...for the children of the earth

Friday 20 January 2012

New Moon in Aquarius 23rd January

Hi everyone! Welcome to Chinese New Year...
         Year of the Black Water Dragon! 
Time to let the balloons go! 
                              The hopes and dreams need to take flight!
We’ve got dual themes coming in at this time....breaking the chains of our old thinking, the old mindset, the old paradigm at the same time allowing our dreams to come into manifestation. In a way this is what we’ve all been doing for many years. However, this year the change is more insistent with the dragon energy ready to clear the decks, the 5 year of 2012 bringing change in all ways and this month, the Aquarian energy is all about radical new ideas, rebellion etc.
The past two weeks since the Cancer Full Moon, we’ve been finishing up with ‘the past’, cutting the ties of attachment with the emotional and physical/material baggage of our ‘old’ lives...more than likely ancestral/planetary (Cancer/Capricorn) energies in our cell memory. Cancer carries the energy of the past, home, family, ancestry so these past two weeks have been a relentless dredging of the outdated memories. You may have continued to feel the tiredness and exhaustion which is symptomatic of emotional and mental baggage and the weariness from the ongoing cleansing process. In particular, the last week since about 13th, we have experienced some powerful astrological aspects supporting healing processes.
Along with the healing energies as above, the past few days you may have felt frustration, irritation and/or anger building up as we are challenged to let go of the old patterns of conditioning (Sun in final degrees of Capricorn which governs the establishment, the status quo) preparing us to welcome the Aquarian energy. Has anyone else been feeling the old familiar conflict energy between ego/old habits and higher self? All we can do is sit tight,      keep allowing right action and hold off on making decisions/taking action until clarity returns.
21st January: Sun moves into Aquarius...Up, up and away in my beautiful balloon!...breaking the past chains of limiting mental constructs!
Aquarius is an air sign ruled by the radical and rebellious energies of Uranus. It offers liberation of limited thinking as its primary mode of operation is the mind. It offers us the chance to think outside the square...you know...the one we’ve been boxed in by these past few weeks.
Be prepared to welcome in new ways of thinking. You may find yourself saying ‘Why didn’t I think of this before?’ Well, we all know about divine timing and the timing is ripe with potential. Just remember not to be in too much of a hurry to implement these bright ideas...we’ve got Mars retrograding within a day or two and that will mean developing these ideas at the planning stage and allowing the concept to build momentum as new pieces of the puzzle continue to flow in.
Aquarius energy is idealistic in terms of humanity, community and world energy. Unlike Pisces idealism which is dreamy and spiritually focussed in the emotional realm, Aquarius is the realm of the mind and bright, innovative ideas. Be open and be ready to capture these ideas during the next month and in particular during the next two weeks up to the Full Moon.
23rd January: New Moon in Aquarius at 6.39 pm AEDT at 2 degrees Aquarius...
breaking the chains of the past, the chains of memory!
The moon rules memory as well as emotions so the New Moon in Aquarius is a perfect time to clear the emotional memories that have been holding you back. Aquarius is an air/mental sign so it gives the great advantage of getting some emotional detachment as we offload the excess baggage.
Remember the three days before the New Moon we’re in that period of ‘the dark of the moon’ where we can release, let go of everything which has been coming up in the past lunar month since the Capricorn New Moon.
This Aquarius New Moon is closely aspected by Uranus (rebellion) and Jupiter(expansion and abundance) which will be setting up challenges which will help us break through into new territory. Both of these aspects will be helping us in the breaking free/bringing in processes. Uranus is the planet of rebellion, new innovative energy and in Aries is a real firebrand.
This New Moon really feels like the beginning of our New Year after all the shifting energies and recalibrations of these past weeks/months/years. The dragon energy is here to help us!!!
23rd January: Chinese New Year...Year of the Water Dragon...expect surprises, change, the unexpected! Prosperity!
The dragon is a fiery, explosive energy. However, being a water dragon year, the fire is tempered. There’s the possibility of earth changes involving fire and water.
I imagine this could be possible when we consider that Neptune (ruling the oceans) is back in its own sign Pisces, meeting up Chiron (the wounded healer) also in Pisces (same energy as we had with Queensland floods and Japanese tsunami in 2010). This will reach intensity going from March into April when these two planets come into challenge/opposition with Mars in Virgo (earth energy) at mid April. I wouldn’t call this a prediction...just raising awareness of the energies.
However, the dragon is regarded as a symbol of good fortune in Chinese mythology. Let’s hope and pray for us all...abundance on all levels!
See extract at the end of this email from '2012 at a glimpse' (see messages)  for more on the Year of the Dragon.
24th January: Mars goes retrograde until 14th April...hold steady, steady, steady...learn to be the peaceful ram in the abundance of a lush green field of promise!
Mars is all fire, passion and raw masculine energy that wants to do things his own way. For some time we’ve been experiencing Mars in Virgo as a tempering of this energy, a balancing and healing of this inner fire so that it works in balance with the feminine/allowing energies and thus aligns with divine will.
Now with Mars retrograding in Virgo, we’ll be experiencing a further containment of this fiery energy. It may seem ironic that just as the Sun and Moon energies move into Aquarius, sign of freedom and rebellion, the Mars energy is held back and asked to mark time. All may not seem as stupid as we think when we consider the ‘masculine’ way has been the dominant force, the dominant ideology on our planet for a very long time. In light of this, the ‘rebellion’ is calling us to live differently, to the containment of potential, the refining of our assertive/aggressive energies and working with them in a whole new way. We are being called to deepen our connection to the fertile energies of the inner life. This doesn’t mean we’ll be at a standstill!!
So how do we utilise this energy to best effect?
A few thoughts of which I’m sure you’re all aware:
If you’re feeling irritable, frustrated, angry, resentful, combative...then you’re not going with the flow...surrender!
Impatience will need awareness as this energy if let loose can lead to accidents
Where to put your energies during this time..any or all:
Work on projects already underway
Bring forward ‘old’ projects, projects from the backburner
Build the passion
Refinement and attention to detail is favoured as Mars is in Virgo
Spiritually Mars rules the physical body and in Virgo, we’ll be ‘healing’ one way or another. In particular, how we’ve let our ego minds push our bodies to the limits. Old ’injuries’ or ailments may emerge for a resolution. The recalibration/release of cell memory with respect to old out-dated masculine warrior energy will be enhanced during this period.
Make the most of this energy igniting the inner passion and drive, magnifying the energy of the manifesting potential of the divine feminine. Hold and build the vision, ignite it with the passion and fire of Mars and draw it to you. We all know the divine law of ‘like attracts like’. Mars is learning to work with the power within as a force for manifestation.
Be ready to get moving after April 14.
Upcoming Dates:
4th February: Neptune moves into Pisces
8th February: Full Moon in Leo
8th February: Venus moves into Aries
8th February: Saturn retrograde at 29 degrees Libra
14th February: Mercury moves into Pisces

