...for the children of the earth

Monday 21 January 2019

20th January 2019 : Sun moves into Aquarius 21st Full Moon in Leo 24th Mercury enters Aquarius

Hi everybody!
A kickstart and time-travelling experience:  In the quantum field!
Well it’s been quite a kickstart to the year and maybe not all we had expected with the arrival of our first eclipse for 2019. That New Moon threw us into the change process of the eclipse vortex, the portal of energy which carries us from one eclipse to the next and will culminate on the next New Moon in February, the New Moon in Aquarius. We’re travelling inter-dimensionally.
Heavily weighted energies in Capricorn:  Physical and karmic focus!
We’re now clearing massive karmic energies and unresolved planetary memories we carry within us.  We are energy and we live in the energetic landscape of the cosmos, of planet earth and beyond.  We are timeless and we carry the memories of time immemorial.
Earth energies put the focus on the physical and our place here:
Although we may feel a little heavy and earthbound at this time, we’re actually accessing the earth’s memory banks and working esoterically with our ‘history’, earth’s ‘history’. 
In the eclipse ‘wormhole’, we open to the quantum field: 
In no time. no space we have access to inter-dimensional energies and other timelines, experiencing lifetimes of unresolved memories through holding our divine power, authority. love and forgiveness. 

What’s been happening: 
Slow and steady ‘wins the race’:  Capricorn territory insisting on firm and secure foundations!  First...clear the ground!
All the planets are direct as of Uranus stationing last week so what could be slowing us down...if it is. 

A couple of reasons:
1. A preponderance of planetary energies in Capricorn!
Capricorn is an earth sign which is slow and steady ruling the status quo and urging us to establish strong and secure foundations for our new directions. But how can we build the new when we have unstable foundations? 
 That's where the eclipse energies come in. They help us clear the ground.
2. Demolition time!  Deconstruction before reconstruction
Clearing the ground!  
The eclipse vortex brings big changes within, tumbling us around as we access the change process. The Capricorn New Moon is driving this energy so we're heavily into the change process of 'clearing the ground' before new constructions can begin. We're accessing and clearing the quantum field of timelines, planetary history and karmic ties, contracts and unresolved energies from other times/places. 

As we bring our karmic 'field' to resolution, we're clearing the way for new possibilities. When we have clarity we will just 'know' what is the right action at the right time. By allowing ourselves to be tossed about in the eclipse 'wormhole' we're accessing the information for moving on this year.
Also, being in the energy of the Capricorn eclipse we’re actually in the process of ‘demolition’, the deconstruction of false ideologies beliefs and mental constructs which would take us down old pathways. The collapse of timelines and completion of karmic contracts is all part of this demolition.

From 12th to 16th January: 
Jupiter met the Great Attractor14 degrees Sagittarius
The Great Attractor is what's called a galactic anomaly which has a massive gravity pull drawing galaxies into its gravity field. It warps time and space and bends light but is beyond the definitive parameters of a black hole.
From Philip Sedgwick, the best known authority regarding the Great Attractor: 'The mass of this thing remains incalculable and incomprehensible. Suffice it to say it’s more than likely bigger than anything known. How big probably will remain an unknown fact.' http://www.philipsedgwick.com/Galactic/GreatAttractor.htmm

An immense shift in our quantum field is on tap!With expansive Jupiter sitting on this key galactic energy at this time points to an immense shift in our energy field activating the quantum field of 'no time, no space' for us all. This only happens every 12 years when Jupiter travels through Sagittarius.

Have you been feeling drained of energy?This meeting in itself could be a 'draining' experience as we feel 'sucked' into this huge energy field. We're releasing old timelines big time and the planetary lineup is supporting us in all ways as we surrender to a force greater than us alone. We're coming into alignment with the cosmic forces.

From 8th to 20th January:  Neptune on 14 degrees Pisces squaring off to Jupiter and the Great Attractor...washed out, washed up...just let go!
Adding to the Jupiter/GA experience Neptune as player in this lineup could bring feelings of 'lost at sea' and/or drowning in the cosmic waves. Neptune transits at any time can be somewhat 'draining' as it lifts the collective energies, washing unevolved energies out of us to the point of feeling 'washed out' or listless. 

