Hi everyone!
Caves, tunnels. bridges and doorways...all portals which take us to new consciousness. We’re currently in the Scorpio cave of the solar month with the Sun due to enter Sagittarius on 22nd November when we’ll feel the call of the wild, the call of freedom.
By 22nd Mercury will be out of shadow retrograde and we’ll be treading new ground. However...the transformation process will be very much still in play in the light of the Scorpio New Moon and the Capricorn karmic work ahead.
We’re on the edge of a big shift forward this week with Mercury now on the move forward again and Mars, our other mover and shaker readying to turn direct on 14th November. Our physical existence is still somewhat on hold for a bit longer.
Yes, more fire and drive on the way...but we’ve still got the backpacks!
We will feel more fire and drive but it will be a slow movement forward thanks to the Capricorn planetary trio urging us to complete the karmic soul work to the top of the mountain.
Our karmic backpacks may still be feeling heavy and our pace may have slowed but we’re still on the job till the end of the year.
December or bust...nearly there...just a few more steps!
However, at least now our two big social planets, Jupiter and Saturn are moving direct in Capricorn, slowly and steadily moving towards their release from the Capricorn mountain climb in mid December followed by their powerful meeting at 0 degrees Aquarius on 22nd December, kicking off the next 10 years or so of Aquarian planetary focus. This will bring a shift in consciousness akin to the industrial revolution, the age of enlightenment, the reformation. It will be big and a gradual shift starting in December. Very exciting.
11th November: 11:11 Portal
The Flight of the Phoenix, The Golden Bridge and the 11/11 Portal: Accelerated Ascension energies in October and November.
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn, posted on 9 October 2020
‘The energy will continue to build as you head towards the 11/11 Portal on the 11th November. The 11/11 Portal itself is a powerful Consciousness Doorway or Time/Space portal that is held by the Antareans and the Pleiadians, and it is also the closest portal to the Galactic Center/Central Sun of the Galaxy. For this reason the Galactic Council also has an interest in the energies of the 11/11 Portal, and you will receive waves of Diamond Light Code transmissions to assist the process. And the final Power energy of this Portal will be the energy of the Great Mother/Divine Feminine or Shekinah, whose loving presence will be available as Divine Love and Compassion for All.
These powerful energy transmissions will intensify the chaos on the lower dimensions, as the Phoenix takes flight shrouded in Angelic Fire. But, we ask you, Beloved Ones, to keep your inner eye focussed on the Golden Bridge of Light and move gracefully through the 11/11 Wisdom Portal.’
11th November:
Mercury enters Scorpio at 8.55 am
Until 2nd December
11th to 19th: Mercury is still in shadow retrograde covering old ground
If you feel we’re still a bit stuck at slow speed you could put it down to this going over old stuff with new eyes. We hopefully have been enlightened during the retrograde period and can now see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Yes, we are out of the naval gazing retrograde period but we are now getting some clarity and hopefully understanding as Mercury continues on his exploratory journey towards the exit from the cave, preparing to birth out of the Scorpio tunnel on 2nd December.
19th November: Mercury leaves retrograde shadow at 11 degrees 40 Scorpio
We’re making out way out of the Scorpio tunnel and the current’s now carrying us forward with ease. We’re in the flow and its a new stage of the journey until 2nd December. We’ll be carried forward by the impetus of the Scorpio New Moon on 15th November.
From 19th November to 2nd December:
This is a new stretch of the waterway and it offers new possibilities and probabilities. Hopefully we’re still wearing our detective hats as the New Moon in Scorpio is challenging us to open up to new directions and for this we need our minds to be receptive to untapped knowledge.
Get the brain into gear: Readying for action...in coming weeks!
We’ve been marking time for so much of this year, it may feel pointless gearing up for action as we’ve been attempting to do without too much progress. But now...it’s time!Put away the ‘marking time’ pursuits and do a little exploratory brain work. It’s all in the mind and it’s all about transforming the fixed thinking into new pathways. Brainstorming activities and mind mapping are highly recommended preparing for the Sagittarius road to reform.
13th November: Jupiter conjunct Pluto 22 degrees 53 Capricorn...last stretch of demolition work
An ending and beginning of a 13 year cycle:
Jupiter is growth and expansion and Pluto is power and transformational forces at work. When we put them together on the same degree, it’s a reboot, a rebirth for these two energies working together on a new cycle. This is the third time they’ve met this year in Capricorn so we’re getting plenty of practise in activating our natural urge for growth and expansion through powerful transformation of our earthly lives. The last time they met was December 2007 in Sagittarius.
