...for the children of the earth

Monday 20 March 2023

21st March 2023: Sun enters Aries, 22nd March: New Moon in Aries, 23rd March: Pluto enters Aquarius, 25th March: Mars enters Cancer

 Hi everyone!

We’re in the huge Pisces ocean our emotional beings unplugged by the planetary configuration and change process.  All resistance is being dissolved as Saturn’s rules, regulations, walls and barriers of the status quo are dissolved with the release of old emotional energy. 


Most of us are out of our comfort zones and for those who are not it’s on the

way as the changing consciousness spreads across the planet.  Changes triggered by the removal of the security blankets of safety, home, money, employment, health and relationships are taking individuals, societies in new directions as we seek answers and solutions.  ‘Wilson, come back!’ from movie ‘Cast Away’.


From this month Pluto begins the long term plumbing of the depths of humanity!

The questioning of our lives, the meaning and purpose of our lives will continue to widen and expand as from this month we have Pluto Lord of Life, Death and Rebirth taking us deep into the mysteries of the soul of humanity ruled by Aquarius. He is the chief miner who will help us to dig deep to discover our inner ‘gold’, the alchemy of transformation.


Kick off starts tomorrow with the New Year, The equinox and the Sun's entry to Aries with a Power packed Aries New Moon in two days time.


21st March: Sun enters Aries 8.24 am AEDT

The Equinox Firing the spirit!

Until 21st April

Firing the spirit!

Aries kicks off our astrological new year.  This is the rocket fuelled ignition that fires up our engines to get moving spiritually.  It lifts us out of any lethargy, exhaustion, spiritual fatigue to at least fire our spirits with optimism and energy.


The spirit’s willing but the body? 

When we come into the Equinox we want to get things moving in our lives and for us earthlings we tend to translate this new energy into physical movement.  However, we need to pay attention to the other forces impacting our lives at this time. 


Individual readiness works with planetary readiness:  Patience!

Physical action requires ‘readiness’ to take the next step.  Divine timing, divine order is attuning us to work with the cosmos and not off on our little ego trip of ‘I’ll make it happen’. Society, humanity, and our close relationships need to be in readiness too.

Aries activates the ego and we are in the process of evolving our egos

Our cosmic ego, identity is ‘Not my will but thy will be done’.  The readiness requires our inner attunement in knowing spiritually that ALL our engines are working at optimum level for take off.

Our fire energy, our spirit is the starter motor which helps us clear the mental, emotional and physical energies.  If we start without alignment within, with spirit then our physical powers become drained very quickly. 


The Equinox

In March, the Sun crosses the equator from south to north.On March Equinox, 2023, the day and night are of almost equal duration in most time zones in the world. Conventional wisdom suggests that on the equinox everybody on Earth gets to experience a day and night of equal lengths – 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night time. In fact, the name equinox is derived from the Latin words aequus, meaning equal, and nox, meaning night.



Esoterically and historically:

Regarded as a magical day in the cosmic calendar when we are called to balance and harmony, a celebration of the power of the Sun to give life to all on earth.  

Traditions have celebrated this day as New Year associated with the Northern Hemisphere welcoming of Spring, new life. 

Spiritually it is believed that the barriers to other realities are released and we have greater opportunity to commune with the unseen dimensions.

22nd March:

New Moon in Aries at 0 degrees 49 Aries at 4:23 am AEDT...birth of spiritual identity!


Aries rules the New Moon in more ways than one!  Huge planetary force gathered in Aries!
Moon and Sun 0 degrees:  Inner and outer, feminine and masculine aligned
Mercury 5 degrees:  The voice, the mind, the communication
Chiron 14:  The spiritual wound around identity
Jupiter 16:  Higher consciousness, wisdom, learning, justice and expansion
Asteroid Vesta 18 degrees: Fire of the holy spirit
Eris 24 degrees: The feminine awakener/Uranus
I stand alone in the light of the fire spirit!  Birthing a new ‘me’!
We make commitments to the evolution of our spirit within all of our bodies...mental, emotional and physical as we vow to continue our soul work for this lifetime. This New Moon asks us to recommit to the purifying fires of Aries continuing to burn off the layers of false identity we have carried for too long.
Getting ready for activation of new cosmic identity passports at the Aries New Moon
We’ve been preparing spiritually for quite a while for more growth and expansion ahead of us as we open to accept our cosmic citizenship, birthright and the expanded love for ourselves and others. 
We’re still learning and beginning a new road to discovery beyond what we have imagined.  Keep an open mind and a heart that believes in the cosmic expansion of earth and humanity.
Our core identity is spirit which is what holds us together when other aspects of our life fall apart. We are on a mission, completing our commitments of this lifetime, the evolution of consciousness on all levels within our being.  All that we do spiritually for ourselves rolls out for everyone. 
Starting point for a huge wave of changing consciousness on the planet:
We’re in a huge wave of change spreading across the planet touching all lives little by little as each life is awakened to the truth of who they are and to their deepest desires which will continue to be unearthed as Saturn in Pisces and Pluto in Aquarius work their magic on revealing our spiritual authority and power as both human and cosmic beings. This is just the beginning.
Sabian Symbol for New Moon

This degree is the beginning of the zodiac where the old gets left behind and a new understanding and awareness comes to light. Something new is emerging and it needs to be welcomed and nurtured. This is the beginning of a whole new impulse, creative and responsive. There’s an emergence of a whole new potentiality. Resist looking back to outgrown and unsatisfactory conditions in your life as they can pull you back to old and unrewarding ways of being. This is also about finding your voice and your feet.
Beginnings. Emergence of the feminine into concrete manifestation. Cycles beginning. The beginning of spring or autumn. Confidence in a whole new arena of being. Shedding old skins.
Using the masculine drive to overshadow the emotions. Refusing to move into a new state of being because one is held back by previous life conditions.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com


23rd March: Pluto enters Aquarius 11.23 pm AEDT

...long term transformation of humanity!