19th January:  
Mercury returned from out of bounds 
At 26 degrees Capricorn
We’re likely to find increased clarity coming in with new ideas once Mercury ‘lands’ even if we feel mentally ‘wobbly’ for a few days as we adjust our minds coming back to earth. New solutions to old problems or issues may miraculously appear especially once the Sun moves into Aquarius on 20th where our mental body will be activated by Aquarian bigger picture clarity and vision. 
Mercury is quite the player at the full Moon as we get a mental readjustment to any mindsets out of alignment with planetary evolution.
20th January:  Sun moves into Aquarius at 8.00 pm AEDT
Up we go! Open the minds!
Until  19th February
Let’s go to the stars, to the cosmos:  New Perspectives, bigger picture!
Some solar uplift from the earthy grounded energies which have dominated these past few weeks.  They’re still with us as Saturn and Pluto continue their journey in Capricorn right into 2020.  Mercury moves from Capricorn on 24th joining the Sun in Aquarius so lighter and airier times just ahead.
A breath of fresh cosmic air:  Breathe it into the mind! New ideas!
Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, an outer planet our solar system, carrying higher consciousness of the mental energies.  It has a direct impact on our thinking and expansion of our minds taking us to new and interesting perspectives beyond our current beliefs and embedded mental ‘blocks’. 
An opportunity to step back from the emotional overwhelm! Detachment!
When we’re in the Aquarian energy we’re offered a reprieve from the emotional overwhelm which floods our beings and blocks clarity of thought.  We can stand back and get some distance from the emotions as an observer. 
Focus on the Aquarian perspective through this Full Moon period:
Aquarius is an energy which is cooling to the emotions and offers a chance to raise any muddy waters to a whole new perspective as our higher mind comes into play. This energy will be very welcome at the Leo Full Moon which is fiery, emotional and dramatic. We need both passion and clarity.
Time to find your ‘star’: Call in the clarity, listen to higher guidance, focus!The Aquarian Sun takes us to the stars providing we are prepared to step out of the re-runs of the ‘soapies’, the melodramas of life which keep replaying for us all and hold us on the karmic wheel. Find your star, focus and call it in!
21st January:  Full Moon in Leo at 0 degrees 52 Leo at 4.16 pm AEDT, Total Lunar Eclipse
Super Full Moon
Welcome to Melodrama Central!  Dramatic, heart centred and emotional!
What else could it be with Leo’s energy opening our hearts to passion, love and divine light.  Any energies which are not aligned with divine love and light will be brought forth in the light of the Full Moon and brought to light by the eclipse.  

Leo rules love, romance, creativity and children. When we shine our Leo light with a divine energy, we shine.
Revelations above and beyond: 
The eclipse carries added weight!
Eclipses bring revelations and ongoing changes and as this is a lunar eclipse,the revelations will come from within our subconscious, buried memories that are seeking the light. Lunar eclipses bring inner change which are likely to manifest in the physical word as a result of the inner shift in perspective. 

Full Moons bring endings, completion, something coming to a head!
This is the most powerful time of the month for the moon when she can reveal so much of what has been hidden from our understanding. She brings clarification and insight to issues, problems and unresolved emotions.
It’s an opportunity to let go of those unevolved emotional energies which have been holding us to ransom, holding us back from being fully present in our divine power and passion.

An ending and a beginning:  
The Full Moon sits on the first degree of Leo
We know this energy from last month as the full moon feels like a two way process of letting go and receiving...more so than usual.  For this reason, be very aware of insights, emotions and revelations which offer new directions and ways of being in the world.
Aquarian Sun opposite Leo Full Moon:   
Balancing Aquarian mental detachment and Leo passion! 
These two offer great energies at this time as we have the chance to feel the fiery emotion and passion of Leo whilst processing any unresolved painful memories through the Aquarian Sun.  They may be in opposition but it is in finding the balance between air and fire, mind and spirit and as always, the outer active expression of the Sun and the inner receptive expression of the Moon.
As we accommodate the two energies of Sun and Moon, they can meet and interact on the ‘bridge’ of balance which unites rather than separates and divides. Aquarius connects us to the interpersonal love and Leo to personal love.  We need both, the big and small picture. 
Planetary Aspects at the Full Moon:

Mars square/challenge to Saturn:  Where are the boxing gloves? 
Oh yes...I gave them up! 
13 degrees Aries/Capricorn
This is a biggie with Mars, ruler of the masculine fire and drive, our warrior self in his own sign and feeling feisty ready to take on the world when he meets up with Saturn, Lord of Karma in his own sign feeling his power and strength in maintaining the status quo, the patriarchal structures and systems already well established in our world.
We might feel we want to take on the world in a whole new way as we release the urge for the warrior within to battle ‘the system’.
Mars rules the head so best to keep in mind that this is ‘hothead’ energy wanting to explode. 
Karmic challenge:  Release the old base ego of ‘I am’ right! 
There may actually be physical issues emerging with the head as Mars rules the head so keep in mind no matter what comes to light physically and clear spiritually. 
Jupiter with Venus and the Great Attractor:  
Neptune squaring off and Mars in a flowing trine!
Squaring off to Neptune in Pisces: 
Cosmic heart release and upgrade of collective consciousness!
Jupiter 15 degrees Sagittarius
Venus 14 degrees Sagittarius
Great Attractor 14 degrees Sagittarius
Potential for big heart opening, release and upgrade:
Venus is sitting on the Great Attractor at 14 degrees Sagittarius up close and personal to Jupiter in Sagittarius.

