...for the children of the earth

Monday 13 November 2023

13th November 2023: New Moon in Scorpio, 8th November: Venus enters Libra, 10th November: Mercury enters Sagittarius

Hi everyone!

We’ve been deep in the Scorpio cave of this solar month, seeking the light of transformation of our lives in pursuit of the evolution of consciousness.  The soul work has been intense and a driving force supported by the eclipse energies of the past month since the New Moon in Libra. 


Going deep into the cave within we find our deepest fears and hold them in love:

There is no going back except to gather in the inner sub personalities, memories which live in fear, oppression and ignorance of the power of the light and love available to them here and now through our commitment to hold the light, be the love and emanate mercy, forgiveness and compassion. 


As we accept our divine power and the power of divine love:  All barriers are dissolved in the light!

The ‘saboteurs’ within may be resistant to change and acceptance of love for any number of reasons but we all know the bottom line is about acceptance of our worthiness to be divine, to accept and integrate our divinity as our birthright. 


The Taurus Full Moon Eclipse:  Our values and inner resources came to light!  We’re in the cave of discovery...rich legacies await!

We’ve been working with the revelations which surfaced with the Full Moon in Taurus 2 weeks ago.  We may have been brought to realisations about the need to dig deep within to find our inner resources, our capacity to support ourselves as earthlings this lifetime.  Our relationship with Mother Earth and her abundance of supply for our needs may have highlighted any ‘shortfalls’ we may be experiencing in our earthly support systems and resources. 


We are in the process of discovery of previously unacknowledged powers, strengths and gifts within.  New resources await our reclamation.

It could be about financial earning and capacity for earning an income as well as the flow of inner resources including gifts, talents, legacies from the ancestral sources which need to be accessed and explored more extensively.  Legacies...think beyond financial.


The New Moon today will continue our focus on all the above although the volatile eclipse energies will gradually release as we come into more consciousness.


8th November:  Venus entered Libra 8.30 pm AEDT

...finding and holding peace and balance

Until 5th December


Open hearts and minds to the possibility of divine justice and equity
emerging in our lives and our partnerships of all kinds.  That includes partnerships with colleagues, friends, family, employers, employees, governments, organisations as well as those between nations and their leaders.  It covers all one on one committed partnerships and contracts.


Venus, the planet of love, ruler of the heart rules Libra which carries the scales of justice and equity.  With our focus on divine justice being restored on the planet, we are needing to work more with the unseen force of energy as we come to terms with our own inner judge, jury, plaintiff and defendant. We need to release the ‘monkey’ mind of old belief systems about justice and equity.


The key to our own peace is mercy and forgiveness: Mercy is a quality of divinity to giver and receiver!

‘The quality of mercy is not strained;

It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes’




10th November:  Mercury entered Sagittarius 5.25 pm AEDT

...full steam ahead!

Until 2nd December 

Truth, justice and expansion of our thinking:  
Evolution of the mental body in wisdom
Our Sagittarian crusader for peace, our inner wise teacher is building bridges within our mental body for bringing home the lost aspects who missed catching the last train. We are the teachers bringing our ‘lost children’ to safe refuge in the light of consciousness of divinity. 


We are the explorers, the adventurers, the seekers of new higher consciousness:  Be confident and brave!

Sagittarius rules ‘higher’ learning and consciousness through expansion and growth.  That means taking in and taking on new ideas, perspectives within the mind which being resolution of human problems with new consciousness.  Nothing can stay the same as we reach for the Sagittarian explorer and the magical reality within our discovery process.


How willing are we to examine our assumptions and the inner machinations of our minds:  Take courage!




13th November:  New Moon in Scorpio 8.27 pm AEDT 20 degrees 44

...into the light

It’s a birth, a rebirth, a resurrection!
We’re emerging out of the deep recesses of the Scorpio cave, out of the depths and darkness of our own exploration, out of the vortex of the eclipses.We may feel as though nothing has changed.  All is yet to be revealed, gradually over the coming weeks as we find the jewels of self-knowledge uncovered in the past month of the eclipse energies.


