...for the children of the earth

Sunday 16 August 2020

16th August 2020: Uranus Rx, 19th August: New Moon in Leo, 20th August Mercury to Virgo, 23rd August: Sun enters Virgo


Hi everyone!


We’re moving into the final week of the Leo Sun.  What a month!  But then we could say ‘what a year’! And we’ve still got a way to go yet...whew!


Hopefully we’ve been touched by the magic light of the Leo Sun and Moon.  Leo is all light shining into the darkest corners of our psyche and flooding the cells of our bodies with light power.


We’re still in the light of the Leo lunar month for a while yet working undercover in our psyche in the memory banks clearing those energies which have separated us from the light of our own divine power. Mercury is still in Leo until 20th August clearing our minds, nervous and respiratory systems with the golden alchemical light of transformation. 


Leo rules the back and the rheumatic system so bringing pure gold energy up the vertebral column, distributing through the brain and nervous system and then the heart and rheumatic system/blood brings maximum healing through this time.


12th August: Closing of the Lion's Gate Portal

We're closing off to the energies of the esoteric Lion's Gate portal which peaked on 8th August.  There will be of course ongoing developments as a result of this powerful period of light energy and star connection.


What kind of experience did you have during these last couple of weeks since the stargate opened on 26th July? Did you feel the release of old 'demons' from within? Did you feel the connection with your light family, star families?


The changes may be subtle and yet to fully manifest physically as the expansion of consciousness is happening in the spiritual body, acting upon the mental and emotional to release resistant energies from within these bodies.


Personal experience:

For me, some good news just before the portal closed after visiting the bone doctors. I am now allowed to move my left arm which gave me a huge lift, spiritually even though no weight bearing allowed just yet.  I actually have virtually full movement back in my arm so now I'm celebrating with my legs who have been grieving the absence of my left arm. The physio was amazed at how much movement I had in this arm full of metal rods and pins. Heartening for me.  So that's my immediate experience of the Lion's Gate period of time working intensely with the golden light.


16th August:  Uranus stations retrograde at 10 degrees 41 Taurus

Buddha under the world tree

Until 1st January 2021

10th to 16th August:  Intensity, sudden changes

Uranus is sitting on 10 degrees from early July to late September so we may not feel the slowdown to station retrograde of this slow moving planet. Nevertheless, the impact of any ‘stationing’ planet is still intense.  However, the big planet is sitting on 10 degrees 51 from 10th to 16th August so these are the days of intensity when Uranus can be most potent and hit us with a lightning strike wake up call which helps us to move some old energy out and embrace the new. 


The ongoing liberating energies of Uranus in Taurus:

With Uranus, the awakener in the fixed earth sign of Taurus long term, until 2026, we are getting to know how this energy works even as it can knock us off our perch.  Taurus is the most fixed of all the signs with an attachment to the status quo and tradition.  It can hold us in the energies of comfort, the comfort zone at the expense of growth.  Uranus is a liberating force which breaks us out of the comfort zone into new territory.


This week, next week:  Sudden breakthroughs...volatility!  

Words, nerves, hotheads, headaches, sinuses, technology

This week and next week could see this liberating impact affecting many of us with surprises and unexpected breakthroughs.

May be something we’ve been working with for a while. Yes, it can be volatile energy especially when kicking off with Mercury our mind manager, in a challenging square to Uranus on 10th, followed up by Mars in a challenging square to Pluto exact on 13th, effective from 11th to 16th August.

Navel gazing time:  

Living the loving life...work, values, talents, self-esteem

Taurus is the world tree.  How appropriate that we enter this navel gazing labyrinth of Uranus retrograde in Taurus, where the Buddha gained enlightenment.  Taurus, ruled by Venus, puts the focus on values, doing the work you love, gifts, talents and self-esteem.  We’re likely to be doing a stocktake of our lives in any or all of these areas.


The Sabian symbol for Uranus’ station sets the tone, the agenda, the brief for the retrograde period.  Taurus is the physical body of Mother Earth.  Our physical bodies reflect the care and attention we give to our physical being as a sacred vessel for our spirit.  Venus rules Taurus, love the earth, our bodies and nourish our physical existence with loving care.