Any Galactic connections give big picture cosmic elevated energies to the planets so we’ll expect a big heart opening and heart release of cosmic ‘dust’ as the GA draws energies into its gravity field.  Prepare to release on a big scale old heart consciousness as we open our hearts and emotions to a cosmic upgrade thanks to Neptune in Pisces adding to the mix of collective release.
Leo:  The ‘path of heart’:  
Gently does it with the heart emotionally and physically!
Leo rules the heart, circulation and blood so a good idea to keep in mind as this energy is on the Full Moon in Leo.  Gently does it with the heart energy and allow the opening, expansion and release.

Jupiter with Venus and the Great Attractor:
In trine to Mars in Aries at 13 degrees:  
Our warrior fire and drive in a heart opening release and upgrade!
Working their magic on the Mars energies is Jupiter expanding the heart consciousness, upgrading the Mars masculine warrior energy into divine heart energies whilst he is being challenged by Saturn Lord of Karma!  What a spiritual set up!
Spiritual courage and strength on tap:  
As our hearts expand, our minds and bodies align with divine power and light!
The Leo Full Moon is opening us to the courage and strength of the divine mother energies, the strength and courage emanating from our hearts.  Let’s not forget the French word for heart is ‘coeur’.
Uranus squaring off and challenging the karmic nodes and Mercury:  
Am I heading in the right direction?  Wake up call to our planetary doorway!
Uranus 28 degrees Aries
Nodes:  26 degrees Cancer/Capricorn
Mercury:  26 degrees Capricorn
Uranus the awakener:  
Lightning strikes to galvanise us to align with the planetary direction!  
The divine mother calls us on!
Guaranteed to get us on track with our spiritual alignment.  As we align with the planetary nodes, we align with our divine mission, our particular gifts which are being called forth for our own joy and creative fulfilment as well as our planetary contribution.
Release and purification of old mindsets:   Challenges to our mental energies which are locked into the status quo/comfort zone!
Mercury is sitting on the South Node of the Moon in Capricorn so our mental energy is getting a major release from the mindsets of old Capricorn status quo energy which needs evolution.  As we release, perhaps dramatically thanks to Uranus, we allow the new perceptions and ideas to enter our consciousness as Uranus works his magic.
In the eclipse ‘wormhole’:  
On we go to the New Moon in Aquarius!
Tossed and tumbled by the eclipse energies we need to just roll with it and allow the emotions to surface and release without trying to pin down whether good, bad or ugly.  It’s a Full Moon and that’s big emotion! 
Full details of the lunar eclipse:  https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/lunar/2019-january-21
The total phase of this total lunar eclipse will be visible from North and South America, Europe and western Africa. Central and eastern Africa and Asia will see a partial eclipse of the Moon.
Yes, it’s a ‘blood’ moon’ in case you hadn’t heard and if you go to the above link you can see it on line and get a clear picture of its path.
Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon in Leo :  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Leo 1
This Symbol implies that emotions in the form of anger or passion can get in the way of rational responses and being able to move ahead purposefully. Sometimes it feels like almost nothing can be done; being immobilized with neither mental nor physical control. It won't last forever; it will pass and resistance can just make some situations worse. The trick is to wait until all the available data comes through before making decisions or moves as premature reactions can lead to embarrassing back downs. Thinking things through when calm descends again will help sort things out. Difficult emotional reactions. Becoming fired-up about something. Charging off in all directions at once. Thinking with the head and not the heart. Blood pressure. Ambition.

Aquarius 1
This Symbol shows a safe and comfortable place to live, work, pray and practice our spiritual lives. The “Old Adobe Missions” were built with a great deal of effort, sacrifice, commitment, and a sense of community with one eye on the path and the other on the very real everyday needs of the people it serves. Sometimes we assume our beliefs are right and that others need to be shown the truth. Efforts should be turned to creating infrastructures to pursue these beliefs. Relating is not about control, but acceptance and reverence of each person's divinity. There should be no pretensions, but a forging of links to new worlds. Withdrawing. Spiritual retreat. Natural surroundings. Creating civilizations out of natural elements. Finding places to work with spirit. Sanctuaries and learning. Houses. Centers.

