...for the children of the earth

Thursday 21 April 2016

20th April 2016 Sun moved into Taurus, 22nd April Full Moon in Scorpio

Hi everyone!
We’ve been travelling under the Aries Sun and New Moon energies until just a day ago when the Sun moved into Taurus.  I just could not get the update out in time for that Taurus Sun arrival with all the body work happening to me.  Need a clear head and a divine hotline in order to deliver the messages.
Taurus energies building:  Watching our garden growing!
We’re now in the midpoint of the lunar month meeting the Full Moon in Scorpio, after which we’ll be heading towards a New Moon in Taurus on 7th May. Taurus shifts our emphasis from the Aries fire, drive and need for immediate action to a slower pace of life where we can wait for the seeds to grow and allow our buds of desire to fully form before they burst into life. We’re like these poppy heads waiting to burst forth in a blaze of colour. Patience, acceptance and allowing will be more accessible to us all in the Taurus energies.  With Mercury, our faster than greased lightning communicator already travelling the Taurus ‘zone’ and about to turn retrograde, we’re already aligning to the slower pace. 
Intensity of Mars and Pluto stationing:  Physical challenges?
It’s been quite an ongoing journey with major shifts over the past week as Mars, our fire and drive masculine energy came to a standstill to change direction closely followed by Pluto’s station just a day later.  For many, we have been experiencing strange shifts of energy in our physical being.  Let’s not forget that Mars rules the physical body and the head.  If you do experience pains and discomforts in the body, it is a call that healing is happening even as you feel the energy of pain or suffering.  As we experience the emotions arising from pain or distress we allow the release from the physical body. 
The Mars journey:  ‘On the Midnight Train to Georgia’
Mars is barely moving and will be on 8 degrees Sagittarius until the end of April.  He’s been on this degree since 5th April.  It takes a while for him to get moving after changing direction, so it is the mail train stopping at every station. We’re getting the time out from the rush to bring our bodies as well as our deepest desires into alignment with our highest truth and wisdom, the Sagittarian message...at least until late May when he treks back into Scorpio to finish us off with some golden alchemical resolution!
L.A. Proved too much for the man
Too much for the man, he couldn't make it
So he's leavin' the life he's come to know uhoo
He said he's goin'
He said he's goin' back to find
Goin' back to find
Ooh, what's left of his world
The world he left behind
Not so long ago

Read more: Gladys Knight And The Pips - Midnight Train To Georgia Lyrics | MetroLyrics 
Pluto is even slower and will be sitting on 17 degrees Capricorn until early June. 
20th April:  Sun moved into Taurus at 1.29 am AEST...the light of earthly abundance!
Until 21st May
Tiptoe through the tulips with me:  Mother Earth is calling us to open our hearts to love!
Taurus is the earth mother ruled by Venus, our heart energy.  How good is this for grounding ourselves into the beauty and abundance of the earth and all she offers.  We’re likely to find this quite a relief after the wild ride through Aries with all that contained energy of the Mars/Pluto stations last week.
Breathe in the fragrance of the earth and her magnificence:  Appreciate the sensuality of life!
Taurus calls us to attune to earthly rhythms with a peace and joy in our hearts, a knowing that all good things come to pass in the fullness of time.  There is no urgency or rushing with this energy as it helps us own ourselves as earthly beings flowing and ebbing like all growth cycles on the earth. 
What’s valuable and of most value to my happiness:  Exploring our rich potentials!
Taurus ignites our earthly connection to our physicality and how we travel the earth.  It awakens within us our values, what’s of most importance in living in joy as well as the gifts and talents which are our greatest resource in manifesting an abundant life.  It’s not just about money and income from what we offer.  It’s about the creative talents lying within. 
Mars retrograde adding to the impetus of the Taurus Sun:  What do I really desire in my heart of hearts?
This Taurus energy is working well with Mars as he is giving us the time and space to align with our true desires, our heartfelt yearnings which will fuel our forward journey and expansive growth. 
Our mind energy adds to the search for meaning:  Bringing gratitude and joy to our earthly lives!
Mercury now in Taurus, turning retrograde in a week’s time will add to this search for alignment, meaning and value. Mercury in Taurus is already calling our mind energy to earthly joys and matters material.  A day after Mercury turns retrograde, Venus, our heart energy and ruler of Taurus joins the Taurus Sun and Mercury.  It’s three of a kind, not quite a full house but near as possible when the mind, heart and spirit (the Sun) are united in their focus. 
Art:  Robert Dane 