Sabian symbol for  Uranus Rx journey:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com

Taurus 11
This Symbol shows the need to take time to nurture your physical self. The mind needs to take a rest and the body needs to be allowed to come to bloom and bask, a little, in the light. Keeping an eye on things that you are responsible for will ensure that they don't dry out and fade away ahead of, or before, their time. Weeding out undesirable factors will be a necessary part of the process as will tending to those who can’t or won’t look after themselves. Quiet moments of tender care can enliven others and allow them to grow. Nurture and fertilize creativity. External evidence of internal beauty. Looking after small details to reap the rewards later. Not drinking enough water. Stopping to smell the roses.
15th to 19th August:  
Goodbye to the lunar months of Cancer!  
No more dancing on the spot doing the Charleston!

We’ve had two and a half months dominated by the energies of Cancer.  The ‘journey to the past’, always the Cancerian theme, has packed a double whammy this year with more than the usual backtracking thanks to Mercury doing a retrograde stint in Cancer.  If we feel like we’ve been dragging our heels, we have. 
As long as we’re still on our feet...even figuratively!
The global energies have been a huge weight we’ve been carrying on our backs as we worked constantly on breaking out of the collective mindset of conditioning and attachment to the need to belong to ‘the group’ whilst finding our own inner truth and voice.  It’s been a bit of an awkward dance for many of us while others have found our feet and managed to keep up with the music.
Clearing the chattering voices from the past:
With different voices begging to be heard by us, it has been down to us to find the true way. For many, it has been walking away from all the voices so we can hear ourselves think, ruminate, consider and feel our way forward.  

These ‘voices’ are not just the voices in our current physical world.  We have been dealing with the embedded voices in our psyche, the voices from this and other lifetimes, existences.  It’s been a huge task sorting out our own truth of here and now. 

15th to 17th August: The final Cancer Moon for the lunar month of Cancer..mostly tying up loose ends of unfinished Cancerian issues!

Possible issues:  Anything from the past, memories, home, family, childhood, ancestors, mother
Moon in Cancer from 15th August AEST at 9.35 am until 17th August 3.38 pm AEST

In this last Cancerian Moon for the lunar month of Cancer we can clear up a whole lot of unfinished business from the past 2 to 3 months.  Mostly mopping up if we’ve been doing the hard yards.  In the energies of Uranus stationing and Mars still squaring off to Pluto, anything could happen.  Sudden breakthroughs!
The New Moon in Leo comes in two days later on 19th August at 3.38 pm AEST which means the dark of the moon release time will be mostly in the light of the Leo Moon. Maybe a little less of the tragedy queen and a little more drama queen.
19th August:  New Moon in Leo 12.41 pm AEST at 26 degrees 35 Leo
Put on your dancing shoes

A new month, a new agenda:  Prepare to plant the seeds for this next month...yes!

The New Moon sets the agenda for the next lunar month.  Whatever aspects occur at the New Moon continue to play out for the whole month.  Sometimes, even for the next year until the next new moon in that sign.


Staying on your toes:  A few more ‘miles to go’ yet...pacing ourselves

This New Moon has plenty of planetary interaction so lots to keep us on the move this next month. We’ve been so busy sidestepping, slipping and sliding to avoid potholes as well as on the spot problem solving, our joys have been moments in time, or so it has seemed.


Take time out to warm the heart:  A warm heart is a welcoming heart!

We still have a way to go before navel gazing comes to an end. However, making the most of uncovering the creative life force, talents and joys of life will build the picture for greater emergence towards the end of this year.  December 2020 marks a huge turning point in the calendar and the energies...for the better.


It’s a Leo conversation:  Igniting the creative passions...what are they?

Sun and Moon aligned on same degree giving us a reboot of the Leo energies, the fire and light of the Sun, an ignition of our inner pilot light into a new energy source. Sun/Moon in Leo 26, Mercury 28 degrees Leo


Mercury is a key player: 

‘What did you say Mercury?’

Mercury is whispering or maybe even singing into the energies of this new moon/sun rebirth, feeding  messages of joy, passion lighting up the strong spiritual light that just keeps on burning and nourishing us spiritually.


Rocket Fuel for our star to shine!  Kickstarting our creative light!

Sun/Moon in Leo 26 + Mercury in trine to Mars 24 Aries

The Aries rocket fuel starter energy may be just what is needed to kickstart our Leo light, providing we don’t fall into second guessing ourselves against the Capricorn status quo sumo wrestlers. There’s ‘ego’ and there’s divine ‘I am’ energy.  Now’s our chance to test our spiritual power, calling on our divine Aries energy to power our creative juices.