The New Moon signifying a new lunar month is birthed with some

accompanying dramatic energies which have been operational up to and including the birthing of the Moon.  So if you’ve been feeling the challenges to stay the course, just maintain faith as we will start to feel some alleviation of the intensities as we accept the new life on offer.



Mar and Uranus activating the New Moon:  Awakening and birthing our spiritual warrior!

Mars has been a big player and continues for a few more days yet as he births close to the New Moon facing off to Uranus, the big outer planet, the lightning striker activating our ‘warrior’ energy and activating our physical bodies, masculine energy. How we respond to this energy is up to us.  What kind of warrior are we?


Mars and Uranus came into exact opposition a couple of days before the New Moon. 

And the Sun rebirths with fiery warrior Mars 18th/19th November. It’s not over just yet.


Humanity experiencing the ‘old ways’ of taking power with violence:

The anger, resentment, bitterness and hate on the planet at this time has been experienced by many along with the deep grief and loss of lives brought into focus by the war and conflict energies.  Our memory banks have been activated to release the emotions of past times/other realities as so much of humanity experiences the direct pain and suffering of power struggles with acts of violence.



14th to 19th November:  Moon out of bounds...into the quantum field of no time, no space

...choose your own adventure!

From 1 degree Sagittarius to 6 degrees Aquarius

Timelines abound and choices are many.  It’s all up to us to be discerning and selective of what reality we choose to experience.  If the emotions take a nosedive at any point, it’s our call to pull out of the whirlpool of old emotions and choose to fly with the stars, our star of destiny.


Sabian Symbols 


This Symbol shows someone whose “Conscience” stops them from following a certain course of action, staying with a project or relationship when they’d rather leave, or, someone not prepared to compromise their values to do something that society says they must do. You may find yourself in situations where what you are expected to do is against your inner values, your conscience or how you see your future unfolding. You may have to make the difficult choice between allegiance to duty or your own inner truth. True freedom can only be found when one faces situations with a sense of integrity and preparedness to face the consequences, be they positive or negative.
Personal morality. Doing what one’s conscience dictates. Longing for a return to a state of love and innocence. Love that restrains. Not following orders. Going AWOL.
Cowardice or lack of courage to act. Not doing what is expected. ‘Going over the top’ in a wild and crazy way. Freezing and confining emotions. Tantrums.
Sabian Symbols Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com

Golden Oldies:

‘Bright Eyes’ Art Garfunkel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a502RejLz8s


‘Bright Eyes’ Art Garfunkel ‘Watership Down’ clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m88kgA7rGsU



Upcoming Dates:

22nd November: Sun enters Sagittarius 1:02 pm AEDT

24th November:  Mars enters Sagittarius 9.15 pm AEDT

27th November:  Full Moon in Gemini 8.16 pm AEDT 4 degrees 51 Gemini


That’s all folks  Hugs all around! 

We’re uniting in the power of the fire to keep the spirit of our warriors fired with the way of the peaceful warrior!

For so many of us earthlings, peace, prosperity, love and fulfilment are the ideals to which we aspire, on which we dream as we negotiate our journey in this very physical environment.  So much beauty and at the same time so much grief and despair in a world which keeps perpetuating its problems in life school on this planet.


And we are working on change, all of us who are choosing consciousness and the truth of life as its been, as it is now, coming to peace within all our bodies, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Every one of us matters, makes a difference as we take on, experience and acknowledge the pain and suffering of the plane as we reach for alternative solutions in our lives and support those we can where we can as they reach for hope and optimism.


As we bring a new vision to our lives, we offer an example of learning to live in new ways beyond the old interpretations of power. Our lives are driven by growth and expansion and the desire for fulfilment of our potential.  It is in our values we find the differences that bring the reality.


Love and blessings to us all as we work through the jungle of old consciousness holding faith in a world built on love and harmony and backing ourselves as lightworkers who assure ourselves every step of the way that love and acceptance is the only way to fulfilment.




from the chair...rising into the light


It's all about love
Divine Reunion










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