Sabian Synbols for the Full Moon: 

24th January:   
Mercury enters Aquarius at 4.49 pm AEDT
Taking to the stars
Until 10th February
Lift off time! 
Mercury our mind manager moves out of earthy Capricorn and takes flight in the airy domain of Aquarius where he finds a comfort zone with elevated thoughts and bright ideas all across the cosmic landscape.
Be open, be ready and receptive to galactic inputs:
He’s been earthbound for a while despite travelling out of bounds for a couple of weeks when he was releasing some old earth energies and karmic mindsets.  How much he’s shifted in each of us is yet to be revealed but be assured that his entry to Aquarius will sure show how open we are to bigger ideas. 
He’s bringing in new ways of ‘putting it together’ as he travels the inventive Aquarius spectrum!
Mercury rules communication so keeping the airwaves, brainwaves and ears open is good advice for maximizing his positive energy.  He is bringing his newly discovered knowledge into the road map for our divine mission.
Finding your special star:  Highway to heaven!
Tune in to Mercury to find your special star and your place in the cosmos and here on earth.  Aquarius as ruler of hopes and dreams is bringing them to us if we are ready to believe and receive.  We are the lightworkers of joy and love and we need to be uploaded with that star energy and cosmic knowledge.
Get ready to sparkle and shine!
Golden Oldies:
‘Do you know where you’re going to’ Diana Ross https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsA-Xc6gWDE for the planetary nodes
‘You’ve got a friend’ Carole King https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcJbzuyp6VY for the Sun in Aquarius
‘And I love you so’ Perry Como https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGqUoKaTQoc for the Full Moon in Leo

‘Vincent’ Don McClean https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxHnRfhDmrk for Mercury in Aquarius

Upcoming Dates:
4th February Venus enters  Capricorn
5th New Moon in Aquarius/Chinese New Year
10th February:  Mercury enters Pisces
14th February:  Mars enters Taurus

That’s all folks!

Let’s prepare the way for the Aquarius energies which will get a further boost at the New Moon in Aquarius on 5th February when we emerge from this particular eclipse wormhole. Aquarius is humanity, soul connection, friendships, community and hopes and dreams.

We’ve been through some rough times over the past year/s but I’m sure we’re up to the challenges of this year when so many people on this earth will be waking up and seeking understanding, support and most of all love. 

I’ve sure been feeling it personally but keep re-aligning with faith in our divine energy and our unified focus on divine freedom, equity and the belief that love heals and frees.  let it continue to roll out this year even as we observe the ongoing split created by extremism and duality.  We are bridging the polarities even as the Magnetic North Pole is shifting towards Siberia. 

Hugs all around! May the revelations continue and we all maintain awareness of when to act and when to wait, of where we are called at be at any time knowing that we are in the safety of divine protection.

Love and blessings to us all as we embrace the expansion of our hearts and thus release mountains of karmic baggage at this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.


from the chair...invoking courage

Let’s not forget love and romance
It’s all about love
Divine Reunion

Saturday 5 January 2019

5th January 2019: Mercury moves to Capricorn, , 6th New Moon in Capricorn;, 7th Uranus direct, Venus moves to Sagittarius;


Hi everyone!

We’re taking off and grounding all at the same time. The quantum field is calling us and drawing us in as we come to the first eclipse for 2019.

Divine timing, divine order:  Are we ready and open to change?
Of course we’re always in the quantum field of no time or space but in the eclipses the doors open onto other realities which have been hidden within us, within the memory banks.  Then they are brought awake when the time is right for divine resolution.  It’s all about timing.  And timing depends on readiness for us to accept, to grow and embrace new ways of being.

Many of us stepping forward this year:  Tune in and listen.
We all experience eclipses differently as we all have an individual ‘brief’ as well as a universal ‘brief’.  We each have a part and role to play and at different times we are asked to step forward and enact that role. 

The ‘divine discontent’ of the masses awakening!
This year, many of us getting the call to take new action in the world as many are being awoken with the stirrings of ‘divine discontent’...sensing a deep unhappiness but not knowing the real reason behind this discontent. Those newly awakened will be looking for answers and many will be turning to the ‘wise’ teachers and healers who have walked the path of learning through life’s experiences. 