UH oh...Capricorn challenge straight ahead hampering rocket launch...dance through this time

Mars in square to Team Capricorn...ongoing to October  

Steady on Mars.  It’s a call to the spiritual warrior to do some fancy moves a bit like a boxer, sidestepping the blows, anticipating the resistance, reading the signs BUT without coming to blows.  Put on the cloak of invisibility and stay out of the firing line. 

What matters most is this preparation time for readiness to launch new projects when the time is right.  Let the emotion engendered by these challenges be the fuel of passion for your particular mission.  We need focus on strategy, our goal and the practical means to take us there including some joyful times, some Leo fun and games and engaging in passionate creative pursuits.


Venus in Cancer, Uranus in Taurus:  

Sudden breakthroughs in the heart...old resistant walls fall away

Connecting in a positive sextile at 10 degrees.

Expecting more unexpected changes to the heart and home.  Think positive here as whatever happens, even if it throws you out of your comfort zone, offers a positive outcome if we can step away from the past ‘security’ blanket of what felt safe into new territory which offers a change for the better.  

Cancer is cautious energy, Taurus likes maintaining the status quo but Uranus likes change, growth and new frontiers.


Venus in Cancer squaring off/challenging Chiron in Aries: 

Releasing old wounds around love and the self...be open

With the Leo urge to merge in love with another and the healed heart of our Aries warrior, we may well find ourselves stepping outside the comfort zone with a willingness to connect with someone new romantically.


Pepe le Pew says ‘Let’s go’!  

Put on your dancing, romancing shoes!

Bruised and damaged egos have been and will continue to heal in the current energies, especially with Mercury carrying the Leo messages of love and the desire for some lighthearted fun.  Trust your willingness to open to love. Keeping it light will work well.



Sabian symbol for the New Moon :  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com

Leo 27

This Symbol implies the gradual feeling that darkness is dispersing and that a new day is on the horizon; you may feel there is a chance for new beginnings. Things along the way have been sacrificed and there may be a certain emptiness, but you will see the light of day and move forward again. This Symbol speaks of transition times of letting go of operating in the dark and moving into a new day with new plans and fresh solutions. New ideas, opportunities, perspectives and realizations are emerging. Getting up at dawn and watching the Sun rise can be a wonderful meditation for this degree. Gradual realizations of opportunities. New cycles beginning. Leaving the past behind. Dawn meditations. Yoga. Scenes of awe and amazement. Light from the east. Trusting in life.


20th August:  

Mercury enters Virgo at 11.29 am AEST

What's your calling? 

Until 6th September

Clearing of the clutter:  Mrs Tittlemouse on the job!

Virgo is concerned with the purification of energies, the body, psyche, emotions and spirit. As we cleanse and clear our beings of all that is not in alignment with the purity of our spirit, we come to purity of motive.


Stay tuned for messages about our pathway forward:

We come to understand our ‘calling’, our path of service, our ‘mission’ this lifetime. That’s the Virgo message.  Stay tuned to Mercury’s messages in these weeks when he is attuned to this process.


Our mental body getting a clearance:  Healing the mind

Mercury, our mind manager, ruler of our mental body, nervous and respiratory systems enters earthy Virgo, one of its two home signs.  Mercury rules our respiratory and nervous systems and being in Virgo, the focus will be on the physical body. So, the ‘cleansing’ process may well be through these systems...lungs, sinuses, ears/nose/throat as well as nervous reactions embedded in the psyche.  It’s a healing time.


Health, well being, physically and mentally a priority:

Virgo energy urges us to consider health and well being a priority with an emphasis on attending to the body with nutrition, diet, exercise and natural therapies. It’s important that we don’t overdo on the treadmill or we’ll end up drained of energy and laid up in bed.  
Easy does it as Virgo can get us running on nervous energy.

Why the mice?  

Virgo rules pets and small animals. The Virgo symbol is a maiden holding a sheaf of wheat which is why I have chosen the mouse, the field mouse as a messenger for Virgo healing. I like the fact that Beatrix Potter portrays Mrs. Tittlemouse as immensely house proud, neat, tidy and clean. 


23rd  August:  Sun enters Virgo at 1.44 am AEST...sorting and sifting the wheat from the chaff!

Until 22nd September

Sorting and sifting:  Getting into basic values!

Now, this is perfection, divine timing as the Sun arrives in Virgo to awaken in us the ‘tidiness’ impulse, the drive to sort the wheat from the chaff.


