...for the children of the earth

Monday 24 September 2018

25th September 2018 Full Moon in Aries, Mars returns from out of bounds, 26th Chiron retrograde

Hi everyone! 

Being pushed hard:  Let it go....go...go!
It’s been an ongoing building of energies in the past week with the planets moving into alignment for the Full Moon intensifying in their connections pushing us to release all that does not serve our divine growth and expansion and the expression of our true selves in the world.

Embodying spirit:  Tough tests for the front runners!
It’s been an exhausting week for many who are embodying the spiritual with light energy. Those of us in the front line are pushing through old consciousness by taking in more light and it can ‘hurt’ as it hits resistant energies of conflict, fighting. anger, pain, suffering held in the body. We’re all being ‘triggered’ to wake up, feel the emotions/memories and release.  
Releasing stuck earthbound energies from selves, humanity, the earth!
We’ve been shuffling stuck earthbound energies from the earth, our selves and humanity across to the light. The more resistance, the more pain and it’s felt like a struggle between the forces of dark and light as we seek to hold our ground. Whenever we are at rest, asleep, meditating we can feel the inundation of unresolved energies rising up and calling us.

Humanity awakening!  A new time and age is dawning and we’re walking our shadows back home!
We can primarily put this time down to Mars/South Node of the Moon/Black Moon Lilith in Aquarius in square to Uranus in Taurus.  Humanity is being awakened and its set to roll on from here as we shift into a new consciousness across the planet.  We need to hold to the light for ourselves and for those who seek us out as many are struggling and many more seeking understanding.  Once we find our ‘safe place’ within we are being taken to new places from which we can emanate love and just be ourselves.  From November onwards...watch this space!

In the update for Mercury and the Sun moving into Libra we shifted into readiness for the karmic balancing, alignment and resolution that comes in with the Aries Full Moon each year when it faces off to the Libran Sun. It’s time for divine reconciliation, restitution and partnership of a higher order! 

We’re walking each other back home to ourselves, to our divine power and authority through the power of love!

25th September: Full Moon 2 degrees 0 minutes Aries at 12.52 pm AEST...healing the ‘I am’
Wow!  A huge release of old energies blocking our true selves from the light!
Art:  Rassouli
Here she comes!  Packing a fiery punch!  We’re rocket fuelled!
The Full Moon brings us to the culminating point of change, the explosion of the unconscious energies into conscious reality.  Is it any wonder that so many people spin out at the full moon!  It’s all about releasing the locked in energies of our divine ‘I am’ self which have been suppressed, repressed, ignored or gone unnoticed by us. 

Fiery emotional energies:  Sudden outbursts, realisations and taking our power!
Full Moons bring heightened emotional energies to the surface and these emotions are on fire! The Aries Full Moon can be one of the most explosive energies of the year as the Aries energy is all fire, rocket fuelled and ready to shoot from the hip!  Just forget the guns!

The warrior is released with this fiery cleansing:  Let the emotions out safely!
This Full Moon is guaranteed to pack a punch which will release a massive karmic energy of old spiritual ‘warrior’ wounds with Chiron sitting on 0 degrees Aries, just 2 degrees from the Full Moon!

Chiron power:  Huge healing of our divine ‘I am’ selves...more power!
0 degrees is the most powerful degree in the zodiac marking the world axis, the first degree of the zodiac.  Within a day from the Full Moon Chiron slips back into Pisces for a brief stay in the ocean of the collective unconscious until December.

Karmic clearance: All old blocks and burdens must go!
Saturn sitting on 3 degrees Capricorn is in a square/challenge to the Full Moon/Sun opposition suggesting a bigger than Ben Hur karmic release.  Saturn has been a major theme for this year powered up in his own sign of Capricorn guiding us as Old Father Time and Lord of Karma to ‘raise the roof’ of consciousness by clearing the karma and taking our authority as spiritual human beings. We’re gradually reclaiming our divine mastery!

