...for the children of the earth

Thursday 6 December 2018

7th December 2018: Mercury direct in Scorpio, New Moon Sagittarius, 9th Chiron direct


Hi everybody! 
Here we are in the light of the Sagittarian Sun!  Not a lot of movement in our physical lives at present as we are undergoing some big inner changes as we head towards the New Moon and on to the end of this calendar year.

All at sea with our thoughts and emotions:  Divine alignments!
This week we’re undergoing some big transformations of our emotions and mindsets with a whole host of planetary energies all lined up in the ‘water’ signs of Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer. We’re awash with emotions.

Big clearance continues as we surface from the past year:
Minds and hearts are being cleared of past lives/other realities times and places along with a major healing process as Mercury, Chiron and the Planetary North Node bring us into harmony with ‘one direction’ for us all. We will not be allowed to fall back as we are brought into alignment with the Soul Star energy of Cancer. 

Our focus is returning home after ‘the hero’s journey of this year:
We just need to take our time now as we move through these last few weeks of 2018. No hasty or impulsive fiery actions as we divest ourselves of so much ‘history’ from our cell memories.  There will quite enough fire and action from 1st January 2019. Time out to dream and allow our soul to lead.
Dark of the Moon:  From now to the New Moon...release time!
Make the most of these energies for letting go and clearing as much dross as possible before we get to the New Moon. 

7th December:  
Mercury direct at 27 degrees 16 Scorpio 8.22 am AEDT...Breathe!
Coming out of the depths of confusion!  Coming home to ourselves!
13th December:  Mercury moves into Sagittarius

Take a breath of fresh air: Allow the deep emotions to flow and let go!
We’re coming up for air and out of the labyrinthine cave of cleansing the confusion!  We’ve still got another week of Mercury in Scorpio so trust this process of recovering old territory as Mercury takes us forward through the deep waters of change.  It’s deep, emotional and focusses our energies on cleaning up threads of mental conflict and mindsets around issues of intimacy, partnership, shared finances and blockages to accessing higher mental consciousness.

Stay clear of fixed ideas and thinking:  Go with the flow, explore possibilities!
Whatever decisions we take around Mercury’s ‘station’ may well be re-visited as everything is very much in stasis as well feeling intense.  There may be a strong urge to push to come to decisions but remember nothing is clear at the moment as the mind and communication is jumbled. Watch nervous tension.
9th/10th December:  Mercury starts moving forward!   Still in Scorpio!
Mercury moves off 27 degrees and gets on his way again so we’ll start feeling a more flowing energy coming into play with mental clarity increasingly returning. Trust the messages coming in.

13th December:  Moves into Sagittarius
...drying out!
Still covering ‘old’ territory until he moves out of ‘shadow’ on 24th December so we haven’t got the full picture until then but we’ll be getting plenty of mental breakthroughs and mental expansion after 13th when he moves into Sagittarius.

Sabian Symbol for Mercury’s ‘station’:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Scorpio 28
This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to feel at ease and in charge of your home, territory or domain. You may have been searching for where you belong or where your “Domain” is. Although you may at times be off looking for this, feeling alien and alone won’t work; there's a need to feel accepted, welcomed and loved. There may be the feeling of wanting to be a dominant leader or having a doting populace. As long as egos are in control, this can be a fabulous experience of 'returning home', a nice, and calm and spiritual place to be. Also, this degree can show a world of one’s own creation or imagination – which can be fabulously rewarding although it can also be rather ungrounded in reality. Imaginary worlds. Finding a place to fit in and feel comfortable. Feeling in charge and in demand. Returning home. Taking command of your life. Fairies, nature spirits. Elves.

7th December:  
New Moon 15 degrees 7 minutes Sagittarius at 6.20 pm AEDT
A new doorway!
Art:  Jeremiah Morelli

New Moon with Sun and Jupiter adding weight to Sagittarian power!
Jupiter is ruler of Sagittarius and is at 6 degrees just 9 degrees from the New Moon and Sun which guarantees a huge, expansive energy.  A bonfire to beat all bonfires!  Our new road to adventure beckons...get ready!

Planting the new seed for our hopes, dreams:  Setting the intent!
Higher consciousness of truth, wisdom and growth is presented for us as a starting point for our next lunar month.  It’s the seed of hope and optimism if we’re prepared to embrace new ideas, new directions and learning. Now’s the time to set the intent for your new direction this next month. Light a candle!

