...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 20 August 2013

21st August 2013 Full Moon in Aquarius

Hi everyone, space cadets!
Are you ready to reach for the stars????
Your own personal star interacting with the greater cosmos???  Own your magic!

A changeable week with a Full Moon and planetary changes:
We’ve an amazing week ahead with a culminating Full Moon in Aquarius as well as the Sun and Mercury moving into earthy Virgo building on the energies of Venus who has been leading the way.
Venus, planet of love, leading the way:
Venus is the first of the personal, faster moving planets pushing into new territory, having only just slipped out of Virgo into Libra this past week. She’s now triggering a Grand Cross!
Mars still ‘rolling in the deep’ of watery Cancer,  washed out...maybe:
Mars is coming up behind Mercury and will be leaving watery Cancer on 28th August, a week away.  Honestly, we won’t know ourselves once Mars leaves Cancer and steps into the firepower of Leo. Mars is learning to operate in tandem with the feminine energy as an equal partner.  You can see he isn’t too happy with it all!!!

As above, so below!:    
The magician calls in the divine entitlement to earthly life!!!     
The theme for this upcoming week must be this gem of wisdom from the Emerald Tablet and a range of ancient texts,  as the Aquarian Full Moon calls us to reach for the stars and the Virgo Sun calls us to send down our roots to the earth. 
Full moon Aquarian inspiration coming to earth with a Virgo Sun:   Accept and enact your ‘magical’ power!
Head in the clouds, feet in the earth!  Translated as...bringing our dreams to earth! 
"For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream." Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890)
21st August:    

Full Moon in Aquarius at 11.44 am AEST 28 degrees 11...freeing the spirit!
It’s an Aquarian show:    

Freedom calls...the unconscious is released into the Leo Sun!   

Unusually, this is the second full moon in Aquarius this year.  A month ago, we had the Full Moon at 0.06 degrees Aquarius at the very beginning of the sign.  We’ve had a month of integrating the lunar Aquarian energies, seeing where we belong in the cosmos.
Get the Aquarian message:    Freedom. rebellion and innovation!   
Two full moons in the same sign a month apart is really hammering home the Aquarian message of freedom and expanded thinking.  Make the most of it to bring in new visions and ideas! 
Balancing the Sun and Moon:    as within, so without!
At the Full Moon, the Sun is opposite the moon so we are called to balance Sun and Moon, outer and inner lives!
There couldn’t be a more positive energy than this Full Moon to demonstrate your mastery of the inner/outer life and the divine/earthly balance.
Sun and Moon:     It’s ‘me’ and ‘them’, that is...everyone!Team Aquarius under the solar energies of the Leo Sun, has been insistently nudging us to embrace and fully integrate the energy of our authentic selves as an aspect of humanity and the cosmos.
Mastery:    The final degree of any zodiac sign..signifies a major shift in mastery consciousness!
We couldn’t have a stronger astrological opportunity for us to enact our inner ‘magician’ power! 
Take hold of the wand of power and call in your rightful entitlement!
Mastery...the full moon Aquarius... mastery in learning and integration about humanity.
Mastery...the Sun in Leo opposite the full moon...mastery in learning and integration about our authentic selves...who we truly are! 
Win-win:    Alignment of self with the universe!  Embodying mastery of earth and sky!
This Full Moon is all about the culmination force of the authentic self (Leo) in the physical world in alignment with the universal energies (Aquarius) of the world.  When we align our true selves with the universal energies, it’s a win/win!!! 
Let the inspiration in:   don’t push the limits to bring things to earth until the Virgo Sun and Mercury come in!...2 days time!  
The Virgo Sun coming in two days time will be reinforcing this message, helping us bring the inspiration to earth.  For the two days following the Full Moon you may feel like a space cadet...go with it.  The Sun and Mercury in Virgo will be a powerful natural boost to get going on the physical dimension, so don’t push yourself to ground yourself before time.
Aquarius Full Moon:    opening the doors of the unconscious and the memory banks!  Freedom beckons!
Freedom or bust:    The oppressed forces held within the unconscious, the memory banks are busting out of jail as radical Aquarius demands freedom...nothing less!  As old energies leave for the ‘promised land’,  the new energies come through!
Aquarius is bursting with innovative ideas and ‘out of the box’ thinking and this is the energy of this Full Moon which is handing us these possibilities IF we take the time to listen, to be still, to really hear the universe and the cosmos as the planets and stars speak to us. 
Remind yourself of Vincent’s quote above and look to the ‘stars’ and of course the moon!  The ideas are pouring in! ...if we let them
Getting out of the jail of our minds, hearts and bodies...of the past!  

