...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 27 January 2015

28th January 2015 Venus moves into Pisces


Hi everyone!  

We’re travelling down that Aquarian road, under the Aquarian Sun and the guiding light of the Aquarian New Moon of last week. 
Neverland or bust!  Venus, Mercury, Sun and New Moon...on cloud 9!
Our travelling companions of Venus/heart and Mercury/mind have been keeping the Sun and New Moon company, seeking the light of a higher authority, our own personal star of destiny. Hearts and minds are being realigned and readjusted to our personal integrity, personal potential and highest potential. 
Our highest potential is being brought into our very beings asking to take ownership of our hopes and dreams for ourselves and for the planet.  The Aquarian energy is aligning us with our personal truth which aligns with the planetary dream of the highest potential for the planet. 
We are one of many and together we are being aligned with the integrity of the planet through the Libran North Node of justice, peace, equity, harmony and love in a balanced world.
What’s Mars up to:    Purifying and frolicking in the Pisces ocean!  
Venus is on her way this week!
Meanwhile, Mars is frolicking in the Pisces ocean, undergoing a collective cleansing of our emotional bodies and the blocked emotions, trapped emotions held in our physical bodies.  

These are likely to be emotions/memories held by the collective, memories we all hold from our genetic, karmic and earthly inheritance. Pisces is the collective unconscious, opening us up to the collective memories, memories we all hold since time began.
Mercury’s retrograding in Aquarius:  Covering ‘old’ territory!
Re-treading the past!
Mercury rules the nervous system and Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, an electric, erratic energy.  You may have been getting a few shocks, feeling some unfounded anxiety, acting like a nervous Nellie.  Just keep breathing it all out as the nervous system is taking the charges. 
Just keep clearing up the mental confusion as you revisit the past and clear the decks of your thinking and the belief systems that have kept you hostage.
Greece, the seat of modern democracy, just changed the game plan:  
A new government choosing prosperity over austerity!

I don’t usually comment on political situations but this one just jumped out of me because Greece just changed the game plan.
Greece has voted to opt out of austerity consciousness and choose prosperity.  To me, this is very interesting when we consider that Greece is regarded as the seat of our modern democracy.

The new game:  
Austerity to riches!  Or, the ‘No monopoly’ game!   ‘Letting Go of Debt’! 
Guaranteed sell out!
Who better to lead the world out of this debt-ridden control energy for nations and individuals as they choose to get out the old ‘game’ and step up to re-frame the economic status quo in terms of the principles of democratic freedom.  We all know that the release of all debt and deficits for all nations in the world would lead to a huge restructuring and re-framing of our world which would uplift everyone.  A shift from poverty consciousness into the spiritual wealth which governs all aspects of our being is a win/win for all. 
The domino effect:   
One domino sets off a chain reaction!
The resistance to Greece will be strong and powerfully compelling as the old order power centres fight to maintain the status quo.  Trusting that Greece is the first of the dominoes which will set off the domino effect across the world, not just Europe.

Left wing/right wing politics:  
Getting out of the polarity consciousness!  
Riding the continuum!
It’s valuable not to get caught up in polarities such as right/left wing allegiances.  However we do live in a world of polarities.  It is in our choosing how we exist within the polarity continuum, whether it be politics, religion, gender, sexuality, personal relating processes like introvert/extrovert that will keep us growing and open to the new and creative solutions.   I don’t see these as an either/or as we are constantly redefining ourselves and the the way we are living, according to incoming information. 
28th January:    Venus moves into Pisces at 1.59 am AEDT...joy of joys!   Fun and games!
Higher spiritual consciousness:  
Evolution of our hearts and emotional consciousness
Venus in Pisces will offer us release and transcendence from the limitations and restrictions of ‘muggle’ consciousness in relation to love and money.  That’s the 3D perception of reality.
The call of Pisces is to live in the magical reality of higher consciousness. Are we ready? 
Can we bring together the love and the money?  Abundance awaits! 
Can we accept?
In astrology, Venus rules love and money, bringing together two themes that occupy so much of our time and energy in the current world.  Are we ready to believe and accept this higher consciousness?   At this time, it would appear so, with so many amazing transits showing us the way.  We just have to say ‘yes’ and keep reaffirming our faith that the way is being shown.

The love?  or the money?  What about both!
The Pisces symbol is 2 fish swimming in different directions, seemingly at odds with each other.  To me, this captures the current dilemma for so many.  How do I marry my joy of life and the money I make.  This upcoming transit of Venus in Pisces offers us the chance to locate that heartfelt desire and marry it with the income.  Other planetary aspects will be helping to bring in some clarity...below
Open hearts to a more evolved expression of love!  Take the higher path!  Transcend!
Pisces rules limitation, restriction, the universal consciousness, offering us the opportunity to transcend the small ‘I’, acting in the interests of the broader collective as we embrace our higher consciousness and spirituality.  When we choose the higher path for ourselves, we benefit all humanity both in the short term and long term. 
Venus joins Mars in Pisces:   
Hearts and bodies being cleansed and renewed!
Venus is taking to the waters, joining Mars for a frolic in the cleansing and invigorating great Pisces ocean. Venus is our heart energy and Mars is our physical body so we are being renewed and restored with the more evolved emotional energies in both heart and body.  

Until after New Moon on 19th February:   Rebalancing
Our inner/feminine energies  and outer/masculine  worlds!
Venus/our feminine energy and Mars/our masculine energy, will have their eyes on each other from a little distance until about mid February when they reach their closest point of contact in Pisces, about 2 degrees apart.  They finish off their surfing journey in a little closer contact, holding hands as they leap together out of emotional Pisces into Aries, sign of fire, drive and movement, just after the New Moon in Aquarius on 19th February.
20th to 25th February:    Venus and Mars meet in Aries
They’ll be meeting up in Aries from about 20th to 25th February.  Should be a marriage made in the fires of passion!
A series of significant transits shifting us onto new pathways, new directions this week:     

From today, we’re being taken on a pathway of significant openings and shifts in perspective which will carry us through to the upcoming Full Moon in Leo on 4th February.