The Libran Sun on Super Galactic Centre at 2 degrees Libra!  Mercury close by offering messages of love and harmony to the Aries Full Moon
The Libran Sun, sitting opposite the Aries Full Moon is sitting up close to Mercury who is carrying the messages of light, partnership in divine love, equity and peace to the Aries Moon.   Any galactic energies bring us into connecting with karma, karmic clearance and higher consciousness beyond our earthly 3D lives.  It’s a huge black hole that’s offering us release and galactic light energy for healing ‘duality’...the Libran brief!

Saturn in Capricorn is squaring off to the Full Moon and the Sun:  
Lord of Karma is in play calling for us to find ourselves and drop the ‘burdens’!
Saturn although moving direct is still on 2 degrees so has a direct connection to this Full Moon line up indicating a karmic release of big emotional energies if we’re ready and willing to drop those ‘obligations’ which have been taken on as a result of old conditioning and societal benchmarks of behaviour.  We take on responsibilities which we do not have to carry on behalf of others and now it’s time to let them go.  We need to let others live their own lives and to find their way and be independent.

Time to release those obligations which are no longer authentic: 
Being over responsible is ‘controlling’ others!
Who are you ‘carrying’ at your own expense?  It may be happening in the physical world here and now or it may be emanating from ‘history’ in this or other lives.  We cannot carry those energies which are resistant to accepting our divine power and authority, our divine birthright to spiritual freedom, expression and  abundance on all levels of our being. 

Full Moons bring things to a head, a culmination, a completion!
This Full Moon is dynamic, dramatic and potentially explosive as so many of us are being pushed to take our power, to demand fair treatment, divine justice and karmic release.  How it affects us all will vary on our brief this lifetime and where we are with our spiritual growth and evolution. However it plays out we need to remember to come back to peace, harmony and love within ourselves.

Everything must grow or...go!   Time to say goodbye...bye bye
We need to release these energies/memories for their growth and development. We release with love and forgiveness dissolving, cutting the ‘karmic’ ties with old belief systems/conditioning which have kept us in servitude. It is not ‘service’ when we are propping up others at the expense of their own growth, evolution and independence.  Time to say goodbye with divine love and blessings.

This Full Moon line-up offers a dramatic wake up call and release of these burdens. 
Be aware to assist with any ‘fallout’ which could be explosive and damaging for all involved.  Gently, gently. Forgiveness, gratitude and mercy as we’re all on a big learning curve integrating energies beyond our current state of being.

Mars a major player at the Full Moon:   A reboot of Mars, South Node of the Moon, Black Moon Lilith and Vesta in Aquarius!  Reconciliation, release!
Mars in Aquarius is just a sextile away from the full moon opening the doors of transformation as he sits with South Node of the Moon, Black Moon Lilith and the asteroid Vesta, the spiritual flame,  rebooting the divine consciousness of the masculine energies, bringing the divine feminine out of her lifetimes of hiding in the shadows and breathing divine light into the centre of our bodies.

A Grand Cross in the fixed signs of Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio and Taurus...which way?  
All ways bring resolution!
Art:  Paakantji
A crossroads of change!  We’re already working with some of these energies...so breathe!
All the planets or points are forming a Grand Cross which forms from oppositions and squares to each other so we know that these energies are challenging us to work with all as we are called into the opportunities presented at this time.

Awakening, activating, evolving our masculine fire and drive through the light of the Sun!
Team Aquarius:
Mars at 3 degrees...evolving masculine warrior fire and drive
Black Moon Lilith at 5 degrees...dark goddess emerging from the shadow life!
South Node of the Moon at 4 degrees...finding, releasing and evolving old memories 

Team Leo:
North Node of the Moon at 4 degrees...planetary direction for evolving consciousness at this time

Awakening, activating and transforming our hearts!
Team Scorpio:
Venus at 8 degrees...transforming, healing the heart

Team Taurus:
Uranus at 1 degree...awakening physical, earth energies for release 

Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon in Aries: From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com

The Full Moon is on 2 degrees but according to Lynda Hill’s Solar Fire program it’s at about 1 degree 59 so have included both Sabian Symbols.

