...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 6 November 2013

5th November 2013 Venus moves into Capricorn, Jupiter retrograde, 11th November Mercury moves direct



    Hi everyone!
Time to get your breath!  We’re still on the eclipse road to change! 
We’ve been through the Aries Full Moon Eclipse ring of fire!
Catapulted into the eclipse tunnel on the ghost train!   Hanging on/letting go!!!
Died a sudden death as Uranus/Pluto squared off in a challenge!
Been reborn and being resurrected by the New Moon Scorpio Eclipse!
All of these forces are still in play in our lives!
We can see the light at the end of the tunnel if we keep our focus!
I hope I didn’t overplay the drama factor on the last update, but a heads up for potential tumult is preferable to a crash and burn without warning.

Dates correction:   Uh oh!  Sorry  
Apologies to you as I didn’t put the right dates in for Upcoming Dates.  Sorry if I this threw you with plans.  That’s Mercury retrograde for you!!!  Misinformation!  The correct dates are as listed on this update.  Yes, I have double checked!

What’s been happening:    
Where did it begin?  The Eclipse Journey! 

19th October: 
Through the ring of fire: The Aries full Moon Lunar Eclipse!

All couch potatoes get off the couch!
Initiating energy firing us up for action and nothing less!  Lethargy and exhaustion started clearing as the fiery energy filled us!

Barriers started falling and breakthroughs/breakdowns started happening.  Long term issues digging away like a thorn in the side came to a head, a culminating point for resolution as bubbling unconscious energies erupted, readying us for the change process. We were already in process 3 days before the Full Moon about 16th! 
Courage and strength came to the fore firing us up out of any couch potato living!  We didn’t know where we were going as we’re in the misty realms of Scorpio and in the eclipse change process. 
Since 19th October:    

Travelling on the Ghost Train with massive Scorpio transformational energies!

Earning the badge of courage...or is it a non event????

A multitude of transformational ongoing aspects over the past 10 days, leading into the Uranus/Pluto challenge on 1st, through the dark of the moon release period up to the New Moon in Scorpio eclipse on 3rd was a bit like travelling on the ghost train. 

Feeling the fear and doing it anyway!  Courage is driving this train!
Maybe the expectation of ‘scariness’ was greater than the actual ride.  Many have been experiencing sudden changes since the Aries Full Moon Eclipse on 19th October.  We are still travelling on the ghost train, hurtling us through the eclipse tunnel providing us with such opportunities to face the fears, the ghosts of the past and drop them off in ‘the tunnel’ as we are carried by the unseen forces of change back into the light of day.  These energies are shifting us through a big change process. 
1st November:    Uranus/Pluto squared off in a ‘sudden death’ challenge!  Would we live or die??? 
From what I can gather from those I know, the sudden death experiences with out of the blue changes, were happening in the week leading up to their meeting on 1st.  This is more or less the way things go as the intensity in build up can be greater than the exact meeting which is the release point.

Lightning meets volcano:    That 7-10 days before the meeting, 8 volcanoes started erupting.  Did you have any ‘volcanoes’ in your life?  They will settle, but there’ll be no going back to ‘the old order’! There’s been a release of blocked energy. Our volcanoes are flowing the lava of suppressed passion!
It was interesting that the leader of the Pakistani Taliban was assassinated at the meeting of these two powerful planets.
This aspect has the potential for murder and mayhem with Uranus in Aries (sudden war/conflict) and Pluto (death and power) in Capricorn (powerful political leaders).
Ongoing change in the eclipse tunnel:    
 Where we’re headed nobody knows!  We are travelling spiritually!!! 
The eclipse energies initiated changes which for many, are yet to be revealed in the fullness of time.  Whatever shifted within each one of us, is shifting the earth and the people.  Whatever happens for one, happens for all.  Many people are going through endings, culminations, death of loved ones, work, home, way of life.  We’re on the move, even if we don’t know it yet!

