...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 13 December 2016

14th December 2016 Full Moon in Gemini

Hi everyone!
We’re flying even if we’re feeling grounded as we move through the solar and lunar month of Sagittarius.  It’s all fire and light lifting our consciousness to the heights.  The Gemini Full Moon promises to lift us even higher if we’re willing to access the imagination.
You may have felt as though you’ve been hanging out for some kind of a breakthrough, a change as it’s seemed like nothing much has changed in your physical reality. However, the inner shift is happening and the physical manifestation of those changes for many has yet to eventuate.

Saturn in Sagittarius:  Accessing higher consciousness, dropping the karma!
Let’s not forget that Saturn, the step by step builder, the Lord of Karma has been moving through Sagittarius which rules higher learning, higher consciousness and we’re in for a reasonably long haul with this inner shift offloading masses of karmic energy, burdens carried emotionally, mentally. physically and spiritually.  So if your spirit feels a little low, take heart as we continue to complete karmic contracts, offload responsibilities we took on for others whether consciously or not. 
Healing karmic imbalances in relationships:
Just one example may be the taking of responsibility for the success/failure of a relationship.  Often we can give of ourselves and it suddenly feels like the relationship is a bottomless pit which will never be filled with love. I’m sure a few of us know this one.  This Gemini Full Moon will be a good one for addressing imbalances in our psyche which we are carrying from a current or previous relationship.  Emotions of anger, blame, shame, resentment, guilt etc. are good indicators that something’s out of whack.  Doesn’t matter which ‘side’ you were on.  There is only learning.
What’s been happening:
1st December:  Chiron stationed direct at 20 degrees 40 Pisces...we now discover what’s been healed and resolved!
Until 1st July 2017
Chiron in Pisces moved direct after the past few months of the inner retrograde journey that revealed and released spiritual 'wounds' from our emotional and physical bodies.  We’ve been doing so much of this as a collective.  We have only to look at the emotional energies arising with all the political and economic turbulence around the world. Now we find out just how much resolution has been taking place in these past months.
1st December:  Mercury entered retrograde shadow at 28 degrees 50 Sagittarius..we’ll be re-treading this pathway in January
Until 27th January 2017
Mercury moved into shadow retrograde so whatever we're working on from now until 27th January will be ground we're covering again in the next month or two as Mercury enters actual retrograde on 19th December AEDT. Everything's up in the air, swirling in the cosmic consciousness of the collective forces of change. We're being called to be in the 'not knowing' energies whilst new ways of living are being brought to consciousness.

It's a perfect time to envision the new pathway of divine abundance on all levels for ourselves and for all humanity. Divine justice and equity is gradually being restored to the planet through our faith and divine connection within and without. So be it!
4th December:  Venus returned from her out of bounds journey at 20 degrees 31 Capricorn A new heart expanded heart energy!
What perfect timing as Venus returns with new knowledge from her cosmic journey coming to earth in the sign of Capricorn.  She landed and had four days to integrate this knowledge on the earthly plane.  Maybe you weren’t aware of this with so much happening in the cosmos.  However, this new heart intelligence will play out in the coming months as experiences present to us and we find we’re approaching them in a new way with a new sense of ownership of our heart energy and our entitlement to our feelings.

Heart power and strength to be who we are:  
No excuses, apologies...owning our hearts fully and completely!
We’re likely to feel we can process challenging emotions with greater speed and clarity calling on our strengthened heart to dissolve old pain and hurt. We are coming off the path of pain and suffering of sacrificing ourselves to keep the peace.  Our hearts will be further empowered as Venus moves into Aquarius until 4th January.  ‘I can do this’ we can say as we handle old emotional patterns in a whole new way. 
8th December:  Venus moved into Aquarius at 1.51 am AEDT...look to the star of your heart
Until 4th January
Venus, ruler of  our heart energy has moved from the earthy Capricorn mountain top and launched into space, into cosmic wonderland.  How perfect that Venus made the move just after she returned from her ‘out of bounds’ journey gathering new heart consciousness.
Emotional detachment and a more evolved emotional perspective:
We’ve been working with this heart energy for a few days as we lead into the Full Moon which is a saving grace given that Aquarius is an air sign, an energy of the mind which is able to detach and lift from the emotional whirlpool that is part of the full moon energies. 
Getting the bigger picture emotionally:  Getting a clear picture of hope and dreams!
This wider perspective offered to our heart by the Aquarian lens is our opportunity to see the bigger picture emotionally whilst we come to terms with what promises to be a mish mash of planetary energies up to and during the full moon period, through the solstice, the last week of December which throws up more changes. This is the time we set the agenda, the goals for the coming year as we wind up the old energies.  This year is a big ending to clear the decks. 
Look to your personal star and bring it into your heart: Clarify the heart!
Venus in Aquarius will be carrying us through into the New Year and helping us settle all the emotional challenges that so often occur during the holiday season and the end of year wind up/wind down. 
After the full moon emotional clearance we’re likely to feel the strength of this energy as our heart dreams come into perspective.
14th December:  
Full Moon in Gemini at 11.05 am AEDT at 22 degrees 26 Gemini
Off to Neverland:  We can fly, we can fly, we can fly!  Mercury moon power!
Gemini is the sign known as the ‘Peter Pan’ of the zodiac...symbolising the boy who never grew up.  This Full Moon, another Super Moon, brings us into the child energy who travels to wonderland with flights of fancy and imagination, a manifestation of the Mercury mind when it shifts out of purely intellectual reasoning. 