Stay tuned to the higher guidance within:  
Hear the call for action when it’s time to step out of the comfort zone.
Eclipses bring sudden wake up calls and bring sudden changes to our thinking and with solar eclipses, to our physical lives. Remembering that it is our soul guiding us to fulfilment brings trust and faith in our process, knowing ‘all is well’. It’s in the intuitive knowing of timing which works well for us. When our time to take action presents to us we just know without doubts, fears or insecurities.  There’s nothing forced when we’re aligned and ready to take the next step.

More on Mars in Aries:  ‘Monkey Magic’
Now Mars is back home in his sign of Aries, we’re being given the opportunity to access and demonstrate the essence of who we are, our ‘I am’ energy.  We need to observe if we’re taking the higher road to owning an expressing our fire and drive in the world.  We so need that fire, drive and ‘action man’ back with us and working the divine path.  

Maybe we’ll fall back into old ways of war and conflict trying to power it over others in competitive mode.  It doesn’t matter as we’re all evolving this old embedded warrior energy within us. It’s important for us to stand up for what we value and for our own integrity. If others take exception to us or we do with them then we know we need to re-align with divine will, power and spiritual strength of divine truth and love. 

If you remember that wonderful TV series ‘Monkey’ you’ll recognise we have that primal ego energy within us and yes...kept in line by divine guidance with a band of gold around his head, Monkey had to surrender to divine will and divine love and was being transformed in consciousness to the more evolved energies. It’s a wonderful story of primal energies evolving in consciousness in their pilgrimage to India.

‘Monkey’:  Opening Song

5th January:  Mercury moves into Capricorn at 2.39 pm AEDT
Check out the view!
Until 24th January
Our messenger delivers the big picture:  Just stand on the top of the mountain and listen!
Mercury is our messenger, ruler of our mental body and he likes to fly!  The next best thing is to find the top of the mountain...Capricorn territory! On the top of the mountain we feel solid earth beneath our feet and can breathe in the higher consciousness from the higher perspective. 

2nd January to 19th January AEDT:  
Mercury out of bounds...the big, big picture!
Mercury moves into the outer spheres of consciousness at 26 degrees Sagittarius offers an expansion into divine truth. Open the mind!
He returns from out of bounds at 20 degrees Capricorn on 19th January.

Accepting our earthly authority as divine sparks of divinity!
Two days later our mind manager enters Capricorn the sign of earthly authority and mastery of the physical dimension.  Our magical Capricorn energy is called into play so we can access our higher spiritual authority, divine law which is above and beyond human laws and societal benchmarks for success. Listening to the inner wise counsellor will offer up messages way beyond our limited thinking.  New solutions to old ‘problems’!

How do we get started:  
First step...cutting the ‘karmic’ ties to the treadmill!
This energy kicks in the day before the New Moon indicating we’ll be dropping off some ‘treadmill’ mentality from the good ol’ status quo behaviours.  
The new year will not be supporting us if we continue to invest in this way of thinking.  I’m talking about ‘hard work and struggle’ as well as being cowed down by ‘the authorities’ both public and private currently holding us in the beliefs perpetuated by slavery, servitude and inequity on the planet.  

Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, is ruler of the old patriarchal structures which have become overblown with power and yes...in some instances, cruelty. We’re needing to rectify the imbalance by embracing the divine mother energy. 

Listening to inner guidance on implementing physical changes!
Once we clear the ‘treadmill’ thinking which can’t get beyond ‘I have no choice’, then we open to new possibilities, solutions and problem solving that come from the cosmic forces from a source of higher consciousness.  Every time we choose to take ‘the higher path’ and close the door on damaging old ways of living we open the door to divine solutions emanating from the path of ease and grace.

6th January:  New Moon in Capricorn at 15 degrees 25 Capricorn at 12.28 pm AEDT...mastery!
Partial Solar Eclipse
Art:  Anne Sudworth
Five ‘planets’ in Capricorn!
Earthy, grounded and establishing a secure foothold!
The Sun and Moon are on the same page, on the same degree in Capricorn suggesting our inner and ‘outer’ focus for the next lunar month. The Sun is our active principle calling for physical action whilst the Moon is our ‘passive’ principle which calls for us to listen to our intuitive selves, our inner wisdom.

More Capricorn energy: 
Focus on karmic clearance and resolution!
Saturn rules authority and Pluto is about power and give a strong message at this New Moon to ask us to take that authority and power in the earthly domain in finding our spiritual success in the material world.
Mercury at 1 degree:  Our mind turns to focus on inner messages and wisdom
Saturn at 11 degrees:  Karmic resolution, de-structure, restructure and building success
Pluto at 20 degrees:  Death, transformation of old systems, beliefs, structures
South Node of the Moon at 26 degrees:  Karmic resolution, release and growth

Time to plant the seeds of the new Moon :
The new Moon is in the time of planting new seeds for the next lunar month.  The first week is the development of those new directions and exacting clarity for investing our energies and focus.  From 13th, the second week of the lunar month, we may start coming into some real clarity and take a few tentative steps physically. 

