challenges of the Gemini dual mind.  The inner conflict has demanded attention as we let go of the old ego mind and allowed our higher consciousness to take charge of our vehicle.


What now?  Homecoming to harmony and resolution of the mental battles within...phew!

Mars has finally found his way home to the comfort of the Cancerian shore line where the inner and outer worlds and resolve conflicts and battles between the conscious and the subconscious.


From 25th March to 5th May:  Mars out of bounds in Cancer...bringing home cosmic consciousness!

We still have time to access the new consciousness presenting as we continue with his ‘out of bounds’ journey until 5th May. Make the most of the next few weeks.


Relax the bodies and the minds: 

There’s a whole new focus here as we’re out of the conflicted mindsets of Gemini and now ready to welcome the Cancerian comfort of our new home and family within cosmic reality. That’s because we’ll be in the new Pluto in Aquarius change process until 5th May.  It’s all working together. 



Golden Oldies:

ABBA - I Still Have Faith In You https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAzEY1MfXrQ having faith in ourselves

 ABBA - Super Trouper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BshxCIjNEjY&list=RDpAzEY1MfXrQ&index=17 being troupers

Upcoming Dates:

4th April  Mercury enters Taurus 2.23 am AEST 

6th April Full Moon in Libra  16 degrees 07 Libra 2:34 pm AEST

12th April Venus enters Gemini  2.47 pm AEST


That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!   


Grab your torches and ignite the spirit within with the fire of desire and holy spirit!


Our masculine warrior is on the shoreline resting after his challenging inner battle with the spiritual demons of the unevolved mind and the memory banks.  His welcoming party is the Equinox/New Moon in Aries gateway to new consciousness. Our fellow travellers in consciousness are waiting for his arrival just 3 days after the Equinox and in the birthing canal at the New Moon. 


Nothing to do for now but allow the energies of change to carry us forward and accept the gifts being offered as a result of our commitment, patience, dedication and faith in ourselves as beings of light power and the power of divine love and truth.


We’ll be adjusting for a while after this week and that will demand our attention to our health and wellbeing as we experience ongoing changes in mind, body and spirit.


Next big stop is the Full Moon in Libra when we can come into full balance and harmony even as the outer world and global perspectives rattle along on the old train lines of past thinking.


Love and blessings to all of us courageous individuals working within and without to do all we can where we can for the good of all.  We are creating harmony as we hold steady and maintain focus, keep coming back to balance, farewell the past with love and gratitude for the experiences and look to the future.




from the chair...holding my torch high



It's all about love
Divine Reunion

Thursday 16 March 2023

15th March 2023: Mars moves out of shadow, 17th March: Venus enters Taurus 19th March: Mercury enters Aries



Hi everyone!


We’re in the Pisces ocean of unlimited consciousness in the process of discovering our hidden buried treasures within the psyche, within the spiritual depths of our journey to the ends of existence and back again.  Saturn is urging us on to mastery within the waters and energies of the collective consciousness of humanity.


Purging by fire:  The pre-Equinox cleansing of spiritual ‘wounds’!

The Aries team are assisting with this process of undiscovered treasure, helping us to reclaim our spiritual identity of cosmic consciousness as we face the hurts, pains and injuries of other times, realities and peoples.


As we affirm the power of spirit...the universe responds!

We are in a profound place of healing held by the cosmic forces of light from all dimensions who are supporting us in our evolution and mastery of the physical dimension as we access energetic forces of divine, love. truth and wisdom.


A big week carrying us to The Equinox doorway!

Dive deep everyone and plumb the depths of self to find our divine identity carried by our faith in the cosmic powers within and belief in our spiritual ‘resurrection’.


The week that was, that is, that will be:  No time, no space, cosmic consciousness!

And the week kicked off with Jupiter meeting Chiron in Aries on 12th March firing up the holy spirit for a massive clearance.


7th to 18th March: Jupiter conjunct Chiron 14 degrees 26 Aries

...clearing spiritual wounds! 


