...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 17 February 2021

18th February 2021 Sun enters Pisces, 21st February: Mercury stations direct

Hi everyone!

The cosmic circus is here!  The Aquarian Sun in its closing rays but the Aquarian lunar energies and planets are hitting us big time.
In the light of the Aquarian cosmic circus, we’re starting to learn that anything goes, to pull out all the stops in accessing our unique selves.  Nothing else matters except us owning our own divine power. 
That means energy sources from beyond our 3D world, the world of the mundane, everyday, the predictable and the entrapment of the  karmic wheel.
Who’s running this show?  The ringmaster, the magician!

We are the ringmasters of our lives and many more of us are learning that this is the only way to step away from allegiance to the security of the crowd mentality, learning that we can be together and yet apart in our unique perspective. 
The balancing act:  The individual and society
The circus is powerfully with us for this year with Jupiter and Saturn calling us to find our balance on the tightrope of tension within the wider world of ongoing chaos and change.  We’re walking the fine line between us and ‘them’.  Steady.
Discovering our unique essence and enacting this in the wider world!

To help us through we need the craziness of the clown as we get a new perspective on our limited vision, the humour that emerges when we turn things on their head. we take an upside down position.  The inner acrobat is part of this wild turn around for us all. You don’t have to turn upside down physically to get a new picture of yourself.  Just do a radical change to some familiar pattern of behaviour will help as a start.

The Aquarian energies are a guiding force for this whole year and continuing for the next 3 years to bring dramatic change to our lives.  The more we embrace our own eccentricities and inner circus ‘act’, the easier we will find to step through the challenges of big changes for us all.


18th February:  Saturn square Uranus:  Stop the wheel and let me off! 

7 degrees 13 Aquarius/Taurus at 6.08 am AEDT

Effective 7th February to 3rd March

Saturn rules the status quo, currently undergoing challenges in Aquarius as the old order comes face to face with out of the box challenges to the mindsets and embedded thinking of the ‘system’, the rules and laws which are the foundation of society’s stability.  Uranus is the awakener stirring up our comfort zone of the material world as he travels through Taurus. 


Keeping the balls in the air:  

Staying alive and rolling with the changes...exploring options!

With anarchy afoot across the world, it’s interesting to see how many who wanted, begged for change are now challenging the system which is dismantling the social and economic structures and stability.  

Everyone says they want change but how many are willing and ready to let go of their comfort zone, the economic security of home, work and income. This is a time to call on all our innovative ideas and extreme solutions to any personal dilemmas.  We’re worming our way out of the matrix whilst staying alive to our basic needs.


Discomfort is the driving force for change and evolution:

Money makes the world go round, like it or not and monetary security is the bottom line of change. We’re in an unstable world in many ways but we know that the power brokers will ensure that the monetary system is maintained as they continue to pull the strings of economic management.  Nothing new here.


What is new and emerging is our own personal, unique problem solving self who can find new pathways to fulfilment.  Yes, compromise is still there in some form or another as we are part of a global, local community and interdependently co-existing just to stay alive. It’s up to us to explore new ways of living and staying alive in this changing world.



18th February:  

Sun enters Pisces at 9.43 pm AEDT

The call to spiritual leadership!

Until 20th March

Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac:
Ruling the 12th house of liberation/confinement: 
The Sun in Pisces offers us the full spectrum of emotion, the unconscious and access to the archetypal energies of the victim and the spiritual master.  In Pisces, we can rise to our spiritual heights of creative expression or fall into the abyss of collective despair. Two fish swimming in opposite directions.


Now in the ‘ocean of emotion’, herd mentality: 

In the ‘ocean of emotion’ we are exposed to what Jung labelled the collective unconscious, the whole spectrum of emotion for humanity, the herd mentality when the unevolved emotions have play.


Is it me or ‘them’?

The challenge with Pisces is knowing when we are being emotionally moved by the collective and how relevant this is to us as individuals in our own lives.  The more sensitive we are, the more we tend to pick up the collective energies of humanity. 


Our response to the collective energies:  Lifting up or taking down?

Responding to the collective energies in a creative way can work for us and support the expression of those who are feeling overwhelmed, disempowered, misunderstood by the world.

Finding a creative outlet for the emotions:  We are rising up!

Pisces opens us up emotionally so we feel the urge to find a creative vehicle for expressing such energies in the world, possibly the world of paid employment or in the creative arts, music, dance, fluid forms of expression as well as spiritually connecting to other realities beyond the everyday.  Our contribution can offer insight, understanding and guidance to others as well as to ourselves.  Any symbolic forms of expression support our expansion and that of the collective.


We are one, we are many:

Boundaries are broken down so we can gain some sense of the dimension of our existence throughout time.  We can feel all at sea as distinct from the recent energies of ‘lost in space’.  So where are we?  We’re both, at least until Mercury stations direct on 21st. 


Any relief from the Nervous Nellie energies of the Aquarian spaceship?

Does this mean we’ll get some relief from all the nerve jangling jarring energy of the Aquarian cosmic circus?  To some extent..yes.  However we need to remember that we are still travelling in the New Moon in Aquarius lunar energies until the next New moon in Pisces.  Also, we still have Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn doing the Aquarian song and dance act.


