...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 1 May 2013

2nd May 2013 Mercury moves into Taurus

Hi everyone!
We’re well and truly in the arms of Mother Earth Taurus energy with the Sun, Venus, Mars and now Mercury (as of tomorrow), in Taurus!
It’s all about heart, the beat of the earth: Taurus is ruled by Venus and is an earth energy which is slow moving, feeling the essence of the earth’s heart and very much aligned with it. 
The more you connect to the earth during this month, the more likely you will be able to connect to the universal heart, the more you will be able to get in touch with your heart’s desire.
Elephants! This is why I’ve filled today’s update with the elephants! They are slow moving, very grounded, feel the earth energies which guide them to waterholes, feel the stress and have evidenced their pain of grief and loss of tribal members.
Elephants live in a matrilineal tribe, led by a matriarch, very much aligned to the Taurus, Venus ruled earth energies. Males live in the family group until they are 15 or more years old when they travel alone, sometime join male groups (depends on the variety of elephant) and will re-join and travel with the matrilineal tribe during mating times.
What’s been happening:
Scorpio Full Moon: Did you experience a sweet ‘letting go’ at the Scorpio Full Moon lunar eclipse? We’ve become so expectant of the heavy duty Full Moon clearances which have knocked us for 6, whether emotionally or physically. Nevertheless, we were at the mercy of exposure of our shadow and there was nothing to do but let go.
Being sluggish: But this last Full Moon was more like feeling knocked out by tranquillizers. I felt like a giant slug and then I found one on the floor next to my bed. Not my concern to wonder how it got there...it just did! Just love the messages we get from the earth! So, I stayed slug-like!
From a few days before the eclipse, we were experiencing the opposition/challenge of Venus, then the Sun, facing off to Saturn in Scorpio.
Tomorrow, Mars faces off to Saturn. Okay, what’s this all about???
Remember, Venus is the heart/feminine self, the Sun is our true self, Mars is our body/masculine self and Mercury is our mind.
So, we’re in the process of releasing what isn’t us, owning what is and this is happening with heart. body and mind as well as the overriding energy of the Sun which is being in truth, our true self!
Karmic release/s:   Owning who you are and your authority...
          offloading the psychic ‘freeloaders’
Whenever Saturn’s involved we’re being de-structured, restructured and being offered a karmic resolution/release/makeover. Doubly so with Saturn in Scorpio, sign of transformation, life, death, rebirth!
Saturn will change us and will demand nothing less than absolute shifting of values, attitudes, patterns of behaviour and beliefs while it moves through this Scorpio energy for the next couple of years.
Physically: With Saturn, knees and joints may well have been affected recently. However, with all the faster moving planets being impacted by Saturn and the Full Moon eclipse, anything’s possible.
Also, with so many planets and the Sun all in Taurus, an earth energy, strange energies could well be impacting on you physically at this time. Remember, it’s not just about you as we are very close to the earth at the moment. If you feel the need to see a medico, do so. However, you may well find that there’s nothing physically out of order.
After the Full Moon last Friday:
Memories of other times/places slipping away, shadows revealed! 
                              True self revealed!
Sun opposed/challenged Saturn: dropping the ‘hard work’
Just following on from the Full Moon, the Sun faced off to Saturn and as if by magic, or maybe not, our false/illusory selves aka past lives/frozen memories/other realities, were called into the light of our true self. Karmic ties were being released.
Mars opposed/challenged Saturn:  
                 Anger, resentment, irritation...tipping point!
Following on from this meeting, at the end of the weekend into the next couple of days, Mars took a turn facing off to Saturn. Anger/irritation/frustration may well have come into the mix with this one as unresolved memories/burdens came into consciousness. More than likely this was about the ‘burdens’ of responsibility you have been carrying...because your soul chose to do this and/or because it’s an ongoing pattern you’re resolving this lifetime. Time for these to go!
                      Shedding, forgiving and owning...whatever it takes!