A rebirth, a reboot...phoenix regeneration, renewal
12th March  Jupiter met Chiron on 12th but is active right through to 18th March.
The holy fire of divine spirit arrives to purge our spiritual 'wounds'.If you're 'down and out' just now, know that the resting is allowing spirit to free the blocked energies in our spiritual identity. 
Triggers for release
Any manner of events, experiences, incidents, people, words or visions can provide the necessary trigger for release. It's all about identity and connected to 'the voice'. Chiron is the 'speaking cure' ruled by Virgo/healing and sharing the story with Mercury/communication. We’re reclaiming our own 'wounds' of this life,, ancestors and other realities and people. 
Feeling responsible for the wounds experienced by others may be a big one at present in the boundless Pisces ocean.  Saturn rules responsibility...yours or mine? We're throwing off the burdens of the wounds of others or others have handed to us such as blame, guilt,shame, fear, grief, anger etc. We can pick up any of these energies just being in close contact with others whether we know them or not. Aries rules head.  Jupiter rules hips/thighs.
Please note the 13 year cycle we are completing since 2009 when Jupiter and Chiron last met.  What ‘wounds’ are being released from that time? 
Keep clearing boundary fences with the sword of truth, staying in 'the here and now'. Jupiter urges us on into spiritual freedom!
The violet flame of freedom is the purging power of release!
We are the healers!  ‘Healer, heal thyself’!
Remember to access our own inner spiritual knowledge of healing as we resolve the old pains with the power of love, light and truth!
From Seth: 
"A cure of any kind will never depend upon any given treatment. It will in all cases depend upon the belief on the part of the sufferer that he can be cured. It will depend upon his desire to be cured. It will depend upon the strength of the purpose that an illness serves.
It will depend upon, in the last analysis, the individual’s own ability to mobilize his own energies, for only these will effect a cure."
Seth The Early Sessions Book 4


14th to 18th: Moon out of bounds...new territory!

From 4 degrees Sagittarius to 7 degrees Aquarius

Perfect timing to drop the old timelines from other realities which have passed their ‘use by’ date! We are in the quantum field of no time, no space where we can choose our reality, bring into creation new evolved consciousness and possibilities beyond our present understanding or thinking.


Drop the ballast of burdens taken on in good faith and call in the divine birthright of our cosmic deliverance to prosperity consciousness...healed hearts, minds, bodies and spirits.  As we claim our cosmic identity this week we are rising to demonstrate our spiritual mastery of this very physical dimension beyond that which we have experienced before. 


The planets are aligned and  divine timing, divine order is on track!


15th March:  Mars leaves the Retrograde Zone at 25 degrees 37 Gemini

...the open road!

Mars is

On a new road after months of his journey to the past he’s back on the road to new vistas!

Notice the difference in our minds, our heads and our clarity as Mars fires our engines with the cleansed and purified oxygen of release from past pains, misbeliefs, misunderstandings, crossed wires within and without.


The road to surrender: 

It’s been a slog but now we’re on the road to discovery and recovery!

We’ve been a crazy mixed up bunch dealing with the dual carriageway of the Gemini energies as Mars has tried to have his ‘old’ ways asserting himself, the small ego mind against the cosmic forces of rebalancing, renewal and evolution. 


Time to disengage from the addled exhausted mind:   Restoring physical energies

This past months of journey has been very much focussed on the physical body/Mars with disruptive challenges inducing changes of state in the mental body, communication systems, respiratory channels and possibly arms, legs hands. Let’s not forget the transformational forces acting upon the ‘small mind’ ego and old masculine warrior spirit.  Not my will but thy will be done.


Hold Steady with emergence:  Mars emerges and squares off to Neptune/Sun in Pisces!

Uh oh!  Mars is plunged into the challenges of ocean waves of emotion washing over him as he moves out of his shadow retrograde. How do we handle a wave of high emotional energy from Neptune dissolving our resistance and keeping us in an embrace, holding us in the wash of the imagination and Piscean consciousness?


He’s not on the clear way just yet.  He needs to maintain focus and commitment as he moves into through the wash of the ocean of the collective unconscious all on the job clearing old memory banks as they travel with the Moon in out of bounds new territory!


5th May: Mars returns from Out of Bounds...beyond time and space! Making it up as we go along!
At 21 degrees 12 Cancer

On top of that, just to add to the cosmic ‘confusion’ of energies we still have Mars ‘out of bounds’ exploring new territory until 5th May.


17th March: Venus enters Taurus 9:34 am AEDT

...heart opening

Until 17th April

We enter the heart of divine abundance on all levels!  Are we open and ready to receive?

Venus rules earthy Taurus and if we are fully receptive to live in the full power of love, divine love then we are open to Mother Earth’s gifts of abundance on all levels...heart, mind, body and spirit.  We are earthlings as well as cosmic beings.


