...for the children of the earth

Friday 13 August 2021

12th August 2021: Mercury enters Virgo, 16th August: Venus enters Libra

Hi everyone!

Wow!  What a powerful portal!  Are we all breathing?  

That was some energy with the New Moon in Leo and the Lion’s Stargate portal of consciousness.  Maybe you didn’t feel the energies rise up into a culmination, a pitching point in some way.  

For some, it may have been the release of old consciousness, the darker forms of oppression, fear, anxiety, panic, grief, anger or resentment.  For others, maybe a huge upsurge into the light of new consciousness and the bigger vision of life and its greater potentials. Maybe you experienced both.

In the light of the New Moon in Leo:   

On we go the road to light and upliftment!

We’re now negotiating the pathway through the forest where hazards and dangers can lurk out of sight, deep within our subconscious.  We’ve birthed a New Moon in Leo, accepted our desire to continue to travel the yellow brick road to fulfilment. We will continue to be tested by the world to embrace and integrate courage, the challenge of Leo energy to take our power, the heart power that will carry us on the path of heart through the forest and on to the Sun and stars!

Facing, befriending the wolves of the dark forest is our call:  

The wolf at the door!

And the wolves may be howling at the door of our secure world as so many are challenged by deep security issues of health, income, financial support and the knowledge that they are safe and secure in their homes, their lives as the impact of climate change intensifies and the infrastructure of our world systems is challenged on all levels. 


Being of good heart and courage we go on:  

Maintaining faith, focus and dedication!

Our Leo courage is being called into play, our heart’s desires awakened as we progress in the next two weeks until the Full Moon in Aquarius on 22nd August.  This is the first stage of Leo’s yellow brick road and the next stage of the Aquarian galactic highway. Our call is to befriend the demons within and release them to freedom.


Mercury in Virgo will help with a chance to review our deep-seated  beliefs about the world.  I am safe.


In this time we’re in, many of us have gone to the depths of the dark side in our retrieval mission:  

To hell and back! 

Please note that the following excerpt comes from Lauren Gorgo.  I pay a small monthly fee for her updates, my one indulgence and lifeline so please consider this as I am posting her words, her work, without permission to re-post.  Maybe you will consider joining her heart community yourself.


Lauren Gorgo puts it so well in her July message:  

‘8:8 Lions Gate: The freedom Sphere’


‘The most recent masculine (heart) rescue mission was an i-n-t-e-n-s-i-v-e 5-month process…Scorpio new moon (2020) to Scorpio full moon (2021)…in the same way that our feminine (womb) rescue mission was also a 5-month process…Cancer new moon to Cancer full moon (2020). (I’m being shown an awesome vision of a giant human chain of starseeds lowering the boldest and the bravest among us into the depths of hell to retrieve the Holy Grail 👿🔥🏆💪🏼) Together, these two distinct 5-month voyages into hell & back to reclaim all our lost insidey parts enabled the balance of our masculine & feminine components of Self and the merger of brain hemispheres during under Gemini Sun via Mercury retrograde.