The Full Moon:  Aries 3
This Symbol shows that there is a need for an objective awareness of how your life fits into the larger picture. How do you, and others, fit into this situation? Does your ‘Profile’ define you in a different way from what you’d like, or are you happy with your image? You may find you have a more important role than you previously thought. Imprint your mark on life by becoming a shining example of your country, tradition, beliefs or culture. However, try not to become too identified with externals or seeking recognition from the people around you. Observing one's limitations. Living a transpersonal life. Allegiances of creed, religion, race, country. Nationhood, brotherhood. Finding one’s place in the world.

The Full Moon: Aries 2
This Symbol shows that an objective awareness of oneself and others can bring light relief to you and those around you. We often need to be reminded that we are essentially human and share the same imperfections, frailties and shortcomings as the next person. See the humor and joy in situations - positive reactions can be an escape route from difficulties through seeing the funny side. Group cohesion and joy can come through sharing fun and being able to laugh and joke is an important part of life. Seeing the light side. Being the life of the party. Having insight. Always being on the 'go' mentally. Banter. Cracking up with laughter. Putting on a show. Knowing what to say and when.

The Sun:  Libra 3
This Symbol pictures sudden, new beginnings happening in one’s life. Things can change so quickly that it’s hard to believe at first, but eventually it dawns on you that things are different in the light of a “New Day”. Take heart, realize that the darkness is abating, gradually let go of what went before and embrace the new opportunities that beckon. This can show someone who moves around a lot or goes through several big transformations in their lives or have to weather big changes that often come up. However, there’s a need to guard against being fickle and wanting to move on too readily when one should perhaps stay with a situation and work on it. New perspectives and realizations. Waking up to a new consciousness or reality. Radical shifts and changes. Huge changes that erase what went before. Events out of nowhere.

25th September:  
Mars returns from out of bounds at 3 degrees Aquarius!  How auspicious!
Moves to Pisces on 16th November
The eagle has landed!  Fire power floods in with the big picture!
How amazing that Mars returns from his out of bounds journey on the same day as the Full Moon in Aries!  Mars is the ruler of Aries and he’s returned to earth just in time to give us access to the new consciousness he’s been gathering these past months. It’s time to integrate the big picture into our being!

We’re still cosmic travellers:  Filled with the starry firmament we’re uplifted!
He’s still travelling the cosmic airwaves in Aquarius until 16th November so we might still feel a little spacey during this next stretch.  As he returns to ‘earth’ he is connected to our South Node of the Moon in Aquarius and the Black Moon Lilith, our shadow feminine who is emerging from the shadows of time.

We’ve been clearing so much earth memory, history, karma:  It’s been ‘judgement day’!
This connection has been with us for a while as Mars, ruler of our physical body, our fiery flame of life force has been clearing so much of our earth’s ‘history’ through connecting with our Earth Star chakra and our shadow feminine energy, Black Moon Lilith. The Earth Star Chakra is the energy centre plugged into the Earth carrying all memory, messages of world history, karmic contracts, ties and healing power for our earthly selves.

Black Moon Lilith will continue travelling with Mars through October releasing the feminine power within in safe ways as Aquarius energy uplifts if we allow. The South Node influence of earth’s history will gradually move away from these two energies so that our fire power is becoming more present to us.

26th September:  
Chiron enters Pisces Rx at 10.12 am AEST...leaping off the jetty!
Double check for the collective ‘clean up’!
9th December:  Stations direct at 27 degrees Pisces
In Pisces until 18th February 2019
Are you ready to leap off your personal jetty into the ocean of the collective?  Let’s swim!
Chiron takes us back into the deep wellspring of the emotional, spiritual energies of Pisces for just a couple of months giving us time to find out just how much we’ve evolved our emotional energies and wounds into the higher consciousness of Pisces.  As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces offers us a completion of unfinished business and a closing off old energies which no longer serve our growth.