Warriors of the light...Time out while Venus holds us through the Equinox doorway just ahead!

Taurus sensuality and comfort zone will help us alleviate the strident tensions we’ve been experiencing with the fiery Aries releasing and purging of spiritual wounds held in our identity memory banks, in our physical bodies.  It’s been a major ‘hot flush’ which has felt like a blinding of our senses of sight, hearing, smell and taste as the physical energy in our heads was flooded by the fires of transformation.


The power of grounding on the earth:  Feeling the earth and our loving hearts...dreaming and exploring

We’re still ‘off the planet’ in some respects with Moon still ‘out of bounds’ until 18th March and Mars also receiving incoming messages from the cosmos as he continues in his out of bounds journey in new territory.  Keep choosing the new and the old ‘ways’, imprints will just drop off!  As we explore new options, taking time to rest in Taurus will give us perspective on our new footsteps in our physical realities. 


Nourishment:  Feeding the body with the joy of life!  

The senses enlivened bring heart healing!

Eat with pleasure and support of the body and the expansion of the heart.  Physical touch for the sensuality which brings pleasure will add to the healing power of ‘the voice’, the neck both ruled by Taurus and releasing ‘resistance’ to love.



19th March: Mercury enters Aries 3:24 pm AEDT

...fired up

Until 3rd April 

Our masculine fire and drive wants to get going on the open road of mental action, ideas and

Fired up mentally our minds feel the need to get moving somehow, just so we can get some sleep when we go to bed. Aries is an ignition energy starting up the engines for movement and Mercury, ruled by air is all to ready to activate the nervous system and

mental processes to utilise all the fire engine buzzing inside.


Holding steady with the fire action:  Balancing rocket power with water power

We may feel somewhat constrained a little until after the Equinox/New Moon in Aries coming on the heels of Mercury moving into Aries as Mars is still a little hamstrung by the ongoing Pisces ‘go with the flow’ impetus.  We’re continuing to work with both fire power and water power to bring balance and healing to our spirits...in particular our identity within the collective.


Utilising our new fiery energies in preparation, readiness for movement when the time is right

Mercury rules communication so we can expect many people finding their ‘voice’ and the power of ‘the voice’ speaking from the heart with passion and enthusiasm as Mercury will be working in tandem with Venus/heart power and Taurus which rules the throat/throat chakra.  It’s likely to be a new experience for many and a reclamation in a new way for many us long term ‘warriors’. Mercury rules respiratory system, nervous system, legs, arms.  Please refrain from kickboxing with this release of long held restriction.


It’s time to exercise ‘the voice’ in new ways tempered by Saturn/our authority swimming in the Pisces ocean and Pluto winding up his 14 year journey in Capricorn.  Early days yet.  It’s all Mercury curiosity explorer on a discovery tour!


Golden Oldies:

SUSAN BOYLE - WHO I WAS BORN TO BE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGedAHHE2k4 for Aries ‘team’

I Dreamed A Dream (Full Version) Lyrics - Anne Hathaway  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXQIYxS-Q00 for Pisces ‘team’


Upcoming Dates:

21st March: Sun enters Aries 8:24 am AEDT

22nd March:   New Moon in Aries 0 Ari 49' 4:23 am AEDT

23rd March: Pluto enters Aquarius 11:23 pm AEDT

13th February to 23rd March:  Pluto on 29 degrees Capricorn

25th March: Mars enters Cancer 10:45 pm AEDT

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!


We’re swimming in the Pisces ocean and in the final days of the Solar and Lunar Months getting ready for our activation of new identity passports at the Aries New Moon at 0 degrees Aries just after the entry of the Sun into Aries, the Equinox gateway just a day before the New Moon.  An then a month later, 20th April another New Moon in Aries at 29 degrees, the end of the sign.  The second New Moon in Aries will be a solar eclipse which being solar, gives impetus to take action in the world.


Meanwhile we adjust, adapt, observe ourselves and humanity, the earth as it changes and brings forth new needs, desires, hopes and dreams which have been sitting in ‘soul bank’ of the Akashic records. 


We are the creators, earthly and cosmic learning new ways of being, seeing, touching, experiencing and being on Planet Earth.  We’ll be riding the wave and also resting on the shore for some time with Saturn the great teacher guiding us and helping us with new skills, learning and acknowledging our incredible spiritual powers to apply our knowledge to practical living in magical ways.


