...for the children of the earth

Friday 20 May 2016

21st May 2016 Sun moves into Gemini, 22nd May Full Moon in Sagittarius

Hi everyone!
The past week or two has been quite a journey on our old steam train.  We’re heading to the light, the light of new consciousness, utilising the guiding energies of the planets and the cosmos.

What’s coming in:
This week we’re moving into a whole stack of new energies with some planetary energies shifting from earth based to air signs.  That means we’re going to start feeling a little lighter. 

This week:
21st May:  Sun moves into Gemini
22nd May:  Full Moon in Sagittarius
22nd May:  Mercury stations to go direct
24th May:  Venus moves into Gemini
27th May:  Mars still retrograde moves into Scorpio

Mind, heart and body:  Growth and change!
With the ‘personal’ planets Mercury, Venus and Mars all making some changes we’re likely to feel the shifts on the mental, emotional and physical dimensions. Mind, heart and body are all being moved along with growth and expansion.

Ongoing:  Jupiter squaring/challenging Saturn
Societal and personal changes!  Two steps forward, one step back! 

Crossroads of change!
The two big ‘social’ planets Jupiter and Saturn continue squaring off bringing changes and growth to societal influences. Jupiter in Virgo is giving growth and expansion to the healing processes and purification and cleansing of societal energies.  Saturn in Sagittarius is calling for truth and wisdom and is giving rise to revelations of corruption, lies and deceit which have perpetuated injustices in society.  Of course Pluto in Capricorn continues to ‘dig up the dirt’ in all systems, governments and bureaucracies.

On the personal level:  Expansion and contraction!
Working with both these energies for containment and focus of power!

Jupiter in Virgo:  Jupiter is expansion and growth! 
Expanding the potential for physical healing, health and wellbeing.  Jupiter in Virgo is also opening us to the call to give of our gifts and talents on our divine pathway and ‘calling’ to contribution in the world.  The personal purification process (Virgo) is paring away all that is not aligned with who we are so we can really be in our absolute power of self.

Saturn in Sagittarius:  Contraction, containment and focus!
Saturn is still retrograde in Sagittarius and is working very much with the release of karmic energies contained within us as we come to truth and wisdom of who we are in this lifetime and disentangle from the threads and ‘addictions’ of societal influences which have kept us in bondage to a mass consciousness built on power imbalances and oppression.
In two weeks time at the New Moon in Gemini, these two big planets will form part of a Grand Mutable Cross.  More on that with the New Moon.

21st May:   
Sun moves into Gemini at 12.36 am AEST...lift off!   
Spoilt for choices!
Until 21st June

Lollipop heaven:  A smorgasbord of choices!
It’s the Sun’s move into Gemini which lifts us from the earthly dimension and takes our spirits to new heights and to the multitude of possibilities presented by the Gemini energy.  The full range of choices will be gradually revealed over the next month and especially at the New Moon in Gemini on 5th June, two weeks time!

Balancing the duality:  
The Gemini ‘twins’ seek divine connection and union!

Gemini is one of the dual signs which opens us up to the balancing act.  For Gemini, it’s all about bringing into balance and harmony the masculine/feminine, acting/allowing, left brain/right brain, mind/heart, thinking/feeling.  Divine reunion within is the ultimate fulfilment for Gemini, maximizing the potential for love and creative expression.

Communication and networking:  
Everybody’s talking!  Two voices two minds!
The Gemini Sun calls us out into the social milieu with the urge to interact and communicate with others.  It is in this way that the Gemini gathers the information and data to bring to the mental understanding and thus the decision making process. 

Which way now?
Gemini can have us changing our minds as new information comes to light and greater clarity is achieved.  As Mercury, Gemini’s ruler pulls away from his station on 22nd we are still working things out so there’s a need to trust the process as we head to the New Moon in Gemini on 5th June. 

Mercury, Gemini’s ruler:  Mind stimulation!  
Keep exploring the ideas and possibilities!
Gemini’s ruler, Mercury may still be grounded for a few more weeks but at least he’ll be in forward direction from 22nd, about 14 hours after the moon comes to fullness. Be open to the ideas and possibilities coming through but give time to sorting and sifting through best options before making hard and fast decisions.  The Full Moon on 22nd is a time of completion which takes us through to the next New Moon when we can start planting the seeds for the Gemini lunar cycle.  
Mars retrograde energy is sure making us hold steady, align and balance. 

22nd May:  Full Moon in Sagittarius at 7.14 am AEST at 01 degree 14 Sagittarius

Launching some rockets of desire:  Sagittarius Moon with Mars!
It’s ‘shoot for the moon’ with Sagittarius’ fiery presence up close and personal with Mars, the planet of fire, drive and ambition. 
Heads up for strong fiery emotional energies:
This a strong call to be aware of those highly emotional full moon energies which will be pumped up with the energies of the fiery Crusader Sagittarius who’s got Mars, the masculine warrior energy standing right alongside. 