What have you been carrying this and probably other lifetimes which you no longer need to carry? This energy is calling us to take our authority and release those responsibilities we’ve been carrying for others. I’m talking here of projections as well as the pain, suffering and guilt we take on for others. Just keep forgiving everyone and everything and especially yourself for assuming responsibility when it wasn’t yours to carry.
Thanks to Carole Dodds who created this great picture in felt.
You can see more of her work at BagsAlicious at www.etsy.com
2nd May:   
Mercury moves into Taurus 1.37am AEST...slow down, listen to your heart, to the earth’s beat!
Mind connects to the universal heart with Mercury in Taurus. Mercury is the mind and is like quicksilver, but when it moves into Taurus, there’s a whole different energy operating. It’s plugged into the sound of the earth.
Trust yourself to take your time: Mercury in Taurus wants to take its time, to mull over things, to consider communications, decisions, business propositions,commercial ventures in light of physical reality and in particular in relation to the physical reality of what resonates with your heart.
Feeling your way forward: Take your authority as a master of manifestation in your physical world!
Taurus is all about sensuality, touch as well as comfort and material wealth. It seems the whole world is in poverty consciousness and crying poor, so this is our chance to draw to us the entitlement for reconnection to earth’s abundance.
Window of opportunity: 
Be measured and steady until 16th May...speed up after then.
Mercury moves out of Taurus into Gemini on 16th May. This means it will all be fast and furious after 16th!
We are still dealing with the changes of the eclipse vortex: change, change, change! of heart/Venus, body/Mars and mind/Mercury! 
Make the most of these next couple of weeks to consider your options and possibilities at your own speed, especially considering we are in the eclipse tunnel change process! So, lots of undercurrents of change as we release the karmic burdens/patterns of lifetimes. Until we’ve cleared the overlays of beliefs and patterns, we cannot truly know what is right for us.
BUT...we are getting there for sure!
5th May: Mercury opposes/challenges Saturn...
testing your alignment of mind and heart with physical manifestation...clearing mental blocks! 
On the 5th May, Mercury in Taurus will oppose/face off to Saturn in Scorpio. Reality bites, but with Mercury in Taurus, we’re more likely to take it in our stride if we keep coming back to the earth connection and trust that we are supported by Mother Earth.
You may get a bit of a shift in you thinking at this time and could well find some ideas will be offloaded as they just don’t ‘fit’ who you are, where you’re headed and/or what you truly want. You might suddenly release something that’s been confusing you and in doing so , come into a new clarity.
Let’s be like elephants in this Taurus time:
Go slow, hang with your ‘tribe’, feel your way on the earth, know you’re heading to the waterhole and feel LOVE!!!
Communication in elephants:
“Elephants love reunions. They recognize one another after years and years of separation and greet each other with wild, boisterous joy. There's bellowing and trumpeting, ear flapping and rubbing. Trunks entwine.”
 ~Jennifer Richard Jacobson, Small as an Elephant
From Wikipedia:
They communicate by touch, sight, and sound; elephants use infrasound, and seismic communication over long distances. Elephant intelligence has been compared with that of primates and cetaceans. They appear to have self-awareness and show empathy for dying or dead individuals of their kind.
New Posting from Lauren Gorgo just popped up: Transposition: karmic to christ body
I have also included this under Pages on right side of page.
Upcoming Dates:
10th May: New Moon solar eclipse in Taurus
10th May: Venus moves into Gemini
That’s about it for the time being everyone. However, we are well and truly in the eclipse tunnel of change.
Next one’s a beauty! Expect to start seeing the physical changes from next New Moon on 10th May. That is, providing you are working with the energy of manifesting from the heart.
My dear friends, family...we are travelling on a path that is taking us to more fulfilling lives, healthier bodies and minds and spirits that are uplifted by the joy of life. Just keep stripping away these core wounds/blocks and get ready to step into the fullness of your true self!
This is the month to call in your hopes and dreams of fulfilment, of living with peace, contentment and abundance in our earthly existence!
Much love and blessings to all
from the chair
...enjoying the sun...zzzz
It’s all about love

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