Fire and Water:  A steamy New Moon!
It’s a fiery New Moon in Sagittarius being tempered by a host of watery energies.  As we know, fire and water cannot co-exist in their original states of being.  They become steam!  If you’ve been in a Sauna you know what I mean.
Related image

We’re tempering the steel:  Healing with fire and water!
The Tarot Card called Temperance is the Card ruling Sagittarius and it is all about the fire and water being mixed for balance, healing and the tempering of the steel.  Think of the blacksmith who fashions the metal in the fire and plunges it into the water to cool it and make it solid again.

A decision:  Do I stay in the past or move on?  Uranus square nodes!
This New Moon brings us to a point of decision making somewhat like a full moon energy as the planetary energies are pushing us through roadblocks with Mercury at an intense turning point of his retrograde journey while Uranus, lightning striker squares off to the Planetary Nodes.  The lightning bolt of awakening brings us to decision-making time which will align us with our forward pathway.

At the New Moon:  Mercury steps into the mix with Uranus and the Nodes!  
A positive connection with the North Node opens the doors of the mind!
A call to centre mentally, be still and release old nervous reactions!
Although this line up has been with us for a while, Mercury is now in positive play with the North Node so whatever comes to the fore, remind yourself that this is a positive re-alignment to get us on the right track spiritually. It is likely to challenge our sense of security, inner stability but does not require us to immediately take action.  It’s just to wake us up and tune in to right action. 
Stay calm whatever arises:  Be still and accept divine power!
Wild cards may be thrown into the mix as potentials and possibilities outside our realm of thinking are brought into the centre ring.  Any ‘shocks’ to the system should be seen as ‘wake up’ calls and preparing us for change. This can feel like a disruptive influence as something comes out of left field.  Maybe something that’s been in the pipeline for a while.

At the New Moon:  
Mars aligning with divine Neptune in the Pisces ocean dissolving old ‘blocks’ in the physical body!  In square to the New Moon!
Mars and Neptune at 13 degrees Pisces are squaring off to the New Moon/Sun in Sagittarius, offering challenges/opportunities to step into a whole new way of working with our Mars energy, our fire and drive.  

The Pisces energy is challenging us to harness our emotional energy, fire and drive for our New Moon intentions.  This is a new ‘fire and drive’ energy, one that works with the watery ocean and going with the flow.

It’s the ‘new age masculine’:  Wow!  Dissolving barriers to connection with others!
As we navigate this emotional watery landscape, the fiery New Moon/Sun is activating our inner fire and drive with higher consciousness.  Nothing to do but allow these energies to wash through our physical bodies and keep going with the flow.  We’re not out of the ocean just yet.  But the ‘new’ masculine warrior is being honed and refined to work with the collective, swim with the current and not fight to overpower.

Grand water Trine:  A trio of energies 
Bringing emotional healing, mental healing and evolutionary uplift!
Chiron in Pisces:  27 degrees
Mercury in Scorpio:  27 degrees
Planetary North Node in Cancer:  27 degrees

Let the waters of emotion be healed: 
This is a very powerful flowing positive energy carrying us through this New Moon like a magnificent rebirth emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Mercury:  Our mind manager at an intense moment of stillness!
Mercury has spent just 5 days at the end of his retrograde journey taking our minds into the depths of the Scorpio cave of transformation. He’s only just turned direct and is getting his breath, his bearings before he moves on through the deep waters and intensity of Scorpio in a few days.

Chiron:  The Centaur 
Activating his healing power of the collective unconscious within us all!
It’s a collective healing with our mental energies, our mindsets open to release by the power of Chiron and the North Node in Cancer.  We’re moving into the nurturing ‘mind’, the mercy and compassion for ourselves and for humanity.

Planetary North Node in Cancer:  
Beckoning us home to safe harbour!
The beacon light of the North Node is guaranteeing that we’re heading to a whole new of living and relating. Stay tuned for new ideas, possibilities and urges to relocate ‘home’ in the next year or two.  We’re being taken to the ‘places’, locations which offer the energy for our light work, our spiritual progress and forward movement and growth.