12th August: Mercury enters Virgo at 7.56 am AEST

Beliefs about the world

Until 30th August

Virgo traditionally rules the harvest and healing: Mercury comes home...rest, renew
Mercury comes home to one of its homes in Virgo this time.  Our mind manager, mental body, is being grounded by Virgo’s focus on the practicalities of a physical existence, the purification and cleansing of those energies which are not aligned with our divine bodies and our divine minds.
There’s plenty of cell cleansing and memory cleansing happening in the next couple of weeks as well as a chance to get ourselves focussed on problem solving of practical issues of living. Breathwork will help ground nervous tension and uncontained nervous energy. 
Virgo brings healing to our minds:  Purifying intentions and motivations!
We’re being called to lift our game with Mercury in Virgo as we take charge of our mind power and put our attention on our intentions, the purity of our intentions and our motivations. Asking ourselves ‘Is this what you really want and desire and need?’ 
Pulling out embedded karmic imprints of old thoughts and realities!
We’ve got a couple of weeks to really get our act together to be more attentive to the power of our minds and thoughts creating the reality we choose.  We are in the big global melting pot but we are also individual beings who can raise our energies for ourselves and others.
Harnessing and upgrading our mind and mental energies:  Focus, intent, commitment!
As we harness our minds and re-program our thinking in relation to our physical world, the emotions come into alignment with our thinking.  The emotions which at the moment are rising from the past and history are flooding us into overwhelm when we need to rise up and be in charge.  Our mind power has incredible potential for re-framing our lives and manifesting that which we do desire and will put the unresolved emotions into calming down. 
Is the world a safe place?  As we re-frame our beliefs we help others
Time to analyse and review our deeply buried beliefs about the world which drive our thinking, feeling and acting. Mercury in Virgo brings us the opportunity for analysis mentally, clarifying, pruning the dead wood from our minds and bringing ourselves to practical solutions for any current concerns, doubts, anxieties, fears or problems in our everyday world.
Mercury in Virgo can take us into worry, anxiety and feelings of failure so we need to be extra attentive to our thoughts and seeing new possibilities for ourselves and the world where there is decay and destruction. 
A new world is growing out of the darkness:  Where do we belong in the new world?  
What new role is emerging for us to play in the future?
Virgo rules the mundane, the everyday world of work as well as our divine calling.  It’s the sign where we can find our ‘service’ work in the world. The world is in a huge crucible of demands for change, a work in progress.  We need to stay tuned to what’s afoot.
Clearly new needs and demands are surfacing in the world and we all have something to offer, something that may mean a whole new direction as we complete old karmic contracts and open to a world that is dramatically changing. Not especially useful for making plans but great for seeing the gaps emerging in our societal support systems.  Observe, take note and see what’s needed.
16th August: Venus enters Libra at 2.26 pm AEST
Partnership with spirit!
Until 11th September

Our divine consciousness is reaching out to us!  Release the underworld and rise up!

Venus, ruler of our heart, returns to one of her home signs, the sign of balance, justice, harmony, peace, love and mental stability.  Of course, that’s the ideal to which we strive as we experience the world in a state of rock ‘n roll with the hearts of humanity feeling the abandonment of isolation, potential illness and disease sweeping across the earth. 

Karmic release and rebalance of embedded memories:  Equity will be restored!

Meanwhile, the earth burns, floods and erupts in all manner of physical purges releasing buried memories from her body, from our bodies releasing memories from the history of earth.  We are clearing karmically that which has been and preparing the way for new directions.  

Everything is out of the old balance and seeking a new balance including us physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually!


Take my hand: ‘Reach out to touch the one you love’

Not so easy physically while we’re in lockdown across so many parts of the world.  Without doubt this is the challenge for us to develop our innate, possibly under-developed abilities to connect spiritually with others at a distance.  Many of us can do this but do not practice these skills unless pushed to do so.  It’s time now.  Tune in and send a message to a loved one...no touch, no phone, no text.  Reach out to the spiritual ‘partners’ beyond our earthly lives. 


Our partner in higher consciousness is reaching out to us:  Take the hand being offered!  Karmic justice, peace and resolution on offer!

Libra rules partnerships of all kinds including divine partnership with the challenge to embrace the heart energy of expanded love and inclusion. 

Balance is the key for the next few weeks...on every level of our being...an intense boot camp of rebooting rectifying imbalances within and without.

Libra is committed to balance as evidenced in equity, justice, peace and harmony. 


This energy is relentless in pursuing such justice and for us spiritual seekers we need to consider this in terms of our divine consciousness, our sovereign self, our higher self who is reaching to us in this time of turmoil and change on the earth. 


Worth reminding ourselves of the old age wisdom as we survey the world:  

‘Out of evil comes good’  So we grow out of the dark into the light!

