...for the children of the earth

Saturday 12 January 2013

12th January 2013 New Moon in Capricorn

Hi everyone!
We’re about to find out how our tree’s been growing while we’ve been riding these waves of change!
What tree is that, you may wonder. The tree of our own evolution and expansion of consciousness as we reach for a fuller expression of joy and growth in our lives. Name anyone who doesn’t want happiness.
What’s been/is happening:
We’ve been all at sea whilst our little seed has been taking root, reaching for the light, growing branches and leaves to take in more light and energy.
Energy waves: It hasn’t been quite the peaceful ocean cruise to tropical islands as we’ve encountered a few big waves washing over us, picking us up, dropping us down. Then peace for a little while before another energy blast comes through. Each time, we’re integrating more of the higher energies into our physical, emotional, mental bodies.
Mind makeover: We’ve been in the waves of change with the Finger of God still acting on our thinking, beliefs, connection to truth!
The Finger of God with Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter has been continuing its work of shifting our minds into alignment with our ‘truth’, our destiny, as we clear the backlog of old thinking, belief systems. 
Whilst Saturn is moving away from Pluto, it’s very slow and we may not feel the relief for a little while yet. Saturn and Pluto will continue working positively together for some months bringing about the deep transformational structural changes to our lives.
Shifting the mind...working in a balanced way with both sides of the brain: Jupiter in Gemini as the focus of the ‘Yod’/Finger of God, is keeping us in the melting pot of mind makeover which will be continuing as a focus until April when Jupiter moves on through Gemini. 
So, if the nerves and ‘mind’ stuff keeps happening, we need to remember that this will lessen as we embrace more fully the left brain/right brain balance of the rational and the intuitive. The higher mind of Jupiter calls us to uplift to a balance of our feeling and thinking functions.
What’s coming in: It’s a Capricorn party! Manoeuvring and staying balanced in a rocky mountainous world!
We’ve got a New Moon in Capricorn, aligned with the Sun on the same degree!: let’s take charge of our earthly lives with our personal ‘magic’!
Venus moved into Capricorn this week on the 9th: let’s make our ‘pipe’ dreams come to life in our everyday lives!
Mercury is midway through Capricorn, within a few degrees of the New Moon on 12th: let’s talk about serious commitments!
Pluto is in Capricorn and in there for the long haul: let’s overthrow all those ‘blockages’ of social conditioning in our psyches, hearts, lives!
9th January: Venus moved into Capricorn 3.10 pm AEDT until 2nd February
...accessing your own personal ‘pot of gold’!
...bringing love, beauty and harmony into physical existence!
What a setup! I love this universe and the cosmos. Venus hits Capricorn just before the New Moon in Capricorn which is the day before that date given to us by Lauren Gorgo...when the 13th DNA ascension code of divine love, the divine feminine, is to be embodied within us.
Taste the sweetness of your life on earth: Venus is helping us put our physical existences into a state of harmony and beauty, pouring the energy of love onto our physical world. This is the taste of exquisite honey enlivening a piece of stale bread. Not that I’m suggesting your life is ‘stale’. Well, maybe you didn’t realise it was stale until this aspect hits you.
The mundane becomes enlightened and enlivened: This is the energy of the interior decorator, the house makeover, the body makeover, the ‘job’ makeover...and applies to any aspect of the physical existence whether your home, your habits, your appearance, your working life. Whatever’s ‘stale’ is likely to be revamped!!!
Venus energises our lives with love and peace and harmony: Venus rules love and money and in Capricorn, means if we have the capacity to access what we love, to feel the happiness of love in our being, then we can be in touch with the physical abundance that is the entitlement of everyone on this planet.