Sabian Symbol for the New Moon:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Sagittarius 16
This Symbol shows situations of dependence and/or co-dependence. The “Sea Gulls” are looking for sustenance, a place of refuge perhaps, somewhere that’s a reliable source of food. This can imply situations such as social security, foundations that provide food and shelter for people, charities and benefits OR it can imply spongers, borrowers or people who dog others looking to see what they can gain from the things they discard or don’t want. The trick with this is; don't look to others or have others look to you for opportunities and nourishment, for you may miss your chance of being creative and independent. Who's looking for scraps? Are they worth it? Diminishing essential worth for a specific need. Losing sight of alternatives. Waiting for things to be dished out. Being opportunistic. Scalpers. Leftovers. The homeless.

9th December:  
Chiron direct at 27 degrees 54 Pisces at 6.52 pm AEDT
Surfacing from the collective wash’!  
We’re hitching a ride on the Pisces boat!
Until 9th February 2019 moves into Aries
Chiron finally emerges from his retrograde journey:  Any food?
It’s been an interesting swim through this one as old collective energies have been washed out of all of us as the world plunged into the slow and steady changes which have been the hallmark of this past year.

We’ve been washed, tumbled and may now feel washed out!
As the old stability and structures of the past have been challenged both within and without, we have felt old buried emotional energies come to the surface as Chiron flushed out spiritual wounds from the collective.  We all carry them in our cell memories, ancestral memories.

Unravelling the entanglement of memories:  
What a tangled web!
Memories and experiences of limitation, victim consciousness, imprisonment, trauma and oppression held within us as collective experiences have been flushed out by Chiron along with the other planetary energies working together for the planet and humanity.

Chiron direct:  How much cleansing and spiritual uplift has happened?
We’ll be finding out in the next couple of months as Chiron completes his  journey in Pisces. Be open to finding a new you, new ways of handling emotions and in relating to others and to the wider society.  We may well find we’re more responsive without being reactive to events and people in our lives. Be prepared for new discoveries about yourself as we find that a whole lot of ‘memories’ have been released, allowing us to experience the world from the truth of our lives now rather than through ‘sub-personalities’.

Sabian Symbol for Chiron’s station:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Pisces 28
This shows enjoying nature and the fruits of your life, your country, your culture. There's often a sense that one has all that's needed, and emotions can be running high. The “Fertile Garden” signifies that you have things that you need at your disposal. This Symbol has a strong clairvoyant sense to it, with the ability to pick up on subtle energies and life forms in the environment. You’ll get a lot of opportunities to enjoy the moment, but keep a sense of equilibrium, as soon the energy will be on the wane and you'll have to get back to more practical, everyday tasks. Fullness and fertility. Peak experiences. Brilliantly active subconscious life. Cycles. The effects of the moon. Mother Nature’s gifts. The full moon. Nature sprites. Gardens.

Golden Oldies:
‘New World Coming’ Mama Cass Elliot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUAdeM0qVMA  New Moon in Sagittarius

‘Don’t let the Good Life Pass You By’ Mama Cass Elliot  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZclUM2ycI5Y New Moon

‘I’ve Been This Way Before’ Neil Diamond  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCTP02iOS-s Chiron stationing direct
(with lyrics)
‘If I Could Read Your Mind’ Diana Krall & Sarah McClachlan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BepvGb0_ppo Mercury direct
(with lyrics) Making sense of it all and moving on

Upcoming Dates:
13th December:  Mercury enters Sagittarius

22nd December:  Sun enters Capricorn
23rd December:   Full Moon 0 degrees 49 minutes Cancer at 4.48 am AEDT
24th December:   Mercury moves out of shadow

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

We’re all warming up and drying off around the Sagittarian bonfire!  Sagittarian wants us all hands joined and celebrating the fire energies which are dissolving barriers within our spirits as the big water energies wash the planet in their cleansing and purification emotionally.  Soon, we’ll feel we’ve dried off and emptied off the toxicities carried in the collective unconscious. 

The planetary nodes will continue to give focus to our planetary evolution in Cancer bringing us home to a place of belonging for all people as we release the bonds and ties of those human made laws and conditions which are embedded in our planetary South Node of Capricorn.  As we dissolve the systems which are not working, we’re creating new structures which will support all of us.

Love and blessings to us all as we join our hands whether we’re under the waves, on the waves, walking on the good red road or dancing around the bonfire of divine reunion.  We’re everywhere all at the same time.  It’s called the quantum field where we recognise our co-existence across realities. 
I see you and you see me. I love you all as my evolved self even as I offload the criticisms and judgements of old belief systems. I will never give up.

from the chair...coming up for air

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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