Fire and water:  Letting off steam
Healing powers of steam bringing huge emotional release!
Interesting that the day after the Full Moon in Aries, Mars re-entry from OOB that Chiron moves back from Aries into Pisces...fire to water.  Looks like a lot of steam emanating from us all and the earth herself. We’ll be cooling off some hot emotional energy and old hurts and pains that arose during the Full Moon.

Next few months:  Maintaining spiritual mastery and affirming our strength in the light of love!
Remembering that Pisces is the energy of the collective unconscious and the last sign in the zodiac suggests the next few months until February will be a perfect time for releasing old victim consciousness, martyrdom or ‘poor me’ energies and claim our right to spiritual transcendence and leadership. 

2019:  Living in the here and now with the confidence of spiritual mastery!
We’re being set up for an amazing year of growth and expansion in a whole new way in 2019...provided we’re up to it and willing to incorporate more and more of our divine power and authority and to claim our spiritual mastery through divine love and partnership. Of course we’ll be continuing on to evolve consciousness.  However, there is a potential for a more productive year in terms of physical expansion in the world.  Let’s keep working with the emotional energies of Pisces which holds such artistry and healing.

Golden Oldies:
‘Memories’ Barbara Streisand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVC3MZpQnmk  Full Moon opposite Sun in Libra..the past/love/relationships

‘My Way’ Elvis Presley (with lyrics) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PP8HO9TGkbw for Aries Full Moon

‘Me and My Shadow’ Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-4uKgXRnpI walking our ‘shadows’ back home

‘I've Been Here Before’ (Lyrics)  Sara Groves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FB5EqdyD0rQ relevant if not an oldie
‘The Times they are a changing’ Tracy Chapman with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQU0TugySoo peace, justice
‘Diamonds and Rust’ Joan Baez with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ST9TZBb9v8&list=RDCQU0TugySoo&index=2
for rebalancing, reviewing and reconciling partnerships, memories
Upcoming Dates: 
1st October:  Pluto stations direct

6th October:  Venus retrograde in Scorpio
9th October:  New Moon in Libra
10th October:  Mercury enters Scorpio

That’s all folks! Hugs all around!

Apologies for the highlighting on the last update as I was a little stretched to get it out and didn’t double check to clear it. Hopefully all is well now.

Next major event is the New Moon in Libra which will be so welcome after this Full Moon in Aries which promises major shifts emotionally and karmically.  We’ll find out where we stand with respect to our partnerships, allegiances, marriages, relationships of all kinds, business, friendship, romantic and intimate.

There’s going to be quite a shifting of perspectives and thus gears as our perception widens with release of old baggage which has kept us grounded. We’re getting ready for whole new directions as we move this latter part of the year.

Love and blessings everyone as we learn to hold our own like these flamingos.  Sorry this is such a long update but so much is happening I just didn’t know what to leave out.  If you’re getting information overload, just read the headings and look at the pictures which cover the essence of it all.


from the chair...balancing

Hearts Graphics
It’s all about love
Divine reunion

Wednesday 19 September 2018

22nd September 2018 Mercury into Libra, 23rd Sun into Libra

Hi everybody!

What’s been happening:  Rest and recovery!  Really?
The final days of the Virgo Sun we find respite from the heat beneath our shady tree and contemplate the lilies of the forest, symbols of death and transformation, purity and cleansing. Uh oh! What...more change?  Of course!

Rest?  Not yet people...onward even if it feels like we’re earthbound!
Initially after the New Moon on 10th we were resting in the recovery ward of the Virgo energies until the last few days when a challenging planetary line up started activating a huge cleansing and purification.  Mars, South Node of the Moon, Black Moon Lilith in Aquarius gathered together squaring off to Uranus in Taurus.  See below for separate posting on this.

Virgo the sign of purification of the physical releasing old consciousness!
We’re still in the light of the New Moon in Virgo and that means purification of the physical being, our everyday lives and everything in our physical bodies, any energies which are not aligned with our divine selves, power and authority have to go.