This applies to every sector of our lives, the physical,emotional, mental and spiritual.  The initial drive with this energy is to apply the sorting process to our physical lives, possessions, money, assets. 


A therapeutic chat with a trusted advisor could be worthwhile:

However, it is so much more than this and especially so this year when many are facing dramatic changes with respect to income, employment, home security and physical support of basic needs.


Many people are changing careers, considering change of career, employment because of the national and global economic situation.  Many are wondering how they are going to maintain their lives, lifestyle, situation with less income.


Time for the pruning shears!

Virgo isn’t necessarily the family accountant but she is very much attuned to pruning the extraneous from our lives, to prioritizing needs and wants, to being frugal with assets.  Virgo can help us to thrive on simplicity, simple joys and pleasures from everyday living.  She is the everyday, the mundane with a capacity to live richly through discovering simple pleasures.  It’s all a matter of perspective.  


Small pleasures:  Simple joys

For so long we’ve been living in a world that believes that progress means expansion that we’ve lost sight of the inner growth that comes from working with what we have instead of hankering after what we can’t have.  This doesn’t mean we lose our desires.  We’re just scaling down and like the field mouse, getting in touch with the small pleasures offered to us every day.


Appreciating the daily rites and rituals:  Time for some feng shui?

Virgo enjoys the rituals in daily life, from that first cuppa of the day to drawing the curtains when darkness falls.  If we take the time, we can naturally attune to our inner Virgo Feng Shui consultant who can advise of what needs to go and what can stay.


This time calls us to pay attention to the energy of placement of objects in the home, the work environment.  Two aspects operate here...efficiency and alignment with the room/house energy.


Manifestation potential of Virgo time: 

Believe in the power of Virgo mind power!

Harnessing our mind on focussing on our highest priority, our deepest desire, works well with the Virgo earth power.  All earth signs hold this potential.  It’s the power of Virgo’s ruler Mercury which can bring these ideas to earth!




Golden Oldies:

‘Wake up little Susie’ The Everly Brothers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1qZDXW7Npg Uranus in Taurus retrograde


‘The Charleston’ Dance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUpAcPAipDA Goodbye to the lunar month of Cancer


‘Oh what a beautiful feeling’ Gordon MacRae https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Why1JwuItYc New Moon in Leo

‘Put on Your Dancing Shoes’ Cliff Richard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7bqF_M-rP0


‘Don’t worry, be happy’ Bobby McFerrin with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kxln1IiyKls Mercury in Virgo


‘Why worry’ Art Garfunkel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BS_n2H5JSsQ Mercury in Virgo


‘Bare Necessities’ from the movie ‘Jungle Book’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ogQ0uge06o Sun in Virgo, frugality


‘My Favourite Things’ Julie Andrews https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGABqdbtQnA Sun in Virgo, Small pleasures, priorities



Upcoming Dates:

2nd September:  Full Moon in Pisces at 3.22 pm AEST

6th September:   Mercury enters Libra

6th September:   Venus enters Leo


10th September:  Mars retrograde 28 degrees Aries

Until 15th November at 15 degrees Aries

13th September:  Jupiter direct

17th September:  New Moon in Virgo 9.00 pm AEST 25 degrees 01 Virgo



That’s all folks! 


Hugs all around!


We’re all hanging in, hanging out and some of us are hanging on.  But, somehow we’re here, even though some of our numbers have gone over, we’re all still together focussed on light power, the light at the end of the 2020 tunnel. Yes, there is a light...straight on.


The lunar month kicks off in Leo and then we go straight into Virgo solar power and focus which is the energy we need to ground those high flying dreams, delusions and to help our dancing queen bring a whole new reality to the dance of our lives.


It’s not an easy run through the next couple of months until end of October with Mars squaring off to the 3 planets in the Capricorn team.  Mars is a personal planet and he’s out on his own in challenge to the status quo.  We’re going to dance through to the end of the year.  Take your partner, if you’ve got one and if you haven’t, you might find one in the next month. 


Love and blessings to us all as we maintain focus, returning to patience when the frustration overwhelms.  I don’t think there’s many who have escaped moments of irritation, anger, despair or grief negotiating the energies of 2020.  Ideology, belief systems become irrelevant when we’re all held in the same yoke of game changing systems.




from the chair...still here






 It’s all about love

Divine reunion

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