The Moon brings our dreams forward into our conscious mind: 
We’re being offered an expansion of our imaginative capacities opening us to accessing our hopes and dreams as the mind energy plugs into the powers of the unconscious through the lunar fullness.  Let the mind fly!

Venus and Neptune supporting the journey to the stars:
Venus, heart energy in Aquarius connecting with Neptune, our higher spiritual energy and creative imagination and inspiration is assisting with our lift off into the higher dimensions, retrieving, uncovering and discovering our desires, hopes and dreams for expressing our divine creative fulfilment in the world. 
Sun and Saturn in Sagittarius:  Karmic release, melting away old ‘stuff’!
The Sun in fiery Sagittarius is sitting with Saturn, our wizard authority freshly reborn after his meeting with the Sun this past weekend.  If you didn’t feel a whole stack of old baggage and karmic burden fall away at that time, it’s likely to happen at the Full Moon
Letting go of ‘hard work and struggle’ treadmill:  
Accepting the path of ‘ease and grace’ powered by heart centred devotion!
Saturn is our capacity to ‘do the hard yards’ which has been translated in the old paradigm as ‘hard work and struggle’. 
Step by step we build our dreams:
The new paradigm we’re creating is based on taking step by step, building our hopes and dreams into the physical world with focus, dedication and devotion.  Saturn sitting with the Sun at this full moon is enhancing our desire to build our dreams with a discipline which pleases as it supports our creative flow.
Jupiter assisting the karmic release with Saturn and the Sun: 
Cutting the karmic ties...embracing truth and freedom!
Art:  Gurbuz Dogan Eksioglu
Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion in Libra, the sign of equity and justice is making a positive connection to the Sun/Saturn energy in Sagittarius.  This is a perfect time to cut the karmic ties.  Once we do this, we can come into the truth and authenticity of who we are this lifetime rather than relating to others through the filter of other lifetimes and experiences. 
If we’re still looking back with longing on the past, we’re not ready to cut the ties.  We can do this process with people. places, situations, work. houses etc.  Just realise that the ties are ‘karmic’ rather than about this lifetime.
Waking up to our innate capacities, the power of our ‘I am’ energy:  Lightning strike insights!
Our lightning strike awakeners Uranus and Eris are making sure that we WAKE UP at this Full Moon as they connect with Ceres, divine mother energy all in Aries and then activate the Sun/Full Moon energies.

Aha moments:  Let in the images and welcome leading edge thoughts!
As they link to the Sun/Saturn in Sagittarius and the Full Moon in Gemini we’re being given some clarity The connections are positive and flowing allowing the power of the imaginative mind of the Full Moon in Gemini to flow and balance with the worldly manifestation coming through the Sun/Saturn Sagittarian opposition. 
Collective spiritual and emotional wounds come to the surface:   

Release of past ‘wounds’ and welcoming our divine ‘calling’!

Chiron in Pisces squares/challenges the Sun/Full Moon and creates a Grand Cross formation with the current planetary nodes of the moon.
The North Node of the Grand Cross is in Virgo, sign of the healer offering us physical release of long held core wounds which are surfacing as Chiron joins with the South Node energy of the past.
The Virgo path of devotion:  It’s a win/win!
Virgo shows us the path of dedication and commitment which is powered when we follow our ‘calling’ our particular passion in terms of work in the world.  This is the kind of energy that cannot get burn out providing we continue to take care of ourselves as we feel the excitement and joy that comes from deep within as we offer are skills and abilities in world service.  This is the energy that empowers us and in turn empowers others.  
Gemini:  Balancing and harmonising of the polarised mind!   
Unification of our masculine/feminine energies within!
Gemini is the sign of ‘the twins’, in the Tarot ‘the lovers’ card,  as it’s all about balancing the masculine/feminine energies within as well as in the world. The two sides of the Gemini mind have the opportunity to come into greater balance at a full moon when the mental Gemini air sign is immersed in the deep emotional waters of the moon at her most potent time of the month.
The active and passive principles can come together in greater acceptance and understanding of when to take action and when to wait.  This is probably one of our greatest challenges in today’s world where speed and action is idealized as the way to success. We need to access both principles at the appropriate times.  The trick of course is knowing when to take action and when to wait on the universe to deliver to us.
The Full Moon:  Something comes to a head, to completion, to fullness!  It has to burst, to break out!  Endings!

As we approach the full moon we can feel the energies building as emotions come to fullness ready to erupt and release.  Whatever has been suppressed or withheld knowingly or not, can bubble up at the full moon.