Major changes in our lives can emanate from this last meeting:
In the sign of Capricorn we’ve been transforming the building blocks of our world, structure, infrastructure and systems in both personal and global affairs. The ongoing changes this year have been disruptive, explosive at times as old patterns in the status quo were challenged.
This last stretch for 2020 is our last chance to make a break, make changes to those embedded patterns within us that hold us back from flourishing in new ways. Just two days before the New Moon is a perfect time to release the outdated limitations which hold us back from exploring the new and exciting pathways to discovering our multifaceted beings.
14th November: Mars stations direct at 15 degrees 13 Aries at 11.35 am AEDT
The power of one!
Still moving through the tunnel of fiery healing!
Mars does not like to be still and doesn’t respond well to marking time. After a year of marking time for many of us across the world, this feels like the final straw as tensions build and frustrations and anger may erupt as we attempt to take charge and get moving. We need to shift our ego into higher consciousness and release the frustrations safely as best we can.
4th to 25th: Mars virtually at a standstill...hold steady everyone...just cranking the engine
Mars, our fire and drive, our inner dynamo is readying to turn direct on 14th November at 15 degrees Aries. Meanwhile, he's holding on this degree from 4th to 25th so if you're dragging your heels, low physical energy and not a lot of get up and go, we could put it down to Mars marking time.He's usually on a degree for two or three days but we are holding on this one degree for 21 days. Whew! What a long haul! Easy does it, rest, relax, breathe.
This may feel like a slow start
Mars will be sitting on 15 degrees for 21 days, turning in the middle of this period of time. Once he moves off 15 degrees on 25th, he’ll start moving along fairly quickly and speeding up all the way.This won’t be an overnight up and happening energy but will give us time to adjust to the new frequency and prepare for some rapid happenings from 25th just 3 days after Sun moves into fiery Sagittarius and just in time for the Full Moon in Gemini lunar eclipse.
From 7th/8th November:
Mercury, our other mover and shaker, will be on the move forward
That should alleviate some of the frustration and nervous tension, mental confusion and turmoil. Meanwhile, one foot in front of the other and maintain the vision of brighter days for planet earth and humanity.
25th November to 7th January: On the move!
This move could really fire the pistons and get the inner roadrunner up and happening. There will be the urge to get moving physically both in the body and in our lives. This is fire and Aries energy giving impetus for the lethargy and exhaustion of the retrograde period to just drop away. Go with it but make time for adjustments within the body. No need for burn out.
Mars is in Aries until January 2021...plenty of fire in the coffers.
The physical body:
Mars also rules the physical body so for many of us, the long walk home to healing and re-calibrating physically is coming to its final stages as Mars moves direct. He won't move into new territory until 3rd January 2021.
On a personal note:
I'll be finally going home on 13th November after 5 and a half months in hospital boot camp! I include this info as it aligns with the planetary forces, just one of many doing this stuff. I kind of anticipated this date back when I broke my arm on May 29 knowing the year would be a backwards/forwards energy and very much of Mars and his retrograde this year. For all doing the hard yards like me, we move on in trust and faith in the process of consciousness healing and physical wellbeing.
3rd January: Mars leaves retrograde shadow at 28 degrees 08 Aries
Breathe a sigh of relief and know he won’t go retrograde again until the end of 2022. It will be a very different story then as the focus on Capricorn will shift from the physical and our big social planets Saturn and Jupiter will be in Aquarius.Next Mars retrograde: 30th October 2022 at 25 degrees 37 Gemini
Until 12th January 2023 when he goes direct at 8 degrees Gemini.
Sabian Symbol for Mars stationing direct: From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Aries 16
15th November: New Moon in Scorpio 23 degrees 17 Scorpio At 4.07 pm AEDT
Last orders please: It’s the big let go!
Well, we’re birthing the New Moon in Scorpio, do and ‘die’, the last ditch stand for the year. This lunar month is demanding, deep and powerful in its challenge to just ‘drop it’, drop the baggage once and for all so we can set a new agenda.
No holds barred...cover all worlds, bases, lives...put the past to sleep!
Scorpio’s death and rebirth energy encompasses all our aspects, fragments, past lives, ancestral memories. We stand in the ‘graveyard’ of all time, straddling the physical and astral worlds where lost souls wait and/or wander in a grey world stuck between worlds. They are bits of ‘us’, soul energy and this is the work in which we are engaged, recovering and releasing these energies into freedom.