Coming into Libran energy:  The scales of karmic justice in action!
We’re building energies for an immense and powerful release of the forces of change at this upcoming Full Moon in Aries which promises to be bigger than Ben Hur.  We’re about to move into the Libran energy of equity, justice, peace, harmony and a rebalancing of our partnerships, with self, others, institutions.  Whatever is out of whack has to be sorted and this Full Moon will bring things to a head big time!

The Mexican Wave of planetary release and upgrade: 
Mars, South Node of the Moon and Black Moon Lilith gathering together in Aquarius!
Here we all are being carried by the huge Mexican wave this week! The whole of humanity and the earth herself is being activated as Uranus strikes into the physical world of our bodies, our Mother Earth releasing the ‘trapped and repressed energies of the divine feminine, the shadow feminine within us all...men and women!
Mars, Earth Star/South Node and Black Moon Lilith:
We're all in the Mexican wave...'la cucaracha'...national civil rights song of Mexico...says it all!  It's been their week, their national day during the week home to 'Our Lady of Guadalupe', one of the black Madonnas and patron saint of Mexico.

Forget the ‘dark knight arises’...it’s the ‘dark goddess arises’!
I see her as a representation of Black Moon Lilith, the shadow feminine energy emerging from suppression and clearing the darkness of ignorance and repressed emotional memories held within our bodies as she links in with the planet's South Node/Earth Star and Mars all in Aquarius. 

We’re all being activated for divine power and authority:  Call to divine mastery!
Look out for sudden outbursts, flare-ups from the self or others.  Everyone’s trying to get their power back and reclaim their divinity!  Stay focussed on the self and your divine power and keep clear of the projections and blame from others.  Pull back from old responsibilities you no longer need to carry..spiritually as well as physically.  Encourage others to take their power, find their way and be independent.
The physical body may well be feeling this emergence as the light of higher consciousness is flushing out those disempowered energies within our memory banks. We're shuffling earthbound and stuck energies into the light! Ouch!
It’s a volatile energy....old planetary history.

Watch this space for the next week and ride the wave together to the culmination on 25th September as the three energies come together for a reboot at the Full Moon in Aries. Whew!

Read more on the astrology:
Cosmic Consciousness Daily Blog
By Stephanie Azaria September 16
Let's look more closely at the Mars/Earth Star/Black Moon dance that is well underway and moving at an undeniably swift pace. That pace doesn't seem to have anything to do with Mars' recent retrograde. Even though we were feeling as though moving was slower than molasses when Mars stationed to go direct, it really had nothing to do with this more karmic, more collective pace with which the three archetypes are c
oming in and out of connection with one another. Mars has his physical application, for sure. He is the ARCHETYPE of the physical realm. But he is also the archetype of energy... energy of all kinds... And energy is what the 5th dimension is focused on. So this triple conjunction... this repetitive triple conjunction, is very clearly functioning multidimensionally. And the experience you are having of it depends on where you are focusing in any given moment.

Purification on the earth:                
It might be seen as the wind and waves of the  earth cleansing that’s been happening to Asia and the USA as well as extensive floods across European countries.  Meanwhile in Australia, a burst of early heat is bringing in fires to add to the widespread drought.
Just as I was considering that fire, water and air are taking us through the process of cleansing and wondering about the earth energies which are so dominant in the planetary presence at this time, a news story popped up that a 5.4 mag earthquake just happened in Western Australia on 16th September.

22nd September:  Mercury moves into Libra at 1.39 pm AEST
A divine ‘marriage’ of the mind!
Until 10th October
It’s a time to talk, really talk:  Bringing harmony, peace and justice to our lives...let’s talk about it!
Swans mate for life and that’s the potential for Libran energy calling us to commitment to love, unity, harmony, peace, wellbeing through partnership based on equity and justice. And that includes partnership with ourselves...all of us and with our divine selves!

Coming into balance and harmony of the mind:  Two faces?  Two
minds?  United?
So, how’s the partnership within you working out?  Mercury is the ruler of our mental body and for that reason when he enters any of the dual signs it’s a call for examination of our own mental state, right mind/left mind, active/passive principles within our mental operating systems.