Aquarius is holding the bolt cutters!
Aquarius is about radical freedom through the higher dimensions.  Its energy is very much aligned with the starry cosmos and the inspiration that is available for us all if we but reach for that starry wisdom. 

Do you believe you’re free?  If you believe, then it is so!
It’s there for the taking just like the freedom that we have but seem unable to claim as long as we hold to the strings and ties that bind...the mind and heart in denial, contained by the memories implicit in our very bodies, minds and spirits.
Freedom is an attitude:    Whatever it takes!
We live on a planet of limitation and restriction but nothing can imprison our spirits, hearts and minds unless we let it.

When a door closes on something in our lives, we may feel blocked and restricted.  We just need to keep looking for another door and never giving up.  If we can’t find the door immediately, we’re tested to maintain faith in ourselves, our pathway, our connection to the universal energies and our entitlement to fulfilment!  There’s always another door!!!
Leo Sun, Mercury and Regulus:   

Joyful messages of good fortune and positive vibes!   Believe it and it will be so!
Opposite the Full Moon, the Leo Sun is with Mercury, sitting on the fixed star Regulus at 29 degrees Leo. 
Regulus, Lion’s heart:    The most Royal Star. Raphael, the Healing Archangel, the Watcher of the North. Nobility, ambition, alertness, great power, status, leadership, sudden downfall, accidents, violence. Said by some to be the most benefic star in the universe.

What an auspicious culminating energy! Keep reminding yourself of your entitlement to your own personal good fortune and divine path!
The Leo Sun is calling us into the light of being our true selves, our divine child who has no outer layers of learned convention.
Aspects impacting at this Full Moon:    
Getting out of the box! 
  ‘Clunk, click’ is the Grand Cross and the Grand Water Trine!
The following energies are still in play through the Full Moon and into the end of the month.  As the Grand Cross challenges with ‘clunk’, the Grand Water Trine clears the energies and things ‘click’ into place.  Things are moving along quickly!

Grand Water Trine:     
Ongoing clearing and healing the emotions and emotional wounds! 
We’re swimming out of the ‘cave’ of entrapment in the emotions, the emotions that have been holding us to ransom. 
Jupiter in Cancer, North Node in Scorpio and Chiron in Pisces...big powerful healing energies through this time.
The Grand Water Trine Energies will be enhanced by the Full Moon energy which is all about emotion but being in Aquarius gives us a handle of rational removal from being drowned emotionally.  We’ve been there for most of the Summer so we’re used to this energy.  With the Full Moon, it feels like the Sabian Symbol for the Leo Sun...the mermaid climbing out onto a rock!
Grand Cross: The crossroads, breaking point which gets out of the boxed in thinking of our own consciousness! 
We’ve got the ‘key’ for the door!!!    This is a cardinal cross which holds the energy of action!!!  Fast action!!! 
The four cardinal signs, Capricorn, Cancer, Aries and Libra, want to get things moving and now!
We won’t be hanging around at the crossroads for too long:    The impetus is there along with the Full Moon energies to break free of past restrictions which have been hampering us.  It’s a breakout...for us all!!!  Decisions will be made quickly releasing ‘doors’ of imprisonment! 

27th August:    Grand Cross culminating with possible challenges to let go and allow new opportunities to open up for us!
The Grand Cross has been impacting us since Venus moved into Libra a few days ago.  However, it is not ‘tight’, that is not fully formed until 25th/26th August when Venus moves into position opposite Aries and squaring Pluto and Jupiter. 
The crossroads have arrived and we just have to decide to go through the door...click!!!
These crossroads will come up again in the coming months with a different ‘angle’ on what’s happening.  These crossroads offer a brief ‘grrr’ and the ‘aaaaaah’!
More reading and detail on the Grand Cardinal Cross and its continuing impact at:     http://willowsweb.blogspot.com.au/2013/08/venus-enters-home-sweet-home-libra.html
Quote from: www.willowsweb.blogspot.com.au    The lesser benefic and relationship planet Venus enters Libra on August 16, forming the first cardinal Grand Cross August 23 - 27. This is four 90-degree square aspects (frictional, clashing, dynamic) from bodies in all four cardinal signs (leadership, initiative, new direction).
Powerful energies of change with the Grand Cross and the Grand Water Trine...but not a Grand Sextile.
The Grand Cross and Grand Water Trine do not form another Grand Sextile as they do not meet the geometrical conditions of a Grand Sextile.  A good explanation here if you’d like to read more, 
Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon:    Theme of emergence!     
The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon/Sun energy certainly have a sense of emergence...from the chrysalis, from the water onto land.  This resonates to what’s happening to us astrologically as more of us are pulling out of the tenacious fingers of the past and being reborn into the light of a new day. 