All going smoothly?   No trauma and struggle?   Change is happening regardless!  All good...full steam ahead!
Now if you’re not feeling any tremors from all of this, be assured that change is already underway and that barriers have already been removed.  The change may not yet be manifest in your life. 
Signs of change:    Early December and on for next 6 to 12 months!
We are in a change process which is continuing through the eclipse cycle to mid November with further changes into late November and resultant future waves emanating from this eclipse cycle.  With an eclipse in Scorpio, change is BIG!!!
 Changing the mind as we clear the masks of conditioning and illusion!  Scorpio line-up with Mercury, Saturn, North Node!
The combination of Mercury/the mind meeting with Saturn/structures/status quo brought these blockages to a head as their meeting connected to the North Node of planetary evolution.  Issues and problems are gradually coming to resolution as we clear the brambles of our thinking and belief systems.  We are untangling our thought waves as we cut the karmic ties with past energies, as we come into the truth of who we are and what we truly desire from our hearts.
Truth exposed:    Something has to give! 
These past two weeks have exposed patterns of thinking and ingrained belief systems holding us to the treadmill.  The planetary forces have challenged us to change dramatically for the better.  Our mindset has been brought undone in the tangled confusion of Mercury in Scorpio.
The change isn’t necessarily traumatic or challenging but for many it’s a feeling of ‘something has to change’.  We are engineering this change from a deep part of our soul.  It’s an urge that is beyond our consciousness, a yearning that comes from deep within our hearts. 
Venus flying:    
Hearts uplifted while our minds are clearing!  Listening to the heart!
Meanwhile Venus is taking us to new places and new consciousness, helping uplift our hearts with possibilities and choices that speak to our dreams.  As she moves out of Sagittarius into Capricorn, she offers a whole new focus on grounding our heart energies into our earthly existence. 
Physical Changes:
Saturn, Mercury and the North Node, New Moon/Sun:    All connecting in Scorpio
Saturn:    Rules karma, knees, skeletal structure/bones, skin, teeth
Mercury:    Rules nervous system, communication
Mars in Virgo:    Ongoing purification of our physical being...until 8th December! 
Cell memories being cleared as we let go of the memories of our life, lives, ancestors, planet earth and history! Just keep letting go! 
The New Moon in Scorpio Solar Eclipse this last Sunday:      
Happy new Moon!  The Phoenix rises from the ashes!  
With a solar eclipse along with a New Moon changes will continue for the next week, month...even 6 months to 12 months!
Scorpio energy is death/life/rebirth/resurrection...a good time for purging, cleansing, purifying, cutting ties, pruning, clearing ‘junk’, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual and generally putting the past to rest!

Eyes to the future as we burn off the past:    New directions are revealed and open up new pathways!

A new Moon brings fresh impetus and in Scorpio, a rebirth...phoenix rising from the ashes!  As we clear the past, look to the future new directions emerging from the Scorpio mist of mystery.

New ideas, new directions arise at a New Moon.  With the current
astrological energies, we’re quite possibly recovering some old abandoned projects, ideas and yes...people!!!

Ed Tamplin gives horoscopes each Sunday and includes some astrological insights on current energies.  Last weekend he wrote about the solar eclipse and the connection of the Sun, Moon and Saturn, outlining historical and geophysical events arising at the time of a solar eclipse aligned with Saturn.
What’s coming in: 
5th November:    Venus moves into Capricorn at 7.42 pm AEDT...We are as one bringing love to earth!  
 Grounding the dreams!

Venus in Capricorn until early March:  
Love the earth!  Love our earthly lives!