We have an opening of the mind followed by heart opening acceptance of love and prosperity with a follow up by a fiery spiritual urge to take action on these mental and emotional insights.  Finally, our mind and the higher light of the Sun lead us out of the wilderness.
28th January: Mercury retrograde in Aquarius sextiles Uranus 
Sudden insights, understanding and lightning strikes!  
A positive energy!
From 27th to 29th, be open to sudden insights, breakthroughs in finding solutions to problems and some clarity as to where that higher path is taking you. A 3 day window of opportunity.  The mind awakens to new possibilities outside of our usual pattern and predictable beliefs.  Be open!
30th January:    
Venus in Pisces squares/challenges Saturn in Sagittarius
Taking our authority in relation to love and/or money
From contraction and austerity to prosperity:  
A big wave of change lifting us up and carrying us forward!
Here we have choices, opportunities around love and money and our beliefs, attitudes and values in relation to these energies.  Saturn is the status quo and is bringing some interesting challenges to our belief systems as he travels through Sagittarius.  Saturn is restriction and is a an energy which contracts, just like the austerity measures being imposed around the world.  We all know the concept of releasing all the deficits of every country in the world would put our prosperity consciousness into operation.  It just needs one nation to choose austerity over prosperity.
Are we ready to shift our old beliefs and choose prosperity consciousness?  Changing our tune is our choice!
The situation in Greece is very much reflective of this challenge/opportunity to grab hold of the coat tails of the collective unconscious in choosing love and money as a representation of our prosperity consciousness.  Let the wave carry us forward into joy and fulfilment.  No second guessing.
Personally, this is a good time to choose prosperity by reframing our view of ourselves and the world.  Venus in Pisces is saying ‘Let’s go’ and be in the love and abundance which is the entitlement of every one on this earth.
31st January:    Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn
Fire and drive gives us the impetus to transform our ‘establishment’
Mars is giving us the fiery, action oriented drive to follow up on our acceptance of Venus’ offer of love and money, joy and fulfilment.  If we’ve made the shift in attitude and belief system and set our sights on a new positive direction, Mars will be washing us towards the shore on a big wave of change.  

This is a short lived but nevertheless powerful energy which can give us ignition after Mercury’s insights on 28th, Venus’ passion of 30th.  We’ve had the mental insight, the emotional awakening and now the spiritual drive to take action towards the goal. 
31st January:    Mercury conjuncts/meets Sun at 10 degrees 20 Aquarius...Wow!   This is a beauty!  
Mind energy meets light of the world! 
A beginning which ignites our mind with a fresh insight and understanding.  Pieces fall into place in a whole new way.

The Aquarian Sun shines a light on our Mercury retrograde who is attempting to unravel the pieces of string which have become entangled in our mind.  It’s light shining a light on a web of confusion, deception, self delusion and the lies we tell ourselves which keep us bound up in the labyrinth.
Taking stock and getting an inkling:   Identifying inklings...A ha!    
This is a turning point in the Mercury retrograde cycle, the midpoint, a time when we can really take stock of what the hell’s happening.  Doesn’t mean we’re completely out of the web, just yet.  But maybe we’ve got the right passwords, the right indications, the inkling of what need’s to change and where we need to focus our energies.  Once we have focus, it’s all about maintaining the focus.
2nd February:    Venus meets Neptune...Venus finds home!  
A watery, emotional affair guaranteed to open hearts and flood our being with divinity!
Heart raising energy:
Hearts are uplifted by this wonderful conjunction/meeting of the heart with the higher spiritual energies of Neptune.  This is higher heart energy, so take some time to really feel the beat of the heart and the call to love.

A floaty, romantic feeling:    
Dreams are big and delusional in the best possible way!
Let the bigger visions emerge as you float and dream with this one.  The pictures can offer much in the way forward, the next step of the ‘paper chase’.  Take time to build the dream, expand the picture of your life and let the imagination run free.
Messages of love, joy and Leo frivolity:  
Carrying us into the energies of the Full Moon!
We’ll be in touch with the ‘waves’ of moon energy from the Leo Full Moon on 4th, which start impacting us 3 days before it comes to fullness. 
Golden Oldies:
‘Shadows’ Demis Roussos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6IszGAjMkM  For Greece’s prosperity and Demis’ passing this week
Lyrics listed below clip.
Astrologically, for Mercury retrograde, bringing up the past. Facing the shadows.
‘Someday, somewhere’ Demis Rousos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJVyw4jHzyk  for Venus in Pisces
Lyrics for first 4 verses of ‘Shadows’:
Shadows of a thousand faces 
keep on turning in your mind 
Unforgotten names and places 
Never really left behind 

Is it your imagination 
Seeking shelter from the rain 
Or a long self conversation 
once again 

Shadows never point a finger 
At the things you say or do 
Silently they seem to linger 
Anywhere you may run to 

Sharing every joy or torment 
Every laughter or despair 
Facing you at any moment 
If you dare 

Upcoming Dates:
4th February:    Full Moon in Leo
12th February:    Mercury stations direct
That’s all folks!  Can’t believe I was going to make this the briefest of updates and look what happened.  Too much information?  Just ignore and carry on as it’s happening anyway.
As always love and blessings to all my fellow travellers as we move with the watery, emotional Pisces energies and the airy, mental energies of Aquarius.
from the chair

It’s all about love

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