...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 5 March 2019

6th March 2019: Mercury stations retrograde, 6th March Uranus enters Taurus, 7th March New Moon in Pisces

Hi everyone!
What a huge week ahead!  This is a planetary gear shift which is best negotiated by pulling back the physical energies so we can go through the adjustment at the mind and heart level as Uranus, the lightning striker of change enters Taurus, Mercury comes to stillness and turns retrograde and the New Moon in Pisces rolls in.
Choose your ‘vehicle’, mode of transport this week:  Swim? sail? surf?
That’s a lot of change within a few days and that’s just the big stuff. It’s a watery week in many ways with a preponderance of planetary energies in Pisces which will carry us through the next lunar month. You may like to consider your best ‘vehicle’ for negotiating this Pisces landscape and which can carry you with as much ease and comfort as possible to support you as Uranus changes signs.
Out of the comfort zone:  Not quite into the ‘Twilight Zone’!
Uranus moving into Taurus will catapult us out of our comfort zone whoever and wherever we are as the game-change planet shifts our gears from fiery Aries to earthy Taurus that rules our ‘comfort zone’ in earthly terms.  It is likely to feel quite strange and will take a little adjustment time as this gear shift comes in during the ‘dark of the moon’, the releasing time before the New Moon arrives on 7th.
‘There’s a kind of hush’:  Mercury ‘stations’...be still and float...whatever!
There’s time to adjust as Mercury comes to a standstill in Pisces on 6th ensuring we really have time to feel the emotional changes and let the mind come to rest! Mercury’s been awash with ‘water on the brain’ and has been adjusting to floating ideas rather than being his usual fast paced. snap-making decision maker.
Going with the flow...flow...flow...
So this week is given over to be really still as still as possible so we don’t go into nervous overdrive in an attempt to hang onto the ‘steering wheel’ of control while these changes play out.  Yes, they could challenge us but if we follow the golden rules of ‘allowing, accepting, surrendering and trusting’ of Pisces, it should be easier.
6th March:  
Mercury stations retrograde at 29 degrees 29 Pisces at 5.19 am AEDT
Until 28th March stations direct at 16 degrees 06 Pisces