Well folks, we’re into the 2012 energy, a 5 year which promises movement, travel, excitement and change…despite the Mars retrograde period. I think the dragon energy may just help us along with the changes we need to make. The thing is to stay open to the unexpected and embrace the adventure that 2012 promises to bring!

Hope you’re all feeling the positive influences of the recent acceleration of energy. Yes, things will slow a little with Mars retrograde, but we may welcome the slowdown.
As always, love and blessings to my fellow travellers,

from the chair
…even a bee needs time out!

Remember, it’s all about love

About the dragon symbology and Year of the Dragon...extract from attached article ‘2012 at a glimpse:
Dragons are the embodiment of primordial power - the ultimate ruler of all elements. The Dragon is the master of: Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind. As a totem, the Dragon serves as a powerful guardian and guide. Dragons are also messengers of balance, and magic - encouraging us to tap into our psychic nature and see the world through the eyes of mystery and wonder. A Dragon can be a powerful ally in our daily effort to live our lives.
The early Chinese believed in four magical, spiritual, and benevolent animals; the Dragon, the Tortoise and the Unicorn and the Phoenix. The Dragon was the most revered of all. In its claws, it holds an enormous magical pearl-like egg, which has the power to multiply whatever it touches. The ancients believed the "egg" symbolized the most precious treasure, which was Wisdom. Dragon eggs are said to share their magical energies with their owners. Invariably accompanied by thunder and rain, dragons move like lightning and whirlwinds - - all powerful yet totally unpredictable.
Dragon medicine includes change and transformation, wisdom, infinity, longevity and movement through space. Dragon's power is that of shedding its skin and coming out as a new, transformed being. The dragon provides us with fierce protection and possesses inherent magic, adding extra power to any thought you may have. Dragon represents the supernatural and infinite self. Dragon can ward off wandering evil spirits, protect the innocent and bestow safety to all that hold his egg. Dragons brings with it ultimate abundance, prosperity and good fortune. The Dragon is the ultimate representation of the forces of Mother Nature, the greatest divine force on Earth. From the very start, Dragons were seen as guarding treasures, holding back the floods, and dispensing knowledge. Originally, it was believed that the dragons were the ones who talked directly to the Gods.
Dragon is full of life, bravery, Extremely independent and freedom-loving, Dragon needs an environment that allows personal creativity. Dragon are dreamers, love adventure, and believe that they are destined to achieve great success. Dragon wants to make a huge impact on the world. If Dragon takes action to realize dreams, there is no limit to the heights that can be achieved. .In ancient China, the celestial Dragon represents an emperor and power. Today, it is the ultimate fortunate symbol signifying success and happiness. May the celestial Dragon bring great good luck to everyone.

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