Gathering the information:  How do we ‘do it’?  Practical magic!   
Capricorn is a power house of manifesting potential!
With Mercury out of bounds, we’re gathering new ideas and possibilities are presenting themselves.  There’s no rush to act on these new ideas as this is like a stream flowing mentally from 3rd to 16th January so we may be turning around these ideas around, contemplating various directions and the physical steps we need to take to move forward this year. The Capricorn energy sets the tone and all we need to do is get focussed mentally, emotionally and spiritually as we come into clarity about the way forward. It’s a step by step energy once again but at least it’s all moving forward with surety and knowingness.

Planetary energies at the New Moon
Grand Water Trine: 
North Node of the Moon in Cancer at 26 degrees Cancer:  Planetary focus for evolution of consciousness...divine mother
Chiron at 26 degrees Pisces:  Spiritual healing and upliftment of the emotional/spiritual wounds of the collective
Venus at 26 degrees Scorpio:  Transmutation and transformation of the heart energy...more healing

A collective emotional healing and spiritual upliftment:
Trines are flowing energies which open up ‘communication’ and positive connection between the energies and this one promises a collective emotional healing at the heart level with a spiritual uplift and elevation into divine mother consciousness of Cancer. We’re evolving the Capricorn status quo energies of old unresolved karmic threads. 

As we clear our karmic field in divine love, forgiveness and mercy for ourselves and all those ‘lives’ which are seeking resolution, we come to a place of divine alignment and truth.  We are here and now in our present lives without feeling the pressure from other realities to solve issues and problems which can only be resolved in unification and oneness.

South Node of the Moon connecting with Chiron: 
It’s time to heal the collective spiritual wounds held within the earth’s karmic field!
With the South Node of the Moon at 26 degrees Capricorn connecting with Chiron at 28 degrees Pisces, the message of karmic resolution for collective energies is calling all of us to put these old ‘stories’ to rest.  If we really want to step off the karmic wheel, the merry go round of living in never ending soapies, then the time is ripe.  This is the time and this is the year we can break through time barriers and limitations as never before.

Jupiter in challenge/opportunity squaring off to Neptune:  
What an opportune step up to higher spirituality and consciousness!
Jupiter in Sagittarius brings together our wild untamed side into harmony with the higher consciousness of divine truth and knowledge.  Jupiter rules Sagittarius and he is represented as a centaur, half man and half horse. 

As he connects with Neptune he is invited to take to the spiritual ocean of healing and oneness bringing together the primal energies of the centaur and the seeker of knowledge, truth and wisdom.

We need to own and incorporate our wild primal energies, our innate spirit of the wild brumby even as we seek the higher ground.

Uranus still squaring off to the lunar nodes: 
Old outdated mindsets shattered by light!
Awakening and activating us with the release of old energies and calling us to focus our attention on new ways of being and structuring our thinking and our world!

The old embattlements are being broken up as we reach for the nurturing energy of manifesting our innate ‘mothering’ selves, accessing our desire to find our place of belonging, our soul tribe, our place of spiritual nourishment.

How many of us are feeling ‘embattled’ by the state of the world, our personal world and the burdens of hard work, struggle, old beliefs that have been grinding us down forever. 

It’s a collective exhaustion that is bringing the masses to the point of breakthrough/breakdown.  Even if you’re not experiencing this collective energy in a personal sense, it’s important to see this big picture.

Partial Solar Eclipse:  Ushering in sudden changes in our physical lives!  Expecting the unexpected...keep open minded and let the universe deliver!
It’s a partial solar eclipse telling us it’s the beginning of physical changes in our lives.  It probably won’t play out right on the new moon as it’s just a beginning.  More likely to get us moving at the New Moon in Aquarius on 5th February.

Eclipses can play out a month to 6 months afterwards so this eclipse may just be the beginning of the seeds of change.

Partial Solar Eclipse:  Visibility
This partial solar eclipse is visible from locations in north Pacific and northeast Asia, including BeijingIrkutsk in Russia, SeoulTaipei, and Tokyo.