Off the planet mentally!  Let’s get our dual mind swimming in alignment!
We’ve been letting go of the mindsets and belief systems since Mercury our mind manager moved into Pisces on 10th February.  Our mind is not in the most comfortable of places as it grapples with the emotional energies and higher spiritual alignment of Pisces which demands that we give over ‘thinking’ to ‘dreaming’ and feeling our emotions.  
Into the labyrinth of self-searching discovery processes:
Mercury retrograde periods give us time out every year, usually about 3 times a year, when we switch off our forward movement thinking and are made to review our present course of action and thinking.
Mercury retrograde says ‘time out’!  Regroup, rediscover, review, rest!
It’s time out to rest the brain from the constant thought processes which are intent on problem solving mentally at the same time as taking action on plans. It’s time to dream, visualise and feel our heart and soul energies as the guiding force.
Enter any whirlpool of ‘confusion’ as our minds get a clearance and upgrade!
Mercury rules commerce, travel and communication which is why we tend to associate confusion with with Mercury retrograde periods.  This period serves us well to allow confusion so new possibilities can emerge from any feelings of chaos.
Back to the past so we can go into the future in new ways!
We are often taken back to the past in more ways than one, connecting with people, places or events from the past along with previous interests of a commercial nature.
It’s not a time to start new projects but works well with developing ideas, projects which have been on the backburner and are presenting for further development.
Mercury in Pisces:  Bigger visions, dreams and possibilities likely to come into view!
When we consider Mercury retrograde’s playground we can get some idea of our focus for the next weeks with Mercury in an extended period of time in the sign of Pisces, the sign that offers spiritual and artistic inspiration, that brings us hopes and dreams beyond our present vision.  Look to new horizons and open the mind to the voice of heart and soul as we float and drift and dream.
The Sabian Symbol for Mercury’ station for this retrograde journey: 
From Lynda Hill
‘A Majestic rock formation resembling a face idealized by a boy who takes it as his ideal of greatness, as he grows up, he begins to look like it’
This is about ‘conscious manifestation of one’s ideals’ and maintaining our vision.  Hocus, pocus, focus as we drift and dream. Is that possible?  Sure it is.  That’s how it’s done.
6th March:  Uranus enters Taurus at 7.26 pm AEDT...here we go!  Hang on to your hats
Until 2025
It’s time to break break down the barricades of resistance and align with Mother Earth!
Uranus, the radical game changer moves into Taurus, the most ‘fixed’ sign of the zodiac...that means the most resistant to change on the physical plane.  So now, the cosmos has brought in ‘the big guns’ to blast away old consciousness. 
Coming down to earth with a jolt of awakening power!
At the same time, it will be bringing us back to earth in the best possible way. This energy will be bringing us back to the power of love and love for the earth herself, our ‘mother’ who provides for our earthly needs.
Resistance is futile: Uranus breaks down all barriers to growth!
Taurus is a fixed earth sign which means it is the most resistant of energies to change on the physical level.  It can hold us in stubbornness and tunnel vision as well as offering determination and willpower.
However, it is ruled by Venus, the heart energy and has a direct connection to Mother Earth.  It is her heart!  And the heart of all life on earth!
She is symbolised by the World Tree.
Uranus, the radical, the rebel, the call to find our unique power:  
Amazing insights and medical breakthroughs?
Uranus is the radical energy which brings lightning strikes of shock and awakening and shifts our perspective and our consciousness to innovative ways of living and being.  The focus will be on our physical world, bodies, earthly abundance and care for the earth and ourselves. Yes, there could be earth ‘changes’ but also amazing innovative developments in relation to the earth, caring for her and for our own personal physical health and wellbeing.  Watch this space!
Taurus is ruled by the symbol of the bull and I can only say ‘It’s time to drop the BS!’
We will be brought to our knees one way or another if we do not surrender the lies, deceit, denial, pretence along with the old beliefs and mindsets about power and greed operating on this planet. This will come about through the building and ongoing crises which challenge our earthly resources and survival.  It’s more than just an economic crisis. 
It’s a whole earth shift of consciousness:  Mother Earth is in the driving seat!
This is likely to involve politics, governments and systems adding to the focus of the Capricorn energy which continues to be a dominant theme with the ongoing focus on power, authority and structure in such systems. Economies and governments are reliant on earthly resources whether it be food, mining, forests, seas etc.
Values will be changed:  Focus to shift to what is vital for survival!
The earth is our resource for keeping the planet alive and providing for our every need so the draining of resources alongside increasing populations will bring things to a head every time there’s another ‘crisis’ of provision. Ongoing earth changes will continue to play their part in bringing about attitudes and values changing from ‘greed’ to ‘simplicity’.  Taurus rules values so the shift in values will be palpable, albeit slow for people and governments to catch on.
From ‘gluttony’ to moderation:
However, Uranus in Taurus will turn everyone’s attention to the earth and our physical, emotional. mental, spiritual and financial security needs for us as individuals, families and communities the focus needs to be on us maintaining our personal integrity, tuning into our hearts and following as never before.
More on Uranus in Taurus:
7th March:
New Moon in Pisces at 15 degrees 47 Pisces at 3.03 am AEDT
All at sea!
Travelling together through ancient waters:  Enjoy the new visions!
The old sailing ship carries humanity through the Pisces waters of time beyond time, of past, present and future and inter-dimensional realities offering inspiration and vision outside our limited perspectives. We’re into the field of infinite possibilities.
A Pisces power pack:  Neptune a major player rebooting with this one!
Neptune, ruler of Pisces is one degree off the New Moon adding weight to the Pisces energies which put us in touch with the collective energies of all time and dimensions.  The sign of inspiration and emotional uplift offers all of us a new perspective if we’re prepared to lift our eyes to a more elevated view of the world. Put on the rose-coloured glasses!
A New Moon, a major rebirth for our minds!
With Mercury stationing retrograde in Pisces just before the New Moon we get a strong message that our mental body and mind is being taken out to sea and being rebirthed with this New Moon/Neptune reboot of our Pisces energies. 

