...for the children of the earth

Saturday, 14 October 2023

15th October 2023: New Moon in Libra Annular solar eclipse

Hi everyone!

Reflections, mirrors and acceptance:

Life on earth is intensifying as our learning process through each other is wholly front and centre in the current planetary energies. Libra always brings forth learning through reflections with the potential for growth and expansion in the power of love and holding the middle ground, accepting ourselves and others. ‘I see you and I see me’.


The tribal mind is very much to the fore on the planet as the Aries/Libra karmic planetary nodes of evolution are in play with a number of planetary aspects bringing our attention to the complacency of our acceptance of duality and opposition as the only way life on earth can exist. 


The assumption of ‘duality’ as the primary mode of existence on earth has been enacted and manifested on earth as survival of the fittest’ with all the accompanying patterns of thought and behaviour motivated by need and desire for power.  We are still operating to a great extent as the animal kingdom with its primary concern for physical life, reproduction and primal urges.


Stepping beyond the old paradigm behaviour patterns of duality:  ‘Make love, not war!’

In our current evolutionary growth progress we are being called to step beyond the old paradigm enacted by the forces of duality up to now and to move consciously into the unifying force of love, togetherness, oneness, harmony, unity driven by a willingness to see the big picture.  As we accept ‘the other’ in peace and love, holding the middle ground, the extremist energies within us and being enacted in the world will start to come together for resolution and divine reunion.


The big picture is the overarching potential of spiritual growth through acknowledgement of differences, acceptance of ‘the other’...person, tribe, belief system without resorting to revenge, ‘payback’, fighting physically, arguing verbally or blaming. Can we do this?  I believe, like many of us...we CAN do this.  We are doing this!  Accept divine love and just be.


Change starts with us, as individuals, families, friends, colleagues, groups at the grassroots level.



15th October:  New Moon in Libra 21 degrees 07 Libra 4.55 am AEDT

...birthing harmony!  

Annular solar eclipse

A New Moon is a time for planting the seeds of a new beginning
in our lives. The focus is the Libran energy as the Sun and Moon meet in the same degree, in agreement and harmony bringing support for both inner and outer agreement of the unseen world/the Moon and our physical existence/the Sun. As the Moon divulges the secrets of the unconscious, the memory banks within, the Sun brings light and enlightenment to unresolved discordant energies within. We accept and love all we are, have been, will be.


Libra’s focus is love, harmony  divine justice and equity:

Divine justice is brought about through the more spiritual forces within us, humanity and the earth.  We have an earth which in some areas is saturated with the blood of war and conflict which keeps perpetuating the energy of re-enactment of old disputes and disagreements between people/s and tribes. As we activate the powers of divine energy within us, we change the pattern of war, conflict and bring harmony to self and the world.


Clearing the ‘old’ patterns:  Birthing a new paradigm of love!

So many of us are working with clearance of earth energies which can be cleared from a distance.  However, some of us,feel called to walk on the earth at these places as our planetary ‘ancestral’ memories call to us for assistance.  The challenge is to hold the love and light for ourselves, our memories and for ‘fellow’ tribes people and the land itself.  Accepting the forgiveness for self and others brings all in to the light of ascension and release from the karmic bonds.


Clearing and healing wounds of war:  Mercury in Libra opposes Chiron in Aries

Mercury our mind manager, ruler of communication, travel and the respiratory and nervous systems is challenging us to restore balance and harmony in our dual carriageway thinking of ‘us and them’ as Chiron, the centaur, the ‘wounded healer’ in Aries opens up our wounds of the self, the ego, the identity which are buried within our spiritual/physical bodies. It’s a ‘face off’ between self and partnership. We’re healing our broken-hearted minds and uniting with our divine identity.


It’s the healing time:

Chiron is known as ‘the talking cure’ and the New Moon Eclipse opens the door of hearts/Venus and minds/Mercury with the insights and understanding, the courage/Aries to speak our wounds out and to hear others speak.  It’s a mutual reception of Mercury and Venus in each other signs allowing minds and hearts to converse with a common basis, a common goal...to heal!


Solar Eclipse Astrology:  Revelations, insights, releases from ‘buried’ forces within/without!

A Solar Eclipse brings a moment of revelation as the Moon casts a shadow over parts of the earth allowing us to access the shadow energy of ‘the unknown’ with new revelations, insights and release on offer.

In the eclipse vortex of change:  Solar eclipse...changes to the physical world!

The revelations will relate to the imbalances within us...physical, emotional, mental, spiritual...along with re-balancing of our lives, partnerships of all kinds.


Libra is so focussed on balance and justice, it will stop at nothing to make us align with divine energies...even to the point of war!  Example: Putin is born under the Sun sign of Libra and I am sure believes his actions will restore justice and equity to the power of Russia.


14th October:Solar Eclipse Astronomy

An annular solar eclipse happens when the Moon covers the Sun's center, leaving the Sun's visible outer edges to form a “ring of fire” or annulus around the Moon.