Until June 12th 2023 Pluto re-enters Capricorn. JANUARY 2024 Pluto enters Aquarius. September 3rd 2024 – Pluto re-enters Capricorn. Until November 20th 2024 – Pluto enters Aquarius


Deep and meaningful:  For next 21 years journey to the centre of ‘the earth’, the cosmos, humanity!

For a ‘little guy’ Pluto has some power as the traditional ruler of the underworld,  the hidden and all that lies ‘underground’ including mines. This includes the human psyche, hidden aspects of the individual.


The universal discovery tour of our unique cosmic underbelly!  All aboard Pluto’s Starship!

Now it’s time to get on the starship Pluto which will help us uncover the truth of humanity, earthly existence and our relationship to the cosmos.  


Economic futures for the super rich, the plutocrats:  A change of heart...idealism on the rise?

Pluto offers power and the symbols of power in our current world of economic dependence on the money cycle and life as ‘traders’. With economic wealth as the benchmark for success and power there has been an increase in the powers and expansion of plutocrats and plutocracies. Of course this all comes back to the powers conferred with economic wealth driven by societal benchmarks of success and the evident power of plutocrats to control politics.  A shift in focus and values.

Finding our star within and our role in the cosmic landscape!

Aquarius offers us all a unique perspective of our particular potential, our star of destiny in the cosmic gameplan.   With the kickstart of the Aries push to discover our true identity and the Aquarian energies rolling in on top of all this we’re being taken into an initial 6 week sample of how we’ll be blending the individual destiny with the cosmic journey.


Our individual search will work with the Aquarian push for discovery of the common bond of humanity, for finding new or recovery of ‘old’ hopes and dreams and for plumbing the depths of our own psyche in relationship to the world.


Pluto progress: 

Every year Pluto retrogrades for about 6 months.  He’s very slow moving which means he’ll be bobbing backwards and forwards between Aquarius and Capricorn for a year or so.  This will give us the chance to see how we’re progressing and evolving from Capricorn consciousness to Aquarian consciousness.  

Success focussed Capricorn has come to mean monetary power and success in our world.  We’ll be watching how these benchmarks will be transformed as the idealism and community spirit of Aquarius brings influence to us all. It will be slow giving us time for deep change.


25th March: Mars enters Cancer 10:45 pm AEDT...home

Until 21st May 

Finally Mars moves on from his long stint in the dual sign of Gemini!

It’s been quite a journey and a challenge for our small mind masculine ego travelling through retrogrades attempting to keep our personal vehicle on the road and focussed without running off in new directions distracted by false promises.


Physically we’ve been undergoing a huge mental makeover with the disruption of our nervous and respiratory systems which have directly impacted our thinking bringing up all the challenges of the Gemini dual mind.  The inner conflict has demanded attention as we let go of the old ego mind and allowed our higher consciousness to take charge of our vehicle.


What now?  Homecoming to harmony and resolution of the mental battles within...phew!

Mars has finally found his way home to the comfort of the Cancerian shore line where the inner and outer worlds and resolve conflicts and battles between the conscious and the subconscious.


From 25th March to 5th May:  Mars out of bounds in Cancer...bringing home cosmic consciousness!

We still have time to access the new consciousness presenting as we continue with his ‘out of bounds’ journey until 5th May. Make the most of the next few weeks.


Relax the bodies and the minds: 

There’s a whole new focus here as we’re out of the conflicted mindsets of Gemini and now ready to welcome the Cancerian comfort of our new home and family within cosmic reality. That’s because we’ll be in the new Pluto in Aquarius change process until 5th May.  It’s all working together. 



Golden Oldies:

ABBA - I Still Have Faith In You https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAzEY1MfXrQ having faith in ourselves

 ABBA - Super Trouper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BshxCIjNEjY&list=RDpAzEY1MfXrQ&index=17 being troupers

Upcoming Dates:

4th April  Mercury enters Taurus 2.23 am AEST 

6th April Full Moon in Libra  16 degrees 07 Libra 2:34 pm AEST

12th April Venus enters Gemini  2.47 pm AEST


That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!   


Grab your torches and ignite the spirit within with the fire of desire and holy spirit!


Our masculine warrior is on the shoreline resting after his challenging inner battle with the spiritual demons of the unevolved mind and the memory banks.  His welcoming party is the Equinox/New Moon in Aries gateway to new consciousness. Our fellow travellers in consciousness are waiting for his arrival just 3 days after the Equinox and in the birthing canal at the New Moon. 


Nothing to do for now but allow the energies of change to carry us forward and accept the gifts being offered as a result of our commitment, patience, dedication and faith in ourselves as beings of light power and the power of divine love and truth.


We’ll be adjusting for a while after this week and that will demand our attention to our health and wellbeing as we experience ongoing changes in mind, body and spirit.


Next big stop is the Full Moon in Libra when we can come into full balance and harmony even as the outer world and global perspectives rattle along on the old train lines of past thinking.


Love and blessings to all of us courageous individuals working within and without to do all we can where we can for the good of all.  We are creating harmony as we hold steady and maintain focus, keep coming back to balance, farewell the past with love and gratitude for the experiences and look to the future.




from the chair...holding my torch high



It's all about love
Divine Reunion

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