...for the children of the earth

Saturday 18 March 2017

20th March 2017 Sun enters Aries

Hi everyone!
We’re moving out of the mists of the Piscean Sun and the forests of the Virgo Full Moon.  It’s a post full moon recovery which is due to take a bit of a leap forward as the Sun moves into Aries on the 20th March, the Equinox.
Keeping our heads above water as we swim to shore:
We may well wonder why we’re still wandering in the mists of time looking for safe refuge. A number of planetary aspects this week are keeping us submerged in the healing waters of the Pisces ocean of the collective unconscious.
Gathering the fragments of our heart:  Big healing!
Even though our heads are now above water in the fiery Aries energy, we have been inundated with the emotional energies of our heart healing thanks to Venus’ retrograde journey taking us back over our life to collect those fragmented aspects of ourselves.  We’ve been reclaiming the unloved parts of ourselves which were chipped off by people, places, experiences and relationships in our lives.
Heads fired with the Aries desires while bodies clear the emotional karma:
We may feel we have the mental desire but we’re being healed from the inside out as Venus continues her retrograde journey in the Aries energy of ‘finding our true selves’ and accepting ourselves ‘the good, the bad and the ugly’.  Of course these are all judgements coming from societal conditioning but nevertheless we all carry them within us. 
What’s been happening this past week:
15th March: Sun met Chiron at 1.41 pm AEDT
Effective from 14th to 16th March
24 degrees Pisces
A huge healing rebirth at this time as the light of the Sun, our most powerful planetary energy brings light to the spiritual wounds held in planet earth, in the collective unconscious and in the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies of every one of us.

It's an emotional release of great magnitude so letting the emotions flow is our key healing energy whether we cry them out, physically exercise them out, play an instrument, sing, paint, dance or maybe just sneeze them out of the system!

We're clearing huge history at the moment from all the cell memories and ancestral DNA. It's not just about you. If the physical body is being challenged especially in the systems of elimination, respiratory or digestive stay focussed on releasing the emotions somehow.

There's big wallops of grief, despair, exhaustion, fear, pain and suffering being freed and many of us are bearing the brunt of this release. More love to us all as we hold to the power of love and the trust that we can make a difference.

The world weather at the moment seems filled with many messages of unusual amounts of water, waves, rain and floods. The frozen energies of snow and ice are indicative of emotions to be released and freed.

The Sabian symbol for this degree is:
Pisces 25 The Purging of the Priesthood  www.sabiansymbols.com

What’s coming in:  Fast track to the Equinox!

We’ve already had a shifting week of energies turning us every which way since the Full Moon.  It really feels like we’re fast tracking for the Equinox when the movement of the Sun marks the beginning of the solar astrological year.

Quotes from Lauren Gorgo’s 5D message of 18th February:

Choosing New Realities: the karmic template release


1. Since ascension hit the physical realm (and body) we have been asked over and again to put all these “higher concepts” into real life…and no doubt shi(f)t is gettin’ really REAL. We are having to bring the physical f-u-l-l-y on board with our galactic level Selves and that means 1) letting go of ALL 3D world safety nets (cue really raw feelings of vulnerability and a plethora of security fears) so that we are ready and able to 2) be-lie-ve the impossible into BEing.
It’s one thing to accept the possibility of ascension as an idea, theory, or even be-lie-f, quite another to stake your whole (3D) life upon it….especially when so many around us are now going thru really tumultuous times.  But now more than ever it is imperative that we are ALL IN…that we keep all hands, feet, legs and arms inside our merkaba vehicle at all times…that we choose ourSelves first…that we maintain our center…that we stay in our own (vibrational) lane…that we remain anchored in our own heart for truth. This is no easy task juxtaposed against a world (and loved ones) who are beginning to unravel.
2.  Realistically it looks like (for those embodying) we have until the equinox to continue resolving our karmic contracts…beyond the equinox (April-May) I am seeing a different “phase” emerge, tho not with any kind of clarity yet. Even still, and especially before we enter the upcoming eclipse, it’s important that we really examine the places where we are still holding on/holding back…where we still feel victimized or powerless to change…where limiting be-lie-fs still reign…where fear/woundedness is still impeding our efforts to cross over into the new world completely.
18th March:  Sun in challenge to Saturn at 27 degrees Pisces/Sagittarius at 8.48 am AEDT
Effective from 17th to 19th March AEDT

Sink or swim: 
The Sun in Pisces is lifting us in the oceans of emotion emanating from the collective unconscious and shining its light into every aspect of our being calling us to lift our game transforming the small consciousness of our current 3D world of the emotional whirlpool into an elevated perspective of the big picture.

With Chiron, ruler of our spiritual wounds still swimming close to the Sun at 24 degrees Pisces, the message is clear...let the light of divine truth clear the old karmic and ancestral wounds held in our bodies. 