One of my mother’s favourite sayings was ‘Out of evil comes good’.  She wasn’t an especially religious woman although she was from a Christian family.  However, her teachings about life were sourced from the innate wisdom of the scriptures, philosophy, literature, her parents and of course her life experience. 

If we think of ‘evil’ as the dark unevolved consciousness that is still embedded in power issues, greed and fear as lack of love and oneness, then we can re-frame the meaning of the word in more evolved consciousness. We on earth work with the dark and the light as our learning experience about reality within a planet of limitation.  Of course, the call is to push beyond the limitations and reach for the sky for new growth and expansion. The dark offers many answers to our questions and opportunities for growth. 


Our current situation is gradually being changed:  
Our world society and economy is morphing into new ways of living and being
Interesting to observe the current changes in our world being wrought by the current pandemic.
In terms of number of deaths and years, the black death goes way beyond our current situation.  The black death was active for about 5 years with an estimated 25 million lives lost.  However, we can already see the morphing of our societal values, beliefs and ethics following similar patterns during the black plague. 
Effects of the Black Death on Europe:
The outbreak of plague in Europe between 1347-1352 CE – known as the Black Death – completely changed the world of medieval Europe. Severe depopulation upset the socio-economic feudal system of the time but the experience of the plague itself affected every aspect of people's lives. Disease on an epidemic scale was simply part of life in the Middle Ages but a pandemic of the severity of the Black Death had never been experienced before and, afterwards, there was no way for the people to resume life as they had previously known it. The Black Death altered the fundamental paradigm of European life in the following areas:
Medical Knowledge and Practice
Religious Belief and Practice
Persecution and Migration
Women's Rights
Art & Architecture

Golden Oldies:

‘Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?’ Barbara Streisand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oa9xgVPalLg on the road to the Full Moon


‘Reach out and Touch Someone’s Hand’ Diana Ross https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-7qCG2_aaA


‘Some Days are Diamonds’ John Denver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnf_cWYj1Uw Venus in Libra


‘Take my Hand I’m a Stranger in Paradise’  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAG1rXrauaQ Venus in Libra



Upcoming Dates:

20th August:  Uranus retrograde 14 degrees 48 Taurus at 11.40 am AEST
22nd August:  Full Moon in Aquarius 29 degrees 37 Aquarius at 10.01 pm AEST
23rd August:  Sun enters Virgo at 7.34 am AEST
Until 23rd September 
30th August:  Mercury enters Libra at 3.00 pm
until 6th November



That’s all folks!  Hugs all around! 

We’re reaching for the sky and far beyond!  

Hands across the world we are united in the rainbow light of unity!

The quest for ascension continues:  Experiencing it all, the agony and the ecstasy!

The path of the spiritual seeker can be one of extremes as the seeker reaches for ecstasy, the opposing forces of agony rise up for resolution.  How much do we desire to feel divine fulfilment and the power of divine love course through our being?  How many of us have sought this power of the heart within our human relationships and felt that experiencing moments of ecstatic joy is possible yet difficult to maintain in our earthly consciousness.


The human quest for love, joy and harmony:  Over the rainbow?

Yet, still we reach for the sky and the stars, the moon and the sun in our quest for divine fulfilment. We learn that human existence offers such a huge variety of experiences of the dark side as well as of the light.  That’s the story of earth. We’re travelling to the edge of the universe as we know it to reclaim our birthright as sovereign beings, beings of great creative power and spiritual authority.


Love and blessings to us all as we reach out to our divine consciousness, to each other and to humanity in all its forms as best we can. 


We’re on the galactic highway with the next big stop at the Full Moon in Aquarius at the very end of Aquarius with a big planetary line up that guarantees a major, major shift in energies.  Who knows how far we can go when we all set our hearts and minds in the direction of positive change and growth with an expansion of the heart for all.  Love is the answer.




from the chair...in gratitude for the support I’m receiving

...from some of you, from the universe, spirit and Mother Earth



It's all about love
Divine Reunion

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