...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 11 February 2015

12th February 2015 Mercury stations direct


Hi everyone!

Coming through our soaking in the light of the golden Leo full moon of the 4th, which is carrying us forward to the next New Moon in Aquarius on 19th February. 
What’s been happening:
To the stars and back:  Mercury in Aquarius...still!  Out of control?  Excellent!
Mercury is still travelling through his extended stay in Aquarius taking us on a space trek to discover the outer limits.  He is stationing direct this week, turning around to move forward again.
Our mind energy is being uplifted to the bigger picture of the cosmos.  If you’ve had a bit of a ‘battle’ with the mind in the past few weeks, it’s the challenge of letting go of the less evolved mental energies which can bring us down. 
Hearts and bodies purifying and cleansing emotionally: 
Mars and Venus, our masculine and feminine energies are both still frolicking in the surf, floating on their li-los!   Our bodies and heart energies are going through a massive cleansing process with the Pisces energies flushing out those emotions which have been entrenched in our memory banks in our physical bodies.
We have them in Pisces for about another week before they move into Aries, just after the next New Moon on 19th.
From 6th to 8th February:    
Sun in Aquarius opposite Jupiter in Leo
...a massive reboot of light filled consciousness!
We’ve had quite a turbulent week in some ways as the alignment of the Aquarius Sun opposite Jupiter in Leo expanded our consciousness with a massive dose of light energy from the cosmos. The reboot could have impacted on you in any number of ways but for many with the huge light intake, any unresolved energies still locked into darkness would have been brought to the surface.
Just a little on my experience this past week: 
I experience much through my physical body because of my particular energies.  I experienced an out of the blue Neuralgia ‘attack’ in my back.  This weakened nerve spot is a release point for me. I have a strongly ruled Mercury (ruler of nervous system and mind) chart and with Mercury in Aquarius, along with everyone else I’m getting a big mental/mind/nervous system makeover.  Of course Jupiter and my progressed Sun sitting on my Saturn/karma helped!
Vibrational energy is the key to releasing deep seated source of pain: 
Tuning in and tuning up our energy!
The release is vibrational even though it’s manifesting in the physical body.  You know it’s vibrational when western medicine doesn’t work.  Vibrational remedies such as acupuncture or similar treatments as well as homeopathics, flower remedies are great when we’re dealing with a vibrational imbalance/release.  Of course, light, sound, breathing  and connection to the higher energies of love and forgiveness are the ideal.

An injection of light direct to our inner being:  
Release and regeneration!
Like a light charged bolt of lightning straight from the Aquarian Sun , igniting the expanding light consciousness of Jupiter retrograding in Leo.
These energies would have impacted the mind, heart, emotions, thoughts and spirit as well as the body.  

They may have felt like a huge sunburst of light energy at the centre of the being, igniting joy or pain or any and all energies which needed releasing from our inner sanctum. Jupiter in retrograde is lighting us up from the inside out!
The Aquarius energy is electric and brings the unexpected like a lightning strike. My experience was release of deep grief, anger, fear etc.  You name it.  I know it’s not just about me and that for many of us, we continue to work with the planetary energies. 

Freedom calls:    
Can we be released from the cleansing process?  I believe so and keep asking that my whole being is able to hold and maintain the light sufficient to release me from the impact of the planetary releases. My soul will guide me as to the timing and rightness of my actions. 

What’s coming in:
12th February:    Mercury stations direct in Aquarius at 1.56 am AEDT at 1 degree 18 Aquarius
Take it easy as Mercury comes into and moves out of ‘station’:   
Mercury virtually comes to a standstill a couple of days before and after the turn around.  Decisions made at this time may need to be revisited later.

It’s the time just before and just after Mercury ‘stations’ that we can be tripped up by decision making, making sudden moves, commercial, travel and communication glitches.
Keep an open mind as Mercury changes direction:  
Information coming through!
Mercury is not active at this time and is not supporting our minds and our thinking abilities.  He’s easing gently into the station and then easing gently out of it.

