...for the children of the earth

Sunday, 25 February 2018

18th February 2018 Mercury entered Pisces. 19th February Sun entered Pisces


Hi everyone!

This is the update I started a week ago.
I've been languishing in the pain and suffering energies like 'Lady of the Camellias' subsumed by the emotional energies arising in the Piscean backwash of the Sun and Mercury cutting their way through the collective release! Whew! Painkillers don't help a broken heart or spirit...that I know! lol

Well...what a time we’re in! In the quantum field of consciousness travelling the eclipse airwaves of no time and no space and yet we are being inundated with the news of the world which brings up the feelings of ‘the worst of times’!

End of the Solar Aquarian month, the New Moon eclipse carries us on!We’ve had a very jangly, jumpy time with the Aquarian Sun and the solar eclipse of the New Moon pushing us along a nerve wracking path with sudden twists, turns and wake up calls. The Solar month of Aquarius came to a crashing crescendo of shocks to the system with crises on the world stage.
Saturn in Capricorn, Jupiter in Scorpio:  Benchmarks and morality?
Situations which bring up issues of morality and ethics in us all  are flooding us no matter were we are.  Yes, it’s been this way for quite a long while but just this last week or so there appears to be an escalation of activity and emotion which has brought us to a tipping point. Enough is enough! 

At a tipping point in more ways than one:  Changes to the collective spirit!
Yes, we’re always reaching tipping points where the energies bring us to overwhelm. to a collapse, an implosion where we can’t take any more of it. These tipping points usher in major changes to the collective psyche, heart and spirit taking us out of our comfort zones and pushing us to evolve our beings or just to die in the mass maelstrom of despair, disappointment and grief.

The ‘establishment’ being challenged in more ways than one! It’s the tipping point!  
Enough is enough!

The big ‘social’ planets stirring the pot:  Saturn in Capricorn breaking down old system and Jupiter in Scorpio transforming the dark side!
Saturn and Jupiter are called the big social planets as they are indicative of societal challenges, changes and shifts in collective structure and social fabric.
Ongoing changes particularly through this year while Jupiter is in Scorpio until the end of this year.  Be open, feel the emotions and then take time to step back and reflect on the self from an objective place above the clatter and chatter. 

More killing, more grief:  The American dream or nightmare?
Well I won’t go into details of world affairs.  If you don’t know what’s happening ‘out there’ then I suggest you catch up with the news of yet another shooting of school students in USA which is the big one hitting so many of us at this time.
We don’t have to be American to feel it. And true to the Chinese Year of the Dog, amongst other influences, we have the students rising up in protest to their government.  Enough is enough!

Right or wrong?  Everyone brought to questioning ethics and morality of our public officials!  
We’re also questioning ourselves!
Ongoing issues of ethics, morality and corruption continue to emerge across all spectrum within the public arena.  Australia’s been going through one of these crises in recent weeks with questions about the nature of ‘right and wrong’ front and centre.  All brought about through the actions/non-actions and words spoken by our Deputy PM.  Questions of lies and hypocrisy seem to have been the biggest trigger, flashpoint for the social media commentary. it’s all grist to the mill as we are thrown into self-examination of our own lives, deceits and shortfalls in ethics.

Chinese New Year:  Year of the Dog!
This is for the purists who questioned my last message with the dog on the carpet.  I always saw that little animal on the magic carpet as a dog so when someone told me that in reality it was a guinea pig, I felt my beautiful bubble had been burst! It doesn’t really matter as to me that guinea pig was disguised as a dog!
And after all, we are all spiritual guinea pigs so the fantasy painting seems eminently suitable.

Nevertheless, to satisfy all the ‘realists’ out there...here’s a dog to keep you happy!

It seems the ‘Dog’ energy is already starting to manifest as the teenagers in America are starting to band together and publicly demonstrate for changes to the gun laws in USA.  When things reach a tipping point, people start taking whatever action they can to reclaim their power and entitlement to freedom, justice, love...whatever! 

18th February:  Mercury entered Pisces at 3.27 am AEDT
Shock therapy to water therapy!
Until 6th March

Okay everyone, Mercury moved a week ago but guess what...it's still in Pisces until 6th March so still relevant. This is a bit of a retrospective for this past week about our mind manager entering Pisces. No. We don't have water on the brain. Just flooding of the brain, mental body and mind energy! if you feel like you're losing your mind? Maybe lol.

Been going through shock therapy:  Mercury in Aquarius!
After a wild Aquarian ride of shifts and turns and surprises with Mercury’s tour of Aquarius, our messenger was delivered into the sign of Pisces, the ‘ocean of emotion’ where spirits and emotions can be uplifted into a new state of consciousness, of being, if we but allow this to happen.