Love and blessings to us all as we honour our service to ourselves as we honour others and their pathway.  We might be on different waves, shorelines but we’re all in the same ocean of consciousness wherever we are with our development of spiritual mastery.




from the chair...observing & swimming


Meet ‘joy’!

It's all about love
Divine Reunion

Tuesday 7 March 2023

7th March 2023:: Full Moon in Virgo, 8th March: Saturn enters Pisces


Hi everyone!


Joy or fear?  Our ocean dwellers are harmonising the Pisces duality bringing into alignment and strength the unconscious and conscious selves releasing the conflicts within and without. This is mastery!


Growing and expanding through shock treatment therapy:

The past few weeks we’ve been feeling shocks to the system as the universe sends in experiences, incidents which may be momentary coming ‘out of left field’ taking us out of comfort zone and challenging us to surrender to the higher forces, to accept and own our own cosmic authority and power.


Offloading the burdens from the body: 

The body may have experienced the activation and release of old emotional memories and mental patterns from other dimensions, timelines, ancestral or planetary experiences from the etheric realm. 

The manifestation of pain, illness, exhaustion or negative thoughts or emotions in the physical body is our key to release.  It is guiding us to release and to call in the power of love, the light and to be here and now choosing to live in divine truth.


Accessing assistance from cosmic power within and without:

We’ve been getting the shock treatment with sudden feelings of fear, panic, anxiety activated in the body arising from what often turns out to be less traumatic than reality.  That is, providing we keep handing over the trauma and ‘problem’ to our cosmic divine self and to the divine powers that be.

‘Dis-ease’ is our guide to healing and expansion of body consciousness:  

An invitation to step up to the plate and demonstrate our mastery!

It’s been a most uncomfortable passage for so many of us as we continue to work with our acquired knowledge and spiritual practices reaffirming our commitment to the evolution of consciousness. 

Density of our physical being

We’re now experiencing this in the density of our physical being, the most resistant to spiritual forces as we are so rooted in this physically focussed planet earth. Thanks to the planets and stars for guiding us to spiritual mastery of our body and earthly life.


We're clearing 'the field' in so many ways as we prepare to welcome the Full Moon in Virgo, sign of healing purification on 7th March.  This will be a huge release completion of so much karmic commitment we made at a soul level.


Saturn on 29 degrees Aquarius, final degree of intensity:  

Release of old damaged structures personally, globally and cosmically! 

‘Out of the spiritual closet!  Closing the door on the past!
Saturn will be sitting on this degree as we go through the Virgo Full Moon helping is to release the karmic ties, contracts, burdens we agreed to take on at the soul level before our birth.  These ‘contracts’ relate to divine freedom and also in the galactic cosmic commitments with the other dimensions, star families. 29 degrees is the degree of completion so be aware of memories and people moving out of our lives as we complete at the Full Moon as well as those who enter our lives. He births into Pisces, the sign of spiritual mastery the day after the Full Moon.


If you feel you have lived as a ‘star’ being then you will relate to this. Yes we are earthlings but for so many us we have ‘families’ in other realities.  We’re here now because we love the earth, been coming here forever ‘old souls’ with the brief to assist the earth and humanity in evolution.We’re clearing the etheric damage to old structures to prepare for new foundations spiritually when Saturn moves to Pisces on 8th March.


Sabian Symbol for Saturn

This Symbol shows learning from the past, possibly great civilizations like “Babylon”, and taking the seeds from the past and making even greater achievements in your own time and place. Even though the grandeur of the past may be lost, changed or damaged by war or time, the energy and power remains. This Symbol reflects the permanence of the natural essence of a place, a person, an idea or a civilization. You may feel that you are in the right place at the right time. Your best qualities are recognized and appreciated. When you are following a true path, you are able to rely on the support of the universe in its flow.
Rewards coming from efforts of past generations. Ancestors surrounding. Seeds of the past becoming the fruits of the present. The middle east. Fruits of culture. Artifacts.
Destroying ancient lands or monuments and the old through religious beliefs or greed. Projecting the sins of the world onto people or places that are foreign.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com

At the Full Moon: Pluto on the final degree of intensity in Capricorn! 

Let’s get this done!

Clearance time for the walls and barriers generated from Capricorn structures/systems in bodies, society and earth!