It’s all about love! It’s all about the earth! It’s about manifesting our desires!
Your mountain calls:     Are you ready to accept your success? 
Capricorn is an earth sign that likes physical and financial security and carries an energy that is ready to back itself and stay the distance until the ambition to reach the top of the mountain has been achieved.
Can’t see your mountain?:    Listen to your heart, look for the signs!
If you haven’t yet identified your ‘mountain’, then trust your heart, because Venus is winging the messages to you.  Ask for guidance and be ready to listen to best advice from the angelic kingdom, masters, ancestors, guides etc.
Take your authority and responsibility:     Accept your authority!  
Capricorn is work oriented and ambitious to be a leader in the field. We are being called by our inner authority to step forward and take responsibility for the growth of ourselves and our lives in our material existence. 
Building the dream:    Capricorn gives stamina and Venus feeds the love!
Capricorn is the builder and works in the physical dimension whilst reaching for that mountain top.  Don’t get in the way of this energy because once it takes off, we’re into a roll of contained passion which is focussed on success...nothing less!
Venus in Capricorn:    
Do what you love, love what you do and the money will follow!  
Stay off the treadmill!
We couldn’t have a better mantra for the next few months as Venus calls us to bring our hearts more fully into our material world. This is about getting off the treadmill, letting go of ‘life is hard work’ belief system and trusting your own heart when it feels excited, motivated, challenged in a good way about stepping out of the comfort zone. 
Capricorn thrives on commitment and hard work, so be careful not to overdo. Capricorn has a tendency to become a workaholic!  Be warned!   
Venus rules values, love, talents and money:    In Capricorn, we’re accessing our gifts, our joys, our pleasures as an expression in the world! 
In Capricorn, Venus will be aligning us with what brings us joy and pleasure on earth and helping us to access ways and means of bringing us success in the joy of earthly existence.  It’s not just about money!  All the hard work and commitment in the world does not bring joy unless the heart is engaged!
Venus retrograde Dec 21st to January 31st:   
It’s a double check which will work to our benefit!  
Tweaking is good for a sound foundation!
It’s a long haul with this one...to make sure we get it!  Venus will be in Capricorn until March 2014!  Plenty of time for bringing our hearts into  our daily lives. We’re likely to be thriving on this energy providing we’re listening to our heart.
This means we’ll be building the new direction, then be double checking it and refining it as we organise the information in a coherent package which resonates with us.  We’ll know when we’ve got it together.  Capricorn is a great organiser and will ensure the groundwork is well laid and solid before stepping out into some airy fairy dream possibility.
From now to 20th:  
Listen to your heart’s desires for your life on earth!  
Getting in touch with your mountain!
Venus is already in retrograde shadow from November 20th at 13 degrees Capricorn.  So make the most of this time to 20th to get in touch with your earthly desires, what truly would bring happiness to your life on earth.  Open up to what brings joy, your gifts and talents, possibly not yet evident.
New beginnings:    
Capitalise on the New Moon in Scorpio energies which are running wild!   
We’re still in the early stages of the New Moon in Scorpio, so a perfect time to build the picture of your dream mountain and some strategies for climbing that mountain. As we reach for the mountain, the unstable ground we’ve been travelling for so long is likely to just fall away.  
Aligning hearts with our higher authority:   
Engaged hearts make it an exhilarating climb to the top of mountain! 
With hearts engaged, the mountain climb will be as effortless,  as our inner goat is engaged and ready to provide sure-footed security as we leap from one mountain crag to the next!  Venus lends passion and fire which comes from the centre of our being and is the emotional fuel we need to take on this mountain climbing expedition. 
7th November:    
Jupiter turns retrograde in Cancer at 4.03 pm AEDT at 20 degrees Cancer...expansion of our inner knowledge 

Review and research:    
Yes, it’s a rerun, a double check, going deeper into our knowledge bank!

For the next 5 months we’ll be backtracking over old ground to recover some missed information.  We’re in a different space now. 
Jupiter seeks higher knowledge, education and truth:    
Discovering our inner teacher has a place in the world family!
We’re coming into a new understanding of our place in the world, our gifts and talents which have been ignored, hidden, overlooked or taken for granted.  We are now carrying valuable cargo in our hearts and minds.  We might not have the full picture...just yet.  But we’re getting a clearer idea of something new emerging.  Jupiter is assisting us to expand our knowledge base, personally and globally.
Inner exploration of our own personal knowledge base:    Finding our sense of place within the bigger picture of the world!
Jupiter is the adventurer, the explorer, the traveller and in Cancer calls us home to ourselves and the great adventure growing within us.
We’ll be discovering more about our place in the greater scheme of things, where we feel a sense of belonging, a sense of place, where we can contribute to the world in our own special way.
Looking for a ‘home’:    Where do you feel at home?  Where do you belong?    Who is your family? 
Cancer rules the home and seeks emotional security.  Jupiter is a world energy and with it being in Cancer since July, we’re expanding our concept of home to realise that our home is the earth and all its people are our family.  Cancer provides a sense of belonging.  How many homeless people are wandering the world as refugees looking for a home.  That’s the big picture which has grown in importance since Jupiter went into Cancer.
Home is where the heart is:    For us, at the personal level, we’re looking for a place of emotional security, a place to call home, a place where we can connect to our soul families, like-minded others.  The home energy has been expanding us since July.  Now, we’re drawing in our energies to connect to a place of belonging inside, where our internalised mother energy can nourish and nurture us.  This is energy contained and strengthened by our inner meanderings.
Jupiter the crusader:    Activation of our world crusader!  
Great energy for working on a writing project!
Our inner discovery tour is quite likely to uncover deep desires to contribute something to the world family.  This is going to work very well with our Venus in Capricorn energy.  Channelled in the right direction, these feelings could well put us on a pathway of spiritual teaching, writing, speaking, publishing as we connect with a wider audience. 
11th November:    
Mercury moves direct in Scorpio at 8.11 am AEDT at 2 degrees Scorpio 29
New insights and knowledge about ourselves, freshly discovered talents, our ‘calling’!