Neptune the lifeguard:  Scanning the ocean for swimmers in danger of drowning!
Neptune continues to travel in Team Pisces calling us to elevate our whole being to another dimension. Neptune has a long term commitment to the search and rescue mission so we need to know the higher perspective is there for us and be prepared to raise our hand above the water when we need upliftment and divine salvation.  Our inner Neptune watches and waits.

We need to acknowledge a need for assistance in raising our emotional vibration!  Call Neptune!

Taking our spiritual authority in our lives:  
Saturn asks us to drop the baggage of those energies which have had a hold on our lives!
Saturn, Lord of Karma and representative of our potential for our inner authority, is calling us to take charge of our lives in terms of our spiritual authority, accessing the wisdom and higher consciousness of Sagittarius.

Dropping the old mindsets of the ‘authorities’ of past consciousness:
With these two energies in square to each other we’re being called to the higher spiritual and emotional consciousness, to lift ourselves out of the whirlpool of emotional overwhelm, the energy of 3D consciousness and of most of our planet by accessing the authority of our 5D consciousness.

We deconstruct the old false paradigms/belief systems:  
We choose the foundation of the new paradigm!
Saturn is the builder offering all the support we need in building our new paradigm of higher consciousness, with foundations of divine truth and divine law beyond the 3D world of inequity.  The tower card is a message of the inner purification that takes place when we choose to let go of beliefs which are no longer supporting our growth.  It is our heart and soul energy which is driving the destruction and the reconstruction.  All else follows. 

18th March:  Mercury meets retrograde Venus at 9 degrees 05 Aries at 11.27 pm AEDT
Effective:  18th to 19th March
Rebirth of heart and mind connection:   
Heart/mind reunion which brings greater clarity!
Mercury our mind manager meets with retrograde Venus who’s retracing her life collecting all those broken heart fragments of self.  It’s an interesting rebirth of the heart/mind connection in the sign of our essential self.

Mercury our mind manager recovering from emotional overwhelm!  Waiting for us!
Even more significant is Mercury meeting Venus on Venus’ retrograde journey reclaiming lost parts of our heart which have been split off in past traumas. Mercury mind manager has been trying to get a grip on this crazy Venus retrograde vehicle which seems to be all over the place with mixed messages as the old emotions and pains and hurts resurface.

Pieces of eight, our golden gifts await our reclamation:  Journey to the centre of our being!
However, amongst the painful pieces we’re finding fragments of golden heart energy, pieces of eight shining in their light waiting for us to reclaim this inner treasure of hopes, dreams, discarded passions and loves in our life.  Discarded in disappointment, regret or disillusionment, they’re waiting for our desire to recapture the joy of life, the joy of being who we are and what turns us on to the celebration of life.  Our inner treasure awaits!

20th March:  Sun enters Aries at 9.29 pm AEDT
Engines firing and primed ready to go!
Until 19th April
Fired ready for action:  Uh oh...could be a little tricky!
When the Sun enters Aries our spirit wants to get up and running.  It’s an energy that wants us to take physical action powered by our fire.  It’s no accident that the ram is Aries symbol.
Breaking out of the quagmire:  The burning torch of liberation!
The Aries Sun is going to fire us up to break through all the waterlogged emotions which have been inundating us these past weeks. It’s not entirely over and done with just yet as we have a couple of energies which are slowing us a little. 
Delaying and holding energies which provide risk management:
Mars, ruler of Aries and a mover/shaker of the first order is still moving slowly through Taurus, an earth energy that wants Mars to slow down and smell the flowers. He’ll be there until 21st April.
Mercury, our other main mover/shaker is in the sign of fast moving Aries but is about to enter shadow retrograde moving into retrograde in early April.Venus of course has a way to go on her retrograde journey. She turns direct 15th April in the later degrees of Pisces.
Don’t be disheartened at these ‘brakes’ on our energies as we need to recognise that the brakes are a necessary safeguard to make sure we get it right.  They are the universe’s risk management strategies!