Mercury in Libra is here to bring balance to any imbalances in our thinking, thoughts, mental operating system. If we’re speaking from belief systems which stem from old consciousness imbedded in inequity and outside divine love. we’ll be challenged.

Time to talk about love, peace, harmony and equity:   Be calm, talk and LISTEN!  lol
We’re in a world that is mentally polarised and focussed on success based on mental powers taking information in at an extreme rate attempting to assimilate, digest and analyse seeking our own personal truth and universal truths.  

Our minds are constantly looking out at the world as we live in an increasingly active global communication network.  Chances are, many of you can’t even take in the words i write as you are bombarded with more and more information till we reach overload!

23rd September:  Sun moves into Libra at 11.54 am AEST
The equinox...balance and harmony!
Until 24th October
Equinox! A doorway of balance opens!  As above, so below!
We’re in a year of balancing, a 2 year and now we welcome the solar month of balance of holding the middle path of bringing equity and justice to our lives.  The Libran Sun opens the September Equinox doorway to peace, harmony and love.

A time of reconciliation:  Balancing the ‘books’!
It’s a time of reconciliation with ourselves, the world and significant others. Karmic justice and reconciliation, a balancing of the books as we weigh right/wrong, judgements/criticisms and bring ourselves to an acceptance of the way things have been and are as we choose peace and harmony. It’s time for forgiveness of ourselves and others if we choose that pathway of divine love and divine justice.  Give back what is not yours to carry as a burden...let go!

The Equinox doorway is a doorway to harmony...if we’re prepared to let go
of those forces within which hold us in conflict, confusion, duality of the mind, heart, body or spirit.  If you’re feeling confusion, be still and let the resistant forces within be released so you can fully experience unification and harmony within.

The divine heart is our guide from ‘the observer’s perch’!
Libran energy offers us the ‘observer’s perch’...the big picture! 

Venus rules Libra and therefore the heart is the guiding force for the next solar month.  Keep coming back to the heart, clearing, opening and allowing it divine power and mastery to guide through the Full Moon in Aries.  It’s our touchstone of stability and calm!

The Equinox:  
When day and night are ‘nearly equal’!  A solar celebration!
Esoterically, the Equinoxes like the Solstices are considered a time when the veil between the worlds is parted, when day and night have an equal say in the way of the world and in our lives where the energy of ‘balance’ is on offer.  They are times of celebration in the solar calendar and generally mark the seasons of change from Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring.

The September Equinox marks the beginning of Autumn/Fall for the Northern Hemisphere and Spring in the Southern Hemisphere.  Australia marks the beginning of Spring as 1st September, following the calendar rather than the astronomical calendar.

More astronomical information at the link below:  Days, dates, times and places around the world
There are two equinoxes every year – in September and March – when the sun shines directly on the equator and the length of day and night is nearly equal.

Golden Oldies:
‘Walking my baby back home’ Nat King Cole https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkVYbwUzcPQ

‘Love and marriage’ Frank Sinatra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ0XgNfc7qQ



Upcoming Dates:

25th September:  Full Moon in Aries
25th September:  Mars returns from out of bounds
26th September:  Chiron enters Pisces retrograde

1st October:  Pluto stations direct

6th October:  Venus retrograde in Scorpio
9th October:  New Moon in Libra
10th October:  Mercury enters Scorpio

That’s all folks! Hugs all around!

I’m sending this out a few days early as so much is happening within this week and especially at the Full Moon in Aries on 25th that I needed a separate update.  Too much information to take in at the one time, so bear with me as I have tried to be succinct and hit the spot.

The Full Moon update will be sent out next weekend before it comes in.

The balancing act has never been more important at this time and the flamingos are an excellent reminder for us all to maintain calm and peace as much as possible no matter what chaos is happening to us personally.  The global situation impacts us all some of us more than others as it’s our brief to clear the earthbound energies within our physical being as well as the earth itself.  Light is our greatest power and strength.

Love and blessings to us all as we choose divine love, divine reunion with our divine mastery and power!


from the chair...balancing

It’s all about love
Divine reunion