Watch out for triggers which unleash a  flood of emotion:  
Sudden and unexpected breakouts, breakdowns, breakthroughs!
With this full moon, we’re likely to experience a sudden break out from forces that have been holding us back from growth and expansion.  The floodgates may open quite suddenly with an unexpected passion that bursts through possibly in anger.  Frustrations and irritations which have been bubbling away may be released in a rush.  Just be aware that these emotional energies may be triggered by another person and/or an event and that these are just the trigger rather than the cause. 
Bringing our ‘lost children’ home:  The Full Moon a potent time for discovering and restoring our fragmented aspects lost in time and space!
We are shifting in and out of other realities all the time connecting with other times, places and lives in which we co-exist. We are recovering the fragmented aspects which are 'trapped' in a place, time, mindset, emotion, experience like 'lost souls' unable or unwilling to ascend to the light. Some of them are resistant because of belief systems from that time maybe caught in self-blame or religious beliefs about life/death/rebirth.
When we dip into the darkness, it is usually in the recovery and healing of those memories and traumas, bringing them into the light so we can live in the true expression of our highest potential this lifetime. When we do this, we experience their pain/suffering and release it. We're like parents bringing our 'lost children' home.  
Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon in Gemini:  From Lynda Hill
All planetary symbols for the Full Moon: http://www.sabiansymbols.typepad.com/
The Full Moon at:
Gemini 23
This Symbol implies a situation of people sharing their space, living together and cohabitating as they grow and mature. Situations are likely to be full of potential and promise for the future. The spirit may not be quite ready to fly on its own and still be in need of the "mother" – or the company of siblings and friends - to sustain, protect and nourish. The time for independence will come, and probably soon, however it may be too soon to break out on your own. Know that you will be able to rise up and leave and venture out on your own. Although there can sometimes be a feeling of being alone and neglected, there is still a sense of safety. Integration of spirit, soul and body. Discovering a new sense of being. Being high up and detached. Nests and tree houses. Sibling rivalry. Working at getting along. House mates. 

The Caution: Wanting to fly before being ready. Psychological immaturity. Dependence on externals for survival. Being stuck in a domestic situation. Making big compromises.

The Sun opposite the Full Moon at:
Sagittarius 23
This Symbol shows finding a new way of life, a new country or nationality, or new place to live and raise a family. It shows the possibility and hope for better things and a new way of life. Whether you are an “Immigrant” or someone looking to move onto new territory, you need to be prepared to venture out into new adventures for the promise that’s offered. Once you’ve “Fulfilled the Requirements”, you can move into this brand new life and reap the rewards. There may need to be adjustments about the way one communicates one's thoughts and ideas - be receptive to this new way of life and you'll learn much. Reorientation of self. Learning new languages or customs. Passing tests (or not). Asylum. Immigration. The Statue of Liberty. Papers. Qualifications. Refugees. Laws. Borders. 

The Caution: Inflexible traditions. The pursuit of the unknown. Rigid border controls. Customs restrictions. Being rejected and sent back. Not filling out the paperwork. Lack of credentials.

Lauren Gorgo’s 5D report 13th December: ‘End of The END: liberation of the human slave race’
Golden Oldies:
‘The Second Star from the Right’ from the movie ‘Peter Pan’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFkyhlIm4m0  Wishing
‘You can Fly’ from the movie ‘Peter Pan’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6KUsPyQV6w for the imagination
‘A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes’ from the movie ‘Cinderella’ Wishing at the Full Moon
I See the Light’ from the movie ‘Tangled’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yD_IEqxp-e0  full moon illumination on Gemini ‘lovers’
Upcoming Dates:
17th December:  Mercury returns from out of bounds
19th December:  Mars moves into Pisces
19th December:  Mercury turns retrograde
21st December: Sun moves into Capricorn/Solstice
29th December:  New Moon in Capricorn
29th December:  Uranus stations direct
These dates above take us until the end of 2016.  Two more updates after this one.
That’s it folks! 
This Full Moon is a beauty in terms of giving us a huge completion as well as opening us to access higher dimensional thinking and untold possibilities.
Hugs all around as we embrace this wonderful opportunity so close to the end of this universal ‘9’ year. 
Next big lunar event is the New Moon in Capricorn on 29th December which will set us up very well for the new calendar year of 2017, a universal ‘1’ year.  There’s quite a bit of planetary activity through Christmas to New Year but will include that in the next update. 
We just need to drop off whatever we no longer need to carry and welcome the promising new energies and choices coming through with this Full Moon.  It’s a smorgasbord of possibilities!
As always, love and blessings to my companions who are taking off to Neverland to reclaim ‘our lost fragments’ separated from us through trauma from this and/or other realities.  Then we just have to bring them on home.
PS.  When I was little I said to my mother ‘I don’t want to grow up’ and she replied ‘Well I’m sorry to disappoint you but it’s going to happen anyway’.

from the chair...still Peter Pan
It’s all about love

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