Pluto and Saturn are working together in this massive clearance of old power bases and authorities who have dominated our lives physically and mentally for so many years. Capricorn is the status quo, the patriarchy, the old order built on monetary power as the symbol of success in our world. 

Pluto, Lord of Death and Transformation has been challenging this foundation of society for the past 14 years since 2008 the global financial crisis. He’s about to change the game plan when he moves into starry Aquarius on 23rd March just after the Equinox.  We’ll have stars in our eyes instead of feet of lead.


7th March:  Full Moon in Virgo 16 degrees 40 Virgo at 11:40 pm AEDT

...purifying release!

Full Moon release and completion: 
Help is here with the Virgo cleansing power of the first aid team
Earthy Virgo brings the powerful natural healing remedies that are her domain along with her powerful energies of purifying and releasing old energies held within our etheric bodies.
Full Moons bring revelations, illuminating the unknown and ‘history’!
Virgo Full Moon opens the channels of receptivity to her messages of purification processes for our physical bodies, health and wellbeing.  The Full Moon adds a whole new dimension to ‘the cure’ with access to the subconscious memory banks.
Virgo is ruled by Mercury and Chiron: Healing force reclamation of ‘the voice’
The communication channels are open as old wounds of ‘speaking out’ and letting go of old fears of persecution, rejection, punishment and suffering are brought to light.  

How many lifetimes have we been ‘run out of town’ for speaking, revealing our true selves? What kind of voice is coming out of the closet?
Chiron is known as ‘the speaking cure’.  We’re revealing and healing shadow aspects of the self.

Speaking from the heart:  What does the heart say to us?  to the world?
Mercury/mental body is being cleansed emotionally in the waters of the Pisces ocean.  We’re all being released of those boundaries and barriers of old conventions which block communication from the heart.  These conventions, the old status quo have built fear of retribution into our minds and bodies.  Our hearts, our true selves have been languishing in ‘prison’ waiting for release. 

Purging the pain with the fire of the holy spirit:
With Venus/heart close to Chiron in Aries we’re being awoken to heart healing energies for our divine ‘I am’, our identity. I love and validate ‘me’ and my earthly and divine selves.
Divine calling and path of divine service:  It’s a win/win!
Virgo, where we find how our natural gifts and talents are utilised in service to the world!  
We need our voice back speaking without anger or resentment, bitterness or hate, blame, shame, guilt or fear...the voice of our soul!

At this Full Moon stay open to whatever drops in to our consciousness whether in words, ideas, feelings which may come ‘out of the blue’.  Uranus, our awakener is speaking in positive ways to the Sun and Moon at this time opening us up to the messages of our hearts, our bodies and to Mother Earth.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
The Full Moon VIRGO 17
This Situation implies situations, attitudes or emotions that slowly gather steam, build up and suddenly explode. It pictures situations of catharsis. There may be, at times, an effort to hold things inside, but after a while there can be no more resistance and everything gets forced out. This can be in the form of anger, or passion, but it can also be the explosion of insight and creative ideas. It often works far better to just let things blow, as resisting the urge to let go can cause enormous pressure to build up. Look to see if the force of emotions is really related to current situations.
Cathartic release. Thoughts or ideas pouring out. Torrents of emotion. Anger that needs expression. Pressure cooker environments. After shocks. Volcanoes. Earthquakes.
Over-suppression of energy. Explosive emotions. Tantrums. Choking the air with dust clouds. Overreactions. Flipping out. Shocking news. Creating rubble.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
The Sun PISCES 17
This Symbol shows joining with others to celebrate your community’s religious, spiritual or cultural ideas. To “Promenade” is to take a leisurely walk. That it’s done at “Easter” reveals that there is a need to resurrect some of your hopes, dreams, visions and missions in order to bring them back and give them shape and form. There is regularly a need to share with other’s aspirations and ideals. No matter how structured or organized this celebration is, if it’s done with joy and warmth of feeling and fertility, it will inspirit the group, infusing them with a sense of emotional unity.
Renewed faith in life. Rising from fear and loss. Public holidays. Celebrations. Fertility rites of Spring. Resurrections. Phoenix rising from the ashes. Gatherings with friends.
Superficial shows of unity. Doing things because everyone else is. Feeling lost, alone and forsaken in the crowd. Guilt trips. Exclusion of other faiths.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com


8th March:  Saturn enters Pisces 12:35 am AEDT

...dissolution of walls, barriers and boundaries

Until 24th May 2025

Returns to Capricorn briefly from June to September 2023

Opening the Akashic records of spiritual truth and authority!
Migaloo the only white humpback whale in Australian waters seems to capture the essence of Saturn in Pisces.  He’s huge, lives in the Pisces ocean and carries the Akashic records which hold all information of humanity, individually and collectively on Planet Earth. 