Into the eclipse vortex of the quantum field:  
No time, no space!
In the middle of the quantum field releasing the karmic ties
I don't know about anyone else but I'm in the middle of the quantum field cutting all the karmic ties and releasing the energies from me and all other timelines linked in to me. I have no doubt others are doing similarly whether they know it or not.
We've lived here us old souls for thousands of years and we're here again at this powerful time releasing so much trapped energy locked into the physical world. This will continue to the New Moon in the New Year and beyond. When will it end? When we know it is complete for our karmic commitment. Every moment is valuable.
If you can't imagine the quantum field just imagine you're in the middle of this image and threads and lines are spreading out from the middle to layer upon layer of lifetimes, experiences. It's all happening at this moment in time as the quantum field has no time or space. The timelines are collapsing if we are ready. It's all about our readiness and that means willingness to believe in Science and the power of our light.
So much Capricorn energy and building up to the New Moon.
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, Lord of Karma. What else can I say. It's on and all we have to do  is rest, relax and visualise while we sit in the power of divine love and forgiveness.  We’re completing karmic contracts, soul agreements we made for this lifetime and it always comes back to love, divine love.

Sabian Symbol for the New Moon/Sun in Capricorn:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com

Capricorn 16
This degree shows being vibrant and alive and in the physical body with enthusiasm and excitement about life and the future. The “Gymnasium Suits” shows the need to get active and to stay active, to have time in your life to drop into the physical body and enjoy it. If you've been neglecting your physical well-being, it is good to reestablish that affinity with your vitality. Spontaneous enthusiasm and the joy of being 'alive' can regenerate and revive and bring about carefree contact with like minded people. The trick is to bring some form of physical discipline into your life while enjoying it and not feeling forced to do what you don’t want to do. Developing muscular coordination. Sexual energy or satisfaction. Playing, marching, competition, rivalry. Activities of unity. The search for identity. Being one of many.

7th January:  
Uranus stations direct at 28 degrees 26 Aries at 7.26 am AEDT
New ideas abound!
Emerging from the retrograde labyrinth:  
What have we discovered, uncovered and reclaimed?
Uranus has been in retrograde motion for some months taking us into the labyrinth of release, insight and some amazing influxes of light energy flooding the physical body. For many of us it’s been incredibly challenging as the bolts of lightning and sudden shocks have jangled the nerves and the equilibrium. It’s been a jarring experience for many of us as our nervous systems were downloaded with light energies of higher consciousness bringing new knowledge and understandings. 

What now? Be open to new ideas and thinking which calls us to sudden radical action!
Uranus is the radical, the rebel the out of left field thinking and as he’s still in Aries until May we’re likely to take sudden action which surprises even ourselves. Aries is a fiery, impulsive energy which activates our ego to ‘do’ something! It’s all working for us if we’re aligned with our inner voice of divine attunement.  We need our masculine ego working in line with divine will.  See post on Mars above, ‘Monkey’ magic!

Slow moving Uranus awakens and alerts, activates and gives us the shock treatment:
Uranus has been sitting on 28 degrees Aries since 8th December 2018 and will remain on this degree until 7th February.  He’s a slow mover at any time but his retrograde journey holds his energy on one particular degree and this present period of time he’s been activating our Aries ‘I am’ energy helping us to lift our game, release old ego baggage and elevate our fire and drive energies to a bigger perspective. 

When Uranus linked in to the planetary nodes from November last year:  Big wake up call for collective change!
With his connection to the lunar nodes since later last year, the impetus for radical change and drastic action has hit the planet and the collective energies of humanity inciting many to take to the streets in protest, to radically change their thinking, their ways of being and awakening to the knowledge that we need to make some big changes to the way systems, governments, organisations, institutions are operating in our world and serving the needs of the people.

8th March:  
Uranus moves into Taurus...focus on Mother Earth and the physical world
Until 2025
Uranus moves into Taurus for the next 7 years so our focus will entirely shift at that time from the fire energy to earth energy. We had a taste of this in 2018 for about 6 months when he dipped into Taurus mid May before returning to Aries early November to wind up his long term overhaul of our warrior energy, identity, ego, fire and drive.

7th January:  Venus moves into Sagittarius at 10.18 pm AEDT
Expansion of the heart! Love!
Until 4th February
Let’s have some fun!  Time for some light relief!
The phoenix is traditionally associated with Scorpio but the image seems to capture the essence of a heart expanding with the fire of divine love in the spirit of Sagittarian optimism and hope.

Uplifting the heart...joy! 
After so much time being introspective and practising containing our energies for healing and purification we’re really going to feel an uplift at the heart level for a few weeks at least. When she moves into Capricorn early February life will take on a more serious tone.