The Sabian Symbol for the full Moon is Aquarius 29: A Butterfly Emerging From A Chrysalis.
Keywords: Slow building of confidence. Coming out into a fuller participation in the bigger picture. Growing up and out. Emerging from the dark. Leaving yesterday behind. Becoming more and more beautiful. Finding one’s feet or wings. Metamorphosis. Huge changes in the works. Giving up struggling. The drama of new life unfolding.

The Caution: Failing to allow changes to be experienced. Feeling like one will never “arrive”. Struggling to emerge ahead of time. Feeling confined. Being tied to the past. Rushing leading to disorientation or injury.

Exactly opposite the Butterfly Emerging degree is the Sun on this full Moon - 
Leo 29: A Mermaid Has Climbed To The Rocky Shore Of A Bleak Coast She Awaits The Prince Who Will Bring Her Immortality.
Keywords: Coming into conscious form. New ways of being. Transformation. New forms emerging out of the past. Needing, and probably expecting, recognition. Feeling different from the crowd. Learning to stand on your own two feet. Problems with feet and legs. Longing to make an impression.

The Caution: Focusing on social or rational aspects before being ready. Naivety. Being thrown in the deep end. Relying on relationships too much. Looking to the other for validation of one’s existence. Co-dependent behavior.

Blue Moon:  This Full Moon is what has become known as a Blue Moon. 
Blue Moon can be second of two full moons of a calendar month. Or Blue Moon can be third of four full moons in a season. Upcoming Blue Moon is the seasonal kind http://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/when-is-the-next-blue-moon


23rd August:    
Sun moves into Virgo at 9.01 am AEST...healing the physical!
Earthy, grounding, practical and spiritually healing of the everyday affairs of our ‘working’ lives. There is no reason why we cannot receive our divine entitlement to the support of the physical world. 
Traditionally, Virgo is the sign which signifies where we give service to others, often without thought of recompense financially and/or without attaching to the size of the financial return.
Altruism is a powerful healer: 
Virgo is where we volunteer and give freely, sometimes in detriment to ourselves, yet at the same time  carrying the immense healing power which comes from altruistic behaviours and actions in the world. 
Virgo as win-win:    

A ‘win’ for us is a ‘win’ for humanity!
However, we need to keep reframing the concept of the selfless service of Virgo, exhausted from giving, giving and not receiving.  We need to walk a balanced path of giving and receiving.
When we embrace the energy of Virgo as service which is exalted we step onto our path of destiny, life’s work, divine mission.  We are responding to our own personal ‘calling’ and the universe responds accordingly.
This is the higher path to experiencing our devotion to what resonates to our talents, gifts, abilities and passions. 
Look out Mr Messy!  Here comes Mrs/Mr Mops!  They’re here and ready with the duster, broom and de-cluttering urge!  
Virgo is spring cleaning energy, whether or not it’s Spring!  She doesn’t care about seasons.  She just wants everything ship-shape!
This energy can send you into overdrive if you’re not careful as you want keep going, going, going until you drop. Don’t! 

Take pleasure in the mundane tasks but know when to stop.  This energy will help you tackle all those tasks which have been put on hold.  Suddenly it seems that the mundane isn’t quite so daunting now you’ve got your spirit back. 
Healing:    Virgo is the sign of the healer...so all systems go!  Purify and heal...purging mind, body, spirit, physical environment!
Virgo energy can take us into perfectionism which can lead to self-criticism and over analysis.  We all have the capacity for this at some time, some of us more than others depending on our natal planets.

Purify However, Virgo’s ceaseless search for perfection is her role as the purifier of energy which could lead her to be seen as the ‘cleaner of the zodiac’.  That is her job.  So, everyone, time to clean up your life on all levels.  Virgo is working with you. 