22nd April:  Full Moon in Scorpio at 2 degrees 31 Scorpio at 3.23 pm AEST
Art:  Jimmy Lawlor

What a relief!  The ease of letting go!

We’ve had a series of full moons with some heavy duty aspects impacting on the full moon and every one of us.  For many, it’s been the challenge of letting go when we’re not letting go...aka ‘through gritted teeth’! 
Going deep with joy in our hearts:  Look...it’s easy! 
This one’s a beauty for us all as although it’s always an intense and deep experience in Scorpio, it’s almost as though we’ll be happy to go that place which once held dread and fear...in particular of losing control and drowning emotionally! We’ve let go of so much in the past 6 months/6 years and on that we are now at core level of wounding emerging from DNA ancestral memories and cell memories of this and other realities.  We’re demonstrating a new mastery! 

Completion, culmination:  Letting go...out!
Something comes to a head, a completion.  In Scorpio, the message is very clear.  It’s like a psychic death, an ending to a chapter in our lives.  How this ending plays out will manifest in the next 2 weeks as we head to the New Moon in Taurus on 7th May.  It is then we’ll realise how much has changed.  We’re kicking over the spiritual ‘wounds’ embedded in our physical bodies and setting our course on the pathway to alignment and resonance with our earthly birthright to joy and abundance.  That includes all aspects of physical life!
Insights and understanding:  
Like the bat, symbol of death/rebirth we’re flying ‘blind’ navigating by our inner radar!
The Scorpio Full Moon is always a time of death and rebirth so just as we’re letting out of the old, we’re letting in the new.  It’s like the ocean currents washing and stirring up the waters at a deep level.  The Full Moon rules memories and the past so there’s always the potential for it bringing up the past, often the forgotten past.  With  a number of planets now in retrograde motion, the recurrence of past memories may bring forth something of value that you put aside, possibly as an unfulfilled desire.  Desire is on the agenda with this Full Moon which is opposite the sensuous Taurus Sun.  Both Scorpio and Taurus are signs of desire and sensuality expressed in different ways.
Letting in:  Mental alignment with planetary evolutionary direction!  Getting the picture!
Mercury 21 degrees Taurus trine North Node 21 Virgo
Stephanie Azaria sees the North Node as the Soul Star Chakra, the more evolved consciousness which we are growing into, expanding and accessing the bigger picture of planetary growth as well as our own higher, big picture perspective.
Letting out:  Emotional release and spiritual upliftment! 
South Node 21 Pisces conj Chiron 19 Pisces
Stephanie Azaria sees the South Node as the Earth Star Chakra, the part of us which is embedded in earth’s history, the part of us which is growing out of the old consciousness, the old paradigm, the history of planet earth.  Pisces is uplifting our emotional selves and taking us to new places in healing the spiritual wounds of the past, both personal and planetary.
Heart awakening:  Aries desire is suddenly ignited at the Full Moon!  Be open to the fiery emotions which can set our hearts ablaze!
Venus is sitting within a degree of Uranus at this Full Moon promising some big wake ups with our heart energies.  Obviously, if you have unresolved tensions within and/or with others these emotions could flare up under the Full Moon energies.  