The urge to travel, meet and greet...the world!
This will be a welcome relief too from the dominance of the Capricorn energy which takes life seriously without too much frivolity and party time.  So, make the most of connecting with others, feeling the urge for travel to ‘foreign’ places or really anywhere.  Sagittarius wants to be on the move.

Welcome the joy of life:  
A perfect counterbalance to the urge to overwork!
Venus is the ruler of our heart and highlights our values, self-worth and how we activate these energies in the world.  In Sagittarius we can prepare to feel opened up to the joy of adventure, exploration of new horizons and some exciting new avenues for moving forward propelled by the Sagittarian fire. We may feel so excited and enthused by new work directions that we overdo!  Take time out for some laughter and connection with kindred spirits in lighthearted settings.  Build it into the Capricorn ‘timetable’.

Solar and Lunar Eclipses 2019:  Astronomical information

Solar and Lunar Eclipses for 2019 :  Astrological information
Australian East Coast times:
Partial SOLAR Eclipse   New Moon in Capricorn at 15 Capricorn 25  AEDT:  6th January at 12.28 pm 
Total LUNAR Eclipse Full Moon in Leo at 0 Leo 52 AEDT:  21st January at 4.16 pm

Total SOLAR Eclipse New Moon in Cancer at 10 Cancer 38 AEST:  3rd July at 5.16 am
Partial LUNAR Eclipse Full Moon in Capricorn at 24 Capricorn 04  AEST: 17th July at 6.55 am

Annular SOLAR Eclipse New Moon in Capricorn at 4 Capricorn 07  AEDT:  16th December 4.14 pm

Lauren Gorgo’s message 2.1.19:  Finding Your True North
I am including a quote from Lauren’s full message which i purchase each month:
Overall I am shown that the upcoming eclipses will have a role to play in this…specifically in the last of the dematerialization of our karmic template.  For many years we have held both templates in place while we assimilated to the higher…for those who have completed the causal requirements (released all limitations from the 3D ill-usion), this eclipse season reads like the download of an entirely new program, the instruction set (new mental constructs) that will contain some “important discoveries coming from beyond the known world”.

I include this quote as I have been getting the message for some weeks now of the need for us to clear what Lauren calls ‘our morphic 3D field’ and I see as our unresolved karmic connections in the quantum field.  Until we do we are enacting past life/other reality memories seeking resolution of old stories in our lives now.  The ‘past lives’ take over our lives now and draw us away from fulfilling our spiritual potential this lifetime.

Once we clear our karmic field of unresolved energies, we start living in the here and now.  As Seth said ‘The point of power is in the present’.

Golden Oldies:
‘Piper at the Gates of Dawn’ Van Morrison with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14VTF3EWqUo&index=13&list=RDfsy4P9Cw90Q New Moon in Capricorn

‘Crossroads’ Don McLean https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqCgMTxKeqE

‘Stop the world and let me off’  Patsy Cline  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EJEQZLEzjM  off the karmic wheel

‘Windmills of my mind’ Dusty Springfield  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKV9bK-CBXo  Mercury in Capricorn

‘Are you having any fun?’ Flanagan and Allan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UB_RFcpRXoE for Venus in Sagittarius

Upcoming Dates:
20th January:  Sun moves into Aquarius at 7.59 pm AEDT
21st January:  Full Moon in Leo at 0 degrees 52 Leo at 4.16 pm AEDT, Total Lunar Eclipse
Super Full Moon

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

Here we are all gathered together in a goat cluster of kindred spirits seeking the rocky platform of divine stability and support, a firm surface for strength and courage in the coming year. 

The hardy mountain goat has an indomitable spirit, climbing seeming insurmountable cliffs with focus and knowledge supporting every step taken.  The goat knows what to do as the focus is always on trusting the next foothold what will carry it up or down the mountain.

That’s us this year.  Building our firm foundation on the spiritual rocks of love, truth, integrity, wisdom and aligned with divine will along with our comic calling this lifetime. 

There’s no going back as the whole planet is radically shifting in her body and in humanity.  it’s all happening!

With Uranus now moving direct, all planets will be moving direct until 5th March when Mercury turns retrograde.

Love and blessings to us all as we continue our mountain pilgrimage like Monkey and his companions Pigsy, Water Monster accompanying the Buddhist Monk who is on the way to the sacred site in India.  All pilgrimages are the search for divine evolution and ascension.  We are all in it, even if so many do not yet realise that their seeking of a joyful, fulfilling life is infinitely dependent on their own divinity.


from the chair...lightening up

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