Time to listen to the music of the spheres:  Incoming messages!
The New Moon brings ‘messages’ from beyond our world. visions and dreams which could just take our breath away...providing we’re prepared to just be still and listen within. 
Mars clearing emotionally and spiritually: Dive in and clear the emotions!
Mars, our physical body, fire and drive is in a positive flowing connection with the Pisces stellium of New Moon/Sun/Neptune sitting at 13 degrees Taurus which really puts the focus on emotionally/spiritually rebirthing the physical body with release of old emotions which are keeping us ‘stuck’. 
Travelling the Piscean ocean for a few weeks to come:  
Get a wet-suit, a boat, a surfboard, a snorkel and flippers or an oxygen tank...keep singing!
Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and is indicative of the end of the astrological year.  With the New Moon in Pisces, we’re still travelling in the Pisces lunar landscape for another month which brings us to the next new moon in Aries.  By then, Mercury in Pisces will be moving direct although still in Pisces and Venus will have moved into Pisces by the end of March, so this Piscean ocean is a dominant energy with us for a while yet.
As we embrace the waves of change we’re uplifted:  
An expansion of vision and consciousness is on tap!
This next month promises immense clearing emotionally and spiritually as long as we ride the waves, keep our boat afloat and stay in the flow of balance and harmony.  Sound familiar?
Whatever floats your boat!
As the Pisces field offers expansion and unlimited vision to our consciousness we would do well to stay focussed on transcending the imploding energies operating in the collective and keep tuning in to the insights coming in from the Pisces energies as well as from Uranus who will be offering magical and amazing solutions beyond our present vision.
Sabian Symbol for the New Moon/Sun in Pisces: 
From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Lynda’s web page is currently down to a recurrent ‘hacking’
In a quiet moment, a creative individual experiences the flow of inspiration

Latest message from Lauren Gorgo:  ‘Thy Kingdom Come on Earth as it is in Heaven’
'February was such a HIGHLY activating month that I already can’t remember it.   More than any other month I am still in the process of integrating, deciphering and decoding the tremendous array of new light codes that presented all month long, and I don’t see or feel this lessening in intensity any time soon.  The steadily increasing photonic/cosmic/plasmic energy levels are now invoking continual resets, reboots & recalibrations (seemingly all at once)…rapidly ushering each of us into alignment/right order for some major new life cycles beginning as I write this.  It’s as challenging as it is exhilarating.'  https://thinkwithyourheart.love/38097/thy-kingdom-come-on-earth-as-it-is-in-heaven/?fbclid=IwAR3iXSDPJHqyYmFSsohk2rRslXOgYaHAApra6cUTnA37Nw0ibYVedKppQ3g
Interesting theory that popped up just as I was writing the update: 
The block universe theory, where time travel is possible but time passing is an illusion’
Golden Oldies:
‘Take Me Back’ Van Morrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-suuzz4g2R0   for Mercury retrograde in Pisces
In case you didn’t get the message of Mercury retrograde Van hammers it home over and over!
‘Shakin’ all Over’ The Guess Who https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2lCDQ8j9bE for Uranus in Taurus
‘A Ship Called Love’ Eric Bibb  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iCWecMlR80 for New Moon in Pisces
Upcoming Dates:
21st March:  Sun enters Aries/Equinox
21st March:  Full Moon in Libra

27th March:  Venus enters Pisces
28th March:  Mercury stations direct
31st March:  Mars enters Gemini

That’s all folks!

Hugs all around!  We’re all in this together...rising, rising, rising

We’re being carried towards the Equinox, the solar gateway marking the astrological new year when the Sun enters Aries. Traditionally an esoteric ‘doorway’ when the light and dark are in equal balance on the planet, it’s regarded as a powerful time for release, setting intentions and contacting inter-dimensional energies for healing, release and reclamation.

This year the Equinox falls on the same day as the Full Moon in Libra which carries extra impetus as both the Sun and Moon will be sitting on 0 degrees, opposite to each other.  A powerful window of change and new directions emerging even as we do our traditional release at the full moon. 

And so we rise above the stormy waters of the Pisces ocean and travel on together, united in love.

Love and blessings to us all as we take to the lunar landscape of the New Moon in Pisces and allow ourselves to be held in calm waters as Uranus activates the earth and our physical worlds.  We need to hold steady in our own light as we experience new awakenings and insights.

from the chair...floating my boat

It’s all about love
Divine reunion


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