21st February:  

Mercury direct at 11 degrees 01 


Still star trekking!

Until 16th March enters Pisces

A re-run of ‘Dogs in Space’ image:  That’s us!
Had to use this image again as it seemed just perfect for capturing the craziness of this past retrograde period as we travel through the stars, Mercury in the driving seat and all of us ‘pups’ barking and howling with all manner of emotion. 
The dizzying heights of our journey:
It’s  been particularly star crazy with the addled mind syndrome, jumpy nervous system and nervous exhaustion overwhelming at times.
We’re out of retrograde but still spinning!
Emerging from the retrograde labyrinth we turn to face forwards, to start re-tracing those steps we travelled before we entered the labyrinth.  This is the time when we usually start collecting our thoughts, gathering together the learning we experienced in the labyrinth.
Need for patience with ourselves and others:
It may take a while to come back to earth this time around as we are still very much in the throes of consciousness uplift on all levels of our being with Mercury in Aquarius until 16th March and the Aquarian change agents running the show.  We’re still on the Starship New Enterprise for a while yet.
We’ve been undergoing a mental upgrade:  Re-wiring the system!  
What now?  Who knows! 
This time around, this particular Mercury retrograde period, has been particularly challenging mentally as the Aquarian planetary space ship took our minds beyond our present time and space, shaking up our mind, mental body and nervous system as never before. 
We are preparing for re-entry to our earthly lives readying to access our new knowledge
We’re now treading the old road of our life before we went into the time tunnel three weeks ago. We’re recovering from travelling timelines, recovering lost aspects and massive learning about our place in the cosmos. 
Everything has been tumbled around, mixed up in our brain cells and nervous systems with our intent to evolve as the guiding force for the re-wiring of our mental body, nervous and cellular systems.
We are yet to discover just how much of old embedded conditioned thinking has been released from within us. We are now preparing to return to our earthly lives as reborn cosmic beings with new knowledge oozing out of our minds, hearts, bodies and spirits.
From 13th March: 
New territory, new pathways emerge and new solutions!
We enter new territory as Mercury leaves shadow retrograde at 26 degrees 29 Aquarius
Sabian Symbol for Mercury’s emergence from his retrograde journey:  Setting the agenda for our recovery period of the next few weeks

Aquarius 12
This shows being able to interact with others and integrate various levels of experience, life or people, and not feel compromised by what rung, or level, you’re at in your own life. The “Vast Staircase” can show the ladder that one must climb, socially, spiritually, emotionally – even physically. Going up that staircase, one begins to feel more empowered, more accomplished, more ‘there’. However, being on a lower rung may cause a feeling of compromise. Don’t concern yourself with who’s in front or behind. It is of little true consequence. Accept your position, but strive ever upwards. Trust that you and yours are heading in the right direction. Observing life from different views. Social gradations. Orders from above, in any sense. Waiting for one's turn at the top. Multilevel marketing. Corporate ladders. Promotion.
From Lynda Hill:  www.sabiansymbols.com
A personal note
I don’t send out links to information from other sources as I find most of them do not offer me any new information beyond my own ‘hotline’.
I follow Lauren Gorgo who is very much focussed on the transformation, transmutation of the physical body to higher consciousness at this time. I resonate with her as others resonate with different writers and different ‘voices’. For good reason this is my passion as I am driven for the past 40 years to heal myself on all levels and to attain the higher consciousness of peace, love and ascension to my own divinity.
From Lauren Gorgo: ‘Heartmind Mastery: becoming a YOUniverse’


Golden Oldies:

‘That’s what friends are for’ Dionne and friends https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuICQjLDvQo  for Aquarian love and friendship


‘Morning Prayer, I will surrender’ Karen Drucker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zjamx4MtAYw&list=RDfI-i2cpGRfc&index=10   Sun in Pisces


‘In my Life’ Better Midler https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8GoKTRMMko for Mercury stationing direct..out of the past, still in my heart


Upcoming Dates: 

25th February:  Venus enters Pisces

27th February:  Full Moon in Virgo at 7.17 pm AEDT 8 degrees 57 Virgo


That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!


We’re out in the Pisces ocean even if we take time out to be on dry land.  The collective unconscious is in us, around us, washing us inside and out as we learn to evolve our 3D emotional responses within and to the wider world.


The seal, although not a fish, finds its home in the wide ocean but enjoys a little bit of land where it can rest, nurture the young and gather with the group. The seal symbolises coming home, arising from the myth of the selkies, written about in ‘Women who Run with the Wolves’ and depicted in the movie ‘Secret of Roan Inish’. 


The seal seems such a perfect image for our shifting consciousness at this time as we travel the Aquarian starship whilst moving through the ocean of the collective emotions, learning to be one with the group apart but together, unique and separate as we align with the group consciousness beyond the herd mentality.


Love and blessings to us all as we take to the big ocean of Pisces consciousness expanding our imagination, vision and perspective, elevating our emotions to new heights of inspiration and creative expression in the world.


from the chair...in the balancing act


It's all about love
Divine Reunion

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