...for the children of the earth

Saturday 18 May 2019

15th May 2019: Venus moved to Taurus, 16th May Mars moved into Cancer 19th May Full Moon in Scorpio

Hi everyone!

I've felt a little like a tragedy queen these past few weeks dealing with the body, emotions, mind and spiritual clearance. But then I know I am not alone as social media 'field' seems quieter than usual even as the solar activity, flares and storms have ramped up, coming and going and stirring the magnetic field.
We're discovering our deepest values and priorities!
The Taurus Sun is shining through the clouds and highlighting our piece of earth wherever that may be at this time.  It’s also activating our inner heart energy with respect to aligning with what’s important to us and with our deepest values. 
Getting our ducks in a row:  Priorities!
This energy is bringing us to our priorities.  We’re at the bottom line for our lives in saying ‘this has to go’ and ‘this is what I desire’.
Cleaning house before the cleaning team arrives:
As we approach the Full Moon in Scorpio on 19th May we’re clearing away so much dross even before it’s arrival but have no doubt that this upcoming Full Moon is really going to take us through that doorway of transformation, life, death, rebirth as no other full moon can do.
What’s been happening this past week, month/s...on and on
Big karmic releases as Saturn, Pluto in Capricorn along with the Karmic Nodes in Capricorn/Cancer as well as the Taurus Sun have been working us over big time, some of us more than others, as the threads of other lifetimes, other time lines have presented themselves in some form in our lives.
Old stories, challenges releasing from our lives:  It’s physical!  We’re travelling the slow and steady road of Taurus...easy does it!
With the focus on our physical world, lives and bodies, then it’s likely that any old challenges are in the physical realm...health, body, wellbeing, money,work, income, home. It’s been hard going for many of us working intensively with the recalibration of our physical bodies and the integration of expanding consciousness in our physical being.  It's karmic balancing, equity, justice activating and clearing systems, belief systems, governments, power brokers held within us as well as manifesting in the outer world.

Photo:  Millie Hagan Pilbara Western Australia
What’s happening this week:
15th May 2019:  
Venus moved to Taurus 7:45 pmAEST...heaven on earth!
Until 9th June
What ignites your heart?  Are you listening to your heart?
As ruler of Taurus, Venus arrives home, at least one of her homes as she also rules Libra.  And that says a lot for us all at this time with all the karmic resolution in relationships that’s been going on this past month or so.
Coming home to ourselves:  Our heart’s desires!
But now it’s time to find that sweet spot on the earth, that velvet landscape that comforts and restores our soul and our body. Venus in Taurus plugs our hearts into the heart of Mother Earth and aligns us with our divine calling emanating from our heart and the planetary heart.
Focus on deepest values, self-worth, unique gifts and talents:
Taurus rules self-worth, values, gifts and talents for earning income and relationship of our sense of worthiness with our deepest values and our capacity to accept the monetary and supportive gifts of the earth. 
It’s not just about ‘income’. It’s about the power of love and faith in ourselves.
Jumping into the river of divine abundance:  Hearts open!
This is divine abundance energy which flows like a river offering its gifts to those who are aligned with divine love and acceptance.

Identifying, accepting and owning our unique heart signature is the key to finding the joy of life and divine love. Make the most of this energy for the next few weeks choosing love and an open heart, even if it hurts a little as we let out the old spiritual wounds held in the heart.
The past few days:  
Heart opening, heart release of the old and letting in the divine love!
Venus entered Taurus on 16th May, facing off to the Scorpio Moon on 17th and connecting in a reboot with Uranus on 18th offering a big jolt of heart opening and release over the past few days as we headed into the Full Moon energy of 19th when Venus is still close by Uranus indicating more heart opening release of old energies so our hearts can shine with our own divine purity.
16th May: 
Mars moved into Cancer 1:00 pmAEST...have home will travel!
Until 2nd July
On the move:  Home is where the heart is!
Mars is action. adventure, excitement with a lot of fire and drive activating us in terms of home and family.  So do we stay home or start travelling with our homes on our back, so to speak?
People on the move:   Yesterday, today, tomorrow...some time soon!
I know a lot of people have been on the move this year and many are arranging to relocate home right now with others considering their options, new places to go and where to live.  It feels like many are in a state of flux as clarity is yet to emerge. It’s coming!
Messages and guidance on the way in the next week:
We’re likely to get more sense of direction and info when the Sun and Mercury both move to Gemini in a few days.  Be open to messages then as the current earthy energies will lighten and Mercury the messenger is in his home sign of communication, travel, social connection along with the Sun. 
Home relocations possible after 3rd July Solar Eclipse:
New Moon in Cancer!
Also, with a total solar eclipse at the New Moon in Cancer on 3rd July, chances are we’ll be given insights and revelations beyond our present vision which will relate directly to our home environment.  Eclipses bring sudden change and a solar eclipse brings changes to our physical world. 
Healing focus:  The physical body, fire and drive releasing ‘baggage’!
Healing focus on the physical body, fire and drive and what needs healing in relation to issues ruled by Cancer, home, family, childhood, mother/mothering and of course past, memories and ancestors.
19th May: 
Full Moon in Scorpio at 27 degrees 39 Scorpio at 7.12 am AEST
Down to the bones!
It’s do or die, do and die time:  The near death experience we need!
Full Moons are endings and the Scorpio is the biggest ending, culminating force in our lunar year bringing with it a huge transformation and release.
Stripped bare:  
No more false facades!
We’re stripped bare of the trappings of convention, politics of diplomacy and all the social conditioning that holds us in the matrix of the past.  Are we ready to be revealed in all authenticity?  Scorpio demands it!
Graphics Divers
The ‘chains’ of the past are ready to go:  Are you ready?
The Moon rules the past and the Scorpio Full Moon brings major revelation, release, death and rebirth as the big emotional energy of this full moon takes us into the deepest of emotions.  We’re down in the Mariana Trench clearing the sweet wrappers and plastic bags, the detritus of our lives!
Sun and Mercury in Taurus:  Breathe! 
With Mercury ruler of our mental body, respiratory system and nervous system sitting up close to the Taurus Sun in opposition to the Full Moon, we know that the Mercury energies in our physical bodies provide the release valve.