Completion time:  Time to move on to a new era on earth!

In the Tarot, Saturn is ruler of the final card in the Major Tarot, Number 21 The World Card  the card of completion....endings and the promise of beginnings.


Owning and integrating our authority as cosmic and earthly citizens!

Saturn is the great teacher, Lord of Karma and Old Father Time.  He is the ruler of authority, personal, social and global. For the past 2 to 3 years we’ve been learning to integrate our cosmic authority with our earthly being as earthy Saturn travelled through starry Aquarius. We have been raising our mental consciousness to the higher mind.


Raising our emotional consciousness to spiritual mastery!

And now we’re into the watery dimensions of Pisces opening to the emotional breadth of humanity from the depths to the heights from the inner to the outer offering us the vision to rise from ‘defeat’ and overwhelm to the heights of spiritual mastery. We will be raising our emotional consciousness.


Accepting our visionary potential in the creation of new hope, optimism releasing the dark shadows of the world and ourselves: 

Imagine and create!

Saturn as the master teacher will be helping us to utilise the power of our emotions and the language of Pisces to open to the bigger picture, the visions of our greater potential as human beings living in mundane world dominated by so much despair, inequity, conflict replicating the history of our planet.


Moving from the burdens of karma to the fulfilment of dharma:  

It’s time to call in our cosmic imagination and rise out of the waters of the past!

Our dark shadows are being released as we reach within to claim our hidden light within, the brilliant shining part of us which we have hidden from ourselves and the world as we took on the re-experiencing of old emotions in our process of healing...releasing the pain by feeling through the pain.

The acknowledgement of these pains has been a hard road and of course will continue as we move through the Pisces energy.  The challenge will be to hold the vision once we get a glimpse of the immense creative potential held in our emotional bodies.


Saturn rules governments, global institutions, multinationals, walls, borders, rules and conventions:  The walls are dissolving!


High seas treaty: historic deal to protect international waters finally reached at UN

High seas treaty: historic deal to protect international waters finally reached at UN
After almost 20 years of talks, United Nations member states agree on legal framework for parts of the ocean outside national boundaries



Golden Oldies:

Sissel - Going Home  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJFhTb1gi6Y

Van Morrison - Bright Side of the Road

Upcoming Dates:

14th to 19th March:  Moon out of bounds

15th March:  Mars leaves the Retrograde Zone at 25° Gemini 37′

17th March: Venus enters Taurus 9:34 am AEDT

19th March: Mercury enters Aries 3:24 pm AEDT


21st March: Sun enters Aries 8:24 am AEDT Equinox

22nd March: New Moon in Aries 0 Ari 49' 4:23 am AEDT
23rd March: Pluto enters Aquarius 11:23 pm AEDT
25th March: Mars enters Cancer 10:45 pm AEDT
Saturn and Neptune in Pisces JESSICA ADAMS



That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

Our inner whales are leaping with joy, the joy of revelation of knowledge of who we are, our ‘history’ and our immense potentials to create new worlds for ourselves and for greater humanity.  As we access and utilise this knowledge in our desire for fulfilment of our creative potential, we are assisting all humanity.  We are bringing greater joy to the world as others are feeling inspired by our creations. 

Following this Full Moon we roll on towards the Equinox on 21st March birth of our new year in Aries.  In the next two weeks we’ll be adjusting to Saturn in Pisces and well be experiencing shifts in the personal planets.  It’s a period of time where we’ll be adjusting and adapting to new environments which will ready us for birthing into the Aries energy.


Mars/the body is finally moving our of shadow into new territory, still in Gemini.  Venus/heart moving to Taurus/Mother Earth ruled by Venus and Mercury/mind moving to Aries/fire.  I will send out a further update before these energies kick in on 15th.


Love and blessings to us all as we breathe through the coming weeks with Pluto Lord of Death, Rebirth and Transformation holding to the final degree of Capricorn finishing up his 14 year journey in Capricorn.  We are here, we are alive, we are earthlings and star beings.  We own our authority!




from the chair...travelling at Saturn’s pace


It's all about love
Divine Reunion .