Sun, Moon and Mercury: All in Scorpio...setting the scene for clarity
The Sun and Moon are on the same degree, speaking the same language and Mercury is in the Scorpio loop too as he completes his trek out of the tangled mess of the retrograde journey.Mental clearance and a new focus:
As we let go of the old beliefs and mindsets, we make room for the new...insights, understanding and realisations as our miner’s light shows us the way.Potential surprises, erupting words, long held frustrations! ‘I’ve had enough and I’m not taking it any more!’
Uranus in Taurus opposite Mercury in Scorpio
Mars in Aries stationing from 4th to 25th November
With Uranus opposing/challenging Mercury we have the potential for trigger points releasing long buried thoughts which need to be expressed. However, with Mars stationing, long term building frustrations can lead to explosive words being released.
With these aspects occurring on the New Moon, these energies will continue for the next lunar month. All the months of lockdown, limitation and anger are building to a climactic conclusion which will hopefully dissipate after the 25th November when Mars moves off the ‘degree of station’ 15 degrees Aries.
A breaking point is the promise of a breakthrough into new territory:
It’s a volatile combination as frustrations build and irritations seem out of proportion to the irritant. After months of suppression of our lives, Mars is reaching breaking point and all the tensions of the past months may seem to be focussed on the here and now. We’re looking at neuralgic and nervous systems feeling the challenge to balance and transform the body and the emotions within.
Looking ahead: How’s your view of the future?
The major shift in consciousness...all happening!
The Sagittarian road trip is just the other side of this month when the Aquarian energies are birthed with the meeting of Saturn and Jupiter.
Then we’re heading to the final days of 2020. So, let’s pull out all the stops and make this new moon one to remember as we finally farewell whatever needs to go from the 2020 backlog.
We, the people, are creating the consciousness shift: It’s in our hands!
It seems that the split between the positive and negative views of the future is growing more obvious with some slipping into dystopian perspectives of our world while others are continuing to hold the promise of a more Utopian future. As I remind myself I remind others of the need to take ownership of our creative power and divine capacities which are being called into play. Our visions are our future and the more of us who can hold and paint positive visions for earth and humanity, the greater the consciousness shift. We are energy and that is power.
Sabian Symbols for New Moon and Sun: From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
New Moon and Sun: Scorpio 24
Golden Oldies:
‘Anthem’ Leonard Cohen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8-BT6y_wYg&list=PLwjD81rPeQqXFpbboNfZ_8ijjv9J2dYGB New Moon in Scorpio
‘Some Days are Diamonds’ John Denver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnf_cWYj1Uw epitaph for 2020
‘Hallelujah’ K D Lang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_NpxTWbovE for Mercury moving direct in Scorpio
‘Power to all Our Friends’ Cliff Richard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JixKRsNUvZw for Mars and the power of one
Upcoming Dates:
22nd November: Venus enters Scorpio
22nd November: Sun enters Sagittarius
29th November: Neptune stations direct at 18 degrees 10 Pisces
30th November: Full Moon Gemini at 4 degrees 29 Gemini 8.20 pm AEDT
2nd December: Mercury moves to Sagittarius
That’s all folks! Hugs all around!
Look at all of us Scorpio bats swarming in the light of the setting sun! We’re rising up as one body, connected but separate, maintaining our space and energy through sonar knowledge and wisdom. Spiritually we are going through the death and re-birthing energies of Scorpio’s demanding time of all or nothing.
It’s hard to believe we’re in the final weeks of 2020, a gruelling year demanding every ounce of our knowledge and expertise in negotiating challenging energies and universal confusion, chaos and conflict. We’ve been earning brownie points on our Mastery Course.
We’ve been squeezed, locked down, locked in and forced to grow in new ways. Of course we’re still in this whole process of deconstruction of the old, the entrenched ways which needed digging up out of the layers of past patterns of predictability.
The comfort zone has been reduced and often destroyed. Our inner resources have been called into play on every level as neuroses have been flushed out of us all. There’s been no hiding from ourselves this year in world ‘cabin fever’.
Yes, we’ve still got a few weeks to go but we’re now on our way into the Sagittarian energy in a few weeks and on into December and the eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius...Full Moon and New Moon along with the huge turning point with Jupiter and Saturn meeting in Aquarius.
Love and blessings to us all as we rise up to higher consciousness, even as we feel we might be falling down, falling short, finding ourselves in a dark hole with no way out. It is our faith in a better future that is the driving light which is lifting us and carrying us forward. No matter what happens in the world of economics, politics, religion and in our societies, we are the creators of the vision building it every day as we practise our mastery of spirit and matter.
from the chair...coming home to myself
Divine reunion
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