12th January:   
New Moon in Capricorn at 6.43 am AEDT at 21 degrees 46 Capricorn
...finding your mojo...personal magic!
This New Moon is all about taking your power on planet earth, starting a process of ‘grounding your vision’, bringing dreams into physical reality. Capricorn is an earth sign which means it’s very much concerned with earthly existence and creating a physical existence which feels secure and stable.
However, it’s higher expression is about achievement in the world through taking your authority, taking responsibility and embracing ambition as an expression of higher ideals.
Mercury has been whispering messages in our ear since 1st January, when it moved into Capricorn. These have been promptings about many possibilities and options for our forward progress of creating ‘heaven on earth’ and about how we can make our own brand of magic be manifest in our earthly experience. 
What is ‘heaven on earth’? It’s moving beyond 3 Dimensional experience, out of what I call ‘muggledom’ (ref: Harry Potter stories) and into magic. There is a wonderful book, one of the Seth books called ‘The Magical Approach’ which enlivens the heart to reach into seeing reality as a magical experience and living ‘magically’.

Getting back, reclaiming, maintaining your ‘mojo’!:
It’s time to proclaim who you are, be who you are and live who you are!
Capricorn is about authority, responsibility, respect, reputation, ambition and achievement...in the physical world!
Definition of ‘mojo’ from free dictionary:
1. A magic charm or spell.
2. An amulet, often a small flannel bag containing one or more magic items, worn by adherents of hoodoo or voodoo.
3. Personal magnetism; charm.
My ‘take’ on mojo: When we are in touch with our truth, our deepest desires, our divine destiny, we get in touch with what seems magical. We are in the flow, the synchronicity of life and access our manifestation powers by becoming magnetic to all that is aligned with us.
When we accept and act upon our authority, our true strength, obstacles seem to fall away as the universe takes us forward on our true path.
With our mojo we’re charismatic...use this energy wisely!
Put the treadmill behind you: take charge of yourself and your strengths by claiming respect for yourself
               ...claim/proclaim who you are!
This is the beginning of a new cycle of emotional energy and it’s all about bringing our emotions into practical reality...which doesn’t mean we have to be bored or dragged down into tedium and back onto the treadmill.
The evolved energy of Capricorn calls us to take our authority as a human being evolving on the earth plane. This is calling us to put our emotional energy into taking charge of our earthly lives, reclaiming respect for ourselves in the way we are living our lives.
Mercury within distance of New Moon and Sun:   
Potential re-birthing of the mind, mental body, old beliefs, thought processes!
Listen for messages! Mercury, the winged messenger,is within reach of this New Moon. With all the activity with Jupiter in Gemini working on our mind, thought processes and mental body, it seems likely that this New Moon offers a re-birthing energy for all that thinking and entrapment from the past.
Clear the old thoughts, make way for the new: Remember, the Sun and Moon are together in Capricorn at the new Moon which means they are working together to rebirth the memory (Moon energy) into a new form which is based on the earthy Capricorn energies. We’re clearing out old mental blockages to make way for new thinking. 
Let new ideas percolate and connect to the energy of Venus(heart) and Uranus (new ideas)...see below:
12th/13th Venus in Capricorn squares/challenges Uranus in Aries:
...surprises, awakening, sudden changes of heart and direction!
This is a bit of a wake-up call which comes along with the New Moon energy. New ideas that ignite the heart can be brought into your thinking. This could be challenging to you as it may prompt you to change the direction of your thinking in a radical way. Uranus is rebellious and radical as well as innovative, leading edge thinking. Uranus in Aries is ready to act impetuously and enthusiastically, fired by the passion of a new possibility.
Sit with the new ideas for the first week after the New Moon and allow the possibilities, plans to grow in your mind before acting on them.
12th to 17th/18th:
Venus meets Pluto and connects to Neptune/Chiron
      ...transformation of the heart! Clearing upliftment!
Venus, just moved into Capricorn, is in positive conversation with Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune/Chiron in Pisces. It’s all heart and soul and bringing the heart energy of divine love into everyday existence. It’s soul music, soul song and celebrating our humanity, the human experience in all its challenges, blessings and complexities. In this energy, housecleaning becomes an exercise in divine gratitude.
This energy will kick in with the New Moon and the completion of the download of divine feminine love. It will bring clearing of deep heart blockages of old emotional and spiritual wounds! This is really going to bring in the energy for practising higher love in everyday living, the astrological energies which will support the integration of the 13th code of divine love!
The Sabian symbols for the New Moon from Linda Hill at:
This new Moon is one of knowing when to fight and when to let go - when to stay in the game and when to change course - to decide what battles are worth fighting and what one's are not worth the time and energy one expends.