We’re still in the Scorpio cave but we’re heading back out towards the light of day.  We’ve been gifted with new knowledge, maybe not evident until we’ve cleared the grey area and eclipse energy, so from mid November to the end of November, increasing insights as the pieces fall into place. 
‘Grey’ area till late November:    We’re not completely out of the dark until very late November when Mercury moves out its retrograde shadow. So patience and awareness of this ‘grey’ time when we can still experience communication and commercial glitches. 
We should be primed to get moving with the New Moon in Sagittarius in early December.  A few days after the New Moon, Mercury moves out of the Scorpio mystery into Sagittarius.  Divine timing!
On the mundane:    Normality starts to resume!  Normality coming back into timing, travel, communication and commerce! Less confusion and misinformation! Full clarity may not be evident until late November, especially with Mercury still in Scorpio.
Just remember that a day or two either side of the 11th is when Mercury is slowing/at a standstill and is the most challenging time for Mercury retrogrades.
Out of Mercury retrograde in Scorpio cave:   
What’s the head count on mask hunting?  Doesn’t matter!  Maintain the intent!
Where are you as Mercury moves out of this particularly dark journey?  
We’ve been ‘headhunting’ so to speak as the past lives, other realities, lost souls, stuck memories have been releasing from the shadows into the light of a new day. 
We’ve been uncovering and removing those belief systems and memories embedded in our cells, which have kept the ‘masks of conditioning and illusion’ in place. 
How many masks have been removed?  How many more to go? Doesn’t matter...just keep going!  The universal forces are with us supporting us as blocked energy is resolved. 
There’s a mass exodus of old energies as the current astrological energies support the death of the old and the resurrection of our authentic selves, aligned with our divine potential and earth’s evolution.

What’s been happening with Mercury in Scorpio:    
The retrograde energy took us straight back to the ‘cold war’, back to the past!
Spy vs spy:  ‘Black spy, White spy’ Mercury in Scorpio revealing secrets and exposing nations spying on other nations!
The ‘cold war’ never ended! Nations spying on each other has been a universal and growing trend with increasing sophistication of technology. But now the end is nigh!  Mercury retrograding in Scorpio has brought to light the spying by both Australia and USA.  Wait for my spying stories from other nations!    
Transparency:    Whistle blowers calling in the truth! 
 There is no way people, groups, governments, institutions or organisations can keep getting away with secrecy and spying, whether it be on the citizens or on other nations.
A rerun of old stories:    All this happening within a Mercury in Scorpio retrograde energy!  Scorpio is mystery and secrecy!  Retrograde, we’re visiting the past...people, situations, challenges, victories!  Any or all of these could be affecting you at this time as we revisit the past to ‘dig’ deeper into understanding and changing old behaviours.
‘Whistleblower united’, exposing the truth, was bringing transparency in the dark of the New Moon in Scorpio  and leading us on to further revelations and exposures both publicly and privately.  We’re revealing the truth to ourselves as we uncover aspects of ourselves which are unloved, which have been denied or avoided.  We’re whistleblowers on our own denials. 
Golden oldies:
‘Open a new window’ Angela Lansbury from ‘Mame’   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iM6jvMXzcPk
‘The Philosopher’s Stone’ Van Morrison http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrsq1werkfs
‘Big ol’Train’   Kimmie Rhodes    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uggd9UTaPSs
‘Climb every Mountain’ Sissel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ri73-OyEpu0
Open a New Window!
Open a new window,
Open a new door,
Travel a new highway,
That's never been tried before;
Before you find you're a dull fellow,
Punching the same clock,
Walking the same tight rope
As everyone on the block.
The fellow you ought to be is three dimensional,
Soaking up life down to your toes,
Whenever they say you're slightly unconventional,
Just put your thumb up to your nose.
And show 'em how to dance to a new rhythm,
Whistle a new song,
Toast with a new vintage,
The fizz doesn't fizz too long.
There's only one way to make the bubbles stay,
Simply travel a new high way,
Dance to a new rhythm,
Open a new window ev'ry day!
Upcoming Dates:
14th November:    Neptune turns direct
18th November:    Full Moon in Taurus
That’s all for now folks!  Hoping you’re not feeling overload with all this information.  It’s just that we’re in quite a significant gear shift!
We’re on that big ol’ train clearing the ghosts, looking for the philosopher’s stone, the silver lining on the ancient highway, climbing every mountain and opening new windows and doors!!! Is that enough mixed metaphors for this week???  Sure there’s something there for everyone! 
We have some breathing space now until the Full Moon of 18th.  Mind you, we’ve got quite a lot to be going on with as a fall out from the whole Aries Full Moon cannon ball energy, the Uranus/Pluto square fall out and the New Moon eclipse and so many planets in Scorpio. 
Yes!  quite enough to take us through to the more reassuring Taurus Full Moon on 18th.
As always, love and blessings to all my fellow explorers as we ride the cosmic waves of the eclipse cycle!
from the chair
...coming home in the time machine!

It’s all about love

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