Emotions are always heightened at the Full Moon and often rooted in memories of past experiences, past times and of course arising from within DNA ancestral memories of other times or places. I feel that when we experience an ‘over the top’ emotional reaction which seems to come out of left field, it’s usually down to a memory which we have not recognised, acknowledged, integrated, healed. 
However, that being said, the potential is for some exciting moments which may make the pulse race and the eyes light up with new and/or reborn desires! Just be aware that this could also explode some old emotions in a fiery release. 
Full Moon conjunct/joins Black Hole Shapley Cluster:

From Stephanie Azaria Cosmic Consciousness Daily:

The Full Moon carries some very huge, multidimensional energies, as it is conjunct the Black Hole Shapley, which is the Source of one of our neighboring superclusters. To be able to have even the slightest awareness of the Source energy of a nearby supercluster is miraculous in its own right.

Scorpio is a powerfully alchemical sign, as well as being focused on the metaphysical. There's a lot of new consciousness due to pour in, and this full Moon blast precedes Venus's arrival at the Uranus Eris conjunction this coming weekend.

A black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light can not get out. The gravity is so strong because matter has been squeezed into a tiny space. This can happen when a star is dying.

Let’s remember that black holes are the vacuums which suck in all manner of energies!  Make the most of it! If it’s past its ‘use by’ date it has to go!

From Lynda Hill:  Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon in Scorpio

Full Moon on Scorpio 3
This Symbol shows people coming together in order to commune and build and accomplish something. Rather than going it alone, great things can be achieved if everyone works and pulls together. It is by acting as a community, rather than as separate individuals, that difficult projects can be undertaken and completed. Sharing one’s skills, resources, time, tools and experiences can build worthwhile community values and enduring friendships that enrich and reward the community. Along with the labor, there will be time to share a drink, a meal and a chat, further drawing people into a sense of community and a shared purpose. Co-operation. Parties. Considering the needs of people. Dormitories. Building bigger and better things. Matchmaking. Community halls. Helping hands. Homeless shelters. 

The Caution: Taking advantage of group generosity. Refusing group endeavors. Bickering over who does what. Not trusting people’s input. Shutting off from others.

Sun is on Taurus 3
This Symbol often shows comfort, luxury, riches, beauty and the good things in life. It implies that a time of fulfillment is close by, but there often is still some small effort to be made in that one has to take the simple steps towards inviting wonderful things into your life. Keep going the way you are, following your natural intuition, and you will find the peace you have in sight. Just be aware not to become complacent or lazy as doing nothing and not putting any effort in could lead to great possibilities slipping away. Hopefulness. Inspirational possibilities. Gradually enlarging one's vision. Harmony. Abundance. Nourishment. Being barefoot. Small efforts leading to large returns. 

The Caution: Looking for the easy way out. Not making the effort to find what is a few steps away. Expecting everything to be laid out for you. Weeds and unkempt lives.

From Lynda Hill:  Sabian Symbol Full Moon Report
Golden Oldies:  Older than oldie!
‘Midnight Train to Georgia’ Gladys Knight & the Pips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynQAtLD4utU  for Mars retrograde
‘Tiptoe through the Tulips’ Nick Lucas 1929 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZMHJX4b9bU  for Sun in Taurus
From ’Gold Diggers of Broadway’
‘Moonlight becomes You’ Bing Crosby https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUmkz95E7mw  for the Scorpio ‘boots and all’ f. moon!
From ‘Road to Morocco’
Except this one:
‘So much Magnificence’ Deva Premal and Miten https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AG-YE8IiV5U 
Upcoming Dates:
29th April:  Mercury stations retrograde
30th April:  Venus moves into Taurus
7th May:  New Moon in Taurus
That’s it everyone!
We’re on the midnight train to Georgia going back to reclaim some lost treasures, appreciating the beauty of the earth and letting go of all those karmic burdens so we can shine like our own personal goldmine!  

Next stop is Mercury’s station on 29th April but with all our efforts it’s likely to be a beautiful pit stop in our journey to Taurus’ garden of Eden manifesting after the New Moon in Taurus on 7th.  

We’re picking up Venus in Taurus along the way which will enhance the love and abundance energy coming in to our hearts, minds, bodies and spirits.  Stay magnetic and consciously allowing it all to flow to you!
As always, love and blessings to us all train drivers, gardeners and gold miners!
from the chair...watching my garden grow

It’s all about love

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