The purge is on!:    This cleansing process applies to our physical world including home/house, workplace and...the physical body!
The time is perfect for this purging...healing through purification which is the mojo for Virgo!
Purify or perish:    There’s a ‘boots and all’ feel about Virgo when she’s in full flight.  Nothing can stop here, especially when Mercury joins the Sun in her sign on the same day. 
24th August:    

Mercury moves into Virgo at 8.36 am AEST...making mincemeat of the mundane!!!
Mercury is a ruler of Virgo, along with Chiron, so is very happy to come home!  Mercury is home for 16 days of activity...busy, busy, busy! 

Be careful not to go overboard with this energy as it won’t to stop.  Just look at Minnie’s face to get the picture of how you feel when you get into Virgo workaholic mode!!!  

Another sexist pic...hard to find Mickey cleaning!!!  Just saying.
Be warned!  Don’t turn yourself into mincemeat in tackling the mundane!
Make the most of this energy which wants to move, move fast, clear the decks, sort and tidy, get practical with problem solving.  But....remember to rest and take time out on the earth for head clearing and rebalancing energy.
‘Happy talkin’ talkin’ happy talk’!   Mercury in Virgo is communication gone crazy!!!  Yatta yatta yatta...try to make it interesting!
Remember what Virgo is about...service/divine mission.  If you’re happy and fulfilled, you’ll be chatting to anyone and everyone.  This energy has a life of its own, as long as you maintain your sensitive Virgo antenna to check in with yourself about right action at the right time.  Rest time!
Mercury is the mind and communication.  Virgo is analytical, organising, neat and tidy.  Perfect for gaining clarity and focus, sorting out problems mentally and feeling joy as you enact your divine path on planet earth.

Commerce and agreements:    
Positive energies for commercial talks and agreements!  Remember...win-win!
Mercury rules commerce and being at home in Virgo, is more than happy to fire up our desires in this area of life.  
Under the light of the Sun in Virgo and aligned with Mercury, the desire will be strong to develop, plan, organise and analyse commercial ventures of all kinds. 
This is a good time to do the research and prepare the ground for the New Moon in Virgo on 5th September when it will be ideal to launch the initial stages of your new venture.  Similarly if you’re looking for new employment, expanding your business, exploring new options in relation to work.
Mercury goes retrograde on 20th October, so plenty of time before that shadow retrograde starts (first week of October) to impose restrictions on us.
Ordering and analysing:     Mentally and physically
This is about more than just the physical because it involves Mercury which is the mind. 
So, yes, sorting and tidying of mundane matters in the ‘filing cabinets’ in the office as well as the filing cabinets of the mind.  Great energy for analytical work and projects.  Learning, data collection, integrating knowledge, coming to conclusions are all in favour.
The mind’s engaged:    
Possible resolution of problems which seemed insoluble!  
The mind will be sorting and tidying, analysing and examining information/data coming in and/or which has been coming in for some time.  There’s a clarity being offered here which can finally sort out all kinds of problems which have been frothing around in the psyche.  
Healing:     Mercury is the mind, Virgo is the sign of the healer!    Clear the cobwebs, purge the mind!
Amazing energies available for healing the mind and consciousness!  Just imagine those light rays pouring into your mind and clearing all those cell memories holding past limitations.  This will feel like cobwebs being cleared out of your consciousness.
Clarity is on offer as old resistant energies are cleared from the mindset!
On 9th September Mercury will be moving on to Libra where relationships and balancing come into play.

Golden oldies: 
For the Aquarian Full Moon: 
‘What a wonderful world’ Louis Armstrong   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Aba0lVdE2c  - beautiful images of moon/earth
‘Vincent’ Don McClean  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfVtJj05fH0 
(Bear with the ad. beforehand...the graphics are lovely) 

For all the Virgo Sun (domestic?)  Goddess energy coming in:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAGJ3Q7-FNg 
‘A Woman’s Touch’ Doris Day, Calamity Jane
Yes, it’s old-fashioned sexist, but do you think I could get a picture of the 7 dwarfs housecleaning under Snow White’s supervision????
Upcoming Dates:
28th August:    Mars moves into Leo
5th September:    New Moon in Virgo
That’s it folks!

Apologies for the pictures which don't seem to be coming out clearly.  Also, having difficulty getting animated pictures loaded so they actually move. Working on it.

As always, love and blessings to my fellow star travelers...head in the stars then back to earth, feet on the ground!  What a week...exciting!
from the chair
Getting ready for landing!!!

It’s all about love

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