Breathe out the resistant forces!  Big sigh everyone!
Be open and ready to release a huge sigh of relief if you embrace this positive gift of transformation that brings a final turn of events in what has been dogging our footsteps and holding us back.

It’s been a muddy road:  
Now time to clean off the walking boots and open to a lighter pathway ahead!
We’ve been processing some heavy earthy energies in our bodies as Saturn/Pluto/South Node hold together in Capricorn and the Sun Mercury, Uranus have been travelling in Taurus...whew!  

Our walking boots are weighed down with the mud of the road less travelled!  That’s 6 of the 12 planetary energies (including nodes) which have been grounding our energies.It’s been one foot in front of the other as we kept bringing the evolution of consciousness into our physical bodies, lives and history.
Now Venus has joined the Taurus team for this full moon giving us a sense that we need to tune in to our hearts as we prepare to enter the heady Gemini energies in just a few days!!!  Get the sneakers ready!
Venus and Uranus in Taurus:  
Side by side running mates activating our heart energy!
This is the opportunity to expunge those forces which have been sabotaging acceptance of our own worthiness to receive the gift of Mother Earth abundance on all levels.
Uranus is cosmic consciousness and in Taurus is being activated in our earthly world on all levels and now Venus connects with him at this Full Moon indicating a huge heart awakening although much of it has happened in the past couple of days.  Look after the heart at this time and allow the old hurts and wounds to just flow out and let in the light of unconditional love.
Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon and Sun:  From www.sabiansymbols.com
The Full Moon: Scorpio 28
This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to feel at ease and in charge of your home, territory or domain. You may have been searching for where you belong or where your “Domain” is. Although you may at times be off looking for this, feeling alien and alone won’t work; there's a need to feel accepted, welcomed and loved. There may be the feeling of wanting to be a dominant leader or having a doting populace. As long as egos are in control, this can be a fabulous experience of 'returning home', a nice, and calm and spiritual place to be. Also, this degree can show a world of one’s own creation or imagination – which can be fabulously rewarding although it can also be rather ungrounded in reality. Imaginary worlds. Finding a place to fit in and feel comfortable. Feeling in charge and in demand. Returning home. Taking command of your life. Fairies, nature spirits. Elves.
The Sun:  Taurus 28
This is a wonderful Symbol of second chances of romance, love, passion and starting over in life. Even when it feels like all chance of wonderful things have passed by, something comes back into your life and it can be inspiring, delicious and revivifying. However, it's best not to be swept off your feet and misguided by overreaction. Nor is it a good idea to just take whatever you can get, thinking nothing better will ever come along. Analyzing your options in a mature fashion, you’ll have a deep understanding of what is possible and you can choose to be involved for the right reasons. Finding a renewal of love, knowledge, interest when it looked like all the opportunities had passed. Second chances. Finding something to be passionate about. Awakenings.
Golden Oldies:
‘Anthem’  Leonard Cohen with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wRYjtvIYK0  for the Pluto/Saturn Sun activity this past week & Full Moon
‘Dance me to the End of Love’ Leonard Cohen with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQhQ4seKogk  for Venus in Taurus
‘What a Wonderful World’ Louis Armstrong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21LGv8Cf0us  Venus in Taurus

Upcoming Dates:
21st May:   Sun moves to Gemini
21st May:   Mercury moves to Gemini
26th May:   Mercury goes out of bounds

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

In a dark, dark wood...travelling in the light of the Full Moon in Scorpio  we're in the throes of moon 'muddle' and clearing out the emotional fog. In this type of energy, moon time clearance, confusion and irrational emotions are in play so it's a good time to be still, listen to the music, have a nice cup of tea or something calming and just wait it out.

Scorpio is a do or die, do and die energy and we’ll be in the big emotional release of the full moon for the three days before and after the full moon. No time to make decisions as clarity is illusive and delusions and confusions predominate.  Good time to dream!   Change in the air big time!

Love and blessings to us all as we travel the pilgrims path finding the warmth of connection to kindred spirits, fellow travellers and to Mother Earth.


from the chair...holding to my tree

It’s all about love
Divine reunion


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