Completion, culmination:  Something comes to a head!
Just watch out that if you feel like you want to explode with fiery anger that you can channel that energy in the most advantageous way. 
The full moon always brings big emotional energy and often exposes a whole lot of ‘memory’ which can be ‘baggage’ emerging from other times and places.  That kind of baggage just pops up when triggered for release by the fullness of the moon.  Anger is healthy when it’s been suppressed.  It’s what you do with the emotion that makes all the difference.
Whatever’s been bottled up will be released!   
Rockets of desire and passion:  
Sagittarius’ theme song is ‘More is better’!
On a more positive note, this Full Moon can ignite the fire of desire and passion.  Whatever’s been building within can now be released in this Full Moon. 

Party time:  Two or two hundred...take your pick!
I imagine with the Gemini Sun opposite the Full Moon, there could be lots of excitement and plenty of talking.  Conflicted energies within and without can come together in fun times if we so choose. Gemini and Sagittarius are both social signs that enjoy stimulation from others.  

Politics in the pub may not be your best choice of socialising if you’re riding with the warrior energy.  That is of course if you’re wanting some fun times.  Could be a great party energy depending on the group and the potential for over indulgence, one of Sagittarian’s catch cries...’more is better’!

Opposite the Full Moon:  
Gemini Sun with asteroid Vesta...spiritual flame!  Fill your hearts with the joy of being you!
The Gemini Sun has the potential to fuel the Full Moon with plenty of air energy which could inflame the emotions and/or it could provide the mental balance and harmony which could be the reasoned analytical voice calming the Sagittarian firing from the hip energy. 
The asteroid Vesta is the flame within, our divine fire energy which rules home and hearth.  She is a guiding light for our spiritual journey this lifetime. When we’re feeling alive with the fire of joy within us and feeling the fulfilment of life then we are in touch with Vesta who brings us home to ourselves.

Something emerges from the unconscious:  
Messages which bring illumination leading to clarity!
Full Moons always bring insight and illumination.  At this full moon it’s even more potent with Mercury at a standstill poised to move direct about 14 hours after the moon comes to fullness. It’s like everything stops and we are caught in moments of stillness as thoughts and emotions are brought into our consciousness.  That is, providing you can have some time out from the partying. 

Back in the saddle again:  
With Mars firing up this full moon we’ll be ‘shooting from the hip’...about time!
The energies around this Full Moon are likely to fire us up as we haven’t been fired for quite some time.  The Gemini Sun brings air, a refreshment of our mental energies and meeting with the Sagittarian fire in the Full Moon is guaranteed to bring the breath of passion and fire to all of us.

Two Sagittarian Full Moons:  It’s a round trip!
The first of 2 Sagittarian full moons this year.  This one is right at the very beginning of Sagittarius and in a month’s time another one at the very end of Sagittarius at 29 degrees.  Whatever comes to light at this Full Moon is likely to find completion at the Full Moon in mid June, a month away.  It seems like we’re being given some leeway like a second chance. Just take note of what arises as we have a month to bring some Sagittarian matters to a close.
Sagittarian matters:  truth, wisdom, higher consciousness, focus and passionate drive to get moving!

Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon: 
From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
The Full Moon: Sagittarius 2
This Symbol implies getting whipped up about things, often out of proportion to what’s really going on OR staying calm and centered when events or people are getting out of control and making a big deal out of situations. You may find that surface emotions get whipped up and this can led to concerns that are disproportionate to the depth of the situation. Emotions, intelligence and situations probably have a far deeper sense of strength and permanence than it may seem. Get below the surface where things are calmer and more stable. However, don’t withdraw completely as you could find it hard to surface and show your true feelings. Mobilization of energy and emotions. Safety in deeper, secure layers of responses. Energy that needs an outlet. Churning thoughts. Flighty and changeable. Drama queens.

The Caution: Getting fussed and irritable over nothing or at least very little. Nervousness. Overblown reactions. Responding too readily. Gathering gloom. Fussed and irritable

The Sun opposite Full Moon:  Gemini 2
This Symbol often describes people who are into giving gifts and dishing out the good things in life to others. The question is: are you the giver or the receiver? Regardless, there are gifts given or received. Those who are giving will probably try to make it a surprise. Be gracious and accept those things you both give and receive, but realize that some could be suspecting what’s really going on as it may not always be clear what the intentions are behind the act. In fact, it can show someone sneaking around, somewhat like 'Santa Claus', in an effort to achieve something while no one is looking. Wishes fulfilled. Longing for superficial gratification. Gifts dispensed. Receiving gifts from unknown sources. Sudden surprises. Secret affairs. Quick getaways. Charity.

The Caution: Hiding. Futile pretense. Concealing one's true intentions. Trying to get away with something. Shoplifting. Plundering other people's possessions. Being light fingered.

