...for the children of the earth

Friday 23 December 2011

New Moon in Capricorn 25th December

Hi everyone!
Angelic blessings at this time of year.  It's probably  the one  time in the year when millions of people around the world, especially Christian based cultures, are reminded of angels!  So,  I just had to send out an angel to you to remind you of magic and miracles!!!
21st December:   
Venus moves into Aquarius...time to liberate the heart in divine freedom and higher consciousess!
What's been happening - You may well find this a welcome relief after the last few weeks whilst Venus has been in Capricorn, raising issues of commitment around love (not just relationships).  You may have felt challenged/called to commit at a deeper level to a project/pathway/relationship.  The past few days we've had Venus challenging Saturn (comes to exact meeting on 19th) which could well have felt like the final thumbscrew in the commitment process.  Without doubt karma is being cleared as lost/separated aspects seek resolution and reconnection to the light of acceptance.  Physically it may have been challenging as the doorway to change.  However, you may well have been challenged with isses of respect, reputation and self-acceptance. 
What's coming in - With Venus in Aquarius the heart energy is given a sense of liberation from the karmic burdens we've been carrying.  You know, the usual stuff...disappointment, unrequited love, disillusionment.  Aquarius energy calls us to lift up our hearts in a common vision and through cameraderie and community build an ideal of a new world!  This is it...the Aquarian age is being brought to life and nothing but change and revolution of the highest order will satisfy.   
22nd December:    Sun moves into Capricorn/Summer Solstice 4.30
pm AEDT/Summer Solstice...let's get serious and yes...committed to our 'path of heart'
Capricorn is about commitment but it also rules the energy of reputation, self-respect and alignment with our divine purpose. Yet Saturn energy will support us all the way as we align with the highest expression of ourselves and destiny.  It's Capricorn energy which can lift us to respect ourselves and find that expression in the world.    
It is ruled by Saturn, Lord of Karma, a planet which forces us to tow the line, face up to our responsibilities both physical and spiritual, to stretch ourselves to the limit.  This is why we find those with a strong Capricorn energy can overwork, overstrive.  There's no getting away with anything when Saturn energy is ruling the day.  It's not surprising to think about New Year coming in Capricorn time when we recommit to bettering ourselves and our lives with New Year's resolutions.                          
Summer solstice...southern hemisphere
The movement of the Sun into Capricorn always marks Summer Solstice in Southern Hemisphere and Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere.  Solstices have always been regarded as powerful times for accessing the unseen forces from the universe.  According to the message 'All Aboard?  Last call to love' by Lauren Gorgo (see Messages) the solstice marks our final day of recalibration to Christ consciousness/love which has been an intense process since 11/11/2011.  Make the most of the energies this day and call in the love that heals, that brings your hopes and dreams.  Christmas Day and a New Moon are just around the corner. 
25th December:    Happy Christmas! - hope Santa is carrying your hopes and dreams in his sack...just remember to ask and BELIEVE!!!
Whether or not you celebrate Christmas or Santa doesn't matter.  On this day, a good proportion of the world is reaching for an experience of joy, love and peace.  How they find that expression on the day is up to them.  Many are going through the motions of what brings happiness but not feeling it.  Nevertheless, they are seeking happiness.  Are you? 
Quote from..one of my favourite astrology websites...???? 

It looks as though Christmas is going to be another strong one. Pluto has been on the Sun on Christmas Day every year since 2008 which I've tended to see as a deepening trend to change the way we celebrate it, ideally towards something that is closer to its emotional and spiritual essence. The planet has so much to do with the power of love to transform, whatever we feel about the story of Christ. Of course, Pluto will also have a field day with family dynamics, with denial, power struggles and family taboos all fair game to his purging urges. Our experience all depends on where we come from within ourselves and with what we are willing to accept.
25th December: New Moon in Capricorn at 2 degrees 34 Capricorn - 5.06am AEDT...a fresh start in emotional commitment for the next month. 
The New Moon and Sun are both close to Pluto at this time so expect this New Moon to be a herald of the next month calling for depth as well as commitment.  Pluto rules Scorpio, death, rebirth and desire so this New Moon signifies a powerful month ahead where we are being called to start manifesting new lives which derive from the depth of our beings.  Whatever doesn't align with our deepest desires will go from our lives. 
Make and agreement with yourself, a promise to yourself:   
This New Moon is like a New Year energy asking us to proclaim to the universe....I commit to 'my path of heart', I reaffirm my faith in myself and my hopes and dreams, I resolve to align with divine will which will take me to the highest expression of myself.  You get the idea.  Pluto is transoformative power and hand in glove with Saturn energy as well as a boost from Jupiter's positivity, can take us forward in a way we haven't experienced for some time.
Helping this whole process will be when Jupiter moves forward on 26th.  We'll have nearly a whole month when all the planets are moving forward!  Go for it!
 26th December:      Jupiter stations direct/is at a standstill preparing to move forward... at 0 degrees Taurus...bigger and better!
The Sabian Symbol for (the New Moon) 3* Capricorn is: A human soul, in its eagerness for new experiences, seeks embodiment. Here is the image of the Child of Light born in the midst of great darkness.  ;;;from http://www.wisdomofastrology.com/
Says it all, doesn't it!
Prepare yourself for the cornucopia of abundance that will be brought in with Jupiter in Taurus.  Of course, we need to put in the preparation and of course be open to the possibilities, to be willing to receive our divine entitlement.  Jupiter is optimism and expansion and Taurus is abundance, the sensuality of the earth.  Do I need to say more? 
Upcoming Dates:
8th January:    Mercury enters Capricorn
9th January:    Full Moon in Cancer
14th January:  Venus enters Pisces
That's it for now folks.  Hope you've all survived these past few weeks with some degree of faith in the future.
Love and blessings for all my fellow travellers
from Santa's sleigh!!!
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Remember, it's all about love!

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