Are we getting a reprieve from the relentless change process?  Not a lot!
Keeping our heads above water!
After the disturbances on the world stage, Mercury arriving in the potentially soothing waters of Pisces gave us the opportunity to catch our breath and to breathe a collective sigh of relief as our nerve addled mind power started to let go of trying to work out the world’s problems, our own problems.  So we thought! 

I think I had a day of sighing relief before I felt drowned in the sea of collective emotion.  I’m just one of billions seeking relief from the relentless change process. We’re still in the eclipse ‘field’.
It’s not over yet!  Just keep swimming through all this heavy water!  There’s the shore just up ahead!

The New Moon Aquarian energy still driving us forward:  Feeling everyone and everything!
Mercury rules the respiratory and nervous systems and Mercury in Aquarius has been playing a big role in shifting old energies through these systems as well as the Neuralgic system which is ruled by Aquarius.  Mercury is our mind power and in Aquarius, a mental sign, has added to the mental energies challenged us to get the bigger picture of the Aquarian dream of humanity. However, it may have be a little jarring on the physical and mental bodies.

Accessing the calm amidst the waves of change:  All we have to do is be like this water bird! 
I am calm!  As we choose the stillness of this beautiful water bird even as we feel the emotional waters of the collective we can keep bringing our nervous system and mind back to calm and balance which comes with the absolute trust of our divinity, our higher consciousness.

19th February:  Sun entered Pisces at 4.17 am AEDT
We are sailing...somewhere or other!
Until 21st March/Equinox
How big is the ocean, how wide is the sky?  What vision awaits?
The Sun’s been in Pisces for the past 6 days taking us into the higher consciousness which is on offer through the Pisces Sun. Pisces rules the collective unconscious and all those hidden suppressed, repressed, unidentified emotions that arise seemingly out of nowhere. It’s the ‘good, bad and the ugly’ of the collective experience of life on earth.

Where we going?:  It’s a mystery destination!  Making it up as we go along!
We need to keep reminding ourselves that we’re still in the eclipse vortex of change process where everything is being turned upside down, inside out and we need to admit that we know nothing even as inside we know everything.

Heading to the light, bringing in the light!
Keeping the mind, heart, body and spirit wide open to the change process whilst staying in the moment will help us make the most of the opportunities on offer right now. So what opportunities you might ask?

Pisces opportunities on offer:  Freedom from karmic imprints!
Pisces offers us transcendence from any issues of victim mentality, confinement, oppression, depression, repression and all the memories of other times, places, people and events related to this.  As we clear the karmic bonds and contracts which have been holding us back from growth we start accessing inspiration beyond our current view of the world. 

Cutting the karmic ties:  Freeing ourselves to live out this life here and now!
Art:  ‘Cutting the Ties’ Gurbuz Dogan Eksioglu 
Cutting the karmic ties frees us from acting out ‘past lives’ with others which are keeping us in old patterns, behaviours, emotions, thinking and relationships.  We need to know how to break free from these old connections once we cut the karmic ties.  We cannot live in truth this lifetime if we are play acting in another reality. Past life realities are wanting to resolve through us this lifetime.  We need to know what is the key for resolution.

It is highly likely that many people are working on these realities during the eclipse vortex which puts in a quantum field of consciousness where the veil is thinner between the worlds.  On top of this we’re very much in the Piscean field of the collective unconsciousness which is flooding us with unresolved energies from ‘past lives’/other realities.

Pisces opportunities on offer:  Clear the karmic decks and open to new inspirations and possibilities!
It gives us access to divine inspiration through the artistic mediums of art, music, poetry, dance and all fluid forms of connection.  It connects us to consciousness beyond our worlds and as we know these connections can take us down or lift us up just like the ocean waves. Once we clear the unresolved connections. we start getting a clearer direction.

Golden Oldies:
‘Healing Time on Earth’ John Denver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKc0wEmwmYc  Sun and Mercury in Pisces

With a touching introduction by John – first public performace

‘Healing Time on Earth’ John Denver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wrDc8lx3_I with lyrics

Upcoming Dates:
2nd March 2018  11.51 am AEDT Full Moon 11 degrees 53 minutes Virgo.

6th March:  Mercury enters Aries
7th March:  Venus enters Aries
9th March:  Jupiter turns retrograde
18th March: New Moon in Pisces

Hugs all around!

We’re on our way to the Full Moon in Virgo release point at the end of this week.  Virgo is the sign of the healer, divine feminine earth energy which will be offering emotional release of spiritual wounds held in the physical body.  The Full Moon will be very much connected to the Piscean consciousness so offering great release as well as illumination.

All of us pack of piglets are sticking together heading in the same direction and keeping our heads above water as we swim for our lives knowing that this cleansing purging process will deliver us to the shore where we can access a greater sense of stability.  The New Moon in Pisces on 18th March marks the delivery from the eclipse vortex! Whooo hoo!

Love and blessings  to us all as we just keep breaking the barriers of possibility with divine faith, trust, hope and love!


from the chair
...being cleansed by the divine feminine

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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