All the Full Moon Sabian Symbols here:  From Lynda Hill
22nd May:  Mercury moves direct at 11.19 pm AEST at 14 degrees 20 Taurus...messages galore!
In Taurus until 13th June

Bridging the chasm:  From confusion to clarity!
Out of the fog into the light!  Messages galore!
Wow!  What an auspicious time for Mercury to ‘station’/come to stillness, right on the Full Moon which is always a time of illumination from within.
Mercury is at his most potent/intense when he changes direction, whether retrograde or in forward motion.  A day or so either side is like time standing still as we contact other dimensions of time and place. Be especially open to insights and understanding through this particular Full Moon/Mercury station.

Opening doors: Mercury bringing us back to clarity!

The Sun’s move into Gemini awakens the Gemini mind and intellect.  It’s the first door of change for Mercury.  The second door will be opened when Mercury changes direction on 22nd.  The third door will open when Mercury moves out of shadow on the 8th/9th June and the fourth door will occur when Mercury moves out of Taurus on 13th/14th June.

Ongoing energies:  Mercury in Taurus until 13th June
We still have Mercury, our mind power, our communication and business manager in earthy Taurus for a little longer.  Mercury has been grounded so all that mental air energy can connect to the heart of Mother Earth and bring forth new ideas (his territory) as he moves forward again.

Ongoing purification of mental energies, thoughts and beliefs, held in the physical body:  
Respiratory system, throat and neck...keep breathing!
We’re still experiencing a purification process of thoughts and belief systems held in our physical and mental bodies, our cell memories and DNA. If you’ve been having any challenges to the respiratory system, ear, nose, throat, lungs, it’s likely to be a part of the cleansing process.  Breath work is ideal with Mercury in Taurus.  I’m hoping that some of this intensity will alleviate when Mercury moves direct.  Let’s trust that when Mercury moves into Gemini on 13th June we’ll all be singing our hearts out...with gusto!
Gemini’s ruler, Mercury may still be grounded for a few more weeks but at least he’ll be in forward direction about 14 hours after the moon comes to fullness.   
When Mercury moves to Gemini on 13th June we’re likely to experience how much these all programs have been cleared.

24th May:  Venus moves into Gemini at 7.44 pm AEST
Divine reunion!
Until 18th June

Heart healing of the masculine/feminine polarity:  To do or not to do?
Two hearts, two minds:  Accommodating our polarities!
Be aware that you may find yourself indecisive during this time if you’re driven by old patterns and behaviours built on social conditioning.  The butterfly within is ready to switch from one flower to the next as it gathers the golden nectar. The call is to follow your heart’s desire. If something excites your interest and brings joy to your heart energy then this is the best guide to follow.  Don’t be afraid to change your mind and to say ‘no’ to people, activities, work etc. if it doesn’t float your balloon!

Variety is the spice of life:  Looking for love? romance? fun?
Venus in Gemini is a lighthearted energy which stimulates our desire to be out and about connecting with others in joyful celebration, fun and joyful times.  This is not the best time to be looking for long term commitments unless you’re on the brink of it.  

It’s a time for ‘flitting’ whether from group to group, person to person, subject to subject.  Intellectual conversation is highly sought after in Gemini energies so chances are we’ll be seeking out stimulating individuals who ignite our desires through their mental connection with us.

Love and money:  Follow the heart during this time!  
Taste testing for new creative ideas which have potential to grow...in your heart and mind!
Venus rules love and money and Mercury, Gemini’s ruler rules commerce as well as communication and travel.  Getting in touch with what you LOVE during this period of time.  You’ll be getting in touch with new ideas and possibilities and be carrying a bag of magic when the New Moon in Gemini arrives on 5th June.  Those ideas can be planted at that time with an open readiness to see them take off after Mercury moves into Gemini on 13th June.

Golden Oldies:
‘Sunshine, lollipops and Rainbows’ Lesley Gore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5Fgp-KihIA for the Gemini Sun
‘Something tells Me’ Cilla Black https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZJrhtwvoKo for the Sagittarian Full Moon
‘Baby we can’t go Wrong’ Cilla Black https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxO3dER8VLQ  for Venus in Gemini
Cilla Black was born under the Gemini Sun.  She died in her villa in Spain drinking champagne and laughing her head off!
‘Back in the Saddle Again’ Gene Autry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSqcxFGFVas Sagittarian Full Moon
For the Sagittarius/Gemini Full Moon Bridge and Mercury direct:
‘Sing a Rainbow’ Cilla Black https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFDg8bskLHY
‘Somewhere over the Rainbow’  Israel Kamakawiwo’Ole  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fahr069-fzE 
‘Somewhere over the Rainbow’ Judy Garland original version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSZxmZmBfnU

Upcoming Dates:
27th May:  Mars moves into Scorpio still retrograde

That’s it folks!
Quite a week ahead being capped off with Mars moving still in retrograde back into Scorpio at the end of the week.  He won’t be moving direct again till the very end of June so the manifestation of physical changes won’t be fully apparent for a few weeks after this date.

As always, love and blessings to all my fellow travellers on this part of the journey which is intense and transformational and what seems like an unknown destination.  We now need to let those balloons take us where we need to go, allowing our feisty Mars to settle down without the constant urge to ‘do’ something when we need to be drawing our destiny to us. 


from the chair...with all of you!

It’s all about love

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