Visible in the following areas of earth:

Solar Eclipse(Annular)West in Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic





Sabian Symbols

The Sun and Moon: 'Offering help and support'
This Symbol shows a giving nature, someone who usually goes out of their way to lend a hand to others, or provide for the needs of people or animals, especially for those who find it hard to help themselves. Simple unconditional gestures of giving, love and joy that are done for others can revitalize situations beyond expectations. Dropping the “what’s in it for me” attitude and adopting caring and sharing ways can bring relief to all concerned. Taking time out of your busy life in order to nourish and protect others can bring rewards far greater than you might expect.
Enjoyment of nourishing simple souls. Innocent reaching out. Interacting with nature. Water and the need for it. Hydration. Fountains. Birdbaths. Moments of innocence.
Looking for recognition for small deeds. Being condescending to others. Always feeling like you’re the one who has to provide. Interfering with nature. Naiveté.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
17th to 222nd October:  Moon out of bounds
...reach for the stars and our destiny!

From 1 degree Sagittarius to 7 degrees Aquarius
We take off into the quantum field in expansive and optimistic fiery Sagittarius who wants to include everyone in the party.  We’re gathering everyone in to the energy of love and light, wisdom and knowledge.
When the Moon moves to Capricorn we may be dealing with unresolved ‘issues’/fragments relating to the memory field, the status and/or physical/financial security.  Remember, we are in the quantum field so a need to focus on what we desire and where we’re going and bring along the fears and doubts of the past to see a new vision.  After all, we are flying!
Aquarius brings the bigger picture as we return to our earthly lives. 
The Pluto in Capricorn-Aquarius Transition
March 24th 2023 – Pluto enters Aquarius.
June 12th 2023 – Pluto re-enters Capricorn.
JANUARY 2024 Pluto enters Aquarius
September 3rd 2024 – Pluto re-enters Capricorn.
November 20th 2024 – Pluto enters Aquarius
The End of Pluto in Capricorn


Golden Oldies:  Songs of duality

‘Hello, Goodbye’ The Beatles with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TL6XovDlBnw


‘Two different directions’  John Denver with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Obl7q0-KJ5M


‘Both Sides Now’ Joni Mitchell with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtEUStWxod0


‘The Two of Us’ Jackie Trent and Tony Hatch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZdZFxU2no8


‘The Two of Us’ PALOSUEÑO with lyrics  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ua3dGPTDn8E 

‘Healing time on Earth’ John Denver with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wrDc8lx3_I



Upcoming Dates:

22nd October:  Mercury enters Scorpio 5:49 pm AEDT  

24th October Sun enters Scorpio 4:21 am AEDT  


29th October:  Full Moon in Taurus 7.24 am AEDT 5 degrees 09 Taurus Lunar Eclipse



That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!


After this New Moon Eclipse and the planetary shenanigans of the past week, we’ll be doing well if we’re still holding balance like these meerkats.  It’s been a rock ‘n roll kind of week/month/year which is coming to a head during this eclipse cycle.


So many of us are consciously doing ‘the bodywork’ of evolution which is bringing up all manner of old spiritual ‘wounds’ from other timelines, places and people. It’s all soul work which is the commitment we made for this lifetime’s work for ourselves and the planet.


Next up we’re on our way to the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, sign of Mother Earth ruled by Venus. We’re in the throes of the eclipse vortex of change holding the balance and energy within in as much readiness as possible for sudden shifts and turns thrown by the eclipses. 


Staying focussed on the positive and projecting positive outcomes for ourselves and world affairs will support our powers of manifestation to build the new world of peace and harmony.


Keeping open heart and open mind to divine miracles and magic will build our faith and the construction work in the coming weeks and months.


Love and blessings to us all as we hold the faith, the trust, the focus and most of all the love we need to carry us and this planet forward to higher consciousness.




from the chair  reclaiming my divinity



It's all about love

17th October: In the vortex of change!
Hi everyone!

We're in the eclipse vortex of change, revelations, insights, maybe shock therapy as realisations flood us with previously unrecognised knowledge.
From here it's change, change, change right through to the Full Moon in Taurus Lunar Eclipse on 29th October with the added assistance of Mercury/mind manager and Sun moving into Scorpio on 22nd/24th October.
'No nonsense' or excuses Scorpio will take us deep within to uncover/discover those unseen forces which need resolution and acceptance for us to be fully resplendent as spiritual beings. No more denial, lying to ourselves/others if we want truth.

The spiritual report card for the world today is not looking so good when we have the reality checks of consciousness in action in the physical world. War and dissension continue.
Until enough of our number recognises and acknowledges the power of the 'unseen' and activates physical action with new perspectives knowledge and understanding, we will remain 'stuck' in the old patterns and stories of this planet.
Last weekend's referendum in Australia on giving 'the voice' to our indigenous peoples is just one example of so many not realising that 'the voice' was activating spiritual power through respect, unseen energies which raise up everyone. So, an opportunity not yet ready to be accepted by enough of the people in this land.
The New Moon in Libra Eclipse power flushed out the imbalances for us all to recognise, to continue working with the change process within and without.
May the wisdom of the owl who sees all come to us all as we reclaim our divinity and rise up in the power of one love.
Love and blessings to us all as we seek spiritual solutions to issues, problems, concerns as the foundation stone for change.
Helen...on a  thread of hope, reclaiming optimism

It’s all about love

Divine reunion


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