The Sabian Symbol for the new Moon is Capricorn 22: A General Revealing Nobility Of Character By Accepting Defeat Gracefully.

Keywords: True inner worth. Being a “good loser”. Learning that every minor skirmish in life is not a major ‘Defeat’. Being prepared to start again. Sacrificing things for the benefit of others. Nobility of character. Letting go of the “charge” around anger. Surrendering. Knowing when to let go.

The Caution: Being a “bad loser”. Feeling everything is going to come out badly. Reliance on self-limitations. Seeing the negative in everything. Losing what’s been worked for. Making excuses to get out of tight situations. Betrayal and loss. Loss of support. Surrendering too early. Giving up on life.
My take on the Sabian Symbol for the New Moon: This message is truly a reinforcement of the astrological energies at this time.
Cut back, cut loose and reinvest in life. Keep positive, focussed on positive outcomes to start anew. Be ready to take a new direction.
More information and much greater detail at Linda’s website listed above.
13th January:
The 13th DNA ascension code is to be embodied within us.
No expectation here but ‘Apparently, this is the mastery code required to transcend duality and enter unity consciousness…with our physical bodies.’ (from The Activation of the 13th Ascension Code by Lauren Gorgo)
Once again we have a date in our diaries which can lead us to assume all’s set, ‘done and dusted’. But remember, the 21st December was a starting point for change and we’ve been proving this by the integration process which has been happening since then.
I’m expecting the integration process to continue after 13th as we feel the essence of unconditional love and unity consciousness pervade our being as an expression in our lives. 
It’s interesting that the culmination of the 13th code downloading energy comes to completion the day after the New Moon in Capricorn. So, how are we going to ‘practise’ a unified mind and divine love in our earthly lives??? The energies of Venus will help us with this new way of being and feeling!
It’s all an exercise in growth and awareness. We are living experiments of shifting consciousness, raising the ‘glass ceiling’ of human potential.
Golden Oldie: Cheek to Cheek with Frank Sinatra http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCPs8bZ-KhE
Heaven I'm in heaven And my heart beats So that I can hardly speak And I seem to find The happiness I seek When we're out together Dancing cheek to cheek Heaven I'm in heaven And the cares That hung around me Through the week Seem to vanish Like a gamblers Lucky streak When we're out together Dancing cheek to cheek
Loved this message from astrologer Jonathan Cainer: Jonathan Cainer’s message on 7th January:
Good News for 2013

It is not just a glorious comet that we can look forward to later this year. The global economic outlook should improve faster than most experts expect it to and a new mood of hope will awaken in millions of hearts. The sky's single, simple message for us all is that 2013 is to be a time of great healing. Emotional wounds can be patched up and psychological scars can be soothed in the coming months. Meanwhile, in the world of conventional, physical medicine, we will come to hear about some inspiring new ways to constructively treat infamous ailments.
Upcoming Dates:
20th January: Mercury moves into Aquarius until 5th February
That’s all folks...here we go! Let’s dissolve the barriers to love and return to personal magic...without needing mirrors reminding us who we are!! 
Are you ready to march to the beat of your own drum? We just have to find that mojo!!!
Love and blessings as always to friends and fellow pilgrims on the path to divine love and truth!
from the chair
...heaven, I’m in heaven...well not fully, yet!
It’s all about love

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