So what do we do with the torch of liberation?
Art:  Vladimir Kush
Aries wants physical action:  We’re called to harness this physical drive in the most productive way!
Aries is our fire and drive and wants to take the physical actions empowered by this fire and drive.  We’re wanting action but may feel a little hamstrung by an unsure and reluctant heart energy that isn’t too sure about clear direction.
Physically step by step to fulfilling our physical desires:
Our physical energy in Taurus is asking us to ground our energies in slow, steady steps grounding our desires in the Taurean energy of physical abundance.  Containment of our physical energies is helping to focus on what will be bring the greatest return with the least effort in our physical lives.  This is the art of manifesting from the energetic field of our consciousness...the art of allowing.
Mentally Mercury, our mind manager is still up and active travelling through Aries. 
He doesn’t enter shadow until 27th March so we’ve got a good week of mental focus and fire driving us.  He doesn’t actually enter Mercury retrograde until 9th April so we have some time to get some planning done and sort out some of our fiery desires until all that happens.
The bottom line is allowing the fiery Sun energy to carry us forward without getting out ahead of ourselves.  That can happen with Mercury in Aries in active mode.  Our hearts are our crosschecking energy keeping us aligned with our emotional truth!  Trust!  Accept all our ‘pieces of eight’ inner treasure and let them be the guiding light to access our inner joy and next step.
Be open to those old projects, hopes, dreams. loves and lovers reappearing from out of the past. 
Doorway to the new astrological year:  The Equinox portal!
The entry of the Sun into Aries marks the beginning of our astrological year and the March Equinox, a portal of energy where the energies are held in balance with an opportunity to access the balancing forces in the earthly and solar realm. The moment that the Sun enters Aries is the Equinox.
The Equinox:  A portal of consciousness!  Honoring the Sun!
In the Southern Hemisphere known as Autumn Equinox.
In the Northern Hemisphere known as Vernal Equinox and marks the official beginning of Spring
The traditions associated with spiritual growth towards enlightenment have been connected to the movements of the Sun, Moon and planets and celebrated accordingly.  These traditions come from ancient peoples who built and created sacred places across the earth honouring the planetary energies. 
The Sun and its movement across the skies bringing changes to the seasons and marking times of growth and times of stillness and fallow fields in agriculture were reflected in understandings held by the ancient people who aligned themselves to these movements. 
They aligned their lives, their growth and prosperity to the movement of the Sun and the Moon and celestial bodies.  Their own spiritual growth and expansion was a reflection of these cosmic shifts and the power of their influence on the earth. They had sacred rituals which honoured these sources of life, of growth and change.
More information on the spiritual traditions of the movement of the sun:

Astronomical information:
Not Entirely Equal Day & Night
On the equinoxes the Sun shines directly on the equator and the length of day and night is nearly equal – but not quite.
The March equinox marks the moment the Sun crosses the celestial equator – the imaginary line in the sky above the Earth’s equator – from south to north and vice versa in September.
The Sabian Symbol for the first degree of Aries is so significant as connection to the seal represents ‘homecoming’.  We’re coming home to ourselves.
If you’ve read ‘Women Who Run with the Wolves’ and/or seen the movie ‘Secret of Roan Inish’ you’ll get the picture.
Sabian Symbol for the Sun’s entry into Aries:  from Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Aries 1
This degree is the beginning of the zodiac where the old gets left behind and a new understanding and awareness comes to light. Something new is emerging and it needs to be welcomed and nurtured. This is the beginning of a whole new impulse, creative and responsive. There's an emergence of a whole new potentiality. Resist looking back to outgrown and unsatisfactory conditions in your life as they can pull you back to old and unrewarding ways of being. This is also about finding your voice and your feet. Beginnings. Emergence of the feminine into concrete manifestation. Cycles beginning. The beginning of spring or autumn. Confidence in a whole new arena of being. Shedding old skins. 

The Caution:
 Using the masculine drive to overshadow the emotions. Refusing to move into a new state of being because one is held back by previous life conditions.

25th March:  Sun meets/conjoins Venus retrograde at 4 degrees 57 Aries ...kickstarting our hearts into the light!
Just a bit of a heads up for this magical connection offering a huge heart clearance as the Sun shines its light into the deepest recesses of our heart. We’re clearing up so much old heart pain, uncovering wounds that have been deeply hidden in our psyche which have been preventing our light shining through to the outer world.

It’s been like a thick mist, a grey veil taking the shine off our hearts and keeping us in a ‘less than’ state of being. Having come through the rebirthing of our ‘I am’ energies at the Equinox we are now ready to be ourselves in a whole new way.  Venus still has some more to do on her retrograde journey which will help us take us back a short way into the Pisces collective unconscious when we can dip our toes in to find and clear those energies which are not of our essence. 

Golden Oldies:
‘The Hard Way’ Mary Chapin Carpenter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Zyv4WGu9kk for the Aries Sun
With lyrics
‘Only You’ The Platters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0mWVVSkYHo for owning our Aries ‘I am’ energies
‘This is My Song’ Petula Clark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8XmLuTmKIM for the meeting of Mercury/mind and Venus/heart in Aries
Upcoming Dates:
27th March:  Mercury enters shadow retrograde
28th March:  New Moon in Aries
1st April:  Mercury enters Taurus 
3rd April:  Venus enters Pisces in retrograde motion 
6th April:  Saturn turns retrograde at  27 degrees 48 Sagittarius 
That’s it folks! 
As we move through the Equinox doorway we’re on our way to the new moon in Aries on 28th March which offers us a fresh start to the lunar astrological year as Aries is the beginning of the zodiacal calendar.
Hugs all around!
All of us beings are swimming with our heads held high above the waters of planetary emotion.  We just need to remember that when we feel ‘overwhelm’ to call on the higher forces of love and light.
Love and blessings to us all in Team Pisces reaching for the fire and spirit to jet ski ourselves out of the watery emotional cleansing and catapult us into the fire, desire and passion of the Aries Sun. 

from the chair...’jetting out of the overwhelm’

It’s all about love
Divine reunion with our ‘I am’

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