What’s been happening:    
Mercury retrograde in Aquarius...
time travellers!
We’ve been travelling to the outer dimensions of the cosmos in a time warp that’s been enhanced by Mercury’s retrograde journey to the outer limits of consciousness. 
Particularly during this Mercury retrograde we've had the communication centres opened to the past, present and future, joining the dots in our understanding.

A search for solutions and out of the box thinking:  Out of the matrix!
We’ve been involved in a search for meaning, new meaning and an understanding and insight regarding our particular situations on earth. Our minds have been turned upside down, all around, shaken about until those old stagnating mindsets and belief systems were shifted from our being.  
Did you experience a more than usually challenging retrograde period:  Technology and electricity particularly challenged!  Lines are now open!

Mercury rules communication, travel, commerce, networking, everyday affairs which during retrograde periods can create havoc and cause confusion in any of these areas.  With Mercury in Aquarius, which rules electricity and technology, it’s like we’ve had a double whammy with the Aquarian energies adding to the confusion. 

Technology and electrical challenges:  Lines are now open!

Aquarius rules technology and electricity so Mercury was doubly challenged to negotiate this period of time.  Delays, confusion, mixups of all kinds can be affected in relation to all kinds of communication, plans, appointment times, traffic, travel confusion.  Well, we’re coming out of the intensity even though Mercury will be  in Aquarius until 13th March.  

12th February to March 4th:    Mercury in retrograde shadow
Still moving out of the confusion!  
We’re in the 3rd cycle of the mind cleansing process!

Well, we’re clear of the actual Mercury retrograde energies as Mercury moves on.  However, we need to be aware that the ‘shadow’ time can still feel like  we’re still finding our way confusion as Mercury now travels ‘forward’ back over the degrees it’s already covered twice before.  It’s like we’re ensuring that all the threads of the old are completely cleared away so we can get a clear picture of our way forward. 

A new clarity and perspective coming through:  
Increasing movement in our everyday affairs and commerce
During the shadow time, we’re likely to access that fresh perspective we’ve been seeking these past months.  A new clarity comes through and we can feel the wheels of the mind and everyday existence beginning to get moving.
Mercury will be in retrograde shadow until March 3rd/4th when he returns to the degree where he started the retrograde/cleansing process.  Then we'll have the picture!
19th February: New Moon in Aquarius and Sun moves into Pisces. 
We’re heading to the next New Moon in Aquarius, our second New Moon in Aquarius, at the very end of this sign. Whatever we started working with a month ago and have been mulling over this past month with Mercury shifting our mind about 1000 times, we’re likely to start taking steps to put some of these ideas into action.
The ‘dark’ of the moon:    
About 3 days before the New Moon...
releasing the old, receiving the insights!
Just a little reminder that for these days, we are at the darkest time of the lunar month and in a more heightened sensitivity to the vibrational energies from the other dimensions. Bottom line is it’s a good time for receiving insights and for releasing ‘blockages’.
More to come with the update next week.
Uranus/Pluto square:  
Continuing radical change process through February and March!  
More personal and global revelations come to light!
This tight connection is like an ongoing simmering and bubbling of the volcano, bringing forth deeply buried shadow energies of all kinds.   The last of 7 meetings occurring since June 2012 will come to a head on 17th March after which the energies will start to dissipate.  However, they will be hovering over us for some time to come. 
We’re all smoking and ready to ‘blow’ at both the personal level and in relation to planetary consciousness.  Walls of resistance are falling and we’re all in and involved in the process. 

February energy and astrology report from Sarah Varcas:
Golden Oldies:
‘On a clear Day’ Barbara Streisand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nz5DLO8fclA
‘On a Clear Day’  Johnny Mathis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95AxVxN5zZQ some visuals, but no ‘Barbara’

Upcoming Dates:
19th February:    Sun moves into Pisces
19th February:    New Moon in Aquarius
20th February:   Mars moves into Aries
21st February:    Venus moves into Aries
That’s it folks!  Between the devil and the deep blue sea this past week, we’re shifting, shifting, shifting and raising our vibrations into the higher perspective.
Maintaining the faith and those daily practices of mind, body and spirit that are strengthening us in our resolve, determination and focus will keep us on track.
As always, love and blessings
from the chair